HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval �F x3i A STARTER all NGLE ROLL n FOR EAVE & RAKE EDGE ]NNQYAflONS,FQR LIVING"` , r A _i cue — P PI iWS, 001, IT ;I{s{; _ t _ I ,I. " P{ 3 , r •'tea..-. _ f+ �'- :3 , � cr ,• I 1A MZ �}-ba,:.:. ...w;ei a,<..a f",3x�w .,✓Lt.�3i ._.. r Cut Time—Not Tabs The Starter Shingle Roll advantages` Introducing Starter Shingle Roll from Owens Corning, • Biminates time-consuming tab cutting or the largest manufacturer of world-class roofing materials. shingle flopping This product eliminates the need for cutting shingle • Comes in handy individual rolls,measuring tabs or inverting them to create a starter row.So you 7.2" x 334" save time. • Easy peel-and-stick application • Requires no special tools,hardware or training Easy Application • Compatible with the 0 akridge°PRO Series, Application is a snap too.Simply apply a single course of W eatherGuard°H P, Prominence',' Supreme° Starter Shingle Roll along a clean,dry and smooth eave and Classic°mingles line or rake edge,after removing the release sheet.Apply the Starter Shingle Poll directly onto the WeatherLoce under layment or a layer of felt.Once it is pressed into place,you're ready to begin shingling.(See application instructions on back.) r.f a ' STARTER SHINGLE ROLL APPLICATION I NSTRUCTI ONS Before installing this product,check Fig. 1 Apply to eave Precautionary Note: roofing manufacturer's application The manufacturer will not be instructions and local building codes responsible for problems resulting for their roofing requirements. Drip edge from any deviation from the recom- Starter Shingle Roll: mended applfcation instructions and Sealant strip the following precautions: 1.F�veApplication:Align Starter 9 Shingle Roll with eave edge,granular Storage: Store this product in a dry, side up with the seal strip closest to 0 well-ventilated area and stand upright the outer edge of the roof.Remove Do not store for extended periods the release backer and press or roll waIfline over 90°F(320C). Starter Shingle Roll to assure full Nails must be corrosion-resistant, adhesion to the underlayment. �e Frg 1 31- or 12-gauge,with heads at least /s" in diameter. 2.Rake Application: Install drip edge Fig. 2 Apply to rake Staples must be 16-gauge minimum, first,then apply Starter Shingle Roll 15/16" minimum crown width and suffi- with sealant strip closest to the cient length to penetrate 3/4" into outer edge of roof.Remove the Drip edge wood decking or through APA-rated release backer and press or roll roof sheathing.Staples are to be Starter Shingle Roll to assure full Sealant strip corrosion protected. adhesion to the underlayment. See Fig 2 All Fasteners must penetrate at least 3.If nailing is necessary,install nails 3/a' into the wood deck or completel,. through plywood sheathing. within 1" of the top edge of Starter Wall line Shingle Roll. the use of nails as the Notice:Owens Corningrecommend referred 4.Apply shingles once Starter Shingle method of attaching shingles to woo( Roll is installed.Apply shingles according to the shingle manufac- decking or other nailable surface. turer's instructions. ! CAUTION ! R00 F SURFACE MAY BE SLIPPERY: Especially when wet or icy. Butadiene Fblymer CAS#9003-55-8,Proprietary ingredient,Fblyme Use a fall protection system when installing:Wear rubber-soled Film.Repeated skin contact with petroleum oil in rubberized asphalt shoes.Walk with care. may increase risk of skin cancer.Avoid prolonged or repeated contac FALLIN G HAZARD: Secure area below work and materials on with skin.Eye contact with resdue on hands may cause irritation. roof.Wear a hardhat. For more health and physical information,consult your employer WARN IN G:This product contains a chemical known to the or the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available free from your dealer or by writing:Owens Corning World Headquarters,ATTN: State of California to cause cancer. Product Stewardship,0 ne Owens Corning Parkway,Toledo,Ohio CAUTION: May cause slight irritation.Contains Asphalt 43659;or calling:1-419-248-8234.If you have a fax machine you can CAS#8052-42-4,Fbtroleum Oil CAS#64742-04-7,Styrene also obtain a copy of the MSDS by calling 1-800-241-MSDS. OWENS CORNING WORLD HEADQUARTERS ONEOWENS CORNING PARKWAY ® TOL®O,OHIO,USA 43659 __ _.. INNOYATIONSFOR IIYING'www.owenscorning.com 1-800-GET-PINK Printed in U.S.A.March 2004.THE PINK PANTHffi-&©1964-2004 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc.All Rghts Reserved.The color 4 41, k F GRACE TRI-F /EX® High performance roofing underlayment Grace Tri-Flex`'is a high performance water- Product Description shedding underlayment, designed to overcome the shortcomings of traditional Grace Tri-Flex is a high strength woven roofing felt. It is stronger than No. 30 felt and synthetic roofing underlayment coated with a withstands high wind conditions; it is lighter layer of UV stabilized polyolefin.This than No. 30 felt and covers more area. composition creates a tough,weather-resistant The product is mechanically attached to the membrane that has been proven under some roof and can be used alone or in conjunction of the harshest conditions in North America. with Grace-self-adhered underlayments. Grace Tri-Flex is available in 10 sq rolls Grace Tri-Flex provides a stable base for the (48 in. wide x 250 ft long). application of mechanically-attached roof coverings and serves as a secondary water Features & Benefits shed to help prevent leaks if water penetrates Below are some of the major benefits of the primary roof covering. The product may Grace Tri-Flex compared to conventional also be used to temporarily"dry in"the No. 30 roofing felt: structure for a period of 6 months before the roof construction is finished or if the primary It's lighter and covers more area— roof coverings become damaged. 