HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement 01/11/2016 09:49 7723350860 PAGE 01/01 jU.1s4k H E. SMITH, Cr.T,rRK Or THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIFt COUNTY FILE # 4147715 OR EOOX 3824 PAGE 2310, Recvrdcald 01106/2016 at 04:24 ! t NOTICEOFCOMMENCEMENT Permit 140. Tax Polio No,� p�_ State of Florida County of$t,Lucie i The undrralened hereby gives notice that lmprouelims>t wlR be Mede to certato real provartV,and in accordance with Ghalettr 713,Florida statutes, the followlnR Information Is provided In this Noticr.of Gommencemnnt, i Legai br=lpdon of Property;(and street eddress.if available)! ; -15=,-'iNrXt e nri%re (Tvtlam F*ef-a ea.-,.Unit L&.B1 o=k am T-„t 8) GnnGraidr tion oflmprovrmont Rem a T laCL•' W.1.t9 W,rS 3 00•t'�' l,'tt3 �B S tamer I no on ar Lessee form thin the Sec comrac d for hr.impro eme t: l Name __ Addrr% n1 Intete&I no pertYl - ! Name a d od rest office slmpie TItlehol'dtir,(if d e.rrnt from Own list above): rolttractor ami: er ,at Alu num �4d ci Carved--Addy-- ibar. = 34952 Surety f1f ippllcable.a Copy of the paymrm bond It attochrd)l AMeunt of bond:S--- Name andRddrest: Fttonr,number;__, klader Name: PIIOne Number: Lenders addmW Parsons within the Stoll of Florida desigrinted by Ownrr upon whom noticrs or etlfer•dowmentscBay be served as provided by Section ' 7 3 11 1517.,Florida Stntutesn Name: Plaine Numbrr: _ Address; I In addlefon to himw)f or herself,Ownnr designates.. of to receive o copy of the ! Lienors Notice os roatdOtttmS115e }11)(b) 75"tamem C Phone numb person or rntlty des,mated b wain i ExCiretld ata nettle Of ce enc men;(ih xplmtIon dnt ay t br be1 a nh complcno r co stntcLl and allan ! contra ,but III be 1 year fro dat of m ding unless a d eren dine is s dc1tl 1 WARNiN�iQ ER:ANyPAYtwfNTS DEG THEpWNERAFTF SHE PIRATONOPTHENOTICE COntMENCEM AIRb rronPRpP PA ENTS LINOFft CHAPTER 71,P 71,5ECfION 7x3, FL RIDA It TUTERUr,T 1N YOUR PAYI IMPROVE ENT Tp YOUR PROPER A N CG COIVInIFN ENT usT SER COEttl'ANDI'PSTEDOINITTHEJOBS ST D !FYTEND TN F!N ClNG,4pNSU H Y UR LEN OkQRNEY REFpflE GAM REt ORbI 4 UR NOTICE of COM CEM£ Under penalty of prrJury,I deel that I have reed the fomigoinR noticr of commeneament and that the facts stated therein ora.taus tathe Batt of my knowledge and bell . cob i (Signaturrf of O+nnel•or Leasee,Or ace's or I,P•Ssee'S Authorized Orf t:er/Olrngtor/Partner/Maragrr 1Q4mebwner 151gnatowl TitlrlONke1 The foregoing instn meat waa ackhow(cdgrd before me this-ZJ_day of NQY- ,2015 Ely ch; is Riley a, homeowner _ for sett Name of person Type of authority(&-g.officer,trustee} Party on behalf of whom Instrument was r)mcuted _ �SWEwmp�MPGR Ppt3Tp kvptS orpraduc Ide Uriratlan fpSwittrre Nota talc of orlae) FL RI (Pilot,T ,or mp Commis. ed a M No My PoWle) dj(j( Ono cid t9 CX¢IA!S 1 iB L R�f�E\