HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 7/172015 Florida Building Code:Online 77 S1,11I °^ F1,06da D�rwrtment(, BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot TopicsN Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts I Publications FBC Staff BCIS Site Map i Links Search Busines ) �. ,� .Product Approval Profiessi n�I USER:Public User Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>AppGcatlon Detail sl�a � FL# FL1435-R16 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved . *Approved by DBPR. Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer PGT Industries Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Drive Nokomis, FL 34275 (941)486-0100 Ext 22318 druark@pgtindustries.com Authorized Signature lens Rosowski jrosowski@pgtindustries.com Technical Representative Jens Rosowski Address/Phone/Email 1070 Technology Drive Nokomis, FL 34275 (941)486-0100 Ext 21140 jrosawski@pgtindustries.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory .Single Hung Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency Keystone Certifications, Inc. Validated By Steven M. Urich, PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/IS2/A440 2011 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/IS2/A440 2005 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/IS2/A440 2008 ANSI/AAMA/WDMA 101/I.S.2/NAFS 2002 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2012 ASTM E283 2004 ASTM E330 2002 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By hUps: ",jw.floridabuilding.org/prtpr_app dtl.aspx 113 7/1/2615 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 06/11/2015 Date Validated 06/16/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 06/25/2015 Summa of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 1435.1 SH -200 Aluminum Single Hung Window (Std. Meeting Rail, inc. Pass- Thru) Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1.435 R16 C CAC Certification SH2O0.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date impact Resistant:No 05/28/2016 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Installation Instructions for design FL1435 R16 II SH-200.odf pressure, size and anchorage information.The Pass-Thru Verified By: A. Lynn Miller, PE 58705 version was not tested for water infiltration. Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL1435 R16 AE SH-200 Evaluation.odf Created by Independent Third Party: No 1435.2 SH -200 ID Aluminum Single Hung Window (with HD Meeting Rail) Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1435 R16 C CAC Certification 200HD.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 01/08/2017 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Installation Instructions for design FL1435 R16 II SH-200HD.odf pressure, size and anchorage information. Verified By: A. Lynn Miller, P.E. 58705 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL1435 R16 AE SH-20OHD Evaluation.ndf Created by Independent Third Party: No 1435.3 SH -400 Vinyl Single Hung Window Limits of Use Certificatiori Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1435 R16 C CAC SH-400 Certifications.