HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval RECE1\'r0 NOV 04 2015 FILE COPY' MIAMI•D;ADE .�� ` MIAMI-DADICCOUNTY ' PRODUCT CO,NTROG SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208' DEPARTMENT OF RE,GULATORY AND'ECONOi4IIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,'Florida 33.175-2174 BOARD AND CODE:ADMINISTRKI`ION DIVISION T(786)315=2590;F(78 6)31525-99 NOTICE Of ACCEPTANCE (NOA) CeriainTeed Corporation, 1,400 Union Meeting Road,,P.O. Box 1100 Blue Bell, PA 11942247.61 SCOPE: 'This:NOA is being issued,under the applicable.rules:and regulations governing,the,use;of construction materials. The locum. 'ntafiori su6mi'tted'11as been reviewed and accepted'by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used.in'Miami.Dadd County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall:not 'be valid after the expiration-:date stated below. .The IVl ami=Dade County Product Control: -_Section. (In Miami Dade,.County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reservethe right to have.this produce or material tested for quality,assurance purposes. If this producf or-material fails to perform in the accepted manner; the manufacturer will tncur;the:expense ofsuch testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke;,mod.ify;.or-suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to: revoke this acceptance; if if.is determined by Miami=Dade 'County Product.Control.Section that this product or ,material.fails to.meet.the requirements of the applicable building code. This:product is app owed-as.'described herein, and has been designed to:comply with the Florida Building Code ,including the High Vel6ciN11ureicane.Zone of the.F..lorida Building Code. DESCRIPTION:: CertainT.eed Modified Bitumen Roofing Systems over Wood Decks. LABELING: Each.unit shall bear a permanent label with_the manufacturer's lame or.logo,city,state and following statement: "Miami=Dade County Product Control.Approved", unless otherw'ts'e noted Herein. ,RENEWAL of this NOA-shall be considered aftera,renewal application has beenfiled'and there has been no change in the applicable building code.negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this-NOA will=occur after-the.expirat on date or if there has been a revision.or change in the materials; use,and/or-manufacture-of the product.or-process: Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of-"'ariy product; .for.sales; advertising.;or'any other purposes.shall.autolnatical ly terminate thi§NOA: Failure to comply witli any section of this NOA shall be cause-for termination and removal:ofNOA. A:DVERTISEIVIENT:.The NOA number preceded by,the words.Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration dam:may.be,displayed in advertising literature., If any portion of the=NOA is displayed;then it-shall be done. in`.its entirety._ INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided tothe user by-the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for aspection,'at the job site at.the'request.of the Buildid&.O(ficial. This NOA rene-ws.NOA#-13-0204.03 and consists of pages 1 through 16. The.submitte&documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigera. q� �� NOA No.: 14-0224.63 MIAMI•DADE COUNTY . , Expiration Da(e: 06/1911.8 n Approval Date: 04/1.0/14 a IC Page 1 of 16 ROOFING SYSTEM APPROVAL (:ategorv: Roofing .8ubrCaioorv.,: Modified-.Bitumen: 'katerla`k kOP/S.BS De-ckl0e: Wood- Afiaxftnttr D60Lru'Pressure: -60 psE TRAmINAME SOF-PROD,.UC-T,.S,MANUlirACTUREiD,OR,.,LABELED BYAPPLICANV. Test Product Product Dimensions specification Description All Wot.her/E.mbire,13'asd 30'x 6-5- 10"; ASTM'b460IType ;A'solialt.dbAtdd, fiberglass rei6f6reed Sheet Roll'Wdight:.86 lbs'e 11 bast--shedf. (2 squares) ULType 15 Flex as G I' Tldlgasd�.'Sbeet 3,6".k 98'9" Roll A TM 0 46 Q I Type 'Modified" BitUmencoate0ftbejrgl`kss; weight;90 lbs. it bas-sheet. squares) UL,Type.G.2 !aSTU Flex-i-61' -FR-Base Sheet '19Y7 x 50' Roll ASTM,.,D 6163, MOdiflied'Bitu en coated'fiberglass, - 811 M weight-'90 tbs. G rad' S, Type I b6d:sFidet; (1.5 squares). Flintglas&Ply Sheet Type IV 3, 6!'::x 1647';;Roll ASTM D 2-17 8 Ty p e Fib impregnated ply.pre.gna or iV weight.e iotht-: 40/55 tbs.. lv,or VI sheet., (5 squares), UL Type:G1 Fi4itias' T-A 3 9, "tic 8, x 3.1% Roll 6.222, Sdiddth."airfaced APP Modified weight::90 tbs. Grade,S Ty n em pe 11 Bitumen branewith non-w vea. (I square) -00Y.6ster'-inat reinforcement fo r tore h : '-ficMi6fi, app Flintld§ti6 GT-A.GTA-FR 39.'/8" x33'3'";Roll ASTM-D 6222, Gran Iq surfaced APP Modified weight. 16.5 tbs. Grade G;Type 11 Bit,4mwmemb'ranie with noxi-woven' (I square) polyester I Ydstdr ifibit reinforcement for torch: application; Pation, Flintlastit GM8. .39 34'.2"; Roll ASTM D 6164, Grdhul6 surfaced SBS Modified GMS.Pre:mIum". weight: 1001105.lbs. Grade G,Type 11 Bit.urfiefiiffembrane withnQn-woven, -(j square) polyester mat reinforcemen.t for"Ai"Op, application.. PI-fnilastic FL 39'3/8!' x 342"; Roll Astm b.6164, Fit.p.resistaritj granule surfaced SBS, FkzF'Premium-. weight: t05 tbs. Grade.G,.Type I M -.0dified. Bitumen Membrane with (I square) non-wNeln:p o olyester mat reinforcement for mop application. FlihtlasticFR;CAp,.Sheet 3:9'/8" X'-34'2'% Roll ASTNII�D 616.3, Fire resistant,granule surfaced S8' I weight: 90 tbs. Grade' Type I Modified Bitumen membrane with (t square) fiberglass mat reinforcement for mop, applications. MIAMI-DADECO gry�m NOA No.: C4022411 VWMVIM, Expiration Date: 06/19418: Approval Date: 04110/14- Page 2 of,,16 TRADE NAMES'O. PRODUCTS.MANUFACTURE P OR LABELED'By APPLICANT: TABLE I Test Product Product, Dimensions, Specitication Description F'iintlas6czVR.0gq,T 39-3/8"x 34A'T'i.Roll ASTM D6163 Granule,surfaced SBS Modified Weight$J lbs. Bitumen-membrane with.fiberg!ass. (1 square) indureinforce"m'ent forlorch application. Flintlasfic.-FR Base T 39-3/8"x33%"Roll ASTM D6163 Modified Bitumen,coated fiberglass Weight:-8 1 lbs.- base sheet for torch application. (1.0 squares) Flintlastie FRCajD.,CdolSiar 39'/8"`x 34-(1'!- [1 Rd AS'fM.D;6[63 Fire resistant, granule surfar-ed.SBS weight:_9, Modified Bitu m' en-merfibrafte with (I square) fibe'rglass-m-at-rdinfo,rcemeiit for mop applications., Covered with reflective CoolStar Coating.. FlintlasticTR.Cap 39 T,'CoollStar x 34'.2 Roll ASTM_D 6163, Fire resistant,granule stirfacibd SBS, woight-O,Q lbs. Mpdi eied Bitumen tmembrane witst (I square) fiberglass mat reiriforceffi'mt for mop applications. Covdred With reflectiVe Coo1Sta'e'Coa6ng* . .Flintlastic;GTA-,GTA-FR 39.3/8y x 31`3.";,Roll ASTM D622-2, Granule'surfaced APP Modified CoolStar Weight: '1165'Ibs... B-i tumen membrane with non-woven- (I square) polyester mat reinforcement foe torch,' application. Covered