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a� FL# FL1956-R12
Application Type Editorial Change
Code Version 2014
Application Status Approved
*Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and
ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary.
Product Manufacturer TAMKO Building Products,Inc.
Address/Phone/Email PO Box 1404
Joplin,MO 64802
(417)624-6644 Ext 2305
Authorized Signature Kerri Eden
Technical Representative Kern Eden
Address/Phone/Email PO Box 1404
Joplin,MO 64802
(417)624-6644 Ext 2305
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Roofing
Subcategory Asphalt Shingles
Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing
Certification Agency UL LLC
Validated By Robert J.M.Nieminen,PE
Fi Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received
Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year
ASTM D3161 2009
ASTM D3462 2009
ASTM D7158 2008
Equivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A
Date Submitted 09/17/2015
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Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 4
Date Validated 10/06/2015
Date Pending FBC Approval
Date Approved 10/09/2015
Summa of Products
FL# Model,Number Description
or Name
1956.1 1 Elite Glass-Seal A three tab asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in FL1956 R12 C CAC FL1956 R11 C CAC Tamko Sery Conf FL 1956 2015.pdf
HVHZ:No FL1956 R12 C CAC UL certification 10-11-12.pdf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FL1956 R12 II Glass Seal Elite Glass Seal app Inst.pdf
Other:Asphalt shingles Verified By:Robert Nieminen 59166
shall be used only on roof Created by Independent Third Party: No
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Evaluation Reports
Nails must be used as the Created by Independent Third Party:
method of attachment.
1956.2 1 Glass-Seal A three tab asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in FL1956 R12 C CAC FL1956 R11 C CAC Tamko Sery Conf FL 1956 2015.pdf
HVHZ:No FL1956 R12 C CAC UL certification 10-11-12.pdf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FL1956 R12 II Glass Seal Elite Glass Seal app inst.pdf
Other:Asphalt shingles Verified By:Robert Nieminen PE 59166
shall be used only on roof Created by Independent Third Party: No
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Evaluation Reports
Nails must be used as the Created by Independent Third Party:
method of attachment.
1956.3 1 Heritage A dimensional asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in FL1956 R12 C CAC FL1956 R11 C CAC Tamko Sery Conf FL 1956 2015.pdf
HVHZ:No FL1956 R12 C CAC UL certification 10-11-12.odf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FL1956 R12 II Heritage D F I P apo inst.pdf
Other:Asphalt shingles FL1956 R12 II Heritage F apo inst.pdf
shall be used only on roof FL1956 R12 II Heritage T app inst.pdf
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Verified By:Robert 1. M.Nieminen FL 59166
Nails must be used as the Created by Independent Third Party: No
method of attachment. Evaluation Reports
Created by Independent Third Party:
1956.41 Heritage 30 A dimensional asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in FL1956 R12 C CAC FL1956 R11 C CAC Tamko Sery Conf FL 1956 2015.gdf
HVHZ:No FL1956 R12 C CAC UL certification 10-11-12.pdf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A F41956 R12 II heritage 30 app inst april Modf
Other:Asphalt shingles FL1956 R12 II heritage 30 app inst f april 10.1)df
shall be used only on roof Verified By:Robert Nieminen PE 59166
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Created by Independent Third Party: No
Nails must be used as the Evaluation Reports
method of attachment. Created by Independent Third Party:
1956.5 Heritage 50 A dimensional asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in FL1956 R12 C CAC FL1956 R11 C CAC Tamko Sery Conf FL 1956 2015.pdf
HVHZ:No FL1956 R12 C CAC UL certification 10-11-12.pdf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FL1956 R12 II heritage 50 app inst april Modf
Other:Asphalt shingles FL1956 R12 II heritage 50 app inst f april 10.pdf
shall be used only on roof Verified By:Robert Nieminen PE 59166
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Created by Independent Third Party: No
Nails must be used as the Evaluation Reports
method of attachment. Created by Independent Third Party:
https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgs%2fmGFoyT... 1/22/2016
Florida Building Code Online Page 3 of 4
1956.6 Heritage Premium A dimensional asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in FL1956 R12 C CAC FL1956 R11 C CAC Tamko Sery Conf FL 1956 2015.pdf
HVHZ:No FL1956 R12 C CAC UL certification 10-11-12.13df
