HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval MIAMI•DADIE MIAMI-DADS COUNTY I80 PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Miami,Florida 33175-2474 T(786)315-2590.F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE NOA "midadc. ov�econom � Polygl ass USA Inc. m 150 Lyon Drive s a Fernley,NV 89308 " SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade.County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The Miami-Dade County Product:Cont"rol Section (In.Miami Dade County)acid/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. Ifthis product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to_revoke this acceptance, if it is.determined by Miahii-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida,Building Code. DESCRIPTION: Polyglass Pblys'tick Underlayments. LABELING.: Each unit shalt bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo,city,state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved",unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no_change in the..applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been.a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales,advertising or anyother;purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety-. INSPECTION: A copy ofthis entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall:be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This revises NOA#12-0713.02 and consists.of pages 1 through 9. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigera. NOA No.: 14-0717.08, MIAMI•DADE MUNTY Expiration Date: 09/13/16 11 .. ' Approval Date: Ot/22/15 Page 1 of 9 ROOFING COMPONENT APPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Underlayment Material: SBS, APP Self-Adhering Modified Bitumen PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION: Test Product Product Dimensions Specification Description Polystick MTS Roll: TAS 103 A homogeneous, rubberizedasphalt waterproofing Manufacturing Location 6518"x 3'33/8" membrane, glass fiber reinforced with polyolefinic #2 60 mils thick 'film on the upper surface for use as an underlayment for metal roofing,roof tile,slate tiles and shingle underlayment. Polystick MTS.Plus Roll: TAS 103. A homogeneous, rubberized asphalt waterproofing Manufacturing Location 65'8"x 3'3-./$" membrane,glass fiber reinforced with polyolefinic 92 60 milsthick film on the upper surface for use as an underlayment for metal roofing,roof tile,slate tiles and shingle:underlayment. Polystick IR-Xe Roll: ASTM D 1970. A fine granular/sand top surface self-adhering, Manifacturing_ Location 65' x 3'33/8" APP polymer modified,fiberglass reinforced, #1 &#2 Or 65' x 3' bituminous sheet material for use as an 60 mils thick underlayment in sloped roof assemblies. Designed as an ice&rain shield. Polystick TU Plus Roll: TAS 103 and ASTM A rubberized asphalt self-adhering,glass- (Surface Printing) 65' x 3'32/8" D 1970 fiber/polyester reinforced.waterproofing Manufacturing Location 80 mils thick membrane. Designed as a metal roofing and roof 41&#2 tile underlayment. Polystick TU P Roll: TAS 103 and ASTM A rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, Manufacturing Location 32'10"x 3''33/8" D 1970 glass-fiber/polyester reinforced,with a granular #2 130 mils thick surface designed for-use as a tile roof underlayment. Polystick Tile Pro Roll TAS 103 and ASTM A rubberized asphalt.self-adhering,glass- Manufacturing.Location 6P x 3'33/8" D 1970 fiber/polyester reinforced waterproofing #2 60 mils thick membrane. Designed.as a metal roofing and roof tile underlayment. Polystick Dual.Pro Roll: TAS 1.03 and ASTM A rubberized asphalt self-adhering,glass- Manufacturing Location lass-ManrfacturingLocation 6P x 3'3-34" D 1970 fiber/polyester reinforced waterproofing 92 60 mils thick membrane: Designed as a metal roofing and roof tile underlayment. NOA No.: 14-0717.08 MIAMI•DADEGOUNTY Expiration Date: 09/13/16 Approval Date: 01/22/15 Page 2 of 9 PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION: Test Product Product Dimensions Specification Description Polystick TU Max Roll: TAS 103 and ASTM A rubberized asphalt self-adhering;.polyester 1Llant facluring Location 65'8"x 3'3-'/8" D 1970 reinforced waterproofing membrane. .Designed as #2 60 mils thick a a roof tile underlayment. Elastoflex S6 G Roll: TAS 103 and ASTM Polyester reinforced,SBS modified bitumen 32' 10"x 33-3/8" D6164 membrane with a burn off polyethylene or sanded back face and a granule top surface. For use in roof the underlayment systems. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: I.Hazelton,PA 2.W inter Haven, FL EVIDENCE SUBMITTED:. Test Agency Test Identifier Test Name/Report Date Trinity I ERD P10870.09.08-R1 TAS 103 12/04/08 P10870.04:09 TAS 103./ASTM'D4798 &G155 04/13/09 P33360.06.1.0 ASTM D1970 07/01/10 P33370.03;11 TAS 103 03/02/11 P33370.04.1.11 ASTM D 1.623 04/26111 P36900.09:1'1 TAS 103/ASTM D4798 &G 155 09/01/11 P37300..W.11 TAS l 10/ASTM D4798 &D1970 10/19/11 P40390.08.12-1. TAS 103 &TAS 110 08/0.6/12 P40390.08.12-2 ASTM D 1623 08/07/12 P40390.I0:12; ASTM D 1970 10/03/12 P37590.07.13-1 ASTM D6164 07/02/13 P45270.05.14 TAS 103,TAS 110&ASTM 05/12/14 D1623 P46520.1.0.14. ASTM D1623 10/03/14 P4.4360.10.-14 TAS 1:03 &TAS 110 10/07/14 P43290.10.14 ASTM D 1970&TAS' l 10 10/17/14 PRI Asphalt Technologies PUSA-035-02-01 TAS 103 09/29/06 PUSA-055-02-02 TAS 103 12/10/07 PUSA-089-02-01 TAS 103/ASTM D4798 &G155 07/06/09 Momentum Technologies,Inc. JX20R7A TAS 103/ASTM D47.98 &G155 04/01/08 RX14E8A TAS 103/ASTM 134798;&G155 11/09/09 DX23D8B TAS.103/ASTM D4798&G 155 02/18/10 DX23D8A TAS 103/ASTM D4798&G155 02/1.8/10 NOA No.: 1d-0717.08 MIAM4DADECOUNTY Expiration Date: 09/13/16 Approval Date: 01/22/15 Page 3 of 9 INSTALLATION PROCEDURES: Deck Type 1: Wood,non-insulated Deck Description: Mite. 19/32" plywood or wood plank System Type E(1) Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck, membrane adhered Anchor/Base:Sheet: One or more plies of ASTM D 226 Type II or ASTM D 2626. Fastening: Per FBC 1518.2& 1518:4 Nails.and tin caps 1.2" grid,6" o.c.at a minimum 4"head lap. (for base sheet only) .Membrane: Polystick membranes self-adhered. Surfacing: See General Limitations Below. Deck Type I- Wood,non-insulated Deck.Description: Min. 19/32"plywood or wood plank System Type E(2) Anchor sheet mechanically fastenedto deck,membrane adhered Anchor/Base Sheet: One or more plies of ASTM D 226 Type II or ASTM D 2626. Fastening: Per:FBC 1518.2& 1518A Nails.and tin caps 12:"grid,6"o.c. ata minimum 4" head lap. (for base sheet only) Membrane: Elastoflex S6 G,hot asphalt applied. Surfacing: See General Limitations Below. Deck Type 1: Wood,non-insulated Deck Description: Min. 19/32"plywood or wood plank System Type E(3) Base sheet mechanically fastened deck, subsequent cap membrane self-adhered.. Anchor/Base.Sheet:- One or more plies,of ASTM D'226 Type II or ASTM D 2626. Fastening: Per FBC 1518.2& 1518.4 Nails and tin caps 12"grid,6" o.c. ata minimum 4"head lap. (for base sheet only) Ply Sheet: Polystick MTS Plus,self-adhered with minimum 3"horizontal.laps and minimum 6"vertical. (Optional) laps. Membrane: Polystick TU Plus,self-adhered. Surfacing: See General Limitations Below. NOA No.: 14-0717.08 MIAMI•DADECOUNW Expiration Date: 09/13/.1.6 Approval Date: 01/22/15 Page 4 of 9 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: 1. All nails in the deck shall be carefully checked for protruding heads. Re-fasten any loose decking panels,and sweep the deck thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application. 2. Place the underlayment over metal drip edge in accordance with RAS l 11. 3. Place-the first course of membrane parallel to the eave, rolling the membrane to obtain maximum contact. Remove the release film as the membrane is applied. All side laps shall be a minimum of 3-'/Z"and end laps shall be a minimum of-6". Roll the membrane into place after removing the release strip. Vertical strapping of the roof .with Polystick is acceptable. Membrane shall be back nailed in accordance with applicable building code. 4. When applying the membrane in the valley,start atthe low point and work to the high point, rolling the ►nembrane from the center outward in both directions. 5. For ridge applications,center the membrane and roll from the center outward in both directions. 6. Roll or broom the entire membrane surface so as to have full contact with the surface,giving special attention to lap areas. 