HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida Building Code Online lla.s;e 1 of 4 � T ' I 6P1iI� ,r�,�,gaG4pRE l�g�'afl GM£xl. 7iL�t!}i 'II :.m 'AM". x. ,i.t l`�:utl£lsi BCIS Home Log In i User Registration Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stas -acts Publications FBC Staff 5C1S Site Map Links Search Business' s Professib'r7 ('4ob-O'" jj'iUSER:PubliA se alrOVal x`1:(.l0ivx IG f�pAl� Product Approval Men:>Product or Abbllcation Search>Aoalication List>Application Detail FL# (:�FL022£'-R7 Application Type A_fGTmt"Iio� Code Version 701.4 Application Status �9pp e ed Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Ma>onite International Address/Phone/Email 1.9'55 Fowls Road WE St C hicaco,IL 60''-85 (67 5)441-4258 sscnreibenamason ite.com 2�A Authorized Signature Stt ve';chre;ber ssc nreibernmasonite.com 5��xc J Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category CE.,,ericr Doers Subcategory ;nging Exterior Door Assembles �Z Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency Nasion Il Accreditation&Manage rent Institute Validated By Na-ional Accreditation&Management Institute Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year AS TM ;::1886 2002 ASTM F.:1996 2002 AE TM ;-:330 2002 TAS 2:12 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By i affirm that then: are no changes in the new Florida Bu Idico Code which affect my p-oduct(s)and my products) ar-: in compliance wi-h the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity Yes No N/A. Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=«,G]:-�VXQx tDquftCv,aMPtp.3... 11/1412015 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 4 Date Submitted 04/29/2015 Date Validated 04/29/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 05/04/2015 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 8228.1 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6'-8"Opaque I/S and O/S Single Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes f:L.fi2>E_R7 C CAC_ N.1006900 01_pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 7.2/31/2020 Design Pressure: +85.0/-85.0 Installation Instructions Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the F L8228__R7 II..FL()1GODx.r6 df Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Created by Independent Third Party: ASCE 7,does not exceed the design pressures listed.3'-0"x Evaluation Reports 6'-8"max nominal size. Hurricane protective system 1`18228F7__NE_50'4"A..pdf required in HVHZ,but not required in the Wind Borne Debris Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Region.See DWG-MA-FLO160-07 for additional information. 8228.2 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 8'-0"Opaque I/S and O/S Single Door Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL8`1..28 R7 C CAC NI00.02_Pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +70.0/-70.0 Installation Instructions Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FL8228 R7 I1 FL015.1.Dx.,.pdf Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Created by Independent Third Party: ASCE 7,does not exceed the design pressures listed. 3'-0"x Evaluation Reports 8'-0"max nominal size. Hurricane protective system FL8228 F7 AE 503A.pdf required in HVHZ, but not required in the Wind Borne Debris Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Region.See DWG-MA-FLO161-07 for additional information. 8228.3 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6-8"Opaque Inswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL8228 R7 C CAC NI006900.01.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 7.2/31/2020 Design Pressure: +50.5/-50.5 Installation Instructions Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FL8228 F7 II FL0160Dx._I.;df Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Created by Independent Third Party: ASCE 7,does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" Evaluation Reports x 6'-8"max nominal size. Hurricane protective system FLi8228 RR7 AE 50"lA.otlf required in HVHZ,but not required in the Wind Borne Debris Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Region.See DWG-MA-FLO160-07 for additional information. 8228.4 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6'-8"Opaque Outswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL8228 R7 C CAC N1006900.01.