HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval RECE9`.._: tUl04-2015
OLE CO N,-...
t 1805 SW 2.S"treea,.,Roorii"208
BOARD AND C'D>r,AD,VIINISTRACION DIVISIQN T(786,315-2590 F(78 6)31525-99
Oerfa meed"Co:rporaiion.
1400 Union M_ceting.Road,PO. Box_'1100
Blue Bell,PA 19422=07.61
This NOA is being issued-under the applicable rules.and regulations governing the use of construction materials.Tl e�
docurr entatl&ln' ubinitted•has-been"reviewed-and"accepted"by Miami Dade.County RER--"Product Control Section to be
used inakliami:C3ade:Cou6ty. and_other""areas where allowed by the AuthorityHaving Jurisdiction(AHJ).
This NOA sha.l,.not be,valid after the;expitation.date",stated below. The=lvl amPl3add County Produet Control
Section (In.M a1di Da:&Countyj and/or the=:AHJ (in areas;;other than Miatni Dade County),reserve.the=right;to
have-this product-'or•material tested for quality,assumnz .purposes: If this product or-matertal"fails"to perform in
the accepted.m'anner 'the manufacturer will incur the expense:of sp6h, iesfing and the"AEIJ:may immediately
revoke, 6odtfy; or'suspend'the is' f such pcoduet or material within their=Jurisdiction 'RER reserves the right to
revoke this acceptance,`if it:is determined by.Miami-Dade .County Product.Control Section that this product or'
;material failsto,meet.the requirements of th'e:app'licable„building,code.
Th►s product i's:app oved'as:described herein„and has been;designed to comply with the Florida1. $uilding Cod&.
including the High Velocity HurricaneZone of-the Florida:$wilding-Code..
DESCRIPTION;'-Cer.taittTee'd VlodifiedBitttmenRoofiiigSystemsover'WoodDecks
I:,A WNG _Each unit.shall bear a permanent label with-the,ma a facturer.'s name or logo;city,state and following
,statement ”"Miaini-Dade County.Product Control,Approved”,-unless'otherwise noted herein.
.RENEWAL of this NOA"shall be considered_after a renewalapplication has.been filed°and there,has been no change
imthe:applicabte;building;code negatively affecting the per.,f&mance of this product.
ERIVIINATC0h!of this"NOA.will occur,after the expiration date or i'f°there has been:a:rev.ision or change'in the
materials,use;=and/or-man. facture-oEthe;product.or process.;Misuse-of this,NOA as an'endorsement of any product;
forsales; adverttsing.or�any other.purp,oses_shall.autolnatically terhinatethis'NOA: Fa'rlure`fo comply with any section
'of th;s"•NOA sh'be cause,for termination and`"removal oPNOA:
A DVEI-TISEMENT:.The NOA number-preceded by the words::Miani'=Dade County;,Florida ,and followed by-the,
be.d:isplayed in advertising",literature. [f"any portion ofthe,NOAJ 'displayed,thenitshall beAone
iWits ehtirety;-
INSPECTIU Y::A copy-of this entire NOA ahall be provided to.theuser by the manufacturer or its'distributors and
'Shall be;available for_inspection-at the job site'at the reque bffhe-Building:_OfficiaL
This NOA.renews:NOA#'13-0204:03 and'consists of pages I through t6:
The submitted:documentation:was reviewed by Alex Tigera.
A q:[ f
NOA No.: 14-0224.03
• , Expiration Date: 06/19/18
n Approval Late: 04/1.0/14
Page 1 of 16
,Category: Roofing,
Sub-Ca'telzory-, Modified Bitumen
Material-. APP/SIBS,
Deck Type:. wood
.Mitidinum Design Pressures -60;psf;
Product bitneits�ions, SpecirleAtibli, DesiceijAk)U-
All Wpather/Empire Base, 361x-,6ASTM D 460 1,Ty5.�I V; pe Asphalt coated, fiberglass reinforced
Sheet Roll wdight:-86 lbs. it base sheet
(2 `q s): UL Type IS"
1316XI-GlasT%'-'WseSh6et 36'!,k 1Y Roll ASTM D 460 Tyypq,Modified BitUmen-1coated fiberglass,
w6.ight--,,,9Q I bs... if base sheet.