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FL1956 R12 II Heritage Premium D P apo inst.pdf
Other:Asphalt shingles FL1956 R12 II Heritage Premium F app inst.pdf
shall be used only on roof FL1956 R12 II Heritage Premium T app inst.pdf
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Verified By: Robert Nieminen 59166
Nails must be used as the Created by Independent Third Party: No
method of attachment. Evaluation Reports
Created by Independent Third Party:
1956.7 Heritage Vintage A heavy weight dimensional asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in FL1956 R12 C CAC FL1956 RI1 C CAC Tamko Sery Conf FL 1956 2015.pdf
HVHZ:No FL1956 R12 C CAC UL shingle matrix.pdf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FL1956 R12 II Heritage Vintage app Inst.pdf
Other:Asphalt shingles Verified By:Robert J.M.Nieminen PE 59166
shall be used only on roof Created by Independent Third Party: No
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Evaluation Reports
Nails must be used as the Created by Independent Third Party:
method of attachment.
1956.8 Heritage Vintage Hip and ridge shingles
12 X 12 Hip and
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in FL1956 R12 C CAC FL1956 R11 C CAC Tamko Sery Conf FL 1956 2015.0
HVHZ:No FL1956 R12 C CAC UL shingle matrix.odf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A F1.1956 R12 II TAMKOO Heritagea 12 x 12 Hip and Ridge Application Instructions.pdf
Other:Asphalt shingles Verified By: Robert J.M.Nieminen PE 59166
shall be used only on roof Created by Independent Third Party: No
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Evaluation Reports
Nails must be used as the Created by Independent Third Party:
method of attachment.
1956.9 Heritage A dimensional asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in FL1956 R12 C CAC FL1956 R11 C CAC Tamko Sery Conf FL 1956 2015.pdf
HVHZ:No FL1956 R12 C CAC UL certification 10-11-12.pdf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FL1956 R12 II Heritage Woodgate D apo inst.pdf
Other:Asphalt shingles FL1956 R12 II Heritage Woodgate F app inst.pdf
shall be used only on roof Verified By:Robert Nieminen 59166
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Created by Independent Third Party: No
Nails must be used as the Evaluation Reports
method of attachment. Created by Independent Third Party:
1956.10 Heritage XL A dimensional asphalt shingle.
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in FL1956 R12 C CAC FL1956 R11 C CAC Tamko Sery Conf FL 1956 2015.pdf
HVHZ:No FL1956 R12 C CAC UL certification 10-11-12.pdf
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FL1956 R12 II heritage xl app inst d april Modf
Other:Asphalt shingles FL1956 R12 II heritage A app inst f april Modf
shall be used only on roof Verified By: Robert Nieminen PE 59166
slopes of 2:12 or greater. Created by Independent Third Party: No
Nails must be used as the Evaluation Reports
method of attachment. Created by Independent Third Party:
1956.11 Hip and Ridge Hip and ridge shingles
Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate
Approved for use in FL1956 R12 C CAC FL1956 RI1 C CAC Tamko Sery Conf FL 1956 2015.pdf
HVHZ:No FL1956 R12 C CAC UL certification 10-11-12.pdf
https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx7param=wGEVXQwtDgs%2ftnGFoyT... 1/22/2016
Florida Building Code Online Page 4 of 4
Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018
Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions
Design Pressure:N/A FL1956 R12 II 12.2 x12 HID and Ridge.pd
Other:Hip and Ridge FL1956 R12 II 12 x 12 Hip Ridge Application Instructions.odf
shingles shall be used only FL1956 R12 II 12-1-442 HiDRidge Sealant Dab Illustrations.Didf
on roof slopes of 2:12 or FL1956 R12 II 12x12 HiDRidge Sealant Dab Illustrations.pdf
greater.Nails must be used Verified By:Robert Nieminen 59166
as the method of Created by Independent Third Party: No
attachment. Evaluation Reports
Created by Independent Third Party:
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Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824
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Product Approval Accepts:
echecY m
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® (CONTINUED from page 1)
Dallas, TX •Tuscaloosa, AL * Phillipsburg, KS • Joplin, MO
2) Mansard Fastening Pattern. (For use on decks with slopes be a minimum of 1-1/4 in.for new construction and 1-1/2 in. for
greater than 21 in.per foot.)One fastener 1 in.back from each end reroofing thus allowing a minimum deck penetration of 3/4 in.The
and one fastener 8-1/2 in.back from each end and one fastener 16 crown of the staple must be parallel to the length of the shingle.