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +55.0/-50.5 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the F1.8228_R- II R_016LDx.hdf Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Created by Independent Third Party: ASCE 7,does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" Evaluation Reports x 6'-8"max nominal size. Hurricane protective system LL822$_R7�P_ 502A•P'f required in HVHZ,but not required in the Wind Borne Debris Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Region.See DWG-MA-FLO160-07 for additional information. 8228.5 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 8'-0"Opaque Inswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL82.28_,,,_F7_„_C,_CAC..,NI00h900_.g2'pcff Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure:+50.5/-50.5 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FL82.2FZ.,,,,R7._II__FL01GILix,.plff Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Created by Independent Third Party: http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquftCwaMPtp3... 11/14/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 4 ASCE 7,does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" 1 Evaluation Reports x 8'-0"max nominal size.Hurricane protective system FL8228 R7 AE 501A.odP required in HVHZ,but not required in the Wind Borne Debris Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Region.See DWG-MA-FLO161-07 for additional information. 8228.6 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 8'-0"Opaque Outswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL8228 R7 C CAC N1006900.02.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +55.0/-50.5 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FL8228 R7 II FL01_61DX,pclf Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Created by Independent Third Party: ASCE 7,does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" Evaluation Reports x 8'-0"max nominal size. Hurricane protective system FL 8J.,22P_,_R7A_E 501.a:.p1f required in HVHZ,but not required in the Wind Borne Debris Created by Independent Third Party: Yes R DWG-MA-FLO161-07 for additional information. 8228.7 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6'-8"Glazed Inswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in FL81.1E3._.R7 C, CAi: hJIGQ6f300,.G3IF Approved for u u idle HVH .Yes Qualiky Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Re is nt:No 12/31/2020 Design Pre ure:+52.0/-52.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evalu ed for use" ations adhering to the F�82.2,8 R,7 II FL0162Dx.pdf Florida Building o e including the High Velocity Hurricane Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Created by Independent Third Party: ASCE 7,does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" Evaluation Reports x 6'-8"max nominal size.Hurricane protective system FL8228 R7 AE 502A.ocif required in HVHZ and the Wind Borne Debris Region.See Created by Independent Third Party: Yes DWG-MA-FLO162-07 for additional information. 8228.8 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6'-8"Glazed Outswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL8228 R7 C CAC NI006900,03.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +55.0/-55.0 Installation Instructions Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FL8228 R7 II FL0162Dx.odf Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Created by Independent Third Party: ASCE 7,does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" Evaluation Reports x 6'-8"max nominal size.Hurricane protective system F_L_822£i t_:7_ AE: 502n,pdf required in HVHZ and the Wind Borne Debris Region.See Created by Independent Third Party: Yes DWG-MA-FLO162-07 for additional information. 8228.9 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 8'-0"Glazed Inswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL.8226 R7 C CAC N1006900.04.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +40.0/-45.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the Fl..£i2?8 R7 it 1`1_01.63Dx.pdf Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by created by Independent Third Party: ASCE 7,does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" Evaluation Reports x 8'-0"max nominal size. Hurricane protective system F027F_.,R.Z__AE_S(7.1A_pIjf required in HVHZ and the Wind Borne Debris Region. See Created by Independent Third Party: Yes DWG-MA-FLO163-07 for additional information. 8228.10 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 8'-0"Glazed Outswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL82-L.R7_C CAC_ N1006900,04ji f Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +43.0/-47.