HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement 40sr:pws.S€U#3T 3,Ot ERiC OF,.'HE."CIR,C.VIl OOLi�? 9L 46e�.,3s o ra#,�otsatgta : t .. R8t7K`3773 P 'ty2.t3cii;3ype NQ• 5'CRtr7JT hiUM85iR' J: No`T CROV.COMMENCEMENT!' lhei undersigned hereby givert'nottce:that.irnproy6 hent°*itl be made to ct✓rtain seatprap€rty;and In rcardance 3vtth:Cisapter 713, Florida statutes Ihe;failawing't iCarntstion is provided,ifi the>N tice caminenectuent. � 1,C►ESGRIPTId?N-,41t P�tt)li'�9TY.(Legal Bost ptian and strcuraddressa"7i'r�,POLIOI�3LIMl�IEk"'�". l t��7C �C SUBDIVISION gLot'K `i'p_rS,tj l'' LUT: A p0 UNTT 2xl NERrL>a> SGR�UF.IiwPRt)VANT: •f 3.C1!t3f N €d 3ENlwQR1tiIATIQAI a Nd€ne« C I ` t�*,:, tY :'ti C f Tl� - b.Address ° I ��# 1 c interest in property 6 d,ldariae and addri�s al~fez`=s€mpl:e Cr(tf othertlran tltm€:r} � � d.-CQNTRA CT(IIz'S AIAMCE,AIDIDI2ESS ANIA PIItDN NITLII3RIt: � . •C - 5 SHR+TY'S NAME,AD DRE B0' NII AN#QUNT /V/ 1. I IFNDI;R" N 14 I:,AIDIDRF'SR AIlTI3-PHO NUAPER; ► 7;.Persans Ytlhrn tht State 6f,plori,dll.desigrtated by tlrvner upon i� om notices ar.arise r dneu n nts iituy be er ed a�provi d by Section'1'13.13 1"toridtt.Statur&A 1"vA111EsAL1D ND PH* P.Mk1BER 8,1n addition to himz t if or ttersei#;Owner designates the following to ret e)vt a copyiif the Lienar"s Mohr u us pro_vrded to Section: 713.3 ft)(b),.Florida.Statuti , NAN B AD?t}RPSS ANDD Pli(INEN]IIttREER:: '3;Exptrafion dote of�natice raEcamrtuencement(t&t:e}rpirition'date is i year from the'rla5e af;recording pniess;a`differcnt;clatr;is. specified ._ - :ZU _ WARIi iNG TO O—VNiP.-.Ai4V1" �A'Y lF, TS" liF,BY tl4P OWN R F_rP-nits'E,kplRkhON;OF THP?A4 It :QFC()m t:NCImEmr, ARE CONSIDER [}'SMPRUP.R P IYMENTS UNt7 R CHAFFER 713,PAl2`t',t SFCT2ON113 5� FL.ORIO STATUTES ANt7 GANRESLti::t'', il+}YOUR t'A GF tViCi Et ifvti'R V Ei tl S TO YOLIR..F"Ftt}i? it TY.A iV( GF i7F r lhiR7i I3t Ehh I MUST AE REt_O ADED AND: P{}STED O M- OB SITE 735_ RE'T'HE FIRST I5�',Y Oris. IF'Y INPIiND TO 6UTAN FINANdNd CQN_SUI"!`.4Y!I+ H,Yolill F N N 7 (}RivEY B (?tt MM xNGXNG Wt751iC R R. . 1)i V t1R NOT SCEyO COM 5 F�. - Signature of(Itxner tit L_ �v, titv Print N4rite and Pro-de Slguatorz's'`-I itle/dwice 0iMWS Atutif6ii7e4'O icer/Director arltter/Sianagcr Stine ofh`Dorida County of _ � . ^ 'Th Tare n ng tinstn paent as acknowledged bef4 me:this_ day a# `�•�! (Name of persaaj (Type-ref amhorit 4 g Q"er afticr r uustec,attatnay to fact} (Name cif party ori behiilf of{'itkrtn ins,, tnept:was ex�ecutcd). Parsantilly:Knasvn "roduced uhe'tallgwtn ty 1 R ,° p CtDtttn Jtd 17<a!017 r COtttrltl Eibtt Q11768 (Print ed;Itibibe,ofNotaryPublic)' '(Signature ofNotaiyPublic)_ :,,,,,�.* tia�5it8d EYSroti� t iIA#a€y Assn. tlndcr pctialtl siT.j erjnry.I deelrire.tbarl"have read the,fore x�g jmd that the fac€. in i€are.irue to-€he best:af€try quo vledge tr4cl` t of of(scetion 92.52 r,Ftorida Statzitesj:. .ignat tre(s)of Qtrter(s)of 43xvatcr(sj'.Aasiirarized€IfteerliDxrectoxiT kirtnerftVisnager aha Signed aliisve' b};. By Ste+.rt:+�3tu1.tn7;,SRernreliag