HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement Jan 0616 02:09p Quality Garage Door Svcs 3212682949 p.2 JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT – SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE 0 4147287 OR SOCK 3824 PAGE 885, Recorded 01/06/2016 at 11:00 AM j AFTERRECORD([('jt -R EfURN TO, ?ERx11T NUHMR: NOTICE OF COMMENCEMEW The underwigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to terrain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice of commeamment. 1.DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legal description and street address)TAX FOLIO NUMBER:j 5� �S I 'all 4�'0 vel SUBDIVISION BLOCK TRACT LOT BLD UNIT (all r s� 1,_u�a F -I-- 2, 2,GENERAL DESCRII'TiOk OF IMPROVEMENT: 9, 7 O/*, 5f;e Wr % 3.OW74ERINFORMA ON: a.Name b.Address I tsh intettst in property W116' d.Name and address of feesimple titicholder(if othcr than owner) h 4.CONTtACTOR'SNAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMIIER:&saLAL1GarQQP_VO()r )P � I(Lo S. ri-lq✓e. `Tr3,.t5y)'f f'`�j q'7 G •e � ?,),I- 5.SURE-VS NANTE.ADDRESS AND PHONE NL7NBER AND BOND AMOUNT: A)I,rl y 6.LENDER'S NA_NE,ADDRESS AND PHONE NCPoIBER: A)la t 7.Persons within the State of F.orida designated by Owtter upon whom notices o:other documents may be served as provided by "- Sectio n 713.13(1)(n)7..Florida Statutes: NAME.ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: g.la addition to himself or hcts-IF.Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice ai provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes:. NAME„ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: &I t-1 9.Expiration dzte aFnotifc of commencement(the expiration daze is 1 year from the date of mord ng unless a different date is sptscificd)�f PI1'!_}�Pr WARNING TO OWNER:A_IY PAYMMM MADE BY THF OWNI+R AFRM'11113 EXPIRATION OF71JE NOTICE OF COMMLINCEKER0 l ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713 PART I5EfTION713 13 Fl-ARIDA STATU'1LS.AND CAN RESLRT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR MMOYEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY A r107'ICE OF COMMENCE VENC MUST BF RECORDED AND POC"TM ON THE 106 SUR RFWRE THF RRST MSPECTION IF YOU IN NVQ TO OBTALY FU:ANCING CONSULT WRM YOUR Rl RE .N �iiG WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OFCOMMPNCEMEN'C. I SltvatweolOt or Print Name an LovidcSlgna ry's7111e101111ct Owner's Authorized Of ieer/Diredor/Partacr/Nonager i• Stalc of Flo�ridNa ' County of G P n The foregoing instrument was aeknowlcdged befurc me this `t day of �� 'U✓���� .20 I� v By iaaiu0- as nw (Name of perw) �— (Type of uuthonty...e.g.Owner,officer,trustee,attorney in fact) Far � • (hams of party on behalf of-,,hom instrument was exccutcd) Personally Known Z orproduced the followin l f "t JEANEM DANIELLEYOGEL ,7 MYCOMMISSIONNFFt14946 ;�, O s`` E,,•? EXPIRES April 21,2018 ; (Printed Name o otary Publi (S igsmlur \#,y Public) Na'+l ooaolst FtpioallotarySetvice.mm Under penalties of perjury,1 declare that I have read the foregoing and that ale facts in it arc!me to[he best of my knowledge and belief(motion 92..52_`,Florida Statutes). i Signaturers)orOwncr(s)or Owner(s)'Authorized OtHceMrcctorfParmer/Mmsager who signed above: �e By.�� Br•0a W , Dcj/te `� ase.CN7W.anIF airy . STATE OF FLORIDA ST.LUICIL COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFYTHATTHIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL. .N 05 CL EHK - 04 By: Deu (Clerk . ,T M Dale: