HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters RECETtIt=D 01/21/2016 05;42PM P �rnrf�ag&Develoglltxat Sexvtees RuiMlug&Code Regutalioas DWislou 2300 Vit�inaa.Ave, Fort Pierte„n 3494 (772)4WM3 .t►'aa 462.157$ C:l"GE OF CONTa RA.CTOR Or aubcontraetor or ecanceliation of permit C.hMe of Contractor is to be oompleW by the property'ovwa,and the ww contwor of record for the aurmt permit. ,A new permit application must also be completed with new ooniractor iafomnadot►, sipntm, and twsfer fee. A new Notice of commencement must be'Med in the view contractor's name for jab valuiPs greater ftin $2,500 ($7,500 if,A1C Change-out). A recorded cuff mast be submtttrA prior to eomrseacin any work. Subcontractor changes can be compieW by the generel contractor. Any cattcftfion of permitraust be exeouted by the owner or gwMer of recard. Date: �.3� � � ,� Pero*Number: r site Address: Stow License SLC Licezise Qrjoist!G_=R Coozactor(or Mowtra=) State License SLC License New Gstrtd contrwor(or subcotmnctoo Reason fo�rCb�ange t ) - rr� The imcisr geed does l ez esby agree to lademmma hold hartntess fit.Lt ie Cvuu2y,its officers, agent's,and employees from atl costs,fees,or damages misiug from my and alt clap ns of action for any reason,wbr ch may arise as a.result of flus cha np of contradWsubcontractor or=00941ion Of Pmt S7tr'NIAT[JFtEUF Utt�Tt$It(ar nwa�zlbuil�r) GITAT[7RE OF t'FtSNfi NAME PRIMAMS stns ofFlar;lda.Coam3'ol5t T,uc�o CdgnRy state Of-Mtidk 0,10ty of st,Lome Cm tw fiefoltowag TMaelatav be�mefts 1ba�IIt�vos8insnssmantwoo cwt a a+sxa�thia - _— ---- wholsptasoa�elrylmowtusns t .f� onailYt '�a rJ0, ]Onto SIS ofNOWY HEATHER V=Signittmre pfiQotstly NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA �rmd fox change of subcontractor s Cara*FF17B2% *Qnl,y signature reg• firma 11/1312018 SEC; OCT 2 6 2415