(3 sqp4rps) UL Type G2
Flex-I-GlaSTWFR-Base.Sheet 39%" k'5-0-`�Roll ASTM D 6163 Modified Biturrien coatc&fib-alass
weight 1.190 lbs. Grade S,-Types I base sheet:
(1!..5 squares)
FlifitSlaso Ply Sheet Type IV 16!' x-164'7",-Roll ASTM D 21,78-Type Fiberglassi,asphalt.-imprcgti4t&d ply
or:V1 weight: 46/55 lbs.. IV or,VI. sheet..
(5 squares). UL Type G'1
Flihtlastic STA 39 3/i,, ';'Roll ASTM-D 6222,, Smooth surfaced APP-Mbdified,
weigW:9"0:lbs. Grade,S, Type:U Bitumen membrane ith
an w nori:%voven.
(I square), -polyester mat reinforcement f6r.torch
,Flintlastic GTA,,,GTA-PR 39 3/8," �cI',jT;3.";.Rol I ASTM D 6222; Granule surfaced APP Modified
weight: ,t.Q5-'Ibs. Grade G,TypeJ1
Bitumen membrane with non-woven
(I square)-
P.PlYesterinat r0ifif6t6embrit for torch.
Fliltitlastic GMS 39'/x" k,.341-2.' 11o11 ASTM D:6164, Granule surfaced SBS--Mbdijried
GMS Premiunm> weight::1001.1.05 lbs. Grade G,Type ft square) poB'itumen-nie'nibrane with�non-w
(,.I l non-woven
lyestermat reinforcement for,mop,
Flinitlastic FR, 30 . 9"x3.4"2"':-, Roll ASTM D 6164, Fire resistant,granule;sUrfaced SBS
FR-;P Premium weight: 1.05 lbs. Grade G,,Type I Modified Bitumen Meftibrane With
(I square5 non-woven polyester mat
reinforcement for mo'pjap
FlIfitlastic FR Cao-Sheet 39 3/8" x34`-2",;.Roll AST1vf-'D 6163, Fire resistant,granule surfaced SBS,
weight:90 lbs., Grade G,Type I. Modified Bitumen membrane with
(I square) 'eiberglass.mat reinforcement for mop
MOA No.: 14-0224-.03'
Oi"P Expiration Date: 06/19/18.
Approval Date: 04/10/14
Page 2 of 16.
Test Product
Product Dimensions Spee6cation, Description
.,E_lintlastic tR'Cap T .39-j-/8'.'x 341-2".; Roll ASTM 136163 Granule surfaced SBS Modified
weight:8`L lbs. 'Bitumen ii►etnbrane with'fiili-erglass:
(i square) mat reinforcement f6rit6re6'
Fltntlasiic:FR Base T 39-3/8"X43%Roll ASTM 136163 Modif ed Bitumen,coated fiberglass
Weight:8l tbs. base sheet for torch application.
Fhntlastic FEZ Cap CoolStar 39'3/6" x 34' '1;,Roll ASTM D 6;163Fire-reststanti,'granule-surfaced=SBS
wetght;�90 lbs. Modified Bitumen,membratie:with
(I square), fiberglass-mat reinforcer ecit for mop
applications. Covered�whty
CoolStac Coating:..
Flmtlasiic FR.Cap T Coat tar 39.3/8" x.3'4'2".; Roll WM,D 6163 Fire res stant;.granuI surfaced SBS
weight; 90 tbs. Modlfied:B'itumen meinbr&6with
(1 square) fiberglassariat reinforcement for in
applications: Covered:with reflective
Codistae;,c ating.,
`Flft tlasti&,GTA;GTA-FR 39.3/8" x.3.3'3!'; Roll ASTM'D 6222: Granule surfaced APP,Modified
weight-. 105 tbs. -Bitumen,membrane with non--woven;
(1 square) polyester:mar:reinforcement for torch'
application. Covered.With,.reflective,.
Flilitlastic GMS/GMS 39`3/8"`X 34'2`3 Roll ASTM D 6164:. Granule,suitfaced.SBSI.' odifed
Pedmium.CoolStar weight: 100/105 lbs. Bitumenati'efnbrane with non-woven
(1 square) polyester mat reinforcement for mop;
appheation. Covered witl.re.flective:
FlintlasticFR-P%FR=P Premium 39 %`,x-34'2k;Roll ASTM D 6_1`64 Pirefes Ntant;.granule surfaced SBS
CoolStar weight: 105 tbs. Modified-Bitumen Membrane with.
(.1 square) non-woven polyester mat
reihforcetnent for.mop-application.
Covered'with reflective CoolStar,
Coating: Covered with reflecti:ve•.
COOIStar Coating.
