HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement OCT/13/2015/TUE 09:03 AM Mastercare Shutter PAX No, P. 001/001 11I R It ii jjS', 2 5 OR BK 28#10 PG 1,21-;'90 AFTER&LCORDINC;-RtTURN M prt� 0 JOSEPH E.SMITH,CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT l,ECMDED 012;0/2-ft M00:22 AN SAINT LUCIE COUNTY CAIRDLYN TIMPIANN FILE#4120270 1 011212 01 5 9t 0107 PM NMT1IN COW-ATY CLEM A, OR n0OKajqG PAGE 2784.27'54 Dao Type:NO RECORDING:510-00 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT 'is The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes,the following information is provided in this 11)0tiCC of Commencement. j- DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legal description of the proparty&street address,if available)TAX FOLIO NOA*S&WIVe-pd-2:1Z.4 P SURDIMION 41q7)5 ZLL LM sej+ BLOCI< TRACT LOTBLDGUNIT 2.GENERAL DESCRIPTIONOFIMPROVEMENT: a- .foe S-Paa-rlejo or AfUk'.PIQWIE Sp(( 7E-il S 3. OWNER INFORMATION OR LESSEE INFORMATION IrTHE LL6112 CONTRAC`rrD FOR THE 11dPliOVEM—ENT: I VA -7 o.Narroandaddeem 141),Fm - oo tE 30H b.Intertst in property: a Noints and address of fee simple titleholder(it different from Owner listed above): 4. a.CONTRACfOP'SrqAMF.' MA�j -V"E -77 - 0- Contratlor'saddress:gsm RAE—qawy—k�9T , Phone number; S. SuRniy(irapplicable,a copy bi'llre payment bond is aaached): a.Name and address: b.?horta number: c,Amount oftiond,S 6.z.LENDER'S NAME: Lender'saddress: b.Phone number_ STATE OF FLORIDA 7, Persons Within the State ofFlorlda designated by Owner upon whom notices qgAft douNwilts may be acttl a,Ar Scction,713.13(1)(a)7-Florida Statute: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THATTHE TORECOING I FACE(S)ISATRUE s-Nime and address: ML NA1 B.-a.In addition to himscifer herself,Owner designates CAR N 1IMN CLERK 0 zz. 4 UA; to receive a copy of the Uenor's Notice as provided in Section 713,13(1)(b),Fl r. h,Phone number of person of enficy designated by Owner; 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date may not be before the completion of construction and final payment to the contractor,but will be 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified):_.20_ WARNING To OWNER ANY p�yMENTSMADS ByTHE OWNER AFrFRTLM.VXPIRATT014OF THE CE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE MLSIDERED QvIRROFFA PAYMENTS UNDER,CHAPTER-713.PART 1.SE=ON 713 13 FLORIDA STATIUX�BD CAN RMLrj,T IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR NLW� REN MU F aMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY, A NOTICE OF CONWENC T STB RECORDED AaMy -5 211E BEFORE -------(___ DOSLF&D ON T7111RE L FIRST IN ECTI N IFYOU INTEND-jQ0BT,_.)2jFINANCING CONSULT LITH YOUR LENDER GRAN.ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENQ 40 WOB&OR RECORDING YOURNQTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Under penalty of per I�ury,I declare that I have read the foregoing notice of commencement and that the facts stated therein are true to the beat o. my knowledge and belief. (Signature of Owner or Lessee,or Owner's or Lessee's (Print Name and Provide Signatory's`title/Office) Authorized Officer/DirectorMertner/Kanager) State of County of e- The foregoing instrumem.was acknowledged before me this dy;S , 0 kl --T by e 5- as C P 0 (type ofamthority...e.g.officer,trustee,attorney in fact) for n of r=11) . - (ram a of pa%on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally—owh or Produced IdentificationType of Identification Produced iI i(NIA R.DU80n; (Signature of Notary Public) Notary Public-state of Florida condston t4ris Mar 11.2010 (Print,Type,or Stamp Commissioned-Name of Notary Public) Rev.10-01-1 I(sjtreo in COMID11t5ion V FF M73