HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication for Zoning Compliance - Use Permit p.2 Aete � A �.��t Rectigt It: Planning Teeb: Permit#: 51 -t3 PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 13UILDWG&CODE REGULATION DMSION 2300 VIRGINIA AVENUE FORT P ERCE,FL 34982-5652 772462-1553 .APPUCATION FOR PROMOTIONAL FLAGS,BANNM,&PENNANTS 1. LOCATIONA TE ADDRE39: �J- �' � � Z. PARCEL IDNUNNER: 3. DISPLAY PFRXOD START DATE: Izz:1�5 gels_ DISPLAY PMOA ENDING DATE: TOTAL NUDMR OF DAYS: j NUMBER OF AANNERS/FLAGSlPEWANT$; *Only!banner per 300 finear feet. fsad banner is limited to 32 sriaam tee#is size. Most have snore tlron 300 feet of linear frontage to quaM for as additional banner 4. OWNERSRMATIOlY S.APPLICANT Name: �QrtL'�TSYFOACi`'amm _ Name: i Address: LAgi&J mAlc (�Ak'�` E3v*w$s Mame: i' j' ( City: sk + , "� Statc:cci Addmss:A / i �J Zip:,^�`t Phone•- a-dC.tt�5_H City: J State- Zip: � Phone: Ott,TlEWS AFMAm': I cezdfy tbat all of the informatim c�ootnined in this aMlir4dam is cotx'eat and cleat all work will be dcap in�mpliance wait all applicable laws regtclating consb ucdon an zoning. Pesti'OWNER OIt AQENTNAhW tCi TURF OFOV7 MR,OeZ AGSM' . STATE OF FLORIDA.COUNTY OF 1A1Y1 t� ,M TIM FORBGORVO INSTRUNMMF WAS At=OWLRDGBU D660RE rAF-THM v l nAv OOP i f .20L HY���t�T 1 1-u� '►wki0 L5 PERSONALLY KMNOWQ<Ay ME OR WIPO HAS PRODUCED AS ms If 101ry �— MELISSSSA MERCADO SIG>YATURB OF N LIC Y PUBTYPE OR PRW NA vW OF NOTARY PUBLIC � MY� ISSION 9 FF197245 ' EXPIRES:Fcbn=Y 08,2019 CUMlu1t3SION NUMBER �oFfl.°� . NO'E'L:ACCORDING TO SECnOX 9-01A2(C),Or.LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVEL0PWNT CODE,NO MORE 71RAN(4)VUMM PER!'l3AR $HALL BE ISSUED TO AW ONE PARCEL OR COMMON DEVEL OrME,PM SXM LAIR NO MORE THAN A TOTAL OF SIXTY(601 CALEIDAR DAYS"WYEA W Revs 1x/ 2014 P.3 Please identify where your place of busiaess is located on the diagram below.Please identity the street that the building facts. It the property abuts more than one street,please identify aU street locations. (See sample drawing below) i North T � r Please sbow.where the banner(s),flags,or pennants will be placed on the property(see example below). DM--M0l� North I /Prasnosivnal .J flpg9 8304 S us 1 From of Please Note: According to Section 9.03.00 F&G,of the 5t:Lucie County Land Development Code,NO display may be located over or on any public right-of-way;or placed or attached upon any utility pole,streetlight, sidewalk,curb,fire hydrant,bridge or public property. .