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 01/21/2017 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other. Please see the Installation Instructions for design FL1435 R16 II SH-400.odf pressure, size and anchorage information. Verified By: A. Lynn Miller, PE 58705 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL1435 R16 AE SH-400 Evaluation.odf Created by Independent Third Party: No 1435.4 SH - 500 WinGuard Vinyl Single Hung Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1435 R16 C CAC SH-500 Certification R1.4.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 08/27/2016 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Installation Instructions for design FL1435 R16 II SH-500.odf pressure, size and anchorage information. Verified By: A. Lynn'Miller, PE 58705 Created by Independent Third Party: No Evaluation Reports FL1435 R16 AE SH-500 Evaluation.odf Created by Independent Third Party: No 1435.5 SH -800 WinGuard Multistory Aluminum Single Hung Window Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL1435 R16 C CAC SH-800 Cerdfication.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 09/07/2017 Design Pressure: N/A Installation Instructions Other: Please see the Installation Instructions for design FL1435 R16 II SH-800.odf pressure, size and anchorage information. Verified By: A. Lynn Miller, P.E. 58705 Created by Independent Third Party: No r Evaluation Reports haps:,'hvvaw.floridabi ilding.org[prlpr_app dtl.aspx 213 IMPACT RESISTAiff GENERAL NOTES r �� ANCt10fl.LOCATIONS&$F?AClt1G 1)THE ANCHORAGE METHODS SHOWN HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO COMPLY WITH THE FLORIDAZU.ILOING-CODE FOR THE DESIGN PRE59URES-LISTED, _ 2)WOOD SUCKS'DEPICTED AS IX ARE LESS THAN'140 THICK'1X WOOD ADD'1 ANCHOR I ...52.118`MAX.BUCK BUCKS ARE OPTIONAL,IFUNITISINSTALLEDDIRECTLY ToSOLID: AT MID-SPAN- { pp CONCRETE.WOOD BUCKS DEPICTED AS 2X ARE 1.112'THICK OR. C'^ 52-118"MAX BUCK' MAX FOR WW>32° I I+-- 6"MAX. Myj(• -GREATER,ATTACHMENT METHOD OF WQOO$UCKS SNALL'.BE DOPE BY 4-118"MAX ` OTHERS. yL. _tea 8)SEE TA13LE FOR MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE,FROM CENTER OF ANCHOR �____.__..�.w iI� 1p"MAX. -�. _•^ TO.SUBSTRATE EDGE(EXCLUDING FINISH OR STUCCO) �^ 4)SHIM EACH ANCHOR LOCATION WHERE,THE PRODUCT IS NOT FLUSH TO THESUBSTRATEUSING SHIMS CAPABLE OFTRANSFERRINGAPPLIEO """ f .. ' LOADS: -- /� MAX. ' 6)ANCHORS SHALL 90 COATED OR CORROSION RESISTANT AS: i:—_,..--•. . f MAX.. ,If. APPROPRIATE FOR SUBSTRATE MATERIAL,DISSIMILAR MATERIALS SHALL 'f BE PROTECTED AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT REACTIONS.'ALUMINUM SHALL 12 75" BE PROTECTED FROM DISSIMILAR MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED IN THE MIAX I FLORIDA BOILDING CODE. MAX, BUCK. , 6)ADHESiVESEALANT:sHALLSE,USEDBETWEENSUBSTRATE•ANff FLANGEORFIR OVERALL SEAL1NGIFLASHINGSTRATEGY FORWATER RESISTANCE OF INSTALLATION SHALL BEDONE BY OTHERS.' ,75". _ � MAX � J 7)MATERIALS USED.FOR ANCHOR EVALUATIONS WERE SOUTHERN PINE, MAX. 2.7 KSI CONCRETE AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS COMPLYING WITH BUCK f :'•NSTM,C•90:GLAZING COMPLIES WITH ASTM E1390. ----�- ) I 8)THE 113 STRESS:INCREASE WAS NOT USED IN THIS ANCHOR € -- 6"M/UC. EVALUATION.TNE 1:8 LOAD DURATION FACTOR WAS USED FORTHE __.•_ EVALUATION OF WOODSCREV{S:, ' 4-118"MAX. '9)IF,THE EXACT PRODUCT;SIZE IS NOT LISTED INTHETABLES,ALWAYS FLANGE S EQUAL.LEG:FRAA1£ ROUND UP TO THE NEXTLARGER LARGER VALUE FIN FLAME, TABLE VFIN 8..FLANGEWINDOWS ,..__ TABLE 2:FLANGE WINDOWS TABLE 3.FIN WINDOWS. Buck5lte Desi n Pressura Certificrtii n n.ECVa Mo. TeStReparfs. .. .Min,Edge Min. �AncN,Type� 'Substrde Mi Anchor Type Subslraie Dist ' Embe Invent Dint. `Embcvm�IT d(.:.s... -1 1 va'x;1'S erg 1-7116, 60 70 190-23L 477" FTL-571].5725 Wood(Swinem Phm) 7118- 1318 Wood(Sovhem Pino) ... _ •Roofm{r Nail 'StedStud,Gr33 318" ' ,812" 45(18GA) 2.1x.131" F{lOSteel SMS yJood(Sau4hOmPMa) 3(8 2:7116" AI . "..,,.. minum-6063 318 115 f Steel,A36 T5 3!6' 1!8 2 Pan ad Wood(SOUIbUfn Plne) 9115' 1.318" u 5116'LAMI GLASS NOMINAL 13J7fi`Masomy: Comm.Colierete t 1379 tres 1f8"ANNEALED' rr18 ad bVaad(Sauthem P :) 7h6' 090'DUPONT.,4I � GL'ASS A"t7°r HwlavcMV 2 trz lar4" scow: M NT A� h PVB,INT€RLAYER. I �t N6TE a[f&DefAELA1:Sl9«o1RATE5r5CAENF3Aa Bt10.L1aEf 74:rEAPS' I 'I'^� AIRSPACE ©EYOMR IHS`bE FACE.QP A1ATVRIAL 118 ANNEALED t ' .:.:GLASS '' ,;118" ANNEALED . ..-r.� r.-. .+ 5 . ! .}aLRs tfXlIMWp0.TIA4.ai : RIGID VINYL ++FttxmrrA•araum'Fxm'xnaar ��� .RO 5101 3125+11 rasrao�uoca.mvmmrxernu. J�fSOWww: 8 a.ao-.; aov mw nvm m.�".axrtxrart:xs,tw- NOhA. _.. Agra• . "107e TEDtlhOLOf,Y DRIVE' - - DOW 1100- F NOKOMIS FL 31275 T"' ` SILICONE. ;` FL CERT OF AUTO xv198. SINGLE HUNG INSTALLATION A.Lynn Miller,P.E. a4 P.E.#58785 'SH s0U' .NTS 1_pf,4.. z032511.IR. 7NSTALLATION'WITH FLANGE FRAME .(FiN RE1dOVE0� + .EDGE 6STANCE 1 EDGE (� 1 DISTANCE I 7` y STIBSTRATE ...... �_-__.-.. f SLJBSTR¢r7E•j EMBEDMENT. EXTERIOR .k y" / EMBEDMENT Sr £ EXTERIOR . EXTERIOR SHIM" . FLANGE FRAME, -I JAM INT„(1lU)TIQN 3-914" — {DI. TLY'TO.SUBSTRATE) j .FLRNGEFRaME, fLANGErRAME. l` !#EADiNSTALLATION HEADINSTALLATION DIRECTLY Td SUBSTRATE) (USWG IX SUCKSTRIP) EXTERIOR EXrERIOR: .. i� EXTERIOR:. NO - .'NO. ANCHORS. ' ANCHORS. 'REQUIRED ' REQUIRED r� BSTTfi TX. SHIM WOOD C7 t-.• FLANGE FRAME o SHIM.1 r �/,. SHIM1✓ jl�.�_ JAMBINSTALLATIOlJ fI —f �j°--�• -1'�� tx woo SuesYizArE d j 6 (Qj ^ FLANGEFRAME;.. I @ST7E �f SILL INSTALLATION 1 >....