Ultra-Poly SMS`- 36"x64'4" ASTM.D 6164, Smooth surfaced SBS Modified
(2 squares), Grade S,:Type-i Bitumen Membrane with non-woven
polyester mat reinforcement-for mop,
NOA No.: 14-0224.03,
MIAMI•DADECOUNTY Expiration Date: 06/19/18.
Approval Date: 04/10/14
Page 3 of 16.
GlasBasbTM 136k Sheet -3.6!'_x9819.1'; Moll ASTM D 4601 Asphalt coated;6ber'gl8s_ base she-et.
weight .69 tbs.. ULTYpel-01,
(3 scfOf6s)
061ySM§8'ase'Sheet 39_ q1j",x&**'- Roll ;ASTM Modifted Bitumen coat ed:podyosta.
46(1� t
weight�-,,' tbs. Grade;Si Type ..I. base sheet..
(2 scl,dares), M Type;:G2,
Sheet 10-X'32'10"; Roll ASTM D 3909 Min6ral-'Surfa6ed fibdrg ass reinforce
weight:'90 tbs. ASTM.D 4897 buffer sheet.
0 lsddifdi UL,Type 3;0
Black'Pianx ndTM BaseEheet. !36, [toll AS ilV1 IJ'10f�
,10, Self
vpight:, 78tbs. modi-fi.e.d'bitu-iiidn.b'ds�6,,, et
(2 sq-4&es)
Product Name FlroducCDescription, kanuinaurer-.,
FlidtBoalr&tSOt foam insulation' CdrtairiTee&Cbr
yisopyanurac. : m
ACFadm 41 Pblyis6cyanurat&foam 'insulation, Atlas RodinC6roorAtion
ICgh,D_q-qsi Wood Fiberboard W,, 6d.fiber insulation board Generic,
ty, Fiberboard .1 Q_. .- insulation. , _ , A
Perliie-insulation 06 ritte insufailon`boarcf Gencr'tc*.;
DensDook;.DensDeck Prime Water,resistant.gypsum boardc:
G00%ia Pacific' G y'psurfi LLC:
Mhidlid PpIyisoryanutdte-.f6am insulation: Hdifter P'ane'lg,,LL.0
ENRGY 3j ENRGY 3 25 PSI Myfsocyariuraie foam insulat'io'n Johns--Ma'n)AIle Corp.
;Multi-Max PA-3- socyanPrate foam.insulatioq R.Max,,Operatin LLC
, 91
Flistenef. Product Product Manufacturer
Niarii1ber Name M96HPti6n Dimensions (Wiih:,C,,u r tent-NOA)
None N/A None NIA
NOA No.: 14-0124:03
19MAMI-DADE COUNTY Eipiration Date: 06/19/18
Approval Date: 04/10[14
Page 4 o.f 1.6
-E- D,:,
Test ALeh'd*/IdentMe:r Mate
Faqtory'Mutual-k6ear6h Corp. FMRC4470. J.1. MALAM 03/23/96
FMRC,44-70- . J.I.0EGAIAN't 041Q4&7
FMRC 44,7-0 J.L 2D OM.AM 12423/59
FMRC,'4470, M.' ib7.k4.AM .1 1/109/98
Uftddrwritem LA. ra'tbribs�,be. UL 790 R-JI656 01/11/1.3
United 5tAt6s-Tq t".- -Company ASTM D 514 9745,74 0.0103/88
ASTM D.'5,147 97-1457-2R 1-2/02187
M16m.en'tuin-Technologies; Inc. ASTM D4601 AX-31G41) 09%05,/08
,ASTM 06164 AXIM85 06/05109
ASTMD6222 Ak31.Q86 66105109
;ASTM D3.909/_Q'48 97 A X3jG8Q 09%05/08
Trinit TAS I 14p) O504 05.01-I 06/05%01
TAS 113,(B) 3503410,06 W/10/06
TAS', U 11-'(9'y 06-4. .07-RI 0161/27/01
TAS'. (714-:tk). Letter 04105/06
TAS 144 351-101.-06 .01/06106
TAS 144 3521;0704 07/29/04
TAS-117(B)/,,ASTM D-6862 C8500S.C.-I L'07 14/30/07
TAS 1-14- C8370.08.08 '09/19/08
ASTM Physical Properties C100800,9.08-R4 03/1 25/10
A M" f84641C3.1410.01.,11-2
ST W C3,14" 0.0 Lj 1-2 0
ASTM 04 60:1 C40050.09.12-1 60?28112
As,Tk,,b'f97'0. C4005009.12-2 09/28112
ASTM: 47-/D.4.79&' C3:14 t0-tP"J'0-R 1 11/01112
AS.TM,D5,-1-47/1)4.79 8, 03141'0:01:,11-1-R1 1-1/01/12
ASTM.D,4798 CR410.0L-II-2A-RI '02/21/13'
ASTM-D4798, C3.144 0.12.13 1-2/05/13
TRI Coristeub.tiOn,MaWrlals ASTM'_Q6.161 CTC-02r02-01_ 0,1/22/08
Tcdhn6Ibgies,LLC ASTM D61,63 CTC066-w02-04 081/09/11
ASTK-D,6,164, CTC7668-02-01 08./09111
ASTM'D6222 CTC,070-02-0:1 68/69111.
ASTM 0,61 64/D4799- CTC-093-02-01 A/b9/11
ASTM;Q2'I7$, CTC .1-21-6241 0311;3/.1,2
ASTM CTC 123; 03/1,3/12:
ASTM,D4601 CTC_-_t-27-02.O 1 63/-13/12
AST'WD6161 CTC-128,-02-01 .06/11/12
ASTM D6461 CTC-129'-02-.01 0641/12
ASTM EY,616& CTC-.132-02-01 0_61WI2
ASTM,_D6,164 CTC-1:62-02=0105/091-13-
ASTM,06164, CTC-164-�02-01; 05/09/13 5109/13
ASTM,"D6162 CTC-183-62-01 10/02/13
ASTM:06164 CTC4,90-02-01 12/62113,
NOA No.: 14-0224.03
Exp.iratioti Date: 06/19/118
Approval Date. 04/1,0/14
Page 5 of 16,
Membrane Type: APP Modified,
. P , y
"'e&Type..11: Wood, Non4tisulated
Dbel&D86ription: '9/3,"or-greater plywood or wood plank
'System TypeE(l): Base sheet,mechanically fastened.
All.General a ad System Lim ib tiOns'a pply.
Base She6t: 'One.ply.ofAll Wdathef/Ernpire-Bd§e Shdet,Glas Base or Flintglds PrerniurriPly Slieet.(Type;
VI)mechanically attadh6das detailed below.'
Vigstcaing: l3ase,,sheqsha_1l be lapped 4" and fastened with I t gq,.annUlarring shank-nails.atid approved-tin
caps.8'b,,,c.,in'thcl".pand'three rows staggered i'nthe center ofthesheet 88"o.t.
Ply Sheet . (Optional.),0116-ply,of Alf W.elathet/'Empire-,Bjse,Slifeet,Ultra;.Poly SMS, Glas;Basej Flex-1 Gla§
Base,-Fl&krl G[as FR.Basbbr...Poly SMS bron6br-4if6rd,pliesof Elintglas.PlyStieet(Type IV)or:
F liiitgla§,Pierniurn.Ply,"She&(Tyo.ei Vl):adhered'in a ftill mopping'_of approved 'asphalt applied
within the F,-V-T'ra'n*'g"6'-,q-hd ata rAie of 20-40 qlbs/s* one ply o gladkbiarnond P�ase.8heet;,pr
self7adhered..or.,76ritlastic,STA torch adhered.
Membraae:.. Trinduu-M—A inF1� _
7 t1astiq,GrA.Cq6l8tar Flintla_s tic.GTA-Fk,or:GTA-FR Cdo[Stgrl6rch
adhee&d t(j.bdsd/
Surb'difig.- -(O-pti6nal),!A,n-y"coating,listed bel"6W, used asASUr-facing;.musfbe listed within a..current NOA.
InsitAll one"of'the ffill6w Ing:
1, 4.0.0-lb./sq.gravel or-3'004bt Aq.-slag in a flood-coat ofapproved-mopping,asphalt at an
appllbationxafp,;o(69 lb./sq.
2. Karnak(OTAP)Fibrated,&Iuminum Roof Coating. Pl1ntCoat.A-t5Q,,AP0Q#212
Fibratq�o Aluminum-Roof Coating a. ng avan-applicatlion rate of-I Yggql.7sq
Maxim uni.Design
Pe.6s4urd: -52.5 PSE.(See'General Limitation#7)
NOA No.: 14-0224.03:
MIA,I-DA E COUNTY Expiration Date: 06119/11,8
Approval Date: 04110/14
Page 12 of 16
fi., -A with Ply',4 and Ply,6 when usied'as a mechanically fas tene&base or anchorsheet.
