HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida$ii idilrg:Gode Onl ne ;Page;I -on -- r„ `i o a F ,-- } !r 1 -1•.N"arvan� a .•s.ar . f7 rr1 7 l 1 F G ° Ua F(rHftl-i I S I-,n�aelr _UCls H10"w tsi!n ,Ufa,nc&tmtlan Hot Tapia l ISUbn11tSUrcharae. State&:Fads PubhcaUons I Facstarr"{ 116SSae.Hapr) LIAW, Search 3u5ines tf`1 bb Orqduct Approval ( e�'Professi :nal SER:PtipllttS& C E f���tli ril�n �° ��• rnei110 AOMOIM r1(1(1>riotbt t Or An ifcatiornseifch>;n I.rn�!R-L.ngnI K -. t:>:4PH ation oetall: JAN P'1N 2 20161� FLK FL10674-RIO' A'pplicationType Revision PERrAFFrING Code version 2014 St. Lucie County, FL Appiicatlon Status ApproSeil ^Comments, ArchiveiiAlan Product-Manufacturer Owens Corning Address/Phone%Email One Owens Corn!ng Parkway '�• j Toledo„OH'43659' 1. i (740);104-7829 greg keeler.@owenscorning.com _ Authorized Signature Greg,Keeler greg,keeler@owenscoming.com Technical4opresentafive: M61.Sancrant Address/Phone/Email 1==0wens Corning:PKWY Toledo,'OH:43659' (419).376-8360 meLsa ncra ht@owenscornig:com ,Quality Assurance Representatide Address/Ph"one/,Emall Category hoofing Subcategoryl. Asphalt•Shingles Urnpliarice Method. Evaluation Reportfrom,a.Florida Registered Architect o:a`Licensed 'Florida Professional Engineer EvaluatiorrReport Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or.Architect Namemho developed Robert I.M.Nieminen the•Evatuadon`Report Florida License: 'PE-5916.6 Quality Assurance Entity. UULLC Qliailty ASSurance.Contract Exptrailori,_Da[e 08>217/7017 Validated By. John W.Knezevich PE Vim, Validation Clieekllsi-'Rardcopy'Recelved Certlficate:of'lndependerim .F 10674 'R10 Q.01'9015 01 Ol,.Nlenitrien ndf Referenced Standard and Year(ofStandard) Standard Year ASTM D3161 2009; ,ASTM D3462 2009 ASTM D7158 2008 Equivalence ofTroductStandards Certlfied6p ” Sections f[gltthe Code, *tp-//www.f1 rdabuild n org/pr/pM9/10/2015 : g Florida:'BuildingCode Oflfhe 'Prod U.CtrApprovai Met.hod Methoa.l.-Optiomb Datesubmitted 04/22/2015 Date.Valldated 04%23/2015 Date P.ending FBC Approval ON25l2015 Date Approved. 06/23/2015: Summary of Products �FL W' -Mbddl;Njurnbaror:Name :Description :Owens Corrikd A§Obalt!Ropfing.- 3-tab, - tabs,)pT!Oa,tedstarter and-hip., e, Shhigl'es �LlrvA4 of.uid Instal lotion`Instructions= Approved:,for,useJn'HVHZ:;Nd F60674 111611.265-N HINAL FR QC,<,ASPHALT AP p-irio`v4dl6O use.666idii.A�'HZjLye§ (SHINGLES F111,0674AIG&f. Impac I It-Roslitant:N/A Verified-By:'Robert.l.M.Nlerrilnen PE-59166 Deisijit Oiriiiiiguee:N/A' Party -Yes Other:,Refer to ERI.Sec It ion.,5.. 1tvaluation'Reports '. F110674-WI-0 AFjdi,-S 01 FNAL-ER-QLYi. SHtNG1. fj Cj10674-Rl6.pdf Created,by-Independent Third Party:Yes FO a7- EE] —--.......... 