in.back from each end for a total of 6 fasteners per shingle.(See The staple crown should be driven flush with the shingle surface.
Mansard and High Wind Fastening Pattern illustrated below.) Staples that are crooked,underdriven or overdriven are considered
FASTENERS NAIL ZONE Properly Driven Improperly Driven
COMMON underdriven overdriven crooked
_ Sh�Irlgles
5"10 Z EXPOSURE 5-5/8"
ia-►i I�i-irz1.l. -irz"►� 718 ►�7-12°►�7-12° i.-1" ''m"'
3) High Wind Fastening Pattern. (For High Wind Application CAUTION:ALL FASTENERS MUST BE DRIVEN INTO THE NAIL
requirements)One fastener 1 in.back from each end.One fastener ZONE/COMMON BOND AS SHOWN IN THE DIAGRAM ABOVE.
8-1/2 in.back from each end and one fastener 16 in.back from each 4.UNDER16AYNMT
end fora total of six(6)fasteners per shingle.In addition to this shingle
fastening pattern requirement for High Wind Application,TAMKO UNDERLAYMENT:An underlayment consisting of asphalt saturated
also requires the use of the following TAMKO products:TAMKO felt must be applied over the entire deck before the installation of
felts or underlayments;TAMKO Moisture Guard Plus underlayment TAMKO shingles.Failure to add underlayment can cause premature
at all eaves,rakes,and valleys;TAMKO or TAM-PRO cements and failure of the shingles which is not covered by TAMKO's limited
coatings products where required;TAMKO ventilation where required, warranty.Apply the felt when the deck is dry.On roof decks 4 in.
TAMKO starter shingles if available in area,and.TAMKO Hip and Ridge per foot and greater apply the felt parallel to the eaves lapping each
shingles installed on all hips and ridges.Along rakes,cement shingles course of the felt over the lower course at least 2 in.Where ends
to the underlayment and each other in a 4 in.(102 mm)width of TAM- join, lap the felt 4 in. If left exposed, the underlayment felt may
PRO SBS Adhesive or TAMKO Tam-Seal Adhesive.Also,see local be adversely affected by moisture and weathering. Laying of the
building codes for proper nailing application.High Wind Application underlayment and the shingle application must be done together.
is offered on new construction or complete tear-off applications only. Products which are acceptable for use as underlayment are:
It is not offered for recover applications. If High Wind Application
requirements are not followed,the High Wind Application Warranty - TAMKO No.15 Asphalt Saturated Organic Felt
MPH, as stated on Table I in the Limited Warranty, reverts to the - A non-ierforated asphalt saturated organic felt which meets
Standard Application Wind Warranty MPH limit.(See Mansard and ASTM:D226,Type I or ASTM D4869,Type I
High Wind Fastening Pattern illustrated above.) - Any TAMKO non-perforated asphalt saturated organic felt
- TAMKO TW Metal and Tile Underlayment,TW Underlayment
NAILS:TAMKOrecommendstheuseofnailsasthepreferredmethod and Moisture Guard Plus® (additional ventilation may be
of application. Standard type roofing nails should be used. Nail required.Contact TAMKO's Technical Services Department
shanks should be made of minimum 12 gauge wire,and a minimum for more information.)