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the F71_8228 R7 II FL01o3Dx.�df Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Zone,and where pressure requirements as determined by Created by Independent Third Party: ASCE 7,does not exceed the design pressures listed. 12'-0" Evaluation Reports x 8'-0"max nominal size. Hurricane protective system 1`18228 R7 AE 501A. df required in HVHZ and the Wind Borne Debris Region.See Created by Independent Third Party:Yes DWG-MA-FLO163-07 for additional information. —T_-- --I http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGI;VXQwtDquftCwaMPtp3... 11/14/2015 Florida Building Code Online Page 4 of 4 8228.11 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6'-8"Impact Glazed Inswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8228 R7 C CAC_NI006900.05.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +52.0/-52.0 Installation Instructions Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FL8228 R7 II 1`1_011521)x.odf Florida Building Code not including the High Velocity Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Hurricane Zone,and where pressure requirements as Created by Independent Third Party: determined by ASCE 7 do not exceed the design pressures Evaluation Reports listed. 12'-0"x 6'-8"max nominal size.See DWG-MA- FL8228 R7 AE 502A.Ddf FLO162-07 for additional information. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 8228.12 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 6'-8"Impact Glazed Outswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8228 F7 C CAC N1006900.05.ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +55.0/-55.0 Installation Instructions Other:Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FLLI228 R7 II FL0162Dx.3df Florida Building Code not including the High Velocity Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Hurricane Zone,and where pressure requirements as Created by Independent Third Party: determined by ASCE 7 do not exceed the design pressures Evaluation Reports listed. 12'-0"x 6'-B"max nominal size.See DWG-MA- FL8228 R7 AE- 502.A.Ddf FLO162-07 for additional information. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 8228.13 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 8'-0"Impact Glazed Inswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL8228 R7 C CAC NI006900.06.11& Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure: +40.0/-45.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FL8228 R7 II FL0163Dx.Ddf Florida Building Code not including the High Velocity Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Hurricane Zone,and where pressure requirements as Created by Independent Third Party: determined by ASCE 7 do not exceed the design pressures Evaluation Reports listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0"max nominal size.See DWG-MA- FL8228 R7 AE 501A.n f FLO163-07 for additional information. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 8228.14 Fiberglass Side-Hinged Door Unit 8'-0"Impact Glazed Outswing Single or Double Door w/or w/o Sidelites Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No F18228 R7 C CAC N1006900.06.L Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 12/31/2020 Design Pressure:+43.0/-47.0 Installation Instructions Other: Evaluated for use in locations adhering to the FL82;28 R7 II Fl_0163f.3x,)df Florida Building Code not including the High Velocity Verified By: National Accreditation&Management Institute Hurricane Zone,and where pressure requirements as Created by Independent Third Party: determined by ASCE 7 do not exceed the design pressures Evaluation Reports listed. 12'-0"x 8'-0"max nominal size.See DWG-MA- FL8228 R7 AE 501&D if FLO163-07 for additional information. I Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Bach: Mext Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacv Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditicnal mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product 0_1 EE Accepts: W]] l �� ECI.ti, a^.. securkv,,'F'r3Z31'S" http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquftCwaMPtp3... 11/14/2015 CL. 00 L0f 149"MAX. OVERALL FRAME WIDTH . Q SIDE-HINGED FIBERGLASS DOOR UNIT 21" MAX .16.375" MAX.-PANEL WIDTH 37.5" MAX. ¢I O .