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IIr.llR"l (;jg k3 +t-s_+1{,{:nrav+�f Man-> y d-i e:A� jjci=iISLg};,h>(SIM+ r.+tksn r+*.{>Application Detail41Y+Lri�Yr . FL 7 FL10674-R10
Application TypeRevision
Code version 2014
Application Status Approved
Product.Manufacturer Owens Corning
Address/PhongEixmail One Owens Coming Parkway
Toledo,OH 43659
Authorized Signature Greg Keeler
Technical Representative Mel Sancrant
Address_/Ptione/ggtall. I Owens Corning PKWY
Toledo,OH 43659
Quality Assurance,Representative
Category Roofing
.Subcategory Asphalt Shingles
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida
Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received
Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert 3.M.Nieminen
Florida Licerise PE-59156
Quality Assurance Entity tTEU
Q6611 'Assurance Contract Expiration Date 4�08120J2017
Validated By. '�T n .Knezevich,PE
Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received
Certificaie of lnd,ependence FL10674 R10 CQI 2015 01 COI Nieminen.odt
Referenced Standard'and Year(of,Standard) yUat
ASTM D3161 2009
ASTM D3462 2009
ASTM D7158 2008
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Sections from the Code
https:!/Ooridabuiiding,orcglprlpr_app dtl.aspx7param=wQEVXCWDgtSNbEYSVa/o2boQT%2b6w7ahReglCQ8ucR6ixEAoiMeKNJi{xL4w*/o3d°/43d July 1.2015
Florida Building Cordo Oafine Page 2 of 2
Product Approval MdtRod Method 1 Option D
t3ate Stitimitted 04/22/2015,
Date Validated 04/23/2015
.Date,Pending FBC Approval 04/25/2015
'pate;Approved 06/23/2015
summary of Products
FL it Model,Number or Name !Description
10-6741 Owens Corning Asphalt Roofing P 3-tab,4-tab,5-tab,-laminated,starter and hip&ridge shingles
Shingles and Starters
t_imits of Use Installation Instructions
Approved for use.in MVNZ:No Filo s94 R10 t] 2SiL5 04 62NAl�ER OC ASPHALT
Approved:foeuseoutside IIVHZ:yes j 5tti 1S fJ 1t76Zt1 ai`e hid
i Impact Res,istant:,N/A Verified By:Robert J.M.Nieminen PE-54166
Deign Pressura:,N/A i Created by Independent Third Party:Yes
Other:Refer to'Ei;,.Sedlon 5: Evaluation Reports
FLI06 4 R10 AE QC ASPi1AL1'
SHINGLES EL10674-Pit}=
Created by independent Third Party Yes
i'nn ect 1r. tadQ Nadh rdnnr*x.Strr�f,)'nllnh Tt99 Phone'BSQ-4:17-1924
Tha,state of ri.mida 1,an.AF/ECO,employer.fnmiright 2n07.961 3%far,nt[IM1111L;;Qrtuary statement;;aW.MW4d dy_%IXAment;:aatuad.t^t te=Ln�
Under notch law;email addresses are public records.If ytw do notwant your e-mail addmsr released in response to a putrid-records request,do not send ciettrontc
,mail'to ttils.entit/ Instead,contact the orrice by phone or by traditional mail.It you hive any questions,please contact 050.467.9395.'Pursuant to Section
:',I 5.275(i),.Florida,statutes;effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with'an email address if they have
one.,The emals providcitrnoy be used for official communication with the licensee.However emall addresses are public record.it you do not w4st7 to supply a Personal
'address,please provide,the Department with in email address which can be made available to the public To determine 11 you are a licensee under Chapter 455.f.5_
please dick here.
Product Approval Accepts:
u'titril v i11 11,11.
htlps1ifforidabuilding.orgtpr/pr_apll =wGEVXQwtDgtSNbEYSV%2boQT%2b5w7ahReglCQ8ucR6ixEAolMeKNJKxMw°,63d%3d July 1.2015
Certificate of Authorization#9503
Owens Corning Evaluation Report 037940,02.12-115
One Owens Corning Parkway' FL10674-R10
Toledo,OH43659- Date of Issuance:02/06/2012
Revision 5: 04/22/2015
This Evaluation Report,is ,issued under Rule 6IG20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of
construction'materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen,P.E.for
use of the ptoduct-under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described
herein have been evaluated for compliance with the Slit Edition(2014)Florida Building Code sections noted herein.