head diameter of 3/8 in.Nails should be long enough to penetrate
3/4 in.into the roof deck.Where the deck is less than 3/4 in.thick, In areas where ice builds up along the eaves or a back-up of water
the nails should be long enough to penetrate completely through from frozen or clogged gutters is a potential problem, TAMKO's
plywood decking and extend at least 1/8 in.through the roof deck. Moisture Guard Plus®waterproofing underlayment(or any specialty
Drive nail head flush with the shingle surface. eaves flashing product) may be applied to eaves, rakes, ridges,
valleys, around chimneys,skylights or dormers to help prevent
Properly Driven Impropody Drlvon water damage. Contact TAMKO's Technical Services Department
(��3Ig"min diameter undeddven overdriven crooked for more information.
Shingles TAMKO does not recommend the use of any substitute products
E� � Decking as shingle underlayment.
"Z �1!A"nominal
straight,good penetration, Inadequate tooendeep,cuts Inadequate �•APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS
and flush with shingle surface penetration into
shingle anchorage STARTER COURSE:A starter course may consist of TAMKO Shingle
Starter,self-sealing 3-tab shingles or a 9 inch wide strip of mineral
STAPLES:If staples are used in the attaching process,follow the surface roll roofing.If self-sealing 3-tab shingles are used,remove
above instructions for placement.All staples must be driven with the exposed tab portion and install with the factory applied adhesive
pneumatic staplers.The staple must meet the following minimum adjacent to the eaves.Attach the starter course with approved
dimensional requirements.Staples must be made from a minimum fasteners along a line parallel to and 3 in.to 4 in.above the eaves
16 gauge galvanized wire.Crown width must be at least 15/16 in. edge.The starter course should overhang both the eaves and rake
(staple crown width is measured outsidethe legs).Leg length should edges 1/4 in.to 3/8 in.
Central District 220 West 4th St., Joplin,MO 64801 800-641-4691 11/09
Visit Our Web Site at Northeast District 4500 Tamko Dr., Frederick,MD 21701 800-368-2055
Southeast District 2300 35th St., Tuscaloosa,AL 35401 800-228-2656
tamko.com Southwest District 7910 S.Central Exp., Dallas,TX 75216 800-443-1834
Western District 5300 East 43rd Ave., Denver,CO 80216 800-530-8868 2
® (CONTINUED from page 3)
Dallas, TX •Tuscaloosa, AL • Phillipsburg, KS • Joplin, MO
Second and Succeeding Courses: Remove 10-3/8 in.from the FOR ALTERNATE VALLEY APPLICATION METHODS, PLEASE
rake end of the first shingle in the second course, and continue CONTACT TAMKO'S TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT.
with full width shingles for the remainder of the course, placing
the top edge of each new shingle against the butt edge of the old Valley centerline
shingle in the course above.This method should create an exposure o N�ast6Moiss ure�t
of 5=5/8 in.after the first course.When beginning the succeeding Guard Plus or so lb. j Extra nall In
g 9 9 or heavier roll roofing and of shingle
courses continue to follow the Heritage application instructions. Extend end shingle
(See section 5). 112-18'beyond
/ valley cenf.6ne
Existing shingles
llnderlayment No fasteners within
s•of centedirm
13 1/4°
Drip edge
Place tip of shingle on the edge of
Drip edge Nom v�aucey centeterrlim inches
New shingles � � Ihovatical&king's.
5 5/8" 5 5/8"exposure 10.NIP AND RIDGE FASTENING BETAIIe
Apply the shingles with a 5 in. exposure beginning at the bottom
of the hip or from the end of the ridge opposite the direction of the
9.VALLEY APPLICATION prevailing winds.Secure each shingle with one fastener on each side,
5-1/2 in.back from the exposed end and 1 in.up from the edge.
Over the shingle underlayment,center a minimum 36 in.wide sheet TAMKO recommends the use of TAMKO Hip & Ridge shingle
of TAMKO Nail-Fast®,Moisture Guard PlusO or a minimum 50 lb.roll
roofing in the valley.Nail the felt only where necessary to hold it in products.Where matching colors are available,it is acceptable to
place and then only nail the outside edges. use TAMKO's Elite Glass-Seal shingles cut down to 12 in.pieces.