- -FRAME WIDTH z 6'-8"GLAZED DOUBLE DOOR WITH/WITHOUT SIDELITES W/ASTRAGAL O GENERAL NOTES (D 1. EVALUATED FOR USE IN LOCATIONS ADHERING TO ui O THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND WHERE PRESSURE 1 REQUIREMENTS AS DETERMINED BY ASCE 7, MINIMUM z DESIGN LOADS FOR BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES, J DOES NOT EXCEED THE DESIGN PRESSURES USTEC. Iw- Ln 2. WHEN INSTALLED IN THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (HVHZ), ^ z M HURRICANE PROTECTIVE SYSTEM (SHUTTERS) IS REQUIRED. ^ O tico 3. WHEN INSTALLED IN THE WIND-BORNE DEBRIS REGION, X ¢ W EXCLUDING THE HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE (HVHZ), _ ¢p = HURRICANE PROTECTIVE SYSTEM. 15 NOT REQUIRED ON w J W PANELS WITH IMPACT GLASS, BUT IS REQUIRED ON PANELS = C E) = WITH NON-IMPACT GLASS. co w 4. POLYURETHANE CORE FLAME SPREAD INDEX OF 50 ® a AND SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX OF 60 PER ASTM E84. POLYSTYRENE CORE FLAME SPREAD INDEX OF 15 AND SMOKE DEVELOPED INDEX OF 115 PER ASTM E84. N 5. PLASTICS TESTING OF FIBERGLASS FACING: a s o o TEST DESCRIPTION DESIGNATION RESULT J a SELF IGNITION TEMP ASTM 01929 752 'F > 650 'F RATE OF BURNING ASTM 0635 0.56 IN/MIN SMO OENSKE DENSITY ASTM 02843 53.4% o " TILE STRENGTHASTM D638 3.2% DIFF .o W 0 6. PLASTICS TESTING OF LITE FRAME MATERIAL: o s TEST DESCRIPT:ON DESIGNATION RESULT DOUBLE DOOR UNIT W/SIDELITES a i SELF IGNITION TEMP ASTM D1929 740 'F > 650 'F RALE OF BURNING ASTM D635 0.77 IN/MIN Pd�dwnIo Wm V1 333�m SMOKE DENSITY ASTM D2843 13.4% N to Cegmfim No.: N 16 0 oo_�C - - I TENSILE STRENGTH'_j_'ISTM DG38 -7.50% DIFF RIMandBy. ,. =J • COMPARATIVE TENSILE STRENGTH AFTER WEATHERING Oa1BABVIFJI?� 9/; Jn I IsI h ZI 4500 un LiRS vrND": ARC .1,cTunO 1 7. IMFACT GLAZ.NG LAMINATE.MIAMI DATE BCCO NOA 09-0127.13. 1 I IVB o,w`Ld3 <<W'o LL u I JN0 > of co i HI II ^N(V01Q SIfJGLE DOOR L'NIT U E OR NfT SIN_LE DOCK UNIT SINGLE DOOR UNIT SINGLE DOOR UNIT WISIDELITES DOU'BI-E DOOR IJPJIT W/SiOFLITES WITH SIDEL7 WITH SIDEUTE o v m¢z WHERF WATER INFILTRATION PERFORMANCE IS 1DATE: 1�S/O7 TABLE OF CONTENTS REQUIRED TO BE 15% OF DESIGN PRESSURE O -- FIG MAX WOTH I INS'WiNG UULS'WING INSWING OUISWING UUi'SWING' 4ri �y SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET * DESCRIPTION X 37 5' - ±fs n -55.0 19.0 -19.0 +40.0 -40.0 +55.0 -55.0 DWG.BY: SWc 1 ITYPICAL ELEVATIONS & GENERAL NOTES AA74 +52.0 -52.0 +55.0 -.5. +19.0 -19.0 +40.0 -40.0 +55.0 -55.0 2 IANCHORING LOCATIONS & DETAILS . . +55.0 -55.0 +19.0 +40.0 -40..0 +5555..00_ -55.0 CHK.BY: 40.03 ANCHORING LOCATIONS & OEIAILS OXO 112.5r +52.0 -52.0 0 -55.0 +19 -40 -55.0 KURT BALTHAZOR oruwm+c No.: OXXO _ 149' 152.0 -52.0 +55.0 -SS.0 t-19.0 -19.0 1400 -40.0 +55.(1 -55 0 FLORIDA P.E. DWG-MA-FL0162-07 Hign Dorn -ihresholc Design ,;.565.z -I ISHELI 1 0,S SEE DETAIL 3,. 6" —6" CIL. 03 ,.E„ SHT. 2 —{ 3" _ I— 3' •— 3 3 �6 c 3QD Q 17^ W z cl U a SEE DETAIL — — i U ,•D" SHT. 2 '� i. z Ln J J Q Cn ¢ � Q w SEE DETAIL o _ a „C., SHT. 2 B O u a o 6" 6" I I II II II II I �Uo � 3. 6' — — 3„ SEE DETAIL 6•' — —6" 0 '� o "F" SHT. 2 6" o a ¢ a a ATTACHMENT DETAIL n��N� 1. ANCI-OR ANALYSIS FOR LOADING CONDITIONS PREPARED, N�vv,)I�m S.GNED AND SEALED BY LUIS R. LOMAS, PE T (FLORIDA #62514) WITH THE LOWEST (LEAST) �z FASTENER RATING FROM THE DIFFEREIJT FASTENEF.S I v ZIc BEING CCNSIDERED FOR USE. JAMB, HEAD, ANDwz ' THRESHOLD FASTENERS ANALYZED FOR THIS UNIT INCLUDE aQQo #10 WOOD SCREWS OR 3/16" TAPCONS. A PHYSICAL ,arc z SHIM MUST BE PLACED IN SHIM SPACE AT EACH ANCHOR ��lw� N LOCATION. TAPCON EDGE D'STANCE MIN 2-5/8". HARDWARE SCHEDULE FCD hoo > w_z0_ LJ 2. MULLIONS TO BE 2-1/2" X 4-3/8" STRUCTURAL GRADE 1. KWIKSET SERIES 400 GRADE 3 CYLINDRICAL LATCH AND o =3 FJ PINE ON CONTINUOUS HEAD AND SILL UNITS. BACK TO SERIES 980 GRADE 1 DEADLOCK HARDWARE TO BE INSTALLED BACK JAMB UNITS JOINED WITH 1" X 1/2" LONG AT 5-1/2" CENTERLINE. �co oow CORRUGATED FASTENERS LOCATED 3" FROM EACH END 2. 4" X 4" FULL MORTISE BUTT HINGES. AND MAXIMUM 7" O.C. OR #10 X 2" FLAT HEAD WOOD SCREWS LOCATED 6" FROM EACH END AND MAXIMUM I 12" O.C. W-- SHIM —3. THE WOOD SCREW SINGLE SHEAR DESIGN VALUES COME FROM i.so" 1.25"ANSI/AF&PA NDA FCR SOUTHERN PINE LUMBER AND ACHEIVEMENT MINMAS" MIN ' pAX z OF 1-1 /2" MINIMUM EMBEDMENT. THE TAPCON MUST ACHIEVE IE SHIM Adduct 11 to NAMI MINIMUM EMBEDMENT OF 1-1/4". I [ DATE 1151 07 / { ICL CL ;1 , _N.� Cr�tifialian No.: fJ i G_n L•r on SCALE: N.T.S. 4. WOOD SUCKS BY OTHERS MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERLY TO naeEev�w�C: ,��;j„ Mr.BY: SWS TRANSFFR I.OADS TO STRUCTURE. .:' CHK.e.: 5. MINIVUM DESIGN VALUE STRENGTH 0: ANCHORS 171 LBS. oBxwwc mo.: TYPICAL WOOD BUCK MASONRY OWC-MA-FL076e'-07ANCHOR INSTALLATIONC��PICAIL ANCHORTALL+,ION