DESCRIPTION: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles
LABELING: Labeling shall,be.in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein.
CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This I Is Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced
-Quality Assurance documentation changes,,or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this
Evaluation Report by the.named'client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen,P.E.if the product changes or the
referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. TrinityJERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report
relative to,updated Cot e',requirements with each Code Cycle.
ADVERTISEMENT-. The .Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "TrinitylERD Evaluated" may be displayed in
advertising literature.;if any portion,of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety.
INSPECTION: Upon requdst,;a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its
distributors and,shall-be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official.
This Evaluition Report consists of pages I through 6.
Prepared by;
rbe(icsiollfe seal appearlog W.n Alillsoltired fit,Robot Noturien,
Rclbertl.M' Nieminen,'P.E. ti PI,onf)AJ22/2015, flits does not seme asan electiveicilly taned
document.Signed,scaled hardrop;es have bev,transmitted to the
iltion#V0.1591d6,Florida DCA AMEI§8j
Florida Rcgistr' Product ApprovslAdoninst,alo,and to the n4nitil client
1, TrihitylERD..does,not have',,,ribr does it Intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or
distributing products it evaluates.
2. Trinity I EAD,i.s noi,owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates.
3. Robert Nlemiridn,'P.E,does not,have nor will acquire,a financial Interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for
which the evaluation.reports are being issued.
4. Robert Niemihdn. P.E.do6 not have,nor will acquire,a financial Interest In any other entity involved in the approval process of the
5. this is 4 building code evaluation. Neither Trinityl ERD nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.are,In any way,the Designer of Record for any
project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained
speciffcally'for that purpose.;
Product Category: Roofing
Sub-Catogory: Asphalt Shingles
COM0112nCe Statement: :Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles,as produced by Owens Corning,have demonstrated compliance
with the following sections of the Florida Building Code'and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume through testing in
accordance with the following Standards. Compliance Is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations Conditions of
Use set fofth herein.
2. STANDARDS:Section ,
Pro pg Standard Year
1507.2.5;R9052.4 Physical Properties ASTM 03462 2009
11905.2.63 Wind Resistance ASTM D3161 2009
1507.1,7.1,8905.2.6A Wind Resistance ASTM D2158 2008
Enmity Examination fLeferenm PA9
UL LLC(CER9626).. Physicals&Wind Resistance File R24S3,Vol,3 02115/2007
Ul.LLC(CER9626). Physicals&Wind Resistance 20120526.112453
UL LLC(TST9628) Physical Properties 06CA20263 04/18/2006
UL LLC,(TST9628) Wind Resistance 11CA34308 02/18/2012
UL LLC(TST9678) Physicals&Wind Resistance 4786093137 02/01/2014
UL LLC,(TST9628) Wind Resistance 4786126532 02/10/2014
UL LLC(TST9629). Physl,cal Properties Classification letter 02/13/2014
Miaml-ba&(CER1S92) FOC HVHZ Compliance Various NOAs Various
UL LLC (6.uA`9-62'5). Quality Control
Service Confirmation,R2453 Exp.08/20/2017
4. PRODUCT DEScftipnow
4.1 Asphalt,Shingles:,.
4.1.1 'Classic"and Supreme*are,fiberglass reinforced,3-tab asphalt roof shingles,
4.1.2, Berkshire'are fiberglass reinforced,4-tab asphalt roof shingles.,
4.1.3 Devonshire'are fiberglass reinforced,5-tab asphalt roof shingles.
4.1A Duration., TrODefi-nition* 'Duration, Duration'Premium Cool, TruDefinition' Duration' Designer Color Collection,
TruDefinitlbW Oakridge,'Oakridge and WeatherGuard*HP are fiberglass reinforced,laminated asphalt roof shingles.
42 Berkshire'
erkshire' Hip &'Ridge Shingles, High Ridge,,
ge,,Hip & Ridge with Sealant, WeatherGuard' HP Hip & Ridge Shingles,
FroEdge Hp`,$t,Ridge Shingles a6d'DuraRidge'",hip&Ridge Shingles are fiberglass reinforced,hip,and ridge asphalt
,roof s4ilhiles.,
4.3 Starter StripPlus and Starter Shingle Roll are starter strips for asphalt roof shingles.
S. 'Llmlwforisl:
'is is a building codevalu.
on. Neither TrinitylERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are,in any way, the Designer of
' iti
Record,for any project roject 66 which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or
design, gpidance,uhless retained specifically for that purpose.
