HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT _ SAINT LUCIE COUNTY PXLB # 4146844 OR BOOK 3823 PAGE 2761, Racorded 01/OB/2016 abax:A6 PM STATE 01 FLORIDA ST.LUCIE COUNTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS 1S A TRUE AND CORRECt OOP DF THE t ow AL SMITH, ;C JaWft 1s Oats:_.......,....�. NOTICE OF roMMENCER N7 TobetwnplriadWhancvnstrvrUonvalue cxrecor$a,Sop.Cw 51-,V e 5 LQ PERMIT Q; l o` yJ�V TA7(FOLIO $TAPE OF FLORIDA cdUNTV OP 5T ctIG1E The pndarpignad herenv gives notice trial ImptQvCmCnt will be made to certain real property,anb In accordance with Chaprer 713,Florlda Statutes.the following Information is prmvidad in IN&N0114e of Commen;gment" Ai DE CRIPTiON OF P�OPERTY N AAARE�Srt£AV I BLF; n�PG C� ll`F!( �' _ fa) Do , PUS G:IZj CC�[(_" � 14-19 9ENt:RAL04SCRIPTIONOFIMPROyEMEraT;InstallalianofHurHranBShudi3ra OWNERINF AT1 Na LVSSSEINFOR TION, E ON RA E VORTHOWPROVEMEN7: Name: Andres•.: Interest in ProperkyC -'---------`•----- .r��,.--. Name'9Rtl address of fee simple tate holder(It different from Owner listed above) CONPRAcnWs NAME: Expert ShutbrServim,In;. Phone No.:fR27 871-1815 Addross: 7828 SW 131ltmoril 8t„Part 61 histo,FL 34948 5 VRETY GIDMP/W Y(le 89PTIM141a,a copy of Lha pgymsnt bond Is atfiched): Name and address! PhQnY No.: ._" t3ond amount:_, LENDER'S NAME: Phone No.:_, Address:. .--......_ Ptryo„swltM),thp state erf Florlda dasignatgd hyownar upon whom Potlzar or whrrdowmrnts may be servedas provldad by sactiorr 71.3.13 (1)12)7,Florida StrtUtelt Nemec _ Phanc Na.: Addr=z: In adCitlon to hlmsalf or heascif,Qwner dcsisratas of tv rccolQc A ropy of the Liehars Notice as provided in 5ealon 715.13{SJ(b),Florlda Statues. Phone number of person or entity designated by Owner, Expiration date of NQtlsa of tammcneem¢nt! ' (the expiration date may not be before the cpmplttton of constmLlIou and first payment to the contractor,but will be 1 yr ar trent ttie date of . mwrding uniets 3 different date ISepeditedi: WARNING 70 OWNER-ANY PAYMM5MADE BYTHE ONthIERAF7F� `,(,QiRA'hONOf7HFNOTIGFbFCOMM£NCEM�Nr�[tECONSIbEReo IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNCER CHAPTER 713,PART I.SEC'tiON 713,13.FLORIDASTATUTESAND CAN RESULT 1N YOUR4AYI1dG 7WJrF FOP itAPROVEMENT'STQYOUR PROPERTY_ANOTICEOFC'OMAtiENCEMBNTMUST RERECOROEUANDPf,} (7Qj� OfSSliEBEFORETNMFIRST t fMEECTION.1F YDU INTENb 70 01arA1N F1 NAW-Mr.CONSULT WITH YOU R LENbEft OR AN AYrORNBY SM:0RE,COMMENVIVE WOR)C Q$ RECl3epINGYt7URNdTICF.OF COMMtcNCEMSNT. Undmr amity of perjury,l declare that I have read the foregoing And that the fads In It are true to the hest of lily knbwted1d and belief. two of Owner or 1�Ssee,ar Owner's m Lesseds Authpitzad Offleor/p9reetor/Partnpr/M onagcrJAttprneY•fn-fast sl}�amr�1 TEerlotnoe The foregoing Instrumprn was aekpawtpdaQd Wore me ihls day of L'0 CM b2,C 2l7 LJ: i r ey: 560.0 1t/a as ��' `rar r Q Pd CZ— Name of person V Ty pe of authority(e.g.officer,trusteel Pany an be(thif pf whom instrument Meas exdtutad Q QruC� PersonapY Itnown 0 or produced identiile8tion NotaH s Signature V1ypF of idsntlrlwston produced (Print.Type,or Stamp Qommiss�onad llama Qf Nat4rv1 —- ,-� frH SPA OROAPM T:13L981dA,FomtSlNaw AppliationaUonmsWoticc 01'Commencement Uocx Notary Public rt.4;15;t I State of New Jeraey My Cpt,ry IS810n Expires Jan.26,2017 6D_ff 2416313