HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAHARALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Datc:Permit Number: Bu ild inrg Plonning and Development Services Building qnd ()odc Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, t ort pierce FL 34982 Phonc: (772) 462-1,553 Fax: (772\ 462,L578 Permit Application Commercial Residential x I I PERMIT 1P To Setect from dropbox, I nnoeose o_ foiArrrrrrr, -- -click arrow at the end of line Address: 1260 COPEMJAVER ROAD Lcgal Dcscription: Propcrty "lax lD g. 2313-'123-0002-000-9 Lot No. Sitc Plan Namc:Block No, Projcct Name: Setbacks Front Bacl<: _ Fiight Side:Left Side: LIKE FOR LIKE CHANGE OUT 4 TON 16 SI-ER B KW total Sq, Ft of Construction;Sq, Ft. of First Floor: Utilities: l-l r"*,', I t"ffi;----Cost of Construction. g 5410.00 OWN ER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: N2mg MAHAR Name: JOHN LANGEL Addrcss; 1260 COPENFIAVER ROAD Company: SEA COASIA/C cit,,. lr-[ PIERCE St:r ir:r 'vrLy.Addrcss: 2601 INDUSTRIAL AVE 3 ZiP Codc: 34945 citr,' FT PIERCE St;rte: FL phone 11s,464-7809 Zin Cnrjo. :34946 p3x. 466-3046 phone 11o. 466-2400 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different I r-Vuit, TLSEACOASTAIR@AOL.COM from the Owner listed above)State or Countv License: CACO'16440 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: lf value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice of Com-rnun.u11,1"r,t iyuqriruA. Not,Applicabl<: State FEE SIMP[.E TITLE HOLDER:_- Not Applicable Namc: Ad d rcss: City: zip:Phon e: y-u_ur r!uLtLc ut LUtllrllencement. of Owncr/ l_sec/Agen BONDING COMPANY: Name:--Not Applicablc Address; City:_ Zip: _____ phone: lccrtifythat no worl< or installation has commenced priorto the issuance of a permit. i,tn'lifis,ll.#,Ii,ll'ts no rcprc'sentation that ll,Flg!!lc o pglmit will aLr.tho.r ne-thc pcrmit hotder to buitd the subjc,ct structurc:.tru.iuic p16;;;'i.;"i,ril,y,?,o,iJ'frfl's#sufip#ii:ij:,'""#,"fJ."*r*taiim#:Lvru,ii*ilt#i:f,#?f;:-i;nit:ii',':h ln considcration of the granting'f this requcsted permit, Ido here by agrec that Iwill, in all rcspects, perform the worr<in accordancc with the approvcd plans, thc Florida Building cc,oes anJ st. Lucic County Amenoments. The following building pcrmit applications arc exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions,acccssory structurcs, swimming poors, fcncc:;, wails, signs, screcn ioom and accessorv uses to another non-residentiar uscWARNING To owNER: Your failure to Record ar Notice of commencement may result in your paying twice for I and posted on the jobsitc o?an attorney bcfore STA F FLORID co J! Qf sr rucrr riaty1c o\ t\otary pub aLe of Florida )'- ' Persorlallv](nown x Ofr Produced ldentificatron Signat ontra ctor STA FLOR COUNTY Qf sr L_ucrr efore me by The forgoing nstrument was ackno this 13 ___ day of J^N Type of ldcntificat Commission No. cd Revised 07115120) RIVIEWS DAii COMPLETE FRONT COU NI'ER ZONING REVIEW PLANS REVIEW VEGETA REVIEW SOR t:W ANGROVT REVII-,W acknowledging ) (Signaturc of No Pcrsonally l(rrown Type of lQ6nIific.ion Produced (Sca l) of pcrson acknowledgi