6-tart-1.1 ::1940 phonwza5640i924 e of FloHda..:;Pilvacy Sla ernerlt.:'Acces4illty Stateinynt:.;Rehina:stalernent Under Fio a w,emailaddt 'V n response toga rc�juest,dai no[send,. rp If �6 fcna entity I te ­;i ct Flgrtda t 4 e be �5 0 t S ;ejec ort rj q 11 tgi� 0 !6nob 75(X nIUit0tovId6 the Depiarfient with an entail addi6i if they fiav%2ne c I prov ed e 'The Id tall addi6iiesive ptibllcretitrd;If you�ta'ncit Y�dsh to supply a Pomona add rem,Please provide file e to the public.To detefritinc If you ate 0,licensee under Product Approval Accepts: wenritv%li'llor. jinbl dtl:d.Snx?.biiriiiii=wGE-,V�X,-O.wtDdt8N,bE.Y-5-.V-%2-...;, ,911:0/20-.1---5' EXTERIOR RESEARCH-&DESIGN,I.I.C. Certificate of Authorization 119503 383-CH'R-ISTIAN-STRtET;.UNITtt13 OXFO.RD,,CT 06478, TRINITY!ERD PHONE:��,(203.):262792,45 FAX:-,(203)26279243. ' ELU4,TIOW REPORT Owens Corning 'Evaluation Report 037940:02.12-R5• One.Owens Corning:Parkway FL-10674-1110 Toledo,OH.43,659 Date of.Issuance..02/06/"201,2 Revision 5: 04/22/2015 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is Issued under. Rule 6IG20-3 and the applicable rules .and regulations governing. th.q.use of ,-construction.mate rials,in:theSt*ateof.Fldr.ida:The docu-men'tationsdbhiittbd�,,b,ps,,been royieWed by.-Robort:,NIenhIn.en,:P.F.for usb.of'ihij Oro(dUctundei the Florl d zi�,Build!hg,Code and F16r!d'b.B'Ultdifig:C6dOi..R6sid'entiaI'VblbmO., TheorbclUct',clescribbd herein havo:been evaluated.for:,compliance with the 5"'Edition VQ14),florida.Qpij ,se tion herein., DESCRIPTION: 'Owens Corriing,Asphallt-Roof Shingles LABELING: Labeling shall be:in accorclarice-with.the r.equiirementsth6 Acdedited Quality-Msuir.ance Agen.cy noted-herein. CONTINUED;C MPLIANCE:: This Evaluation Reportis,valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the,referenced Quality Assuranfce—dd-cL—jffidfft7atWn-c-hang!Fs-,-Ot-iiruvtsion-s7of-thTCade-th6t-retate-to-tiTe-proddct-C change:`Arceptanco­ofihfs" Evaluation Report by-the named client constitytos•pgreemeht,to notify,Robert Nierihinen;,KE.,if,the-prod uct,chzI ng es.or the, -referenced QL;ali.ty Assurance.documentation.xhan tv, j this E,�Aaflon Report- relative ..ges. Trihi JERI requires a complete review of .,rqlative to-,up4ated Code reqyIr ements.with ea,ch,Code.Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: 'TheEptUatloh, Report number- p yr -0e, ,Words,-'��Tein'ity].ERD- Evaluated"` may be displayed"in,�. advertising liteirature. .If_anyportiom-of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then'Its;hz0I-'be done I in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this-ehtire Evaluation-Report shall.be..provided to the user by the manufacturer or disihbuicirsaiirid,thall be-6ailabld fdr'iritpocion.