___�.-_f (DIRECiLY;T.OSUBSTRATE) FLlUJGEFRAh1EF SILLINSTALLATIONo.ac +�.+� narau�ulMnrKarvcws!rataru�rta (USING•1XSUCKSTRIP.) J.ROSOWSKI 0312Srll-j. RIGID VINYL, ^as dsLn oronravnK ,' '' :.: RAV:/w9WY6EfF.J/pT!$RCPR2IIM .. ': ....,. -. — ANI'RMNIM•iM7U7?`+F6TP6•sSF:>P>41Y$RN. - LC9fStgn'W1C(18U4IRG7.. - INSTALLATION NOTES: 1070.7ECHNOLOGYORNE -- 1)SEE SHEET t FOR SPACING REQUIREI.IENTS: NOKOMIS,FL 34275 TA" 2)SEE TABLE2.FOR ANCHORAGE AND SUBSTRATE REQUIREMENTS, FLCERT.OrAUTH.i20206 -:SINGLE HUNG INSTALLATION 3)M4 SHIM THICKNESS TO BE W, {};ANCHORS'HEAL1'TYPE,htAYDIFFER FROMSH64VN..,: A:Lynn Mllter,P,r, s...+ha.e 4 s 2 �` a V58705' SGi•500 hfTS 0f 20325t:1JR. INSTALLATION WITH EQUAL LEO FRA ME - -- (FINAND FLANGE REMOVE EDGE DISTANCE�i�' EDGE I BsJ-mTF�i DISTANCE I -;( , e SjJBSTRI�TE EMBEDMENT ` �f F F � �.F,y EXTERIOR EMBED MENT ,F < � 1X WOODSHI . f �� e��t,AAw•� i ., . SHIM TE .Y - ! EXTRIOR.' EXTERIOR t EQUAL LEG FRAME,, JAMB,INST�ILATION. ..., ., (DIRECTLY70SUBSTRATE) °HEADiwSTALLATION.. EOUA3_LEG FRM4E,: ,(DIRECTLY TO SUOSTRATE)` HE;40INSTALlATION (USING 1X 13UCKSTRIP). EXTERIOR. a NO y\ 1! NO ANCHORS ANCHORS r REQUIRED REQUIRED (� J SUBS RAT> '' SHIM WOOD EQUAL tEG FftAtdE; "'` ' ' 1_7 - JAIdB INSTALIRTIOtd 1_ r SHIM / %J x �f `yl (USING 1X BUCKSTRIP) k / ix WooD i SuBSTRAT° EQUAL LEG FRAME.Y I.SUBSTt TE r $ILL6NSTALIATION ....,.._.._:,•..,.,__......r.... _..,.. _�...! , (DIRECTLY:TO SUBSTRATE). 'EQUAL LEG FRAME.. ' : 81LL1NSTALLATIOPI aTTM9< ae. .. wit ncwzvw{�ntawurrnaucvu�a (USING JX BUCKSTRIP) J.ROSO WSKI 09,7.5111 RIGID VINYL. �Mt(eip°s:�TMw.Ablxnrgvtl�nla . LkY,'• 'IL..LIYte oR1atN7N4r(l4ffGA7Rl+� ri INSTALLATION NOTES: 107(ITECtINOLOGYDRUVE 1)SEE SHE£T1 FOR SPACING REQUIREMENTS: -NOKOMIS,FL 34275 2)SEE TABLG2FOR ANC140RAGEAND SUBSTRATE REQUIREMENTS. ,mCERI OFAUTH.a29296 SINGLE HUNG INSTALLATION 3yMAX rSHIM,THICKNESS TOBEJX y,µ�; .. rr.�• wt mnworan H+ 4 ANCHOR&HEADWEMAYDIFFE7jFROMSHOWN,._ A.LynnfAltlr:;'p.E. s7tls20325Tidk SH"500 NTS.. 3 of-4 INSTALLATION WIl'N FIN-FRAME EDGE 1 SU§STRAJS DISTANCE. ', / l �/ i ExTHRIOR 0. OPTIONAL .EDGE n�--� FLANGE DISTANCE L�� �- �; OPTIONAL. I FLANGE t. ExT RIOR FIN FRAtiE;; , HEADINSTALLAT10N L o at 5 _ -:_ F1N FRAME, "JAMB 1*LSTALL1tTIQN. ,SUBSTRATE SIi1M ..OPTIONAL" FLANGE f FIN FFUIML� s'_r . SILL INSTAIy,�IATION' `- ' ' rtrtrscww..'wtaTK mrppyo;ncpm J.ROSow SKI'. 03125;11 RIGIDVINYI. nnrnir :u IIOWId ANY.lN PIX1 KW# RZ :. . LrXta[3e7wrb`�tEeDDeM.x+LV.itrvti . A�YFaYW?fiPlt7�QF1U2'SSSIIY.rGJJ1A` . .. !E`A'95.'P'�0^W1M1Ayt47kC3. I1,19TA;.LATION NOTES., o 1)SEE SHEET 1FOR SPACING REQUIREMENTS. 1a7NOKO IS,FL 4275 2)SEE TABLE 3 FOR ANCHORAGE AND.SUBSTPATE REQUIREMENTS.. t.RT,0 s;U 3.275 r1 cCnT.oFAuTH: rat, SINGLE.HUNG INSTALLATION 3)blAX:SHIT I THICKNESS?Q BE'iW`; ria w � 3v a a.rm 25YfJR n. " A.lynn AIiiMiller,P E. P.E.0587AS SH-500. MTS A wf A 203