1,; Fire clatsificatioh'is not-part-of this acceptance;.refer,to a current Approved Roofing Materials.)Directory for fire-,
ratirigs:Pfpthi$ 'rodUct.,
, ., ,
t: Insulation maybeinstalled in multiple layers. The-first,layershallbe,aitached in-compliance-with Product Control
Approval guidelines..qlmes., Ali.other;ayers shall be,adheredin a full`mopp ng,:of approved asphalt applied Within the
EVT range and ata--rate:,of'20-40 lbs;/sq,,,or mechanically attached u§inZ the:fastening pattern of Ilic.1op layer
3. All standard panel sizes are a6ceptab_1e,,,for,.n1ebhdnibal attachment. When applied in approved-asphalt, panel size
shall bo.4'x.4'm' akimum..
44 Art 6verlay,Ahd/or-rdc6v&iy board,insulation panel is-'required'oh all a'pp-H-cationg-over closed qel,f:'foarn insulations
when the.*se sheit is full' mopped. Ifno r
ecovery'bo rd is used basesheet be applied'
using spot
moppingwith asphalt; 12" diameter-,circles,;24" o.,c--.? or strip mopped'8" ribbons-in three rows; one at
each si&Jap',and sone doWq the.center of theB
continuous area of ventilation. Encircling of,the
strips is;rtot acceptable; 4 6" bre e on.
break-shall;.be placed every 12`in dif.th,,tibbdn to Allow cross V611tilati Asphalt
applicatiori of either system,shall beat a.minimum rate of I 2Abs.hq.
dsystenis.shall be litnited4o a,,makitnuin:design firicissure-6f .45pst
51. C.,fiArac"t6ristic For'ce,(F').va I llue of.215 lbf., as
tested in compliahco.with Testing Application,Siandard,TAS _105.. lf-the&§tener value,as"field4ested,are
275 lbf.4n§ulatibnattakhment shall.not be acceptable.
I I .-, :0 C, ' I acceptable.
6. Fastener�s;p mechanical-attachment of,anchortbase sheet or membrane sed attaohment.is'b a on 6
fastener r,es istance.value-in,coqjunction with the maximum design vah��Jisted within ap
.s'bd-ificsy§fcm. Should
the fastener,resistance be less than,that required,as determine&by th6,Buildihg.Qfficial, a revised fastener spacing,.
,p,ropare.d,,signed And sealed by a:Flori gistdred.Pr6fessiob al Etigi'�6e rc c(,or Registered
da:ff , f;',Re&tered A hite
Roof Consultant maybe subunittedi Sai&revi's6d fastener spA
e value
takdh fr6ift-Te§ting.AOplidatiotiStA6daeds'-TAS:,105 and calculations itf-torn'
pliance with.Roofing-.
Sta6daed RAS 117.
7. Perimetefa6d corner areas shall comply with the,,enhanced,uplift prc�sure�requirements of these Fasten
Y er
densitiesshall be increased for both• insulation- and basesheet'as calculated, in cornpliatic6, with Roofing
Application. Standard :RAS- 117. Calculations prep4red' signed an '.'sealed by a Florida -registered Professional
Engineer Registered Architect, or Registered -Roof'Consultant,(When -this limitation is referred
...I ,Registered . . g- specifida
within this.,X0A, General Limitation-119'will,not be,appli-eable.)
�8. All attachindritand:sizing,of p0timeter ruttile'rs, t6fihination designs shall
I conf6,vm to
RoofingApplicationStandardRAS I "' A0 4 t,a nd applicable wind load reqdir menis'.
9;- The maxifii.61th-des igned pressure Iiinitailon I is ted shal I be applicable lo-to all,roo fpressure.zones(i.e.field,
periffictersi,-arid�cornersi.:Neitlier rational analysis, nor extrapolation-shall-be permitted for enhanced fastenkig,at
enhanced prg§ureozones(Le.perimeters,-extended corners and corners').,(Wheit this limitation kspecifically
referrpd within this NOA,General Lim.itation.0will'not beajipliefibl-C)
10:, All products listed herein,shall have.a.quality ass urafice.,audit in accordance with the Florida Build ing Code and
Rule 61020-3.of the-Florida Administrative Code.
MMNOA No.: 14-02-24.03
%MIAMI•DADE COUNTY= Expiration Date: 06/19118
ik-pproval Date: 04/10114
Page 16 of 16