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r ® O GAL DESCRIMON: ��APUNDARY SURVEY ' PROPERTY ADD SS: T 12,BLOCK 9,RIVER PARK UNIT ONE,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT ThelpF,AST-, s . O n `o 212 OAKLANE ECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 10,PAGE 69,OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF S c > PORT ST.LUCIE,FL 349 p.o r'1C. .UNTY,FLORIDA. f�� 06CL m SURVEYNUMBER 2418 I ( OMMUNITYNUMBER:120287 Z - ANEL:0280 SUFFIX.J FOUND 1/2" g o4. o / OODZONE.X IRON PIPE@ LL �� L91 IELD WORK 11-04-2015 / RADIUS POINT Lu U�l� c. c Z C►3 .) FOUND IRON � ON ROD \ D F3 c j r "}. �; LOT 11 ��.�.�asp /�O� ` O ¢ LL BLOCK 9 Py aLL < �m FOUND 5/8" �. �� w E N C0 o vs FOUND 314" `Q z z z >diciz w_ IRON ROD Q��.�,2j z $W o a LL o c� IRON PIPE p 'E a w a Cr a65� �9v'8o a a LOT 18 COVERED N ca BLOCK 9 ^ OQpzo00 0a,� o � co ITY ' t J Q i 2 o y w FOUN 1!2° ao�vSa IRO RD CAP \ �� �$p �s� �n�56`� z cr L = I.D. 7 5 \ O `5�1�' �s000 y� LOT 12 s a EU o BLOCK 9 _ W "R W' - car o` LOT 13 ka o ¢ � p\ 02 FOUND 1/2" BLOCK 9 @ w BLOCK LOT 9 I Uv�) IRON PIPE Q Po 0 629 16 Q2 �� 20 0 10 20 FOUND 4°X4° N CONCRETE MONUMENTg FOUND 4"x4° @ BLOCK CORNER s� h LOT 14 GRAPHIC SCALE (In Feet) MONUMENT CONCRETE BLOCK 9 I inch = 20 ft. g o q DESTF877LW 0 GENERAL NOTES ns) tOpreEkvOuS+TrsEsnHaPOVPoAaTEOFErlAr2A2�mnA2) MRE4SOUSOROI?ffREQHF0"AMNOr&( aynERAT. $) MGWMOONS[` �tsc�u+utssOnmmzsEsiroisu (0.� F 7NW 0R0p0?A OVHVEMSWFRFN7rL=7En 0) E]EYA77LNSffSfIOWNAREBISEDL617WNQ.VA(N7ESSOTI&7OM175ENOIFD. � 4) wAUDESARETOAIEFACEOF YL'VL NOT70 LEUS Mff0OWMUCT8aM WYLWES 0) BEWA'CSSR6tFeX0TOLMMIMASBR 1J GAaYViq Ea&,"a.SM LOG47ID. PAGE IOF1 W) W60A(EWrAnY;E'S GVMGR�vranLwHAVESMVWSSVArm IOUORECLMYALWM1EMA770VMVBEIKWPMSM.V. _ A?ROM MSAWMIOTLAIM NAUCASFADMOMMS.WUCWMa7NELOC47MCF7NEBO7iOV&MMOYMSMOPOSINWAS AAO AIR CONWIDAffR D.E FASE1mvr LEGEND: V W SA BMWRLFEMCE N AY MOGELEMARON F.P.K F0UWPARWl?4UaVAWL FR FOCNDAWL P0. PAGE P.CC.FW0FC0MPOLINDCURVAIURB WAL WATMMETFA R"L Q B.N. BENCHMARK A CZVTRALANMXMTA (fA) FODUEASURM LAZE LANASGNEARMHVAAYEEASLMEM' NAD NA26DW P.C.P. F6VA4NWC0NIRCYFOLNT P.0 P0Nr0FCLWVATURE PoW RIGHTOFWAY 2�7 kJcafiEum CAL CONCRETEMONUMT F.F. FN/SHFDROOR FCM FOUADCAVCRE7 UMAIEM ALR AWRAOIAL PRM PERF AEVFR6ERFBCEM0NUW0ff PRC "ff0FREVEMCVRVE RP. RAM PoIM CALCUA70 BB. DaVBOOK FIR. FONJDOKLVP7PE F.LR FOWfl ONROD ALTA NOMSCUE (P) PLAT F.r. POMOFTANGMY SIR SETIRONR�6G1P N CABLER75FR D. 1!0 GEED Fa. FOUND L LINGTN OR OFFLCLALRECORDS P.8 FEATS= PIP. POMPOLE TEL M�IWME DJRES w� CB rATCHWIN ESMT ® RM LAE UA90AMEW6ASMSYT CHl. OVFRH ADUM P.08 POAlrOFSEGNNIN0 a PROPMYCMER LNAL 76YPoRMYB[Ndlb4WK D.K DRU HOLE EQW W.0 WMESS COMS? MRAW&ME aRR CFFJ L SBOLY( Po-a Pwr0FCawEPCEMFPrT zaF ROLlSOW3ww6gSEMEVT TOLL TOPOFSAAW 'R RAM CH AE ANCHOREASSWWT CMM COVERLDAREA cavatETE 0q- Howmm -,CCK AMALFEWE _ OF UIlUTYFASEMHVr F'F' L E- ou*�� I COPY October