10 times lighter per ftz with nearly 5 times the Grace Tri-Flex is suitable for application as coverage of 30 lb felt part of all major roof systems. It's stronger—Grace Tri-Flex is 20 times stronger than felt and won't tear away from nails even in high winds. Product Advantages " • Lighter and covers more area • Stronger . • More durable • Slip resistant under wet conditions o Suitable for use under all major roof coverings ® Facilitates faster and easier installation s- • 25 Year Warranty I£'s more durable—Grace Tri-Flex can be InstallationUgC���IrI�S ` left exposed for up to 6 months. It doesn't dry out or rot at high temperatures. It doesn't l. The roof deck must be swept clean and be crack or become brittle at low temperatures. smooth and dry before installation begins. It's slip resistant—Grace Tri-Flex is formu- 2. Grace Tri-Flex is laid horizontally lated for excellent skid-resistance even in wet (parallel to eave), starting at the bottom of conditions. the roof,with printed side up and with 4-inch side laps and 6-inch end laps. Suitable for use under all major roof Side laps run with the flow of water in a coverings—Grace Tri-Flex can be used under shingling manner. shingles, tiles, slate,metal and cedar shakes. 3. Grace Tri-Flex should not be used at Refer to subsequent sections for more details. slopes less than 2:12, provided the slope Facilitates faster and easier installation— is also acceptable to the primary roofcovering. On slopes of less than 3:12, The lighter rolls make the one-person Grace Tri-Flex should be half-lapped a full application fast and easy. It also means fewer trips up the ladder and lower labor costs. ' shingle inches over the underlying course, shingle style. Grace technical support—Grace Tri-Flex is 4. Grace Tri-Flex is attached to the roof with backed by a team of local technical support roofing nails or staples both having 1-inch personnel that help ensure every application diameter plastic/metal caps or other goes smoothly. fasteners approved by Grace, spaced at 8 inches on center(oc) on both side and end laps in non-nal wind zones. In high wind zones or coastal applications, double the fastening to 4 inches oc. In all cases fasten at 24 inches oc down the middle of the oll in the field of the roof. Capped nails and staples may be hand or machine applied. Nails or staples without caps cannot be used. Used only capped nails or capped staples. i Lay with a minimum 6 inches end lap. Use a 4 inch side lap. Follow printed �. guidelines for easy installation. Fasten at 24 inches oc in the middle of the roll. r 5�Where seams or joints require sealant or 9. Prior to loading roofing materials on adhesive,use a high quality, low solvent, Grace Tri-Flex it is recommended that asbestos free plastic roofing cement roof jacks,toe-boards or a storage meeting ASTM D4586 Type 1, Federal platform be secured to the underlying roof Spec SS-153 Type 1 (Asbestos Free). deck to prevent slippage of stored materi- Consult your local Grace representative als on steep sloped roofs. See OSHA for more deta Is. Regulations (Standards—29 CFR),Fall 6. Install drip edge at eaves under underlay- Pri9tection Systems Criteria and Practices ment and at rake over underlayment. — 1926.502. 7. Installation of the roof covering can 10.Check local building code to ensure proceed immediately following underlay- compliance in your area, as local building anent application. Grace Tri-Flex cannot codes may vary. be used as a primary roof covering. Code Approvals The product is not designed for pennanent outdoor exposure. The installation of the • ICC-ES ESR 2926 final roof covering should take place • Miami-Dade County,FL Notice of within 6 months. Acceptance No.10-0720.05 8. For additional protection lay a single • Complies with ASTM E108/UL 790 for length of Grace Tri-Flex vertically in use in the installation of Class A asphalt valleys and on hips prior to installing glass fiber mat shingles and Class C metal flashings (if used)and before asphalt organic felt or metal shingles installing horizontal underlayment. Return Grace Tri-Flex up all abutments at least Meets ASTM D226 physical requirements 12 inches (more in heavy snow areas). as Type I and Type II(No. 15 and No. 30 Secure and trim to suit. as halt felt) Product Data 10 sq Roll Roll length 250 ft(76.2 m) Roll width 48 in (1.05 m) Roll size 1,000 ft2(92.9M2) Roll weight 28 lbs(12.7 kg) Rolls per pallet 30 Performance Properties Property Grace Tri-Flex Test Method Color Black Weight 28 lbs(10 sq roll) Tear strength MD 58 lbs;CD 77 lbs ASTM D4533 Accelerated aging Pass(no damage, cracking, chipping) ICC-ES AC48 Ultraviolet resistance Pass(no peeling, chipping,cracking,flaking) ICC-ES AC48 Water ponding Pass(no percolation) ASTM D779 Pliability Pass(no cracks) ASTM D226 Water transmission Pass ASTM D4869 Tensile strength MD 96 lbs; CD 116 lbs ASTM D828 Thickness 7 mils ASTM D3767 Precautions and Limitations • Provide proper roof insulation and ' kventilation to help reduce ice dams and to Consistent with good roofing practice, minimize condensation. always wear fall protection when working . Repair holes, fishmouths, tears and on a roof deck. da:iage to product. Grace Tri-Flex does • Slippery when wet or covered by frost, not self-seal open fastener penetrations. debris or dust. • Use nails and staples ONLY with plastic • Do not fold over the roof edge unless the or metal caps. edge is protected by a drip edge, gutter or Do not install fasteners through the other flashing material. product over unsupported areas of the • Check with the manufacturer of the metal structural deck, such as over the joints roofing system for any special requirements between adjacent structural panels. when used under metal roofing. Do not Do not stretch Grace Tri-Flex during install directly under roof coverings installation. The product should be pulled especially sensitive to corrosion, such as, taut, but should not be stretched. zinc,without providing proper ventilation. • Do not install under copper, Cor-Ten', or zinc metal roofing in high altitudes or in the desert southwest. These roofs can reach extremely high temperatures due to the low reflectivity,high absorption, and high conductivity of the metals. www.graceconstruction.c® For technical assistance call toll free at 866-333-3SBM (3726) Grace Tri-Flex,Grace Ice&Water Shield and Basik are registered trademarks of W.R.Grace&Co.—Conn. Cor-Ten is a registered trademark assigned to USX Corporation. We hope the information here will be helpful.It is based on data and knowledge considered to be true and accurate and is offered for the users'consideration,investigation and verification,but we do not warrant the results to be obtained.Please read all statements,recommendations or suggestions in conjunction with our conditions of sale,which apply to all goods supplied by us.No statement,recommendation or suggestion is intended for any use which would infringe any patent or copyright. W.R.Grace&Co.