HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement Dt35El�y FSMITH,Cl ERK OF AFTFI;RECORDI if; F i LtR a TO' SAINT LUCIA CUllAJ7Y THE GIRCUiT C0!!RT" rIL1=�# �0935Ft�7f3Cr�plSa 'I.t,39.Atv7 E L'O+�K'3773 ZOO Gi7r�UINV ,- PC:IthI1T'U BF.tt is NOTICE QE COMMENCEMENT The,undetsigncd ficreby g[vcn.itobcc that imptuvctnenrwill be made to cert 4 real propGrty;:;and.in accordance:>tvlth.Chapter 713; Floriria stattites tlic.;folloxing information is pre vided in the,Notice.ofCom ff encernent; I;DESCRIi' IdN:OT PR01'ER'[`Y;(Legal dcscnptton::uid.streu(address)TAX)F U1<10,N MR. . Q0 � SUBDIVISION. BLOCK TRACT T:OT B[IDG UNIT f c' , C _ z'GENERAL Dl sq N,,()F, L[� ,i- Gf G& , L?u ' 7 3.0 'NER 3 W61il lVUtiON a: b.Address106�01 5 ,{f•r c.interest in pmper[y &Nanie-afid address of fee s tnpie"titieholder:(if other titan owni r}:. 4 CONTRACTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PRONENUMBER. 16���t-e �'t�si- i"4-t- �11jLf t��l VL5.$ilRE X. NAME,ADDRESS.AND PHONE lk'UMBER ANID BOND AMOUNT Nl kLENDEW&NAME,ADDRESS AND.#HONE NUMBW.._ 7.Wm6ns tivithm thc.$tate of Flonda.designated'�y:Owner upon whom notices or othcEdnctiments muX;bc.s�ned;as provided by Section 713`'{3Florida:Stuta[es iV11i4tk;ADI?RESS,AND EHCtiVE Nt1141BER - 8,In,addttion to himself or ltecsel t C)�vner designates•the following to recei vc a copy 9Ftht Gicnor s 1�lOtICI s provided in$eLhon: 7f3.13(00,:FloridaStatutes:' NA.l!E;AI)DRGSS AND t?IRINE NUNI&Rt 9,Expiration-date'of notice of commencement(the:expiration date is I year From the date of recording uniess,a different.datc is. specified)' �p WARNtNGTO OWNER ANY-PAYmF-f4 N ADF.RY THP OWNERAizrER;THE:EXPlikxriON OF i HiF(l IYCE:Olicom, tF.NCEMEN7'. ARF CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMEN 1S UNDER CHAPTER 713.PART'T SEGITON 713 13 FLORIDA STATUTES AND CAN R ULT•. 1N YOUR PAYINvnVICH FOR IMPROVEMFNTR TD YO PR•PERTY:.A N(MCF..OF.t OhIMENCEEMFNT'MUST'BP-RECOR I�ETY:AND POS'{ b ON: FJOS 3trE QV R:E THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF`I.OU iN'rEND TO'f)TtTAI.. RNAN T46 CONSULT WnU YOUR F DbR 0 N AlfrORNFY[3ET OR:�CQ�MMIF�NCINGRK O RFC0RmNr,. UR NOTICE OF:C0fv7 li EMEN7 . Signature of Owner or Print,Name anti Provide giguatoryis Title/Offtce Owner's:_Ai tltorlied Officer/Director/ParinerlR*ger State.ofl<iori& _ ThcfoicQoino`[nsiruinen[ as=ackno�vleftedbefomme.(his. daydt' �p� ` By_ r2 rte Q5 as. [Pee- (Name of perso�n)L /�' ff�� (Type-of authority..;P.g.Owner officet,trustee.:at(oincy'in°fact), (Natne of party"on behalf of«hom ins ment Nvas executed) Personally-known_or roduced the'follgir in iy t::nf 1l?. " Sa 'Y (}E601$AN All EIfEflT OtBry Pit Stilt$el florida Iv Comm:Et<plroe cul t i',201 T. (Erintui Na rie of Vntary public}' `(Signature if Notiuy Public} ' c�oa r` Comm�51bst#Ff ti]6$ 'h„� ,�> BdndsdThra_ t►agctaty,Assn.- Under penalties of ocrjnry;:i decNre.itiat Fhave read the foregoing,and that the facts*in it are true to the best of my mowlcdg .and belief(section.92:52.5;Florida Statutes).. Signatures)of Owner(s)or Ownce(s)'AIA..... zed'OfFtcer/Director/Ps r/Manager 4h(vsigned above; Rcv.O3fJOJ_' .SRecose9uiKl ..