tr.,20'13 " Alex Mart ng Superior 54ieds,rw_- . MZS S.Voksia Ave Orange City,R.3U0 EtE:Manufacturer Chi=tion,M MF'-'L I3; Wiratior.Dale:October 14,2015 Dear Ali Martans it is my pteamm to inform you that Superior Sheds,Inr-,located at:323 S.Volusia Ave,Orange Citic,FL 32763,has been approved under the Manufactured B611 clings Program,as provided for under Chapter 353,Fart i, Florida Statutes,to manufacture Storage Sheds",Manufactured Buildings for installation in Florida. _ t Construction or mod-ification on a mariufactiiad building cannot begin untl the Third Par,Agency has appravedthe plarL fn amrdance wXth the current Florida Building Cade:. Your Third Party-_ Agency,is•a contiacmr for the Deparurient and has statuirory authority and responsi'btUties that , must be met tornahitain apprcy%W status.You may expect and demand quality plans review and lnspections. Each Cade change will make your pians obsolete u17131 they have been reviewed,approved and indicated Can the cover page of the plans]far compliance with the Code by your-Third.Pary Agency for plans review.Please ensure that your plans are in comptfanco and are property posted on our weosii -All snit related installation issue;ar subject to ifie local-authority having jurisdiction. Th he Department.'s con�ctor r�ilf pria€o=unannounced mont7rina visite at least once each year. You must grant compiate acs to your manufacturing facility and records to ra-naln,in coripri:rice with tse rules and regulations of this program, Your ca-an cation-is approv-ed f5r t;ira-e.yeears from thl.=_date-'tau will receive a renewal notice-by l<mcfE ge=zeratad by the oCS N'n'r.3aridiuitcGne-ora)far online re-iesa€.U you iia v:questions r�u rney contact Ratter Laremo at 850-7!77-1835 or our FAa at GM-4i4-8436: _ ?f 5c VEit gLtr wai3sitc ct S+f 7�-ziorsdaQ±nIdina.o a t,s able inrumt3aon on ne Florida Mariuttctu red BultdEngs Prograrl. 'A cOP`f aFtaLia_�r •mlis=-CC`r?i-paany$top ica-z*Jns lar lCC-t buildng Perm, Since.ciy; �+ �C' .ober Lor-erzo i$ad Za'-cc-�rrs BuiL=tncs Grog �F�nr leomtra'I� §y�i P� �?� � � a•g: os�..a•nm. wm o �,a•po. v.w oxo 4..IwNn4 ��p� �n q } n F ©© Z a g TiR' ' ' alow p � w E ''•t � K � � � a•®..�..I.I � F rpN.l ` pra , dA •9� "e! � E 3 ? �� � �Rg 9.�R•. TM "H igp N} p a • as� E ��gg. 66fl � a pg]Y • loll, ® N G y, Yw e g iPNPL V w3i q pp,M1 C g 99 ii Fit-a I MR IV.H.. n,J. 111.1 Z gg �bb5 ' Y MM. y yy$gY $R2 ! �$ fl6;�bir"�'���$2 �. a � ids F.° � 3t$6 � �� e spFE�Big I'mgXgp11 €.6s1iED ae �� o s g 6F �gG A3 L T t ` c: 1 rt 64� pg � 9�� S WA .ate •• �: � � R��� a. �' � •� a E a �' �"Pt� �!•��, a • 1 e �bw,� .�.� � � � � R � �ILII•'- �� 9�� �� �� p 36 a p ':;IOAV1WRClEATONENOINEEftINO,INC. apPplpinBMp9ip1C �i • 4 .SS,:iC h TON ENGINE leo �pwNVWWw. g ea�+�wm.mn uHw on,roN.mw eu+mpwroermu pppt$�y R{ gpag o-„•- NN.numi ocvpswm 93�e/!� .� �� � ••..w.a.n.a,m,,, 1I 11 i • � _II p IP