7. Flash vent pipes,stacks,chimneys and penetrations in compliance with Roof Assembly current Product Control Notice of Acceptance., 8. All protrusions or drains shall be initially taped with a 6" piece of underlayment. The flashing tape shall be pressed in place and formed around.the protrusion to ensure a tight fit. A second layer of Polystick shall be applied over the underlayment. GENERAL.LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 2. Polystick MTS, Polystick MTS Plus,Polystick TU Plus,Polystick Tile,Pro and Polystick Dual Pro may be used in asphaltic shingles,wood shakes,and shingles,non-structural metal roofing,roof tile systems:and quarry slate roof assemblies.Polystick TU P may be used in all the previous assemblies listed except metal roofing. Polystick IR-Xe may be used in all the previous assemblies listed except metal roofing and roof the systems. Polystick TU Max maybe used in non-structural metal roofing and roof tile systems. Elastoflex S6 G may be used in rooftile systems only. 3. Deck requirements shall be in compliance.with applicable building code. 4. Polyglass Polystick membranes shall be applied to a smooth,clean and dry surface. The deck shall be free of irregularities. 5. Polyglass Polystick membranes and underlayments shall not be adhered directly over a pre-existing roof membrane as a recover system. 6. Polyglass Polystick membranes shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than the amount of days listed in the table below after application. Polyglass reserves the right to revise or alter product exposure times; not to exceed the preceeding maximum time limitations. Exposure Limitations(days) MTS IR-Xe Elastoflex TU Plus TU P Tile Pro Dual Pro TU Max MTS Plus S6 G Winter Haven, 180 90 180 180 180 180 180 90 l80 FL. Hazelton,PA. N/A 90 N/A 180 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 7. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 9N-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. NOA No.: 14-0717.08 MIAMMADE COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/13/16. Approval Date: 01/22/1.5 Page 5 of 9 8. In roof tile application,:data for the attachment resistance of roof tiles shall be as set-forth in the roof tile manufacturer's.Notice of Acceptance.Polystick TU Plus,Polystick Tile Pro,.Polystick TU Max or Elastoflex S6 G may be used in both adhesive set and mechanically fastened roof tile applications.Polystick Dual Pro is limited to mechanically fastened roof ti'le applications.Polystick MTS and Polystick MTS Plus are limited to mechanically fastened with the limitations outlined in Section 9.Polystick-TU P may be used in mechanically fastened roof tile applications:with the exception of mortar set tile applications. 9a. The maximum roof slope for use as,:oof tile underlayment for(direct-to-deck)tile assemblies shall be as follows: (See'Table Below) Tile Profile Polystick MTS Elastoflex S6 G Polystick TU Plus, Polystick TU Polystick MTS. TU P,Tile Pro, Max Plus' Dual Pro Flat Tile Prohibited 4:12 No limitation No limitation 5:12 without battens .Profiled Tile Prohibited 4:12 No limitation No limitation 4:12 without battens The above slope limitations can be exceeded only by using battens and counter battens.in accordance with the Approved Tile SystemNoticeof Acceptance and applicable Florida Building Code requirements. Battens are required for both loading and installation of-tiles at all times. 'The following;limitations shall be apply when using.Polystick MTS Plus: • Slopes up to those shown in the table above will require stagging of tiles--two tiles laid perpendicular to slope followed by a maximum four tile-stack;parallel to the slope,.for-a total of 6 tiles. (See Figure 1 below) • Battens shall be used for stagging of lugged tiles above 4:12 4 Battens shall be used for stagging of flat:tiles.above 5:12 Slope T kyr GF'.`Y a 1 i FQI #b1 IS `+ft Figure l: Stagging Method 9b. There shall be no roof slope limitation for the Polystick MTS Plus/Polystick TU Plus two-ply underlayment system when a applied using the stagging method outlined above. NOA No.:, 14-0717.08 MIAMI•DADE"COUNTY Expiration Date: 09/13/16 Approval Date: 01/22/1.5 Page 6 of 9 10. Care should be taken during the loading procedure to keep foot traffic to a minimum and to avo.id dropping of the directly on the underlayment.Refer to Polyglass' Tile loading detail below for loading procedure for all underlayments except Polystick MTS which shall be loaded onto battens. Roofing Tiles (6 Max.Per Stack) V12 m 112CL — ` rn g /rte F3oof.Deck prepared with PO07GK7, Plus 11. -Refer to prepared roofing system Product Control Notice of Acceptance for,listed approval of this product with specific prepared roofing products.Polystick MTS,Polystick MTS Plus,Polystick IR-Xe,Polystick TU Plus, Polystick TU P,Polystick TU Max,Polystick Dual Pro,Polystick Tile Pro or Elastoflex S6 G may be used with any approved roof covering Notice of Acceptance listing Polystick MTS,Polystick'MTS Plus,Polystick IR-Xe, Polystick TU Plus,Polystick TO P,Polystick TU Max,Polystick Dual Pro,Polystick Tile Pro or Elastoflex S6 G