—Conn.,62 Whittemore Avenue,Cambridge,MA 02140. In Canada,Grace Canada,Inc.,294 Clements Road,West,Ajax,Ontario,Canada L1S 3C6. This product may be covered by patents or patents pending. Copyright 2012.W.R.Grace&Co.—Conn. UL-146E Printed in U.S.A. 07/12 FA/PDF GRAC Application Instructions Instrucciones de aplicaci6n Before installing this product,check local building codes for Antes de colocar este producto,verifique los c6digos their roofing requirements. locales de construction para conocer los requisitos de These shingles are designed for new or re-roofing work su techo. over any properly built and supported wood roof deck Estas tejas han sido disefiadas para la construcci6n de having adequate nail holding capacity and a smooth techos nuevos o el arreglo de techos existentes sobre surface.Check local building codes. plataformas de madera correctamente construidas y que poseen una capacidad de sujeci6n de clavos y una Precautionary Note: superficie lisa.Consulte los c6digos de construcci6n locales. The manufacturer will not be responsible for problems Aviso importance: resulting from any deviation from the recommended application instructions and the following precautions: EI fabricante no se hares responsible por los problemas Roof Top Loading:Lay shingle bundles flat.Do not bend over quesurjan como.consecuencia de no seguir exactamente the ridge. las instrucciones de instalaci6n recomendadas y de los Roof Deck:•6"Maximum roof deck boards•Minimum 3/e" siguientes avisos importantes: plywood•Minimum 7/16"OSB Carga sabre los techos:Coloque los paquetes de tejas de manera plana sobre el techo.No los doble sobre la cumbrera. Regardless of deck type used,the roofing installer must Plataforma del techo:•Tablas de la plataforma del techo 1.Install the deck material in strict compliance with the deck de 6 pulg.de mAximo•'/e pulg.Como minimo de Madera triplay manufacturers instructions. •'/,6 pulg.Como minimo para paneles de fibra orientada 2.Prevent the deck from getting wet before,during and after Cualquiera que sea el tipo de superficie utilizada,el instalador del installation. techo debe: Ventilation:Must meet or exceed FHA Minimum Property 1.Instalar el,material de la plataforma siguiendo estrictamente las Standards. instrucciones del fabricante. Handling:Use extra care in handling shingles when the 2.Evitar que la plataforma se moje antes,durante y despu6s de temperature is below 40°F. la instalaci6n. Storage:Store in a covered ventilated area at a maximum Ventilaci6n:Debe cumplir o exceder las normas minimas para temperature of I I WE Bundles should be stacked flat Protect propiedades,establecidas por el FHA. shingles from weather when stored at the job site.Do not store near steam pipes,radiators,etc. Uso:Tenga mucho cuidado al usar y colocar las tejas cuando la Fastener requirement:Use galvanized steel,stainless steel,or temperatura sea inferior a los 40°F. aluminum nails minimum 12 gauge shank with W diameter head. Almacenamiento:Almacene en un area cubierta y ventilada a Owens Corning Roofing recommends that fasteners comply with una temperatura que no sobrepase los 110°F/43°C.Almacenar ASTM F 1667.Chegk local building codes. en forma plana.Proteja las tejas del clima cuando las afmacene en el lugar de trabajo.No las almacene cerca de tuberias de vapor, radiadores,etc. Properly Driven Improperly Driven Requisito de sujetador:Use clavos de aceto galvanizado,aceto tn8 a" Shingle inoxidable o de aluminio,de calibre 12 tomo minima,con un diametro de cabeza de%pulg.Owens Corning Roofing recomienda �/4. que los sujetadores cumplan con la norma ASTM F 1667.Consufte 3/4'min. Decking J los c6digos de construcci6n locales. All Fasteners must penetrate at least 1/4"into the wood deck or Bien colowdo Mal colocado completely through sheathing. 1n pulg. pulg. 1 Q,idiametro min. T�a 3/g Notice:Owens Corning Roofing recommends the use of nails as the preferred method of attaching shingles to wood va ul. ftrP decking or other nailable surface. 3/4pulg.min. p g Entablonado Todos los sujetadores deben penetrar al menos'/,pulg.en la plataforma del techo de Madera o atravesar completamente los revestimientos de madera triplay. Aviso:Owens Corning Roofing recomienda el use de clavos tomo m6todo preferido para fijar tejas a superficies de madera u otras superficies aptas para clavos. CAUTION CUIDADO ROOF SURFACE MAY BE SLIPPERY:Especially when wet or icy. ELTECHO PUEDE ESTAR RESBALOSO:Especialmente cuando Use a fall protection system when installing.Wear rubber soled shoes. esti moiado o cubierto de hielo.A]realizar la instalaci6n,utilice un sistema Walk with rare. de protecci6n contra las cafdas.Utilice zapatos con suela de goma.Camine FALLING HAZARD:Secure area below work and materials on roof. con cuidado. Unsecured materials may slide on roof.Place on level plane or secure to PEUGRO DE CA(DA DE OBJETOS:Asegure el area que se encuentra prevent sliding.Wear a hard hat debajo de la zona de trabajo y los materiales que estin sabre el.techo.Los WARNING:This product contains a chemical known to the State of materiales que no est6n suietos pueden caerse del techo.Col6quelos en un California to cause cancer. lugar sin pendiente o sul6telos para que no se raigan.Use un casco resistente. 1 ADVERTENCIA:Este producto contiene una sustancia qulmira consid- erada cancerigena en el estado de Califomia. ' Specialty Eave Flashing: Fig 1 Specialty Eave Flashing ' Tapaluntas especial Where required by code. Tapajuntas especial para aleros para aleros: WeatherLocke'underlayment Eaves tlesh3ngwhere required bycode Donde to requiera el c6digo. equivalent cave and flashing Tapajuntaspara alemsdondetor"aima Revestimiento WeatherLock, ore q g el eodigo de cunt iWkin membrane applied to a point at o impermeabilizante equivalente least 24"beyond interior wall line. ��„ac+e;,w para aleros y tapajuntas instalada See manufacturer's installation a hasta un punto de al menos instructions.See Fig. 1. 