with reflective. CoolStar.Coating. TlintlaAic GMS/GMS 39 3/8,k,x 34' Roll ASTM-D6164 Granule.surfaced SBS,Modified .Premium CoolStar' weight- 1001105 lbs. Bitumen mernbrAne.With non-woven (I square.) polyester mat reinforcement for-mop. application. Covered with reflective CoolStar Coating. Flintlastic M-PiFlk-T Premium 39-1/0"x-341-1"; Roll ASTM D-61'64- Fire resistant,granule surfaced SBS CoolStar weight: IGS,lbs. Modified fi6d Bitumen Membrane with (I square) non-woven polyester mat reinforcement fdr mop,application. Covered with reflective CoolStar Coating: Covered,with reflective Co'O[Star Coating. -Ultra Poly SMS., 36"x 64'14" ASTM D 6161, Smooth surfaced SBS Modified (2 squat0s). Grade S,.Type.4 Bitumen Membrane with rion-woVen polyester mat reinforcement for mop applications. NOA No.: 14-0224.03. MIAMI-DAD;COUNTY Expiration Date: 009/18 Approval Date: 041116/14 Page 3 of 16 GlasBase.TM Base Shoot 36" ,t98'9"; Nall ASTM D.4601 Asphalvcoated, fiberglass basb,s'hdet. weight:69 lbs. UL Typo G2 (3 squares) p6tySMS Base'Sheet 39`3/8" x.6W1,W!';:,-Roll Ag�Tlvf D 46011, Mpdifiled.Bitumen coated polyester, weight-:90' lbs. Grade S,Type:11. base sheet. (2 squares) UL Type,G2. Ybk-miteO Buffer, BaseShodt 36!' x 32'1 0"S'Roll ASTM D 3909 -Mineral Surfaced fibbrgim reinforced weighir'90 lbs. ASTM D 4897 buffer sheet. (I square) UL Type 30 Black piamoIndw Base Sheet. 36'.' x687!!- Roll ASTM D 197.0 5'61f-adhlpr,i.ngfibergtas.s,tdinfcirted weight:, 78.1b.s: modified bitumen bas&sheet (2 squares) APPROVED NSULAXIONS' Product Name Produd;lDescription. .Manufacturer (With,Current NOA-) FliritBoard 19.0 Pojy,isocyariurate foam insulation Certain-Teed Corp"6rati6ft ACFoan-11 P61,y1soby2inurate foam insulation Atlas Roofing Corporation High-Density Wood Fiberboard Wood fiber insulation board Generic, P.'erlite-Insulationb Perlite insulation board Generic., 'Dens.Dock. Dens-Deck-Prime Water resistant-gypsum board Georgia Pacific Gypsum LLC .RmShidld Rolyisocy.andrAt&fdAtn insulation Hunter Panels-LLC -ENkGY 3, ENkGY 3 25 PSI, P6lyisocyanurEft&-f6affi insulation Johns Manville Corp. Multi-Max F'A--3, Polyisocyanurate foam insulation -kMa.x,Operating,LL,C APPROVED FASTENERS:, :TA-.BL.E 3 r4 iist6fier Product Product Manufacturer ,Number Name- Description Dimensions. (Wiih.CurrenUNOM F.. None N/A None NIA WMIAMI-DADECO=UNTY NOA No,.: 14-022:4;03 3 Expiration Date: 06/19/18 Approval Date: 0.4/10114 Page 4 of 16 EWDti-NICE.S,.,U)3KITTED:, 'Test MLen'WId6ntirtibe' Nz<ine Report Date. Factory-Mutual'Research Corp. FMRC 4.470 J.I.MA LAM 03123196 FMRC'4470: J.L 003AIAM. 04104191 FMRC 4470WQ O-AM. 12%23'/98 FMRC 4470:. J.1-10%AA.Am: 11[09/98 Underwrite m LAbbeaW tics,Inc. UL 790 814656 011-11/0 Utifted'States-Testingt-Ompany ASTM 055:147 974574 06/03/88 ASTMb'5147, 045748 12102/87 Momentuip Tp6hplogies-,Jnc. ASTM a"001' AXMG81) 09105/08 ASTM QO^l64 A.x1jifo 061015109 AST,k,1)022 A x61.68.6 06105� :" ' , _", 09 A$TMt.D 39091'.D'41897 AX3, 09105/08 Triniiy�E!ZD TAS--e-1,140) 93'S64.66.01-1 06165 0I TAS 117 3503 10;06 l'ot 16i66 TAS'I.I 7'(B): 0649,4"04,-07_'RI 06/27/07 TAS 1"14'(H) Le tter, 04/05/66 TAS 1.1.4 35-3-1:0-L06 01/0,6106 TAS F14. 3521:.07.04 07129/04 TA&147(B)/.-.ASTM-D 6862 C8500SQ'It'07 11/30%07 TAS 11:4 C8370'.09.48 081"1.9/0'9 Physical Properties C10080 09";08-R4_ 03/251110 ASTM E�,664104,798 'C314 10.0 1_1 L�2 T, 0 1110/.11 ASTM"-D4"60:1O CQ50.69_1:2=1 09/28112 ASTM.D1970 C4005_0.09.