-6tjhej uest:,0f',thd B ul I'd I rig.Pfficl a I. This:Evalu,Aibn.Report consists.,.Of pages:!through 6. Prepared by; QAC0\s. Robert I.M.Nieminen,P.E. MC,faC501fle 5941aPP.00riP9%Yai­016ditd I)Y$04,�ItWwrvlmn'a P.E.on 04/22/2015.'Thh.docs not sme as aivelectroni6fly sow ,F!ori4q qeg4tr?Gon.No.,59166,Florida DCA ANE1983 docurstikift.5tgng1,5eqlqd Ifardcapies,have bee'ri if Psmittid talbe, Product A'prq0zlAdministr,Ir and t,the fusiied:cficni a a CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. Trinity)ERDdoes not have, nor does it int&ndjo.acquire,br will it atquirei a fina,'ncial Interest-in any company manufacturing,oil distributing products it.evalLiatps, :2. Trinityl ERD is not�oWn,ed,.opera,ted-or controlled by any conipany,niaiibfacturirig:6r'distribdiihg;prod'ucts itlevalUites. ko b4rit N"Iern in e n%,,P;E does not. aye:nor w_acqUire,.6:flfiahtiai iiitorL-st�ih";di.iV'c'oni'p'p"ny malnu.f.acturifig-,bt-dNLrib(iting iJr.kducL's.W which,thp,gw1uption reports are, _4eigg.is5ued, ri er n i Niolve d of,1:44,� 4. Robert Nieminen,PX;-doe's- bi.have,,nor.w'ill�.,'a;cqditei.a hrfan'61-,Alnterest in aq' th"'.6 flty I I h th 6,,z V process produci. 5 TTIP -a building codeevaluatibm Neither: Ity JEW-nor--,Robert Ni6nilnen;PSE .are,In any way;, r- the_Designeof R&cord:for any, , projecton.iwliith this.Evaluation Report;or pr.eVl'oUs-ve'rsiotis'tliem6f,-Is/,Wist'us.e,dfor pQr"ttjng-,6r'd6sign guidance unless.retained" specifically for that purpose, \,­_1TRINITY,I E R 15 ROOFING SVS,TtMS,IEVALUAT16K-, 1. SCOPE: Product;Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Asphalt Shingles Compliance Statement: Owens Ccirning'Asphdli Rbof'SHin"lbsi as'produced'Iby"OWLris-Corning, have detn6nstratdd'compl1bnc'6' with the following sections of the Florida Building Code:and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume L through testing in- ac t accordance �kh e.,follow In -S a nda rds.:.Compliance is subject IoAhe Installation,Requirements and-Limitations/tonditlohs.,of Usenet-l 'th, eren,, fdr, Z., STANDARDS. Section Property standard Year, 1507:2 5;`8905:2:4' Physical P,Topectles ASTM D3462:: 2009;. 1507.271 R905.ZG.1 Wind Resistance 2009 1567.2.7J,11905.2.6.1 Wind RestsOnce ASTM D7158 2008 3. REFERENCES: Entity Examination Reference. Date, UL 6LC,(CER9626). Phykals&Wind Resistance File 82453 Vol,3 02/15/200.7 UL LLC(CER9626) PhysicalsAVind Resistance 20120516,-82453 05/I6/ZdU UL LLC%(TST9628) Phyiica.1 Propee.ties OkA20263 04/18/2666 Wind ReslsjanEq11CA34308, 92118/2012 UL LLC-(TST.�62 1 8 16d.Resistin de 47860931 ,? '02/01''2`151,4" UL LLC(TST9628) Wind Resistance 4786126532.. 02/1 id120_Y4 ULLLC..,(15T-96Z8) fhysilca•I:PrOpqrties. Gassifiptlahoe-Lter 02/131/2014. Wain I-Dade(tER1592) F13CMI-12tornpliance. Va rimis.. UL LLC (QUA9625) Quality Control ServiceConrirmation,82"iS3 Exp.08/20/2017 4. PRODUCT PESCRIPT.10M 4.1 Asphalt.Shingles: 4.1.1 Classic`and Supreme*are'fiberglass rein I f6rced,13-ta,6 asphalt r.00fsh*ingles. 4.12 Berkshire'are fiberglass reinforced,44ab asp4lt roof shingles... 