24 pulg.pasando la linea de la pared interior.Consulte las 2m°re"d knedor instrucciones de instalaci6n del 2=1Mapaafli n,dite�, fabricante. Ver la Fig. 1. Wall fine !lnea da lapan:d ZUnderlayment: Fi q Underlayment Standard Slope Revestimiento: Standard Slope(4"in 12"or more) g'L Pendiente estandar del revestimiento Pendiente estandar(4 pulg.sada 12 Application of underlayment,metal Slopes 4'in 12'or more pulg.o mis) Ppndientes de 4pulg.oda 12 pu1g.o mds drip edges,and eaves flashing. IBI Instalaci6n del revestimiento,bordes de See Fig.2. vertical.eams goteo met;licos ytapajunms de aleros:Ver 6'min (A) Apply one layer of underlayment umonec rena.ks ls la Fig.2. over metal drip edge at eaves.Use Ddp a 6ples dmiedge Undedayment ags (A)Instale una secci6n del revestimiento only enough fasteners to hold in place. deda1,111ee, g°v°s"mrent° — sobre el goter6n metilico del alero.Utilice "ralm edge la tantidad estrictamente necesaria de (B) Overlap successive courses 2 Sordedegereo —(Al, Overlap course ends 4".Side laps are revSO�tiertsenla y dnpdedge t0eesve°e sujetadores para manteneria en su lugar. to be staggered 6'a art c°'"badun"Pa"2 sgo�lmrdede (B)Sobrepongalashilerassiguientes p 2°mdap 4•min.end lap gotao en d alem 55uuppeerrppoossii n 4'rehendda. 2 pulg.Sobreponga los extremos de las (C) Apply metal drip edge over �PaneL2W1g. finaL4pulg.mmuno underlayment at rake. hileras 4 pulg.Los empalmes laterales deben escalonarse a 6 pies de distancia. (C)Instale el borde de goteo de metal sobre el revestimiento en la comisa. 3 Underlayment: Underlayment Low Slope Revestimiento: Low Slope(2"in 12"to less than Fig.3 Pendlente baja del revestimiento 3 Pendiente baja(2 pulg,cada 12 pulg., 4"in IT) Slopes 2•in 12'to less than 4'1n 12' a menos de 4 pulg.cada 12 pulg.) Application of underlayment,metal Pendientes de 2pulg.cada 12pulg.,haste menus de 4 pulg.ca da 12 pulg. Instalaci6n del revestimiento,bordes drip edges,and eaves flashing (Cl lip de goteo metalicos y tapajuntas de See fig 3. Bdp edge 'V edge aleros:Ver la Fig.3. Sardede lg• 3fi' Sonde (A) Apply 19"starter strip of goteo ,g• g• do got. (A) Instale una secci6n initial de 19 pulg. underlayment over metal drip edge 17• Mir de revestimiento sobre el goter6n Starter strip at eaves.Use only enough fasteners lydomin&lat metalico del alero.Utilice la cantidad to hold it in place. ,z End � 1.19pndg� estricramente necesaria de sujetadores Wall Una— �Y. r �"fi°' para mantenerla en su lugar. (B) Use 36 strip of underlayment Unca de lapamd 12 IB)First and succeebng courses for remaining courses,overlapping .m 36'vddavdtn,s l.P (B) Use una secci6n de revestimiento Primera lukn°hgeras dgulerttes tienm J6pulg each course 19".Side laps are to be deandmmnuna.vpwpmkdndelap0g. de 36 pulg.para el resto de las hileras, staggered 6'apart sobreponiendo cada hilera 19 pulg.Los (C) Apply metal drip edge overa empalmes laterales deben escalonarse a underlayment at rake. Fig. f(A Underlayment Low Slope 6 pies de distancia. Pendiente baja del revestimiento (C)Instate el borde de goteo de metal Slopes In 12'to less than 4"In 12' sobre el revestimiento en la cornisa. Or WeatherLocka'self-adhered Pendienies de 2pulg.oda 12 pu1g.,haste menus de 4 pulg.cada 12 ping. underlayment or equivalent with a Vandeal assetss•ms,• standard over lap of 3"and metal unk—vadud. O membrana autoadherente pesmio. drip edge.See Fig.3A. DriWarp edge '6WeatherLock®o equivalente con una Wrat atreed Ah edge superposici6n estandar de 3 pulg.y Smdn de gateo —Weatherlark° borde de escurrimiento.Verla Fig 3A sebm Westh.Udl- ever ddp edge an V comft. at eave deltunp.no '� WeetherL.W Try lap 6•min.end lap get.en u al. Superposiddn Superyoalcidn auP�°t 3PWB• finaL6pulg. In. 2 - -- - 4 Shingle Fastening: Standard Fastening Pattern Sujec16n de las tejas: Place fasteners 6 Ye"from bottom edge Flge T Esquema de instalacidn estandar 4 Coloque los sujetadores a 6'/e pulg.a of each shingle and I"from each end. 4Nag Patera partir del borde inferior de cada teja y Standard Pattern Use four Eapemacan 4davos a I pulg.de cada extremo. fasteners.See Fig.4. Esquema estandar.Utilice cuatro Six Nail Pattern Use six fasteners. + ,. sujetadores.Ver to Fig.4. See Fig.4A I•— +r —►I IF— +r—>I Esquema con seis clavos Para 6 Mansard or Steep Slope — — sujetadores.Ver to Fig.4A Fastening Pattern.Place fasteners Esquema de instalaci6n en 6 Va"from bottom edge to secure both pendientes pronunciadas o layers of the shingle.See Fig.46. 55ra Eipwne Naus 55/e�°aam mansardas.Coloque los sujetadores E�osid3n de 55/8pwg. clavos EV edun de 55/8po(g. s+angle S1ae Viaw a 6 Va pulg.del borde inferior para ajustar ambas tapas de la teja.Ver to Fig 411 REQUIRED:For slopes exceeding Six Nail Fastening Pattern[�g Viso lateral de la taia Fig,60 degrees or 21 inches per foot, I I ,4A A Esquema de instalacidn con seis clavos � use six fasteners and four spots of asphalt roof cement per shingle.Apply 6Nag Pauem REQUISITO:Para pendientes immediately,one I"diameter spot EWemacon 6c4m de mfds de 60 grados o 21 pulg. of asphalt roof cement under each por pie,utilice seis sujetadores shingle tab.Center asphalt roof y cuatro cantidades pequenas de cement 2"up from bottom edge '' ' cemento asfaltado por teja.Instale of shingle tab.See Fig 4B. 14— tr ---H H— +r—H inmediatamente una secci6n con Roof Cement where required must — I pulg.de diametro de cemento meet ASTM D-4586 Type I or 11asfaltado debajo de cada lengiieta (Asbestos Free). de las tejas.Asegurese de que el 55/8•EVamm p=AM 55/a•E,Wawro cemento asfaltado este centrado Sox nail fastening pattern is required E nde55/8pwg. E*asW6nde55/8pwg. 2 pulg.por encima del borde inferior for maximum wind warranty.In de la lengiieta de la teja.Ver la Fig.4B. addition,Owens Comingim Starter Cuando sea necesario utilizar Shingles are required along the eave and rake.(See Starter ShingleFIn 46 EMansard or Steep Slope Fastening Pattern cemento para techos,este debe instructions for details. y quemadokslaladhenpendiontespronundadasomansardas cumplir con la norma ASTM D-4586 6 ben PatternTipo 16 II(sin asbestos). &quamacon6davos EI esquema de fijaci6n de seis clavos 55iar uav SFa�mers 5518, es obligatorio para la garantia Eq— &pa":Wn de 6sujemdoms &poddcn de maxima contra vientos.Ademas,es 55Mpwg. ss/spwg necesario instalar las tejas para la hilera initial de Owens Corning"A I ,r — ►1 +_ en las comisas de timpano y los aleros.