-..12=2 09128112 ASTM D5147ID-4798, C3141'0i10jI0-IRt 111011-12 ASTM,D5447/D.4'798 C31410.0--L.11 I-RI 11101/12 ASTM D.4798- 031410.01:11.-2A-R1 02/21/13' ASTM`D4798' C.31410J-2.13 IM5/11 ASTM,D022- C_40050j-,2-.,B 12/05Y"I"I -PRI Coristruction-Materials. ASTNLD6463. CTC-032=02-01- 0-1/22/08 M, Technologies;LLC ASTD6 163: CTC-066--02-0-1 WWI I ASTNOM6,164: CT&068-02-01 08/09/11 ASTM-D622.2 CTC-070-02=01 08/09/11 -.ASTM 06164/04708 CTC-093-02-01 '08/09/1'1 ASTM,D2,178': CTC-1"22.02-01 03/13/12 K9TM D2178 CTit-123-62'_0'1 03/1.3112; ASTM:D4601 cTQ-1.27-02-0.1 CTC-l-28-02-01 .ASTM D6163 06/11112 ASTM-D6463 CTC-129-,02-01 06/11/12' ASTM D6164' CTC432,02­01 06/11/12 AS'TM,D6164' CTC-16242-01 05/09/13: ASTM 061.64t CTC_1161-02-01 05/09113, ASTM M D6 1`0 CTC483-02-01 10/021113 ASTM D6.164 cm-1.96.m-01 12/02/13 NON No.: 14-0224.03 IAMI-DADE COW Expiration Date: 06/19/18 Approval Date: 04/10/14 Page 5 of 16 Membrane.Type: APP Modified Deck Type 11: Wood, Non-Insulated D.'eck Dese"ripti6n: 9/3i'-,orgreater plywood or wood plank System T ypq,.-E(I): Base sheet meelianic;il-ly fastened. All General and System Limitations-apply. Base Sheet: One ply of All'Weati-ide/Empire Ba§e'Sheet,Glas Base-;or Flintglas Premium Ply Sheet(Type VI)mechanically attached as detailed below. Fastening:, Ba.se,shce-t-shall be lapped 4" and fastened with I I g4annular ring shank nails a4do'-approyed tin caps--,Vfo:c. in the-lap,arid-three rows,staggered in th,6,.penter of'the s'llea 8"b.c. Ply.'Sheet: (OptionAF)One ply of A11.VVeather/Empim.Base Sheet'.Ultra Poly SMS, Glas Bhsej F lex-I Glas .Base;Flek-I-Gln FR-Base or'Toly SMS or one.or more.p1id&of Fl intglas,Ply-Sheet(Type IV) or flifttlglds Premium.Ply.Sheet(Type VI)adhered in.a:ffilkii6pping of approved,asphalt applied. - - - .. 1 . : . , . , wiili,i'm the EVT rangq'an d at a rate of 20-40 lbs./sq:6r one ply of B tack Diamond Base Sheet self-,adhered or.Flintlastic STA.torch adhered. Membrane:. Tlintla9kLIA, Flintlaseic,:GTA CqolStar, FlinttastIC..GTA!:FR or GTA-FR Cool.Stdr torch adhered to base/ply sheet: Surfacing: (Optional)Any coating,,liked bel,6w, used-as a surfacing; must be listed within a:.current NCA. Jmst'a_ll one of the following: 1,, 4004b./sq.grOQ1 or 3004b./sq:.41tig in a f1b.gd poa:t ofapproved-mapping zsphalt,a 'an application rate of 00'lb./sq. 2. ,Karnak-(#97-AF)Fi brated Aluminum Roo fCodting,F1 intCoat A.'-L50, APOC #212 Fibrated Aluminum.Roof Coating at an application irate-of f 1/2 gal./3q Maximunt,Design P,resgurd: -52.5':psE (See General Limitation#7) NOA No.: 14-0214.03 -MIAMI-DADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 06/19/18; EINZI 141, Approval Date: 0411.0/141 Page 12 of 16, VOOD, K DECSYSTEm LIMITATIONS:L kslio ish6et'is-required with Ply 4 and,Ply'6when use-&as;a mechanicAIN fastefte&base or anchor sheet. GENERALLJHLTATION LIMITATIONS: f- Fire"classification is norpart of this acceptance;ref6r to a,current Approved-R ofing Materials Directory for fire- r - of ratings o this product. 