4.113` bevonslfi.lre!"Ilare'flberglass reinforced,5-tab js0haltrodf:sWin'Sl6s. 4.1.4 Duration', TruDefinition* Duration% Duration:'Premium Cool, TruDef'initlon Duration D-esigner:Color Collection,, TruDelinition Cakridge%Oakridge-and WeatherGuarcl",HP,are flberglass.reinfortecl,laminated asphalt-roof Wfigles: 4.2 Berkshire' Hip;&-Ridge Shingles, High Wclge, Hip & Ridge with.Sealant,-WeatherGua4�110 Hip & Ridge Shingles, ProEdge Hip..& Ridge Shingles-and DuraRlclge'�' Hip,&Ridge-Shingles'a re fiberglass'reinforced, hip and ridge.asphalt roof shingles. 4.3 Starter Strip Plus and Starter'Shin&:Roll are.starter strips for:asphalt.ro g of shires.f I S. LIMITATIONS: 5.1 This I s;a:bul(d 1 n g code;evaluation. ,With e r T,0 RAty 19 RP, nor,-Robert fP I emi hen,,.P.E..are,,I h'a ri V Way;A he Designer,of Record (cir'ariy on Which thi,s Evaluation-Report,or previous;versions,thereof,is/Was used-for permitting:or design.guidance%unless retained specifically-foir that.purpose. This Evaluation Report is n,ot:for use in 1:64 H .52 53 Fire Cla�silficatlon Is,not partzf'this,EValuatiob-AC-0ort;refer.tO current A Pro d, ,Roofing Materials Directory.for fire� p ratings of this product. 5.4 Wind Classification: 5.4.1 All Owens Corning.,shingles-noted herein,are-.-Classified.in accordince,.with'F8C Table&1507.2.7.1,,and R905:2.6.1 to ASTM.1)3:1.61 3 1 1.01Class F and/or ASM 1)7458,,1214sH;indicating 6,are acceptable for.u's IrjL all.wirid 4ones,up to Vasa,=j 50 mph 1:94.m ph)' _Referto Section 6 forinstallation re quiremenis-to,meet this wind rating, All;Ow6fis"C601 hgahI p-&-r'ld gles bnd"Sta(L6r`,,SfrIpp[us-h6(e ln.accordance,WithFBC Tables,'. 1507.2.7.1 and R905..2,6:1 to ASTM IndIc,ating,4he shingles are acceptable for,us in all wind zones up to p Vlld..=150mph,(V1jj,=194 in' 4 Refer to Sd cticio 610rin'stall.a. t& eet:this:wlnd-r6.tIn_g_. Exterior Rei6ar,chand,De.tign,,LLC. Evaluation Rep9rt03'794T02J2-R 1 5 Certificate of Authorization 99503 FL10674-R10 ReVilim' 5`04/22/2015 Page 2 of6 \,-,jTR1NiT,r!ERD 5.4.3 Classifica4on-byASTM-67158 a pplieslo'exposure categgry4or d a nd.,ai'bulldihg.he ig.ht of.60'feet,&less,-t-zilcu' latio'ns by a qualified design professional are' required 'for conditions, outside 'these limitations. Contkt the shingle manufacturer,for.data specific to;,each shingle. 5:4.4 Refer,to 6wens,Cwfiing published information onWnd-res.isWridd�'apd1ristallati.06 Ilrititaticm 5.5 All products In3he roof assembly shall-haye qu4ity assurance audit in-accordance-witli.tke Florida Building Code•ancl, F.A.C..RuIe'6'iG2'0-'3. 6. INSTALLATION: 6,1 Underlaynnent' 6.1.1 UnderlaymenL shall be acceptable.to.0wens.Cbming.and shall hold,'C"urrent Flo-rida'.Stat6Mcle Product.Approval,or bie- Locally Approved per Rule 61G20-3,per FBC Sections 1507.2.3,.1507.2.4,or R905-.2.3. 