5.2, This Evalbki& Report is not for use in the HVHZ.
5.3 Fire Classikation'is not part of this Evaluation Report;refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire
ratings of this:product.
5.4 Wind Classification.
5.4.1 All Owens Cornl0g.shingles,noted herein are Classified in accordance with FBC Tables 1507.2.7.1 and 8905.2.6.1 to
ASTM D316.1,1C-116ss.,F.andj6r ASft,4 D7158,Class H,indicating,the shingles are acceptable for us in all wind zones up to
mph(V,,),'-"494 mph). Refer to Section 6' for Installation requirements to meet this wind rating,
5.4.2 Al!,Onvi.ins Corning Ing hip&ridgethingles and Starter Strip Plus noted herein are Classified in accordance with FBC Tables
1507.2.7.1'and.,R910S.2.6.1 to ASTM D3161,Class F,indicating the shingles are acceptable for us in all wind zones up to
vasa=1.,so mph(V,d)-194 mph). Refer to Section 6 for installation requirements to meet this wind rating.
Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report 017940.02.12-RS
Celifleate of'Aufh.rlrotron,#003 FL10674-R10
Revision 5:04/22/2015
Page 2 of 6
5.4.3 Classification by ASTM D715B applies to exposure category 8 or C and a building height of 60 feet or less. Calculations
by a qualified design -professional are required for conditions outside these limitations. Contact the shingle
manufacturer for data specific to each shingle.
5.4.4 Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations.
5.5 All products in theroof assembly shall have quality assurance audit In accordance with the Florida Building Code and
F.A.C.Rule 6IG20-3;
6.1 Undirlayment:
6.1.1 Underlaymbnt shall be acceptable to Owens Corning and shall hold current Florida Statewide Product Approval,or be
Locally Approved per Rule 6IG20-3,per FBC Sections 1507.2.3,1507.2.4 or R905.2.3.
6.2 Asphalt Shl�njlcii:
6.2.1 Installation of asphalt shingles shall comply with the manufacturer's current published instructions, using minimum
four(4)nails per shingle in accordance with FBC Sections 1507.2 or R905.2,with the following exceptions:
Berkshlre*shingles require minimum five(5)nails per shingle.
WeatherGuard'HP shingles require minimum six(6)nails per shingle.
Devonshire,shingles require minimum six(6)nails per shingle.
Starter Strip Plus requires Minimum five(5)nails per strip.
'Refer to,OwensC orning published Information on wind resistance and installation limitations.
6.11 Fast eirers,shbll-60n accordance with the manufacturer's published requirements,but not less than FBC 1507.2.6 of
R965.2.5.Staples are,not permitted,
6.2.4 Where the roof slope exceeds,21 units vertical In 12 units horizontal, special methods of fastening are required.
Contact the shifigle'm6riufacturer for details.
6.2.5 Minimum Nailing ClassicO&Supreme:
Nbrrnal Mansard or Area para Normal Monsard or Aron pare
Wind Arco* High Wind dsavanas y Wind Areas High Wind dosvenes y
Area pare vientot normal** A-so Vionfos fosrNrs Argo pare winning nonnalop Areas Worries luartas
2. 2"
Jag yt;:�
67EXPosurv, 51218`Exposure
Exposici6n Expasickin
6.2.6- Minimum Nailing—Berkshire":
sazbro otip
la Linda fr>ltda La 11fa do Milubt
R itvl4t Yf 4 'fiv it Yr 8 le 0 W
AspNih raolingomoni
Exterior Reseimb and Design,LEC. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12.RS
Certificate ofAughorication#9503 FL10674-RI0
Revision S.04122/2015
Page 3 of
6:2.7 Minimum.Nailing-Devonshire'":
Nails Ten l"S ots of Asphalt Roof Unient
6.21, Minimum Nailing–Duration's,TruDefinitionO Duration,Duration's Premium Cool&TruDefinition'Duration'Designer
Color Collection.-
ollection:4 Nail Pattern 6N41
Eaquernade:3Claws Pattern
SvadlsV 14!s rni aaa ctkith Ewoma
oadedavosl:Rmtia@^ debdiaV63 • • • ��i «r,rjRf7r,
RntrNr � .nar•
at+asn ` uax:f+.