4 Insulation,may be installed in multipjqlayeq. irst14yer,shall be attached incompliance with Product — ­­ � ­.: C6ntr.6l Approval,guid.elines. All other layecs.shall b.e,adhered.in a full.mopping of approved asphalt applied Within the CVT range and at a_rate of 20-40 lbs./sq,ormechaniq4lly" attached using the".fa0enihg0dtt6rn of the top,'layer 3. All standard' .pand sizes areacceptab-le'lbr mechanidal.ittadhment. When applied in approved asphalt, -panel size shall be WkWmaximum: 4: An:6vetlaytifid/or recovery board insulation-pan'O,isi reqdJir6d1,on All applications over closed cell foam insulations when the 'base sheet is fully, mopped..If-'no recovery_ is d i used the base: . u sheetshall.be applied Using spot mopping with,,app roved asphalt, 12" 'diameter circles 14'!,o.c:; or strip mopped V-dibbons in three rows;:one at , each sid.e,,Jap,and one down the center'qh.hc sheet.,allowing.,a continuous area of,ventilation. Encifclirig_,'.of the strips is;not acceptable. A-.6" break;shall be placed every 12' in each,ribbonAb allow cross ventilati­n_.� Asphalt o a' tl 2 ibs.Aq. .pplicati.dlft.of�either systeni,shall b6,at:,A;1r_ninimUih rate 0 N6t6t -Sodt,,,attached systems.9liall be.limited t0i4dia'kimum design pressurd.of"45 W. 5: H§tdner:sg6dihg for in§ulati6n.attachm"6iit"%is�basddon-."a',�minimumCharacteristic Force,(F'),.V4l valise of 275 lbf.,..as. tested in compliance with Testing-Appl icAtidft,Staiidafd,.TAS 105. if the fastener value,as:,field-tested,eire-be ow. 275-Ibf insulation a'ttachrrierit 'shall not be acceptable. 6.. Fastener spacing for mechOrLical attachment-of anchor/base sheet or membrane attachmeritJs based on aIfni min m fastener resistance.value in':conjunctikqn w!th the maximum design value listed within a,spedift.system. Should the-fastener resistance,be,'l ss-than that.required,.,asdetermined by the,Building Official, a revised fastener spacing, ,prepared signed and,sealed,:by a Florida registered Professional Engineer'Re&tered Architect,or r RegfSte ' red. Roof Consultant may be,.submitted. Said revised fastener spacing shall,utilize the withd' rawal.resistance value tdken,ftonv,Testing.A' plidafton Staridar&'TAS-I'05.Atid-,,`6alcu lations; incompliance. -P with Roofing Applipation Standard RAS 117. 7. Pdrimeter,and corner*areas shall comply With the enhanced uplift pressure requirements of these areas: Fastener .a densities-shall be increased for both• insulation and ':base sheet as calculated in ;compliance with Roofing. 4pplicaiion Standard RAS: 11.7. Calculations prepared', signed and sealed by a Florida registered Professional Engineer, Itegistered Architect, or Registered Roof.Consultant (When this limitation is speciftealty, referred *ifliin this,040A, General Limitation#9 Will not be-,-ap .plicable.) 8. AlLattachment and sizing,-6f peximetboiailm, metal,pr-0ftl&,And/orI f1a§hi­rfg teffnihati6ndesigns shall conf6,rm to RddfingAp'plication Standard RAS 1111"And applicable"wind1oad requirements. 9. The maximum designed pressure limitation listed shall-be'applicable to all roofmpr ess,ure zones(i.e. field, perimeters;,*cor n Npither rational-analysis, nor extrapolation shall be permitted for'enhanced fastening at . , ,ers). enhanced pressure zones (Le. perimeters,_extended corners and corners).(When'this.limitation is specifically ,referred,within this NOA,'GencratUrnitation#7 will not be applicable'.) 10. All products listed lierein.shall have a.quatity assurAriddaudit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 6.IG20-3 of the Florida-Administrative Code. END,.OF THISS, ACCEPTANCE NOA No.: 14-0224.03 CMIAMI-�DADEU=NMTUY Expiration Date: 06/19118. Approval, Date- 04/1.,0/14 Page 16 of 16