HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4133439 OR BOOK 3809 PAGE 2986, Recorded 11/19/2015 at 01 :22 PM Prepared By:The Home Depot At-}come IVIC85 674 S.Military Trafl Deerfield Reach I 9 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No._ u p Property Identification No, 3�I r.II{-5pr�.00F5 -3 THE UNDERSIGNED bereby give $otic2 that improvements will be made to certain real )roperty,and in accordance}kith Section 713.13 of the Florida Statutes,the f lowing Information is provIded in the NOTICEOFCOMMENCEMENT. 1. Description o£property(&Tald ICdP1?on:).pp�.t� lpa(1 i�0iJ8L� �t/7 .3 9YOR 37RS-�id7�r, a) Street Address:_ - - G f 3 2, General description or improve lents WS' 3. Owner Information eI- a) Name and address: " %e Ar-Lad 76pl 52-- b) Name and address of fee si pie titleholder(if otherthan ov, er c) Interest in property 4. Contractor Information a) Narno and addresst't� b) Telephone No,: 854.37B•1601 Fax No.(Opt.) 5. Surety Information a) Name and address: WA b) Amount of Bond: I. c) TelephonoNo.: _ Fax No.(Opi,) 6. Lcnder f a) Narne and address; NIA I 7. Identity of person within the Sta.4 of Florida designated by owner upon whom notices or other documents may be s rved; a) Name and address: MA b) TelephonoNo.: I Fax No.(Opt.) S. In addition to himself,owner de gnates the following person to receive a copy of the I.ienor's Notice as provided i Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes: a) Name and address; WA b) Telephone No: I Fax No.(Opt.) 9, Expiration date of Notice of Cor 'mencentent(the expiration date is one year from Cie date of recording unless a dil erect date is specified): L i WARNING TO OWNER:ANY P YKRNTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE OTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CON FRED IMPROPRR PAYMENTS 11.17NDF.R C HAPTTR 713,PART 1,SECT N713-13, FLORIDA STATUTES AND CA SULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IPROVEMENTS TO YOUR P PERTY.A NOTICE OF COtMrvIEIqCEMEN1 IMUST HE RECORDED AND POSTED(IN THE.JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION.IF YOU INTENDT.0 OSTAM FINANCING,CONSULT YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTCIRNE BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RV I RDING YOU NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. SCATEOFFLORIDA COUiV7'1'OP S'T Cte�r-o f !Y ` SignutumOF Dwncr or Owner's A Nhorized 0fficc71Dir_ct HP r/ anager Print Narne J The foregoing inslrtanent w—as acknowlec ed before me this _clay of 20 -,by l��r<G f rr ':'V - as i�L✓K< (type of a0hority,e,g.officer,trustee,, tt ey in fact)for I (name of party on hchalt of w m lrurnent was a tccuted}, 1 Personally Known_ OR Produced Id jttifieation Notary Signatur i Type of ldentlficazion Produced CD,r + L Name(print) G Verification pursuant to Section.92.525, orida Statutes.Under penalties of porjmp•,I declare That 1 1-ave read the foregoing and that a facts stated in it are true to the best of my knowledge nd bellef, xo>wt�ra�.r,��� r �-� ��• i � Siynarva of NuPnrl Person SiL—z Ab— PAUL EUG11NE S7AHL, ANY COMMISSIff i N#FFD2B5&i ;°'Taro d EXPIRES JL 77,2977 (407)358.01�53r Florf/dallola t9ervlcEt.cofi � a 1 }