as a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptance. if Polystick MTS,Polystick MTS Plus, PolysticklR-Xe,,Polystick TU Plus,Polystick TU P,Polystick TU Max,Polystick Dual Pro,Polystick Tile Pro or Elastoflex S6 G are not listed,a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ)or the Miami-.Dade County Product Control Department for approval provided that appropriate documentation is provided to detail compatibility.of the,products,wind uplift resistance,and fire testing results. LABELING: 1. All membranes or packaging shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo,city and state of manufacturing facility and the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved" or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Seal as.shown below. MIAMGDADE COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 1.This Notice of Acceptance. 2.Any other documents required by the Building Official or applicable building code in order to properly evaluate the installation of this materials. NOA No.: 14-0717.08 MIAMI•DADEcoUNTY. Expiration Date: 09/13/16 r Approval Date: 01/22/15 Page 7 of 9 POLYGLASS GENERAL APPLICATION GUIDELINES FOR POLYSTICK MEMBRANES: 1. Polyglass does accept the direct application of Polystick underlayment membranes to wood decks. Installers are cautioned to.refer to applicable local building codes prior to direct deck installation to ensure this is acceptable. Please also refer to applicable Product Data Sheets of the corresponding products. 2. All rolls, with the exception of Polystick TU Plus should be back-nailed in selvage edge seam as per Polyglass Back Nailing.Guide. Nails shall be, 1 I gauge ring shank type,applied with a minimum I"metal disk as required in Dade County or simplex type nail as otherwise:allowable in other regions,at a minimum rate.of 12" o.c. Polystick TU Plus should be back nailed'in designated area marked"nail area,area para clavar on the face of membrane,with the above stated nails and/or disks.The head lap membrane is to cover the area being back- nailed.(Please refer to applicable local building codes prion to installation) 3. All seal lap seams (selvage laps)must be rolled with a hand roller to ensure full contact. 4. All fabric over fabric;and granule over granule end laps,shall have a 6"wide,uniform layer of Polyglass Polyplus 55 Premium Modified Flashing Cement,Polyglass Polyplus 50 Premium MB Flashing Cement; XtraFlex 50 Premium Modified Wet[Dry-Cement,Polyglass PG500 MB Flashing'Cement,applied in between the application of the lap.The use of mastic between the laps does not apply to Polystick MTS. 5. A maximum of_6 tiles per stack are allowed when.loading tile on the underlayments. Refer to the Polyglass Tile Loading Guidelines.See General Limitations#9 and 910. 6. Battens and/or Coun..terbattens,as required by the the manufacturers NOA's,must.be used on all projects for pitch/slopes of T712"or greater. It is suggested that.on pitch/slopes in excess of 6 '/a"/12",precautions should be taken,such as the use of battens to prevent tile.sliding during the loading process. 7. Minimum cure'time after membrane installation&before loading.of roofing tiles is Forty-Eight(48).Hours. 8. Polystick membranes may not be used in any exposed application such as crickets,exposed valleys,or exposed roof to.wall details: 9. Repair of Polystick membranes is to be accomplished by applying Polyglass Polyplus 55 Premium Modified Flashing Cement,Polyglass Polyplus 50,Premium MB Flashing Cement,XtraFlex 50 Premium.Modified Wet/Dry Cement, Polyglass PG500 MB Flashing Cement to the area in need of repair,followed by a patch of the Polystick material of like kind should be set and hand rolled in place over the area needing such repair. Patching membrane shall be a minimum of 6 inches in either direction. The repair should be installed in such_a way so. that water will run parallel to or over the top of all laps of the patch.. 10. All self-adhered membranes must be rolled to ensure full contact with approved substrates. Polyglass requires a minimum,of 40 lbs for a weighted roller,for the rolling of the field membrane. Hand rollers are acceptable for rolling of patches or small areas of the roof. Brooming may be.used where slope prohibits rolling. . 11. All approved substrates should be dry;clean-and properly prepared,before any application of Polystick membranes commences. An approved substrate technical bulletin can be furnished upon request.It is recommended to refer to applicable building codes prior to installation to verify.acceptable substrates. 12. The Polyglass Miami-Dade Notice of Acceptance(NOA)approval for Polystick membranes can be furnished upon request by our Technical Services Department by calling 1 (800)894-4563. NOA No.: 14-0717.08 MIAMI•DADECOUNiY Expiration Date: 09/13/16 Approval Date: 01/22/15 Page 8 of 9 13. Questions in regards to the application ofPolyglass products should be directed to our Technical Services Department:at 1 (800) 04-4563. 14. Polyglass recommends that applicators follow good roofing practices and applicable procedures as outlined by the National Roofing Contractors Association(NRCA). PLEASE CHECK WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODES REGARDING LIMITATIONS OF SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS. LOCAL CODES MAY SUPERSEDE POLYGLASS REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. END. OF THIS ACCEPTANCE MIAMI•DA®uNTr NOA No.: 14-0717'.08 Expiration Date: 09/13/16 Approval Date: 01/22/15 Page 9 of 9 Florlela Biaild�ng Codt°,0.tiline Page 1 :of 2 �I�'�,; l L`b�� , .'lll�'�i{ i ,�` Lam a, "' �u Waa VkZ-= a 1 ,1;. y'l,{t BCiS Home Loa In I User lteglstratlon' Hot TaTicf I:Submlt'Surehalge Stats&Pacts -PuhliwUa I FBC Staff I BC]S 511e:Itap.i Uilks, Search Busines (til ct Professibb�nal @USER;Public User Approval f�Y17l,l�.ri��n Plodurt.A w oanl 1-VM1.>rronact tlrAunhraili7n Saarcha,AnahCauon List>,ApPlleatlon Oatnll, 1 ra ril FL# FL16674-R40' Application Type Revision fv OP�, A,Code VersionAppkAlon StatusApproved Comments Archived ProductManufacturer Owens:Corn(ng Add ress/Photie`Erna11 On.e,.Owens Corning-Parkway Toledo,,OH 43659, (740);404-7629 Oreg.keeler@owenscorning.com Authorized,Sfgnatute Greg Keeler greg kegler@owenscoming.com' Technical,Representative W Sancrant. Address/Phone/Email', 1 Owens Corning;;PKWY 31_5 ,(419)376-8360 mel.sa ncra ntdowensco rnig;com t .Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category (Roofing Subcategory ABphalt.Shingles Campllance:Method Evaluation Report,frgm a Florida Reg lstered,Architector.a'1icensed Fiorlda.Professional Eriglneer Evaluation RePa'rt Harticopy.Received Florida.Engincer or ArchitectNamM etwho developed RoberCI M.Nieminen the Evaluation Report' . Florid a,U cense: PE-59166 Quallty.Assurance Entity UL-LLC' Quality,AssurancerContract_Ezgira[Ion;,Date 0Q/20/2017 Validated By, John M.Knezevich,PE P Validation.Checklist-.,HardcopyReceived Certlficatd-qf lndependehm -FL10674 'R10ZQ� 7Q15 pa _:Oi � �ic��if Reference&Standard,a'n0ear(of Standard) Standard Year ,ASTM D3161 2009: ,ASTM D3462 2009 ASTM D7158 2008 Equivalence;of Product Standards Certified;By Sections from''the'Code http:/Lwww ilol dabuild ng org/pr/p>, app_dtl,aspx?parain7wOE..'.,X gtBNbEYSY%o2.. 9/10/20,1.5 Florida B«ilding(;odc Q line' Page.2 of 2 Prod ucf:Approval Method Methodl Option'D pa[e'Subrriftted 04[22/2015 Date.Vaiidated 04123/2015. Date Pending FBC Approval ;04/25/2015 Date•Approved 06/23/201.5. Sumnit ;:of°,rodiiets. FL# Modtil,.-Number:.or.Ndlrle Description; 10674:1 Owens Corfllnd-Asphait'Roofiiig, 3-tib-I 4-tab,-546b 4a 6atebi rter and hip:&;ridge Shingles and;Starters, ahiligh3 ' AMIts of>uso' :Installation Instruction.s- Approved for use,in HVH2:-Nol FL106 11 R10 11:2015.04 F1NAI- FR OC:ASPHALT Appii u ov_ed for use, tside,HVHZ:Yes SHINGLES FI l OG74-R10.ndf Impact Re'sistanE:_N/A Verified By::'RobertI,M.Nieminen;PE-59.166 )esfgn;Prassure:N/A: Created,by lridependetltThfid Party:Yes Other:Refer'to:ER,.Section,5:. Evaluaflon Reports . . FI 1 bA74'R 10 AE-7015 04 E1NAI FR OC-ASPHAI T fiHINC L-FS FIJ 0E7d-00.0df Created,by independenk Third Party:Yes. ._ hack Ncitt Contmi Us::1g4h North'Monroe:Slree6.TallStiassee Fl92399 Phnnerh50=dBj�f 87A The State of Florida,K an O EEO,empleyef..rewrinht 7h87.701��'State of Florida.;I,PrNecv Slateinen[ ;'Si�csifidIN stat6manu Refdtld aalement Under horlila.law,embil addresses'ero-publicrL oMs If you-do'hat wantyour e•maltadoress-eased io response to a pubiic-records request,do not send, OectroBIC'mall td'this entity:Instead;contact the otflce'by,phD11s6.bytiaddional mall;If,you haveariy questWns;,pluase.contaR:850 987.13955 kPwsuant'lo Se41oa.955.275{i1,Fiorba Statutes,-effechve October 1,Zh17i.11censees hcensed under Chapter 455,F:Sa must provide the Department with an email addi6s h they have,one.The emails provlded,m i",:be'used:for ohlcialcommunleaiion vihh the Iltcrlsce:Mcnevecenfall addressesfare pubilcaecord.If,you''.dd not wish:to: suppty a personnl aAdress„please pEoglde the t7e{fartmfnt nlUtao email address whleh imn'.G®made avadatde io the Pui+hr.To determine U you lie n Ifoenseeunder Chapter 455F,:S�PleasedlciF ere. ... Produq'Approval Accept: 'liitritl/www.floridabiiil'diiie:acg/nr%nr 'grin: dtl.ast x?narail'i=wGEVXOWtDotBNbFYS b/o'... 9Y10/20.15 EXTERIP13.13E5EARCH&DESIGN.,LLC. Certificate atAatliorixullon#9503 :383 CHRISTtWSTREET,.UN'IT H13 TRINITY+ERD OXFORD,CT-06478' PHONE',"(203)267-9245.- .FAX:.(203)262,-9241 EVALUIATION'REPORT Owens-Corning 'Evaluation Repoirt 097940:02.12-R5- One bwens,Corning Parkway FL10674-RIO Toledo,,OH 41$659 Date of Issuance:j02/06/2012 Revision 5: 04/22/2015 'S.C.DPE: This Evaluation Repwi- is issued under Rule '61(320_3 6rid,the applicable, 1 d regulations governing. the, use of rules :an .constructiommaterials in-fl-Ita,State of F10'rida.7he d6cu.'Men.t5ti6n.subhiittbdhq"s-bee-0 rbViie pd,-by,Kooprt..Ni'e'n'ilnen,,P.E.f6r ,use of the product rider the Florida-Building Codd-and F16"dA;,8PiAngCode,,,Resi bb tialVol me. The:prOduq ts described' I1ef,ein.'ha'Ve'4een:evaluatiid`f6(`6-mp w h�c. lialridd, lt]Wt 6,S Edition 014,)'FIbfida,.BUlIdjhgZ, '6-d tJbns'h0t0tJ'Weih. PESCRIRTIQN: "Owens,Corgin,&,,Aspha,it;Roof,Shi, gles LABELING: Labeling shall be in.adcordance.with;the r,e,quirertiehts.,ihe-Acce.6dltdd.Quality Assurance Agency.-n0ted,hereid. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is,valid until such,time as the named produci(s) changes, the referenced, Filff-c—bob-t—uffib fftat I o-nflf ha­h­ge%­br=p Ito Vf5lo-Wof-the�CadL-tti-at-relate-to-ttTe-hr'odu ft-dia''n-ge—. Accepta n cL-of-th IS-,' 'Evaluation.Report by thQ;namqd client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P'.E.,if the product changes or the, referenced Quality Assurzince documentation,.6anges. Trinity]ERP a complete review of this Evaluation Reep.oft relativeto-updatedCod-e-requiremdrits.-w,itheach;Code Cycle-. ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Rdpoq nuniber-.precedeo. by;the words Ti.nitylERD. Evaluated' may be displayed in -advertising literature. lf-'any portion:of the Evaluation Report is.displayed,then 14-shall.-be done,AMMentirety: INSPEcTioN: Upon request, axopy'6f this�etitire Evaluation Report shall,be,provided to the User by the. manufacturer or distributors and Shall beavallable-for inspection at-tHejob site at of thd Buildirig;Official. This Eyaluatlon.Report consist.s,.of pages through 6. Robert JM.Nierninen,'P.E. 1,46n 64AW2015..this jovvnooerve as ati-ele'CIF'okcally 5Wned Florida Registration No.59166,Florida PCA,ANE1983 document,Sign.gd,sea.led hardcopies love been 1(ansmi0cd to the, Frodutt Apl)!"tll,Ald.rtiinistritoraniI to the nitned:die t 'CERTIFICATION OFINDEPENDWE: 1. Trinityl ERD does not have, nor does i.t.intbnd.to acquire or will it acquire; a f1646cial interest in any c6rripapy md,nufacturin&,& dis-tribLi,ting.pr.b-dlucts,it.evplua,tps, 2., Trinityl ERD Is not own'ed,operated or controlled by any conipan,y,maiiufactUrirfg:or'distributing products itevaluates. .3i Robert Nieminen,P.E..do'es.nbthave nor,will.acquirej afinap(JaVintefest-in ai,y-cdmp;iny in nufacturltig'.or distributing ftrqdUCLS for ,which'the-evaluatictil rqpqrts,are being.issueti. :4. Robert.Nieminen,P,E.does.not have,-norwill.acquird;.I.a financial product. 5. This-is a building code,evaluation; Neither,TrinitylERD`no.r'Robert'Nfepiinen, P';Ej.are, in-any way,-the,Designer of.Aecord,for any, project.oiiwhith-ttils,Evaluatioi) Report,or previous ih0tiofjs/vas%Used for pgr"t,tihg,o'r design guidance 6n.less'.fe'taide'd specificallyfor tliat.pue ,ROOFING Si,Ttms'EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE: Pir.odbicitatlegory.: Roofing Sub-Category:: Asphalt Shingles Compliance.-katiament: ;Owens,Cbrning ASphalt, , , Roo f Sh irigh,is.,,aS p1.rod1 ice:O, 'by, P, Lq'e, ns,�Corni'n�j�,'have de'monstr 5 t00 compliairce, wjtl; the fqll9wing Sections of the, Florida,loBuildl99 Code FloridaBuilding Cp"6Residential,Volume Akrough testing Im , accordance with the,follo�n -Standards.,Conpliance is su Oject o the Instjiatibn-Roquirements:OidLimitations d tidns of Use set forth lierein Z. STANPARPS:- SectioT Proydrtv Standard" Year, 1507:2.5 R90S2;A. JMI_Ysical?`060,[Yerfles MfM.P- 1507.2.7.1,"R905.2.6.1 Wind Resistance ASTM D3161 2069 1,.11905:2:6.1. Wind Reiis(ance. ASTM R7,,150 i2008 3. REFMENCESt Entity Examination Reference :Dzitd, 1JL,LLC-(CE0626) Physidak&VInd-ReMs6ke File R2453,VOL ;02/,15/2007 ULLLC'(CEft9626Y. PhyslcaIsA,-.W1r1d K0'51starfci 20420516-13'53` 05/16 2412 ULLILIC(TST962-8), Physical Prdpe�Ales 06CA20263 I1CA34308, ;02/18/2012 UIL.I.I.C.