6i2 Aspfialt:Shingles: 6.2'.1 lnstjllbtibn of I asph?ltshingles,.,'shall:comply,with-tl:ie m.'anufactu,.rers-current-published'instructions„using minimum four,(4),'naiis per-shingle in accordancewitli'F6t;S.eetii5ns�150.7.2.�or,R90S.2j.witlilheil61lowing excepXior"s: r d. I hIhg 'in Imum,fi -(8 aiis,per.shin Perk0i fes-,,require,rll we _ n We Weatheri3uarcl'HP shingles require minimum six(5),nalls _p*'shirigle. bevonshire'9 shingles,require rninimum;sk(6);halls pershir gle. Starter-Strip-PILis.reqyires:.minirntim iive:(,j).,nails.per stri.p. Refer Corning:published informatioli,on wind'reststanceanis;in5tallatio.trlilnjkatiotis: 6.2:2 Fasteners shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's published requirei-ri&fts,but n6i leis than FBC 1507.2.6'or 13905;1 2.5. Staples are not-.permitted. 6.2.4. Where tle,roof slope exceeds,21�units vertical in 12-.units horlzontal,.special methods of,fastenlnglare requlrdd:, Contatt,the shingle fe-manufacturer fbr details. 6.13 M.inimurn:Nalljng—VasslcO&`Supreme: `Normal Mariaardsor Araw.para, Mnnsurd or -Area,parii Wind Areas High Wind doav4noa Y Wind Areas High Wind do'6va'flea Y Aran P. vionres nortnaloo Areas Areas vionrou Norte. pare via.' a Norte. Aran para Vitas normales (Al 'Exposure, Be Expos '62.6 Minimum Nailing—qprkihirel8:;. SpabrA snip, NOW .4•.i 0 VF 5w. R�Vf Exterior Research and Design,I.L.C. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R5 tiffi" '& thar zation 119503, FL106 4,-,RlQ ReJls(ot5;;09/22/2015,. 'Page-3 ofid J �TRIN11 Y ERD 6.2.7 Minimum,Nailing—Devonshire":.' '— Nails f Nails Ten t"5`ots of`As`holt 1001 Cement .6:2:8 fvlirirmum Nallln.g.—RurationO, TruD.efinition° d"uratton,;:puration�'Premium Cooi&;TruDefinition�.Duratjon�-Designer Coior,Colieetlon: }tiraisiaoa Cln V 6br1 4'Naf);Pattorn 6;No9�. "" ;viunutwe�s;rnNar' 6' ii6a ilo4 davos Pottern airs 3uo ueuroa. - ttmiabe is SumNalN"fast¢niagattvw{dlh` iE5quom.7 ��rsfr�a+arom r_ Aroarle`elSrosSrit6Naeo^' � � -� ,uaSur2+Niopura: NOW t--. 'rr_01. Arne ;,t.. �. ` --- ` :� Ai Wal tr _ 'trnva {nnNi4'o -t_ iT - 1T' SunYall' • 51WExpobute Nips WExpo>we 6'A ping,do,exOslc on Clams 6Lf ping.de expo*tIOn Gh.Expo 41e Nagy W"Exp9xeuo 6,ipulgiloewpostchfn' �Ctavos; 65`linlg,rlQ'axpos/rldir 6.2.9 Minimum Nailing—TruDefinition�Oakridge1,.OakrldgeO: 4 Nall Pattein 6 Nail Pattorn,. 64u cm4 clavus Esguel ia,cai:6 tlavos 66t8.Expauie Nails 6618"Exposes¢ Nails Exposlddade66/8pulg. Clavus Exporlcldnds.66/8prdg. 66a,Expo;,ute Clavus 56/9"Exposure Erposlelda de 66/8prdg. ExposfcNn de 56/8 ping. $12;10 Minimum Nailing—:Weathe.'Giaard6-HP:: �• alingls.old*vww a: F�twwvrTFrwreh ILiflirra ;Inv nit 6 Ahm si fWam rr Exterior Research and Design,,LLC. Evaluation Report,037940:02.12-115 Certificote ofAuthorizatlon 119503 FL10674-R10 Revision 5:04/22/2015 Page 4.of 6 `,I] TRINITY1 ERD 6:3 Hip StRidge_Shinglesi 6.3.1 Installation of Berkshire Hip.and,Ridge.Shingles,,.High Ridge; Hip:,,&.Ridge