HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement DCBSEp#1 sMJTH,t LEi.K OF STI�iE Cll�Ctl T CDilf{:T AR R11'Pi je wkF'nJRN T(7' SAINT LOU )E(.'60NT' 1FILE-4 d09r358';&t3,!lr?QiSaEli-38.AM' OR Bt3%iK 3733 F�GE CG&3-',t+x2 CJoci:?'ype-UGC . 1t GOt�i Mfr jt,w2':ap REKN rrILFR* 6 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The imdemigned hereby given riot' that improvement tiAlt be made to certain regi propr rty,ttttd in accordatice.:n tttt:,Ch4ptcr 7I . ho fida.stattites7thelbiloWing hifortnation is provided in the.Notice.ef.commencernent I':;DI�SCItTI'TT+.iJN:�T�'ItUrx'ERTY-¢egal ticscnption:;urd strte.r:address)'>vAX;FULIO?�I[JMBE .�_...: SUBDIVISION _ i3I UCI - TRAC I I:OT IiT:DG CJNIT 2.GENERAI.DESCRIPTICEN(WROROVLCM ENT:; L e' 3.%t)WiVFIt INFORMATION: a Nntnc�C1 ,{k> i� - :` f... ` t C� }, Ble .`. Gt ; c::interest in prap ssty ti{e3i jZ b Address ._ _ . d Name and address of fd a_sttnplc titlelroidt r(tr other bran o�wmir} . °d.CONTRA&()Rl NAME,ADDRItSS ANIS PHONE NUMB9)i (f _ 5:SC3RETY= NAME,.4DURESS AND PRONE 24'UMi3I?R AND BOND AMOt7NT 1V/ 6,,LFNDF:R'SN'AMV,AI)DP SS.AND PHONE rot MBEk. fi.Pc rsans:vithi�t,tl c State of Ftorida,designated Gy{)wnr r a}ion ivharct natiCc s or.ottrc r clactiimpnts mud+be served a k provided by' Section"7'!311 {!}(a)L,F24ridtt,St�ttutes - 24Ahl1r:;ADDRESS"ANDPHQItiE�iIJ;41BER '; _ _._. 8.In aadrfion to Himself ar!terse!!;Qsuner designates..the fullawving to receive a copy of the L'senor"s Nottce:us provrded'n Sectxon 71x.13(I){ti),:Flarida:Statutes: ' NAME ADDRESS ANI)V00 'NtlMl3Eit:> _ 9.Expiration.date`of"notice of canimencement.(the expiration date is I year from the date:af.,recording;nntess a diffcrent;datc;is spccifiedj .. ;Zt} WAI2NiNG-TU OiViVEiti ANY PAYMENTS tvt DF BBY t,HP OWNER'A.Frp.R-THG EXPIRATION OF THI*`-N&ICF,_OF COMM1'tFttCEMENT, ARE(MN RFD IMPROPER PAYMENT,UNpER CC3A R?i"`t PARC'I SE4MON 713 t3 FLORIDA STATt1TES AN J'('il�t-RESULT iht'YOU PA : G TIVICI 'FCfR IMPROVEMENTS TO O PROP RTY;A NOTICE OF COMNIENCEMF'T MUST BF RF.CORi�EI)':AND OS'tI I}ON: E lOB Si BE- E`- E HAT INSPF ,ON. IF l61t'IN' ND TO tj616tN ENA'+P_ItVG CONSULT WITH YO R .LF ER N 1 RNEYIlFR FN N� G W—im-K OR RFCORi)ING` UR-NOTICF'OF COb1 r- EMENT Signature;af Owner or Print Name and-Trovide Signator N Title/O ice` Owner',s::Autltoriied Ofried:r[Director/Partner/,Nlanager State of.Tlorldia _ County.of {� The for' Ding instru ment as acknowledged before nte'this slay tiff By ` f a 11t :is { LTU (Name of_person) (Type-of authority Owner,c g.Oner officer trustee.,atfoin.y in"fact); ForQe , ' i ( (.^'�t'! AK.ti ( Imre of part}*on behnif":af wyhorh Inst mens evas executed} Personaliy'kn 6f"raduecd:t fbllounn #e¢yett}at lal- " e Dr" /" Nd14 r Ptll}ll =sfttlle fl1` • toy canto Jul t%.201r Expiro® 0t ., � t;ammittit3tt il+FF$I11768 (Printed Niitbe.of INqlary Public} (Signititure of Ncitaiy Public} %y cL,.� 11,1%t $ ;FtNGItt $tt: . Ofi4cr penalties cif perjury:r declare that I'have read:the foregoi ng,and that the facts in it Ate true ie the best crf nty''tawiedgt-and, b.ltef(ccctian 92:535.Fldrida"Stattiti s).. S natnre(s)nrOzvnec(s)'ar t3wdrer(s)',Anthtiirizcd Qr fcer`..f[Directo ll'airtnerJtYlans gervshp;signte W m B}:; BY rix.os�3a�ar;cnrr., t