(Consulte las instrucciones de las tejas para la hilera inicial para obtener informaci6n detallada). Faun T Spam dAsphalt Cement Cuatmpuntos da w+nemo asf.06co de t pulg. 3 Shingle Application: Shingle Application lnstalac16n de las telas: FI These shingles are applied with a g'5 Instalaci6n de tejas Estas tejas se instalan con un 6%"offset,with 55/a"exposure,over Stan"course desplazamiento de 6Vi pulg.,con una prepared roof deck,starting at the Hileraialdal superficie expuesta de 5%pulg.,sobre bottom of the roof and working across plataformas de techos preparadas. and up.This will blend shingles from La colocaci6n comienza por la parte one bundle into the next and minimize inferior del techo y se realiza en any normal shade variation.Application Rake Edga forma transversal hacia arriba.De with offsets of 4"or 8"are also i �wga esta manera,las tejas de un paquete acceptable. ss/r se mezclan con las del siguiente y se Caution must be exercised to assure Mi.e+n' reducen al minimo las variaciones nom'eaeag° rrimss/a• normales de tonalidad.Tambi6n that end joints are no closer than 2" cormrsrnmdg.dei ,sill' from front eag. from fastener in the shingle below °°�°�Q°k"/° % etl=pul.dei se pueden instalar tejas con un and that side laps are no less than desplazamiento de 4 6 8 pulg. 4"in succeeding courses.Refer to Aseg6rese de que las uniones de course application steps for specificFig �A Shingle Application los extremos no se encuentren a instructions. , „ Instalacidn de tejas menos de 2 pulg.del sujetador de la tela que se encuentra mos abajo, Starter Course: First Course y que las superposiciones laterales Use an Owens CorningTm Starter raga nilera w+ no lean de menos de 4 pulg.en las shingle product or trim 55/a'from the hileras siguientes.Consulte los pasos starter course shingle.Trim 6Y2'off de insta►aci6n de hileras para ver las the rake of the starter course shingle e6`� ,3instrucciones especificas. and flush with the drip edge along the Ra,d e��; rake and eaves edge,and continue incff-da �poApl�+B Hilera initial: across the roof.Use 5 fasteners for Utilice un rollo de inicio o torte each shingle,placed 2"to 3"up from 5%pulg.de la tela de la hilera inicial. eaves edge.See Fig.5.(If no drip edge Corte 6Vi pulg.desde la viga inclinada is used,shingles must extend a en la tela de la hilera inicial y extienda minimum of VT and no more than mos ally de la viga inclinada y el borde I"from rake and eaves edge.) QQInstalacion de tejas del alero,y continue a to ancho del ShingteAQplication Fig.�Y techo.Uti►ice 5 sujetadores para First Course: cada tela,colocados a una distancia Apply first course starting with the full de entre 2 y 3 pulg.del borde del shingle even with the starter course. se=dcourse aero.Ver to Fig.S.(Si no utiliza un g Segunda Hera See Fig 5A Fasten securely according to borde de goteo,las tejas deben fastening instructions.See Fig.4. extenderse un minimo de'/2 pulg. y un maximo de I pulg.de la viga Second Course: be+� inclinada y el borde del alero.) Remove 6V2'from the left end of Rolm Edge avip Primera hilera: this shingle and apply the remaining i"v°"da piece over and above the first course Coloque la primera hilera comenzando shingle and flush with edge of the first Val 6fir s+ con la teja enters alineada con la hira fiom'etr edga course with 55/a"exposure.See Fig.5& dr i•_, War" MM inicial.Ver la Fig.5A Sujete firmemente com,s,n�,,g. ••,. p8°dess/ap°�. Fasten securely according to fastening °oideaQ°"d° de acuerdo con las instrucciones de instructions.See Fig.4. sujeci6n.Ver la Fig.4. Third Course: (� Shingle Application Segunda hilera: Remove 13"from the left end of this Fig. 5V Instalacidn de tejas Quite 6V2'pulg.del borde izquierdo shingle and apply the remaining piece de esta teja y aplique la pieza restante over and above the second course TMrd course sobre y por encima de la teja de rereemhilm ono° la primers hilera y al ras del borde shingle flush with edge of the second course with 55/a'exposure.See ad° de de a primera osit 6nhVer la Fin 56.a Su'lg. ete Fig.5C Fasten securely according 60e g 1 - e firmemente de acuerdo con las to fastening instructions.See Fig.4. instrucciones de su eci6n.Ver la Fig.4. Hate Edge —� ofn°`� j 9MAeviga �td� inada (continued on next page) Terceira hilera: X73' +g Quite 13 pulg.del borde izquierdo de 'artor1 esta teja y aplique la p►eza restante d+m�fir°gWwd6 sobre y por encima de la teja de la segunda hilera y al ras del borde de la segunda hilera,con 5%pulg. de exposici6n.Ver la Fig.5C Sujete firmemente de acuerdo con las instrucciones de sujeci6n.Ver la Fig.4. (continua en la pagina siguiente) 4 S Shingle Application (cont.): ShingleApprication Instalact6n de las teles(cont.): Fig. Instalacidn de tejas Fourth Course: Cuarta hilera: Remove 19V2"from the left end of Cu;�hilera Quite 19'/2 pulg.del borde izquierdo pieceis ho ele and apply the r and above the third course �aining �a� deesta teor encaplique ma de late a de eza restante P � YP 1 shingle and flush with edge of the third a la tercera hilera y al ras del borde course with 5%"exposure.See Fig.5D. ,,°Edge de la tercera hilera,con 5%pulg. Fasten securely according to fastening de exposition.Ver to Fig.5D.Sujete instructions.See Fig.4. firmemente de acuerdo con las instrucciones de sujeci6n. Ver to Fig 4. Fifth Course: 197/2' '•.•=• Remove 26"from the left end of this C°midga Quints hilera d "te hpW� shingle and apply the remaining piece Quite 26 pulg.del borde izquierdo de over and above the fourth course esta teja y aplique la pieza restante shingle and flush with edge of the Fig 5E sobre y por encima de la teja de ShingleApplixxtion fourth course with 55/9"exposure. , Instalacidn de tejas la cuarta hilera y al ras del borde See Fig.5E Fasten securely according de la cuarta hilera,con 5%pulg. to fastening instructions.See Fig.4. Filth Course Qufita Mora ° de exposici6n.Ver to Fig.5E Sujete �s om ��ou° firmemente de acuerdo con las Sixth Course: ao ,e° instrucciones de sujeci6n.Ver to Fig.4. Remove 32V2"from the left end of eoMADdoaip Sexta hilera: this shingle and apply the remaining oeevga piece over and above the fifth course Quite 32V2 pulg.del borde izquierdo shingle and flush with edge of the fifth 2. de esta tela y aplique la pieza restante course with 5V/e"exposure.See Fig.5F. ; sobre y por encima de la teja de Fasten securely according to fastening la quinta hilera y al ras del borde instructions.See Fig 4. �=99.4-M ge de la quinta hilera,con 5%pulg. de exposici6n. Ver to Fig.5F.Sujete Succeeding Courses: firmemente de acuerdo con las For succeeding courses,repeat first instrucciones de sujeci6n.Ver to Fig.4. through sixth course.See Fig.5G , Instalacidn Fig 5F Shmgld6n dation de teles Hileras siguientes: Sixth Course Para las hileras siguientes,repita los «°„a` sextangaa OhoO pasos que se indican desde la primera 0�``;+a0 hasta la sexta hilera. Ver la Fig.5G. 321 Tdm 321/2'from left edge Comr32 fnpelg.del bordei°purerda Fig,5G Shingle Application Instalacidn de tejas Succeeding Courses weros agulentrs 5 CAapi�� 5 Valley Construction: ' Closed-Cut Valley Construction Construcci6n del valle: Closed-Cut Valley See Fig.6. Fig6Construcci6n del valle con corte cerrado Valle cerrado Ver to Fig. 6. A closed-cut valley can be used as an 6"Min. Un valle con carte cerrado puede h,La ni alternative to woven and open valley valt� iijeu�gdemfmo ser usado como altemativa a un valle and Is applied as follows: Efta Nail a—adi*Aal teildo a abierto y se coloca de la Lay a 36"wide valley liner of self- sigulente man.era: tedw adhered membrane•underlayment or Coloque en ell valle un equivalent.A 36"wide minimum 50 lb. ol.ftqliv imperrneabilizante autoadhesivo a smooth surface roll roofing can also be 1 equivalente con 36 pulg.de ancho. used as a valley liner.Lay all shingles Para revestir el valle,tambidn se puede 4 on one side of valley and across center 2 PUutilizar un rollo de techado de 36 puig. line of valley a minimum of 12".Fasten uhanC"aft"WW de ancho y un minima de 50 libras. a minimum of 6"away from center Coloque todas las teias sabre un lado line on each side of valley.Strike a del valle y a travels de la linea central chalk line 2"from the center line of del valle al menos 12 pulg.Suiete a un the unshingled side.Apply shingles on mfnimo de 6 puig.de la Ifnea central a the unshingled side up to the chalk line cada lado del valle.Marque una linea and trim,taking care not to cut the de tiza a 2 pulg,de la Ifnea central underlying shingles.Clip upper comers del lado que no tiene teias.Coloque of these shingles,cement and fasten, las teias del lado que no tiene teias Both woven and metal valleys are hasta la linea de tiza y recorte,con acceptable altematives, culdado de no cortar las teias que se encuentt-an debajo.Una los;extremos superiores de estas teias,coloque cemento y suiete.Se pueden utilizar vanes de tendo a metal, Step Flashing: Step Flashing Revestimineto escalonado: Use 10"long and 2"wider than Fig.7 Tapaluntas escalonado 7 Utilice metal resistente a la corros!6n expected exposure corrosion- Metal Flashing con una exposici6n de 10 pulg,de resistant metal where roof planes lrl_GX2*VAda1tl�anaV� Tapsiftudes de metal Ian stud y de 2 pulg.mos de ancho que butt against vertical sidewalls or VPg�d*h=.2p(9g..,sd1e*.d,. Nail flasmag to_f la exposic!6n esperada.en los puntos chimneys.See Fig. 7. rTpUp en[as que los pianos del techo se 2 unan a las parecles laterales;verticales +2pvl? a a chimeneas.Ver la Fig. 7. Hip & Ridge Application: Hip&Ridge Application Apllcacl6n para caballete y Use corresponding Owens Corning Tm Fig.8instalad6n de caballetes y cumbreras Q curnbrera Hip&Ridge shingles to best PravftgYAndDirWw Utilice Owens Coming""' teias complement shingle color.Follow D&vcd6a del viewo pWominame Para caballetes y cumbreras.Siga specific application instructions as &P-W6. las instrucciones de instalaci6n del printed on the Hip&Ridge shingle paquete de caballetes y cumbreras. package.See Fig.8. Ver/a Fig.8. .41 f MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MIAMI- PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 1 1805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRAJ'ION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt,LLC One Owens Corning Parkway Toledo,OH 43659 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miatni-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Starter Strip Plus Shingle LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically tenninate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA consists of pages 1 through 3. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Juan E. Collao,R.A. �•Aavr NOA No.: 14-0905.03 QMIAMMUDMEUNTY Expiration Date: Approval Date: 11/13/14 Page 1 of 3 r., ROOFING ASSEMBLY APPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Asphalt Shingles Materials: Laminate Deck Type: Wood SCOPE: This approves a roofing system using Starter Strip Plus Shingle manufactured by Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt,LLC as described in this Notice of Acceptance. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Product Dimensions Test Product Description Specifications Starter Strip Plus Shingle 15 ''/z"x 39 3/8" TAS 110 Prefabricated started strip asphalt shingle. ;j MANUFACTURING LOCATION 1. Minneapolis, MN EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Agency Test Identifier Test Name/Report Date Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. R2453 ASTM 3462 11/17/09 TAS 107 UL 790 LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2. Shall not be installed on roof mean heights in excess of 33 ft. 3. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. INSTALLATION: 1. Starter Strip Plus Shingle shall be installed in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 115. 2. The manufacturer shall provide clearly written application instructions. LABELING: Starter Strip Plus Shingle shall be pennanently labeled with the manufacturer's naive and/or logo, city and state of manufacturing facility, and the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved"or with the Miami-Dade County Product Control Seal as seen below: MIAMI•DADE COUNTY NOA No.: 14-0905.03 MIAMI-DAD,COUNTY Expiration Date: 12/16/19 Approval Date: 11/13/14 Page 2 of 3 BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 1. This Notice of Acceptance. 