with Sealant;WeatherGua.rd, HP Hipl-and, R dge-Shingles and.ProlidgeNip&Ridge Shingles shall comply with the manufacturer s:current publisf ed instruuctions,; using four'(4)nails,per sliingie. Installation ofburaRidge'"Hip&Ridge:Shingles;shall'comply:with"the.nianufaclurer's current published instructions,u;ing_awo(2):nails per stsi;ngle. Refer to 0.wens_Cgrriing:.published information on wind: resistance^and iristallatlon lim t0tions;including=the use f handysealing for wind warranties. 6.3.7 Fastenees,Mia f be'h the manilfadturer'.s publisii`ed regriirements,.;buf not less;than`FBC 15D7:2:G,or R905,2.5,. Stapies;are not permitted;. .6:3:3 Minmum1N_ailing—Bii4ldiiirO'Hip&;Ridgea'n-d.High`.Ridge: FI0.:1 DiraifiooSIdUNtw MAN il{{HaIFs, 1- tuu Lose: v wp, �io5u,a -t'll 6.3.4 Mininium N- iOing—Hip;&:Ridge.w th:Sealaht;; OM Fig:2-.HighWinnd°Fastening Patt6m {4 Nails and"DIS . Shingle--boss +� - �� 1;+ Sealant ---= Stirip' � 12 'Fafteniit�g S5/$" :"Ex osulre Dtitamce P>. 6.3.5 Nlinimuin Naiiing-.WeafherGuaed'HP Hip-and°Ridgei` Fig:C.Hip;&Ridge:ShingloTaslening Fig.A v v TopY" . Vrnvallnawlnd �-wnxtiin A' Malls A A ..1 .Nolt7 Nnlls I 1 7 L ``• Flpo�amu � - 5•.. .FYpotvro Exteiior.Reseaech and Design,_LLC. Evaluation Report 037940.02:12-R5 Certificate ofAutlmrizatiamN95173. F1.10674.1110 Revision`5t 04%22/2015 Page 5 of 6 't TRINITY 1 ERD I A1.6 MininiuniNailing:-ProEdge:Hipr&•Ridge.Shingles: Provailing Standard. 11.• Wirid.Diroctian Fasfottin j Scglant.SUlp :Pottartr; At B Exposure 12' t Saolont Fasten 7 y.• s'Exposuro Cover Exposed Fasfenors;with I i Roof Cement tZ. 6:3:7 MininrumNailing-DuraRidge'"`H,ip:.&Ridge;Shingles: Note: The drawings below,spertain Los minimum;as•.tested':attachinent requirements: :Refer xo.;O.wens<Cornirid, published installation instructions.for,tlidir'rriinir ium requirements, R..R.S Wird.Dit Kom Top t—'.Diroai ndx ininc dj.rnt 4, p h DirocdtiA41vian pradrnir"nt6 1^ vlsw,tuperlor TIN Cizros dt � IkLn ( u Imo. Friba.lo I-t r• h 11' �I 7.;. LABELING:. 7";1 Labelmg shall.be in,accordance with the requirements fheAccredited Quality Assurance Agency,noted'hereiin. 7.2 Asphalt shingle wrappers shall indicate compliance with"one of the,required 2lassificatio,ns"detailed:in FDC Table 1507.2 7.1,/A905:2.6.1. 8. BUIWING;PERMIT REQUIRENIENTSP As requir`ed'by"the.6uildir g 00icial..or Authority Having Jutisdiet on in order fo,properly.evaluafe"the.installation of this pr."oduct: -9. MANUFACTURING.PLANTS:" Contactcthe:named QA;eritity for information.on:"whicli:,plants produce products;covered by F,Iocida:Rule 9N 3 QA;require nients." 10, QUALITY A55URANCE ENTITY: UL LLC=QUA9625; 414);248.6409;_kyrelr:huchmann0)6).com "END"OF EVAIIIATION REPORT= Exterlor�ftesearch-and Deslgn,LLG; Evaluation ltcpoik;037940A2:12-R5 Certilcote,ofAu(hoilzation#0503; FL10674 Rip Revisi on•5;.04/22/2015 Parc 6of 6