IMPORTANT:PRIOR TO INSTALLATION WARM SHINGLES TO Fasteners should be 1/4 in.longer than the one used for shingles
After valley flashing is in place: BENDING SHINGLE IN COLD WEATHER.
• Apply the first course of shingles along the eaves of one of the Direction of prevailing wind
intersecting roof planes and across the valley. Start 6"exposure
Note:For proper flow of water over the trimmed shingle,always here- �,
start applying the shingles on the roof plane that has the lower V�
slope or less height. n Fastener
• Extend the end shingle at least 12 in.onto the adjoining'roof. ' Start
Apply succeeding courses in the same manner,extending them here 5"exposure
across the valley and onto the adjoining roof.
• Press the shingles tightly into the valley. THESE ARE THE MANUFACTURER'S APPLICATION
• Use normal shingle fastening methods. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ROOFING CONDITIONS
Note:No fastener should bewithin 6 in.of the valley centerline, NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR LEAKS OR OTHER ROOFING
and two fasteners should be placed at the end of each shingle DEFECTS RESULTING FROM FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE
• To the adjoining roof plane,apply one row of shingles vertically
facing the valley and 2 in.back from the valley centerline.
Note: For a neater installation, snapa chalkline over the TAMKO®,Moisture Guard Plus®,Nall Fast®,TAM-PROD and Heritage®are registered
shingles for guidance. trademarks of TAMKO Building Products,Inc.
Information included.in these application Instructions was current at time of printing.To
• To complete the valley, apply shingles on the adjoining roof obtain a copy of the most current version of these application Instructions,visit us online
plane by positioning the tip of the first shingle of each row at at tamko.com or call us at 600-641-4691.
the 2 in.point from the centerline where the edge of the vertical
shingle has.been applied,covering the vertical shingle.
Central District 220 West 4th St., Joplin,MO 64801 800-641-4691 11/09
Visit Our Web Site at Northeast District 4500 Tamko Dr., Frederick,MD 21701 800-368-2055
Southeast District 2300 35th St., Tuscaloosa,AL 35401 800-228-2656
tamko.eom Southwest District 7910 S.Central Exp., Dallas,TX 75216 800-443-1834
Western District 5300 East 43rd Ave., Denver,CO 80216 800-530-8868 4
® (CONTINUED from page 1)
Dallas, TX *Tuscaloosa, AL • Phillipsburg, KS • Joplin, MO
2) Mansard Fastening Pattern. (For use on decks with slopes be a minimum of 1-1/4 in, for new construction and 1-1/2 in. for
greater than 21 in.per foot.)One fastener 1 in.back from each end reroofing thus allowing a minimum deck penetration of 3/4 in.The
and one fastener 8-1/2 in.back from each end and one fastener 16 crown of the staple must be parallel to the length of the shingle.
in.back from each end for a total of 6 fasteners per shingle.(See The staple crown should be driven flush with the shingle surface.
Mansard and High Wind Fastening Pattern illustrated below.) Staples that are crooked,underdriven or overdriven are considered
FASTENERS NAIL ZONE' Properly Driven Improperly Driven
COMMON underdaven overdriven crooked
l 17=1=7=1111Asphalt
1 n V� n J
6-78 _ Shingles
IXPOSURE 5-58" �� Decking
t�.j �-�-grz�z-1rz^ajf-��e^-rjtT-lrzLL►j�-7-�rz^-� la-.�^
3) High Wind Fastening Pattern. (For High Wind Application CAUTION:ALL FASTENERS MUST BE DRIVEN INTO THE NAIL
requirements)One fastener 1 in.back from each end.One fastener ZONE/COMMON BOND AS SHOWN IN THE DIAGRAM ABOVE.
8-1/2 in.back from each end and one fastener 16 in.back from each 4.UNDERWIYMMT
end for atotal of six(6)fasteners per shingle.In addition to this shