HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Darc. 12-2St-2015 Permit Number: Buildirrg Permit Application P I o n n i n g o nat Deve lopm e nt Se rvi ces Building and Code Regulotion Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 349ij2 Phone: (772!.l,462-1.553 Fax: (7721 462-1578 Commercial Residential x PERMIT APPLICATIoN FoR: Trc Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line PROPOSED I MPROVEMENT LOCATION : Address: 6805 BAYARD ROAD Legal Description: Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Nanre: 1 301-61 2-0372-000..4 Lot No Ulock No. Project Name: Setbacks Fnont DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: LIKE FOR I_IKE CHANGEOUT 4 TON 16.5 SEER 1O KW CONSTRUCTION I N FORMATION ; ormeo uncer a ppty:z T HVAC Electric Gas l-ank Plumbing l-lou, Piping Sh utters Generator l_l *,noows7/DoorsTl-l sprint<ters tr tr Roof Total Sq. Ft of Construction:Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Utilities: l_lru*"r Ir"Cost of Construction. 5 6900.00 ptic Building Height: OWN ER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: 113n-1g REESE PARRISH Name: JOHN V LANGEL 466rs55. 6805i BAYARD ROAD Company: SEA COAST A/C City: FT PIERCE Stzrte: F L Address: 2601 INDUSTRIAL AVE 3 7in cnda. 34951 Citv: FT PIERCE trl)IAIC:' L phone 11e.46'l-41 99 ZiP Code: 34946 p3x. 466-3053 phone 116, 466-2400 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next prage ( if different from the Owner listed above) E-Mait : TLSEACOASTAI R@AOL.COM State or County License: CACO16446 lf value of construction is 52500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. DESIGNER Name: NEER:_ Not Applicable Ad d ress: City:State:zip:phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: Name: _ Not Applicable _Not Applicable Address:Address:City: zip:phone:City: zip:Phone: BONDING COMPANY: Name: I certify that nr: work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. 5t' Lucie countv makes no representation that is.granl:jng a permit will au.thorize the permit holder to build the subjecr srructurewhich is in conl'lict with anylppliatile H;r;ie bwiers Asiociaiion iuies, bylaws or and covendnlr-.S?^,Il.v, restrict rji prohibit suchstructure' Pleas;e consult with'four Home owneis Asibfi-aiioi'';;b ru;'r6;'i"iiia-u"o'6iffi'lur.r,..,ons whrch nray appry. ll :?i-ti9,:tttion.of the granting of this requested,perrnit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the workIn accordance with the approved prans, the Frorida Buirding coout arlJst. Lucie countvAmendmenrs. The following building permit applications are exe.mpt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions,accessory structures' swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen ioo^ and accessory uses to another non-residentiar use Revised SU PERVISOR REVIEW SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTIIf N LIEN LAW INFORIVIAIIOI\, MORTGAGE COMpANy: _ Not Applicable Name: State:Zip: phone: _ Signature of Ownei STATE OF F COUNTY OFsr OR Produced lderntification Type of tification proquceo Commission No. Signature of STATE OF FIORIDA COUNTY Qf srrucre The forgoing instrume (Signature Per Produced ldentification ., ffi :.1 MYcoMM-iss-loN#FF1 S August 30, 2018 i,l "-"ry':'::g:l;,,1i;,EXPIRES August ru' 4" Cge.ot sc F REVIEWS PLANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW ZONING REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW COMPLETE INITIALS Thiscombinalion qualifies. for a Federal EnergyEfficiency Tax Credit wtren ptaieJ'ii'Jervice between Feb 17, z0o9 dnd Dei'il.-zot+. ffi $ff$sm*e sfr e$ffi€ m*ffrx AHRI Oertified Reference Nunrber: 6937619 Date: 1212912015 Producl: Split System: Air-Gooled Condensing Unit, Coilwith Blower Outdoor. Unit Model Number: 24ACF74LA."31 Indoor tJnit Model Number: FV4CN(B,F)00SL Manufacturer: CARRIER AIR CONDITIONtNG Trade/Bnand name: CARRIER Region: All (AK, AL. 4.& +l gL CO, cT, p.g, pF, FL, cA, Hl, tD, l_L, tA lN, KS, Ky, LA, MA, MD, ME,Mr, MN, Mo, MS, MT. Nc, Nri, Ne, N-il, Ni, irrvi.,ftV,'rvi,6ii,,ii*IoR, pA, Rr, sc, sD, TN, TX,ur, vA, vr, wA, wv;wt,'wy, uS, i"liiioriurl Region Note: central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1,2o1s,are eliqible to beinstalf ed in all reqions until uune 5o,1tiib". eeginning _July 1,2o16,centrat air condit'ionerscan only be insta'iled in regionisJ 6i ili;it the-y meelthe?edional efficiency requirement. Series name: PERFORMANCE SERIES pURON AC Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is CARRIER AIR coNDlTloNlNG Rated as follows in accord-ance with AHRI stand ard 210t.240-200g for, unitqry. Air-Gonditioning and Air-sourceHeat Punrp Equipment and subjeci i" uJ.iri""ti;;;;;;t'i;;i"lir:r""y by AHRr-sponsored, independent, thirdparty testing: Cooling Capacity (Btuh): EER Rating (Cooting): SEER Rating (Cooting): IEER Rating (Cooting): 48000 13.00 16.50 ' Ratings followed by an asterisk (*) indicate a voluntary rerate of previously published data, unless accompanied with a wAS, which indicates an involuntarv rerate DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed on this certificate "nd.Iluf9.: no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibiritv foltheproduct(S)|istedonthiscertiticate'AHR|eXpress|YJisiiaims-arrliauirrtvi"ij''"g"."i unauthorized alteratiotr of data listed on this certificaie. certitieo ratings are valid only for moders and configurations listed in thedirectory at www.ahrldltectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS ]ili::l1l:*1; ducts of AHRI, rhis certiftcate shail onty be used for individuat, personat and entered into a c( is Oertificate may not' ih whole or in part, be reproduced; copied; disseminatedi personal and cor lized, in any form or manller or by any means, except for the user's individual CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION The information for the model cited on this certificate can be vefified at www,ahrldlrectory.org, ctick on ,verlfy cerilflcate,, lihKl,?.":i:lfllllilTl ^."lll1:g l:"f.nce N.umber and the date oir whir;h the certificate was issuec, Altt"Co.\lDi)'[ONla!$, JJ[4?!N{t. & gilTiTl€'iRAT!O N I F;5T1f IJTE wrj ilniir liic it'ltter',,which is risted above, and the certifrcate No., which r. i"t"o "il'"tt"n,''rigi,i'""''"'" wds rssueo' @2OL4 Air-condirioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute i cgnrtrtcATE No.:1 30958824055963300