2. Any other documents required by the Building Official or the applicable code in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. PROFILE DRAWING STARTER STRIP PLUS SHINGLE { 39-318« 1 r � Separate here ----* ----- ------- -- ----- -- ----- -- - ------ ---- at perforation. � M END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No.: 14-0905.03 MIAMI•DAD,COUNTY Expiration Date: 12/16/19 Approval Date: 11/13/14 Page 3 of 3 . R y MIAMI-DADE c MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Miami,Florida 33175-2474 T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidadc.!,,ov%economy Northern Elastomeric,Inc. 50 Pine Road Brentwood,NH 03833 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: WeatherLock® G/AC Granular Ice and Storm Seal®,&WeatherLock®MAT/AutoSeal Ice and Storm Seal®/Grip-Rite®Eave and Valley Protector—Smooth Finish LABELING: Each unit shall bear a pennanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved",unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA#13-0204.01 and consists of pages 1 through 3. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigera. r NOA No.: 14-0107.07 MIAMI•DAD,COUNTY (Exp>•n Date:�;04/.03'118 Approval Date: 03/13/14 Page 1 of 3 ROOFING COMPONENT APPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub-Cate2ory: Underlayment Material: SBS PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION: Test Product Product Dimensions Specification Description WeatherLock®G/AC 36"x 33.3' rolls ASTM D 1970 SBS self-adhering modified asphalt underlayment Granular Ice and Storm 36"x 66.6' rolls sheet material with a surfacing of opaque Seal® granules; for use as an underlayment in sloped roof assemblies. WeatherLock®MAT/ 36"x 33.3' rolls ASTM D 1970 SBS self-adhering modified asphalt underlayment AutoSeal Ice and Storm 36"x 66.6' rolls sheet material with a polymeric asphalt film Seal®/Grip-Rite®Eave surfacing; for use as an underlayment in sloped and Valley Protector— roof assemblies. Smooth Finish MANUFACTURING LOCATION: 1. Brentwood,NH EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test A2ency Test Identifier Test Name/Report Date PRI Asphalt Technologies, Inc. NEI-006-02-01 ASTM D 1970 04/14/05 PRI Construction Materials NEI-008-02-01 ASTM D 1970 12/01/06 Technologies,LLC APPROVED ASSEMBLIES: Deck Type 1: Wood,non-insulated,new construction Deck Description: 19/32" or greater plywood or wood plank System E(1): Anchor sheet mechanically fastened deck,membrane adhered. Base Sheet: One or more plies of ASTM D 266 Type II or ASTM D 2626 with a minimum 4"side lap and a 6"end lap mechanically fastened to deck with approved nails and tin caps 6" o.c. at the laps and two staggered rows 12" o.c. the field of the roll. Membrane: One or more plies of WeatherLock®G/AC Granular Ice and Storm Seal®or WeatherLock® MAT/AutoSeal Ice and Storin Seal®/Grip-Rite®Eave and Valley Protector—Smooth Finish with a minimum 4"side lap and 6"end lap. Place the first course of membrane parallel to the eave,rolling the membrane to obtain maximum contact. Remove the release membrane as the membrane is applied. Vertical strapping of the roof with WeatherLock®G/AC Granular Ice and Storm Seal®or WeatherLock®MAT/AutoSeal Ice and Stonn Seal®/Grip-Rite®Eave and Valley Protector—Smooth Finish is acceptable. Surfacing: Approved for Asphaltic shingles,wood shakes and shingles,quarry slate roof assemblies. NOA No.: 14-0107.07 MIAMI-DAD;COUNTY Expiration Date: 04/03/18 Approval Date: 03/13/14 Page 2 of 3 LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 2. This acceptance is for prepared roofing applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. WeatherLockO G / AC Granular Ice and Storm Seal@ and WeatherLock( MAT / AutoSeal Ice and Storm Seal@ / Grip-Rite@ Eave and Valley Protector — Smooth Finish underlayment shall be installed in strict compliance with applicable Building Code. 3. WeatherLock(G/AC Granular Ice and Storm Seal@ and WeatherLock(MAT/AutoSeal Ice and Storin SealO/ Grip-Rite@ Eave and Valley Protector— Smooth Finish underlayment shall be applied to a smooth, clean and dry surface with deck free of irregularities. 4. WeatherLock(G/AC Granular Ice and Storm Seal@ and WeatherLock(MAT/AutoSeal Ice and Storm Seal@/ Grip-Rite@ Eave and Valley Protector— Smooth Finish underlayment shall not be applied over an existing roof membrane as a recover, but may be applied over a roofing Base/Anchor sheet underlayment. 5. WeatherLock@ G/AC Granular Ice and Stonn Seal@ and WeatherLock( MAT/AutoSeal Ice and Stor n Seal(/ Grip-Rite@ Eave and Valley Protector—Smooth Finish underlayment shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 30 days of application. 6. Refer to Prepared Roofing system Product Control Notice of Acceptance for listed approval of this product with specific prepared roofing products. 7. WeatherLock@ G/AC Granular Ice and Storm Seal@ or WeatherLockO MAT /AutoSeal Ice and Storm Seal(/ Grip-Rite@ Eave and Valley Protector — Smooth Finish underlayment may be used with any approved roof covering Notice of Acceptance listing WeatherLock( G / AC Granular Ice and Storm Seal@ or WeatherLock( MAT%AutoSeal Ice and Storm Seal@/Grip-Rite@ Eave and Valley Protector—Smooth Finish underlayment as a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptance. If WeatherLock( G / AC Granular Ice and Stonn Seal@ or WeatherLock(MAT/AutoSeal Ice and Storm Seal@/Grip-Rite@ Eave and Valley Protector—Smooth Finish underlayment is not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ) or the Miami- Dade County Product Control Department for approval provided that appropriate documentation is provided to detail compatibility of the products,wind uplift resistance,and fire testing results. 8. All nails in the deck shall be carefully checked for protruding heads. Re-fasten any loose decking panels. Sweep the deck thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application. 9. When applying the membrane in the valley, start at the low point and work to the high point,rolling the membrane from the center outward in both directions. For ridge applications, center the membrane and roll from the center outward in both directions. 10. Roll or broom the entire membrane surface so as to have 100% contact with the surface, giving special attention to overlap areas. 11. Flash vent pipes, stacks, chimneys and penetrations in compliance with Roof Assembly current Product Control Notice of Acceptance and applicable Building Code. 12. All protrusions or drains shall be initially taped with a 6" piece of underlayment. The flashing tape shall be pressed in place and forined around the protrusion to ensure a tight fit. A second layer of WeatherLockO G/AC Granular Ice and Storm Seal@ and WeatherLock( MAT /AutoSeal Ice and Storm Seal@ / Grip-Rite@ Eave and Valley Protector—Smooth Finish underlayment shall be applied over the underlayment. 13. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61 G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. 14. All membranes or packaging shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo and the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved" or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Seal as shown below. MIAMI•DADE COUNTY END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No.: 14-0107.07 MIAMI-DAD;COUNTY Expiration Date: 04/03/18 Approval Date: 03/13/14 Page 3 of 3 i Mom.I lO MIAMI-DADE COUNTY M9 PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING,ENVIRONMENT,AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS(PERA) 11805 SW 26 Street.Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Miami.Florida 33175-2474 T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.gov/hexa Owens Corning Roofing and Asphalt,LLC One Owens Corning Parkway Toledo,OH 43659 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County PERA- Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. PERA reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is detennined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Duration®,Duration®Premium,TruDefinition®Duration®,and TruDefinition®Duration® Designer Colors Collection LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall autornatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miarni-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. if any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This revises NOA# 11-0919.05 and consists of pages 1 through 6. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigera. ___NOA._1'I9,_l2 0,309.01 MIAMI•DADECOUNTY Expiration-Date 07%19/,1116 Approval Date: 07/19/12 Page 1 of 6 ROOFING ASSEMBLY APPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Asphalt Shingles Materials Laminate Deck Type: Wood SCOPE This approves a roofing system using Owens Corning Duration®and Duration®Premium asphalt shingles manufactured by Owens Corning as described in Section 2 of his Notice of Acceptance. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Product Dimensions Test Product Description Specifications Duration® 13 '/4"x 39 3/8" TAS 110 A heavy weight, fiberglass reinforced four tab Manufacturing asphalt shingle with continuous bead of Locations#1,2 sealant. Duration®Premium; 13 '/4" x 393/8 TAS 110 A heavy weight, fiberglass reinforced four tab TruDefinition®Duration®; asphalt shingle with large nail area with TruDefinition®Duration® continuous bead of sealant. Designer Colors Collection Manufacturing Location#1,2,3,4 Duration® 13 '/4" x 393/8 TAS 110 A heavy weight, fiberglass reinforced four tab Manufacturing asphalt shingle with dashed bead of sealant. Location#1,2,3 Duration®Premium; 131/4" x 393/8 TAS 110 A heavy weight, fiberglass reinforced four tab TruDefinition®Duration®; asphalt shingle with dashed bead of sealant. TruDefinition®Duration® Designer Colors Collection Manufacturing Location#1,2,3,4 MANUFACTURING LOCATION 1. Jacksonville, FL 2. Memphis,TN 3. Savannah, GA 4. Irving,TX NOA No.: 12-0309.01 MIAMI•DADECOUNTY Expiration Date: 07/19/16 Approval Date: 07/19/12 Page 2 of 6 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED Test Agency Test Identifier Test Name/Report Date PRI Asphalt Technologies, Inc. OCF-157-02-01 TAS 100 10/26/10 OCF-102-02-01 TAS 100 11/12/07 OCF-156-02-01 TAS 100 10/26/10 OCF-163-02-01 TAS 100 12/10/10 OCF-164-02-01 TAS 100 12/10/10 OCF-098-02-01 TAS 100 02/22/07 OCF-099-02-01 TAS 100 02/26/07 OCF-102-02-01 TAS 100 11/12/07 OCF-172-02-01 TAS 100 05/26/11 OCF-179-02-01 TAS 100 02/02/12 Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 07CA39536 TAS 107 11/11/07 03NK04954 TAS 107 03/28/03 03NK04954 TAS 107 03/11/03 IONK13947 TAS 107 11/12/10 11 CA 15662 TAS 107 05/27/11 1INB21712 TAS 107 02/18/12 07CA02026 ASTM D 3462 01/26/07 12CA 12180 ASTM D 3462 03/01/12 LIMITATIONS 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2. Shall not be installed on roof mean heights in excess of 33 ft. 3. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 9N-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. INSTALLATION 1. Shingles shall be installed in compliance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 115. 2. Flashing shall be in accordance with Roofing Application Standard RAS 115 3. The manufacturer shall provide clearly written application instructions. 4. Exposure and course layout shall be in compliance.with Detail 'A', attached. 5. Nailing shall be in compliance with Detail '13% attached. LABELING 1. Shingles shall be labeled with the Miami-Dade Seal as seen below, or the wording"Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved". MIAMI•DADE COUNTY NOA No.: 12-0309.01 MIAMI•DADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 07/19/16 Approval Date: 07/19/12 Page 3 of 6 BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 1. Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 1.1 This Notice of Acceptance. 1.2 Any other documents required by the Building Official or the applicable code in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. DETAIL A EDGE OF ROOF i ------------ j— � 13 j THIRD COURSE i i 2 SECOND COURSE L FIRST COURSE NOA No.: 12-0309.01 MIAMI•DADECOUNTY Expiration Date: 07/19/16 Approval Date: 07/19/12 Page 4 of 6 DETAIL B DURATION& TRUDEFINITION®DURATION® (SEALANT MAY BE CONTINUOUS OR DASHED.NOT SHOWN IN THE DETAIL DRAWINGS) D(n � C N fD Z ID N. � T O O y 7 N CD 2. C j z� R.N 777.7777771 Ld 1 o y �-n DT W j t�/i (Dc,cN 7 N W N N w a� UID�Dm � mm -, d mw av a o m N N 0 N N 7 N 01 a v N NOA No.: 12-0309.01 MIAMI•DADECOUNTY Expiration Date: 07/19/16 Approval Date: 07/19/12 Page 5 of 6 � s 6 Nall Pat't111 n Fs gtrorna do 6 cb vos IT F2 crMs "Future 6 5 FA de exposaat n S FSB."de s• ir+n MAXIMUM SLOPE 21:12 6 Flail f , ,' ,t� =1a:a - [mi to ks nSud..41, P'a'Item ria wo tq�ceCo''C F i=5q�f+�ltfdi3' dafolos .fi"rSr�ii�� '*a terrat�.�ir M3 PRY ter, 15V EXR-ossrrJe'��r {per m���dW15 54�E- !osur 5i��J puff.'EV C.tpa-gdr.1{M71� crwo5 51; �'tlll 's��•�I.r�F�l�.l� �l SLOPE GREATER THAN 21:12 END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No.: 12-0309.01 MIAMI•DADECOUNTY Expiration Date: 07/19/16 Approval Date: 07/19/12 Page 6 of 6