it -h' Q— tY' fnicr r . a•nu
WOW i.,Nje
3F,'ExpriNais Ba�duo
6't puig da expositro# t7avas Gt€putg.dr a rpaskn yy Expcnuro flag. 3 Exposrm
5�Iputp.u'rsupns�kin LYanK 5>,;/vlp.deraiwsirititr
6.2.9 Minimum Nailing Trubeflnitlon*Oakridge°,Oakridge°:
-4 Nail Main 6 Nail Pattom
,Esquesria co rd ctavos. Esquoma con 6 claws
tr' =-�►1 1<-- ,r-->I
v- — -- tr
65te Expowia fla@s 66l8"Exposu! Halls
Erposldcwde6GISPa'g. ctsvos_ Efposla'dndt661spe4y. SSWFxpowuw Clavas 6618-E:pomi
£xpNeMn de 6 G18pufq. Erposicba da 6 G4'pad4,
6.2.10 Minimum Nailing-WeatherGuardO NP:
1• �'''�� ,.�' 1 •yam
;.;, �• prlwu�.it�i�hyf lire
Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-115
Crrtlgrore of Auiharltation,49503 PL10674-R10
Revision 5:04/22/201S
Page 4 of 6
S ++
61.3 Hip_&'Ridge Shingles:
6.3.1 installation..of Berkshire'Hip a'nd Ridge Shingles,High Ridge,Hip&Ridge with Sealant,WeatherGuard"HP Hip and
Ridge Shingles and Prolidge flip&Ridge Shingles shall comply with the manufacturer's current published instructions,
-using four{4�nails per shingle. Installation of DuraRidge'"Hip&Ridge Shingles shall comply with the manufacturer's
current published instructions,using two(2)nails per shingle. Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind
resistance and installation limitations,including the use of hand-sealing for wind warranties.
6.3.2 Fasteners,shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's published requirements,but not less than F$C 2507.2.6 or
R905.2.5'.-.Staples are not permitted.
.6.33 Minimum l4ailing-�-Berkshire�Hip&Ridge and High Ridge,
,� taPVllwr tilaoNY+ry
\\ Q.\`x NtA3 liars 1
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6.3,:4 Minimum Nailing-Hip&Ridge with Sealant:
am Fig.2-High,Wind Fasteninig Pattem
rim Shingle—•
rtEd Discard 2..EXCA36S T#
Sealant ---�► 12"
strip T •
'Fastening Ss1,10 5"Expostuire
6:3:5 Minimpm,Nailing=WeatiierGuardll HP Hip and Ridge:
Fig.C Hip&Ridge Shingle Fastening
Fig.A v
,., TopMbv+
Proi71frj 1'1Me. ,,%��
roto ---._- ►�r `�•w— _.
141b 14Its
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Exterior Research and Design,I.W.- Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R5
C€rt/pcate o//iuthorltarionT19503` FL10674-R20
Revision 5:04/22/2025
Page 5 of 6
6.3,6 Minimum Nailing-ProEdge Hip&Ridge Shingles:
Provail3ng Standard tl.
Wind Direction Fastening
Seslsn!Strip Pattern
4"Exposure �. r.[ ' -Z
12• "—Sealant
Fastin 7'h' 7.f'" W Exposure
Qo o.r E:passel I i
Fsstenea with tt +f
6.3.7 Minimum Nailing DuraRidge`"Hip&Ridge Shingles:
Note: The drawings below pertain to minimum, as-tested attachment requirements. Refer to Owens Coming
published installation instructions for their minimum requirements.
Dinctioedam3roramdurant vht.superro. I�fti
Dimtdmdaltlartb esisi0lTiitantn I
* fc�
. n 2!r` �� � -Oamrm Coelitg 5u[ettawr � � azo
6Aw,n,'4;y_ S I
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T" tR
7.1 Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein.
7.2 Asphalt shingle wrappers shall indicate compliance with one of the required classifications detailed in FBC Table
%1507.2.7.1-/"R905 .6.1.
As required by the Building official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product.
Contact the named QA entity'for information on which plants produce products covered by Florida Rule 9N•3 CW requirements.
UL LLC=QUA9625;_(414),248-6409;karembuchmann@ul,com
Exterior 1116earch'and Design,LLC, Evaluation Report 097940,02.12-RS
fntifrcate of Authorkation 09509 FL70674•R10
Revision 5:04/22/2015
Page 6 of 6