(T'ST.'9628)' Physicals&Wind Resistance 4786093137 02/01 201 ' UL LMITST-96281 '47916i26532 02/10/2014 ULLL.C,(TST9619) Ohyiical Properties Clas'sificjtibri IeLteir Mijoyfl-Dade(&klsm FBC'H'V'H'ZCbmpllanm Varicu.—sNOAs ar oqj UL LLC (QUA.9625) quality Cqiitrql' ;Service Conflrmatl6fl,:112453, Exp.09/10/7.017 -4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4:1 As Oha It.Shi qg'lei% 4.1 1C I andSupreme are fibe.rgiass reinforced,3,tab asphallt.roofshinglm halt roof shingles,. 4,,j. Dev.onsl il I re?^".we fiberglass.lass rel I riforced;;,54tab a.spfiailt-rodf siliingles,* 4,1.4 DpratiTroDefinitidn' Dqrat!,onQura,flcr'Prem'iiu.:m` Cool,jr-u6Ie.,1f.i1:n"11iIo%n_" Duration' IDesigner"C"o,lor 'C o–lle11ct . n, I TruDennition''P' ' Id%e 'Oakridge"andVeather, ard'HP-are-fibargiassteinforc6djj4min6ted:aSphqItb'pf'-Shingles: 4.2 Berksl)irp. Hip;,&-,:Ridge _Rlclge;�,Hip A Ridge WRW5ealant, WeatherGiLiard' HP Hip,9i Ridge-Shingles, g a SS.k.re Ridge:Shing 'hi �b' ProEdBe Hlp.�,&-Rid les and DuraRl ge��' kip";g"Ria.� Sking es.,are f i�er 1- inf6rcledi-. p Ind ridge-Pspliblit ge roof Shingles, 4.3 Starter'StripTlus and Sta rter:Shlngle:Roll aire-stairter-strlpsjorasp I hak,rb6f,shl6gIe­s,. 5. Limimim: 5;1 This.ls-.a.building eode=bvaluat!pn, Wljiier Trinityj ERD, nor Acibert,-Memirien,PE,are, in anyway,,'t h.e:Designer,of us. desig-!Iguidanc'e-.uhlessretjiiied:speeific6,lI y for,thatpurpose: 512 Tills:Evp1uj.tIon,1Rqporj isnot for:use-In the 53 Fire.tlaSsIfieatlon IS nbt`partqifthis EValUatio 0.',Kieooft;'reNir to ratings,of this product. Wind dassifica.06n: -5.4.1 All Owens Corning;shinjles,noiecl herein' a re.-dassif Ied'in accordance,with'148C Tables150717.1-%and-R90516A to; ASTM D3I61,daiss F U_d/oASTM D7158,Class.H-"'diIca- It*" th 'shi g!gs,drLti:aci�doCabl6�fo-t.p�-in;' Ujg; _6_.,h all wlrid,tone's-up,toG T pb)' d Yalo�-.Pp mol-tvi,.=,19 Refe�_t.4eq ;i;�fpr'ins(all4opn-rgqtiirpinents-tolmeet�thi�-Win ;rating,.,: 5141,; All 0Wens`,(0rfiI6g hl'O&.-tldg6:shi,hgle'sao.diStartetSt-tip Plus hdClassified lin,-5cciAan cevito FBqjq 45Q.7 2 71,and 11905:2 6 1 to ASTM D3161,Class P,indicating les.ar.e,a" ccepiab'1'6"t".,r*.usinal'i:""W*,Ind'Zote SP. ,U Aa Vasil,=-150rfi0h;,(,V',,,=i6,4'i.T,i."p�}) eer. Exterior Research and Deslorli.i.,I.C. Evaluation Report 0379410.02112-115 certiftate 6f,-Autljaikndon 49503- :FL10674-RI0 "R6(S'lq'n:-S;04fi,2/1015 page4,ol"6 1 ` ' j TRINITY!ER©: 5:4:3. Classiflcaiion:by.ASTMi D7158 opplies to'exposure.category:B:or:C,and-a,buildiitgheight of.60-1eet'or Iess..,Calculations. by a qualified design professional are required :for 'conditlpns;' R.utside these:,limttitions.; Cnntacf:the shingle: mcanufacturer.for data spetific,to_each shingle,. s:4i4 Refer.to:Owens,Corning'pub.lished:informatiotion•wind,resistance:'and;u stallatlon limitations. 5:5;. All productsin the roof assenibly shall have-qual ty assurance audit'in.accordance•.with the'Florida''Building Code and--. FA.0;Rule 61G20=3: 6. INSTALLATION: 6:1 UnderIaVrpent: 6.1.1 Underlayment shall be acceptable to.Owens Corning and shall hold'current Florida Statewide::Product,Approval,or be' Locally Approved"per Rule61G20=3;perFBCSectio.ns.1507 2 3'_15Q.7:2,4or,R905+2:3: 6:2 AsphaltShingles: 6.2.1 Installationof;asphalt shinglesshall comply=with;ti a manufacturer's-.current published instructions,„using nI.Inimum four-(4),nails,per,shingle`in accordance.with FBGSections:;1507..2 or R205;2,.wlth the:following exceptiaps;. Berkshire shinglesrequire'minlmum fivec(5)nails;per shingle: i WeailierGuard'HP°shingles.require rninihi.um si><(6.).,nails.per:`shingle. r Devonshire'-shingles require minimum:six(6);nails pershingle. f Starter.Strip Plus,requiresrriinimum five'(5),nails;per strip. _- ___..u___Referto;Owens Corning published-inforrnatiori'on.wind t.6&anm,bnd installatio:niiinitations. 6.2.2 Fasteners shall.be in accordance.with the manufacturer's published requirements_but not less than FBC 1507,2.6 or 11'905.1.5. Staples are not permltted. 61:4= Where:the.roof slope'exceeds 21•units vertical In 12 units horizontal,•special•methods of faste6ing.are.requlreo: Contact,ihe shingle rnanufaetu[er for'details 6:2.5 Minimum;Nailing--Classics&'Supreme: FExponurv�, Mansard;or- Aroa p'aw. Normal Mansard or Arae para : lildh win f' doavarras`y Wlnd'Areot_'.,- Hlgfl.wind' 4osvnnasy. .Areran[os normalei, Areott viu4ps.ruartoa_ Aron para,Olen normelea Arpan, vlgnfos.fyertos ?' ie! 2 ' 8 11WExposure, n Fxpolcl6n Is:2.6 Minimum Nailin);7Berksliire`2 Soahri!5uip, !;Jahn!xtrip. La Ga dx sdlador, "Lai ha dasdlador' - 2” Asphak�aolin800mont Cemwiro'do tectro da aalatto Exterior R_esearch;and Design,LLC. ':Evaluation Report037940.02i12-RS Certi/!cafe of,AQuionzation.N95e3, FL10574.R101 Rtvi s i q n'5:`04/22/2015 Page of 6 , f --J TTRINII. Y 1 M) 6.2.7 Minimum N411ing–Devonshire'" { -'— Nails Nails TentV'Spots 64 Asphalt Roof Cement M nimum:N vr.qfjqnO, TruDefirittion`pufation;.puratitia ';PrQn iutn Cool&TrAdIpition�.Duration :Destg er colorGolleetlon:. 4 Nall Pattern 8:Noil w utaa a snip sron tlSlfn r.txr,n SuteNa!" Esquoma de 4 cfavas Pattern 'auinnateu p'tutnu. Esgtterrin rtmiaub p nts Xee SumJJaltI'tnlentng aRv wktth �de'6elayos; aecaailrprrz rnna ar Area doclaro:.6utoNaAv • • JcaBwrcax+.rtpara . .. 'wi•rgar df rivra tu(rfrsra � s,�xair -�. 1' urtrrin]] � Latmdp • nra w41U, . .,� _ -ane W;ph it i— IT—►� Amada (biM ,IuNNaiot—.1r- •` % lr 5mrY,tlir EMO5Ya",exposure .. 'tJaAa 6Ye:•Expcstue. r - G'hpufy,deexportottin gavos 5t4pu'g::deexposkMri `" t , ,q,,EX"yosure Nalls aK.Fxt�swo: 545ptily,Qa expusklc�ri' Cfa vm_ v4i tx1(y Ja pxpiag(cl�in 6.2.9 fvlinimum:Nailing–TruD.efirlItIdn+OakfidgeO,OakJclge°;. 4 Nall Pattern 6 Nall Pattern E{quema tar 4 clavos Esgue/riacon 62Javos- jr l 6t0_Ekpwuro Nails 6 618"Exposure Naps Fxpodcldn de 66/8 putt': Claws ExpastcVn de.6G/Bpwg.� 66113"Fxp,osute GfaPas 6 Sig,:Expwsu FxptgFe nOdtG Wpulg. Fxyoslcton.de66/8pgg. :6:2.10 Minimum Nailing--WeatherGaardl HP; $Innis alto N1_r- Frtwrmr,7hvrgtlr Nrl titer Ci•wez itr A•"Aifia,>r ilei 1�srdfai. Exterlor Research.and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report 037940:02.12-R5 Certificate pf.Authorization;N9503. Fl.10674-R10 ReWsl"ori S:04/22/2015. Page 4-of 6 TRINITY`'ERD. 6.3 -Hip.&Rldge.Shingles:! .6.3.1 InAzillation ofBerkshire'Hit)and Ridge Shingles, High:Ridge, Hjp7& Ridge with Seilant, WeatherGuild'HP Hip and Rldge_Shlngles:and ProEdgq'Hiol& with-ttie,iiianufacturer's:curi*ent published instructions,, .using four(1)nalls.per shingle. Installation of.DuraRidge"Hip&,Ridge,Shingles.shall comply with the manufacturer's- current published ins.tructicin5i usingtwi,o(,2)601jperMiing16. Ref e�eto._Owens Corning:.publi§hed:.Iof6fnation.prwind resistance and installation limitPto sjn1u�in handsealing 63:2 Faste*riersshall-belin occo[d6nc6,wikh'the'mahufjtturer Is ppblished'recluirie h6 but than�,PC.1507.2.6 or _u R905.2.5. Stapi-es:are not permitted.. 63.3 Minimum N6ill6g—Ber!6hir6O,Hip.&'Ridge-phd,High,Rldge: Fib.1 9? Ryle ?Isis �Z- Place OT j. i 6.3.4 Mininium Nailing—Hip St,Ridge,,with Sealant:— ttiwn Fig.2.-Hiq,hW W fa:o""ming ning Pattem (4 Nails) and Disemard A 12" .Excess Sealant nt S trip T 1 51,g" SU Fastening 6 5/,gll 5 Exposu ge Distance TZ i6:3.5 Minlrnurn-NAing—weatiierduaie HP Hip and Ridge Oig:C.Hip&:'R'idqe:Shln&Fastening Fig. Y Y Topviow. PrevajUn Wind .11DIL2- 11alL9 ";7 ri-7T.;> Eepoaum Exterior Re,s.0,kh and De igfi,,I.I.C. ,Evaluation,Report 03.7940.02.12-R5 Certificate ofAutharization#9503, -FL,10674-R30 Revision 5:09/22/20],5 Page 5 OF6 TRINITY ERD I 6:3ai M mmurn Nailing:-ProEd'041p&Ridge Shingles, Pro Standard:vaihng i l X1.1:". Wit,iG cOvOiom Fastonitig scalant Strip Pattarn, XpDsure Fasten7y�''< 7'!i WEiposuIre .CgVof EKp09ed :. _ 1 .Fdatenors,s+ritli"_ Roof coment t 63,7 M ntmuin N a+Jm -DuraRiilgo"`Hlp'&R;dge:Sh(MOS., Nate: The drawings below:.pertain tbk tnlnlrtium,;as4ested.attachment requi ements,. ,Referto biketnv,,Cornii4 published insfallation mstr fictions for their m nimurn.coqulrerrients; (� Top Vlkw t":t7l.odiondorniuniod�+rgt Vuac�Rtan Dvotdmtlai`v9cnwpra3xnIm to (3 I' :Vnwruptrlgp )'µ Ck.�o „, Cari�Sa ol ::� wells ohl�4 i� tt U- 7., 7., LAOEL NG: 7.1 Labeling shall beln aceordance.with the regulrements,the Accred kfed:QualityAssurance Agency_noied'herelil: 72' Asphait shingle wrappers shat( insiicate compliance With one of-tkie required classlhcations detailed'in EDC Table; 1507.2.7.1 'R905,2 6-.1. 8. BUILDING:PERMIT'RECtIIiREMENTS: As-required�by;the<Builtlmg;OfficiaLor AuthoLity Having,Jurisdictioliin order.to properly-eualuafe theinstaliation aE this.protluct: 9. MANPFACTURING,,PLANTSV Eontactahe named Q;A:entity4or Irifoimatiph on:which: hilts produce ptodu4ts,cov rod by,Florida Rule 9N-3-.QA;reguirenients,. 10. QUA lfT AMAANCE;ENTITY;. UL,LLC=QUA9625;(414}z4$6.449;kareh buchmann rP icclit� END.OF EVALUATIQN REPt7ftT- Exterior Research and Design,.CLG; Epaluat[an Report.O379Q0;02;12-RS CertiJkdte o%Aathodzation 119501: .F[,10674;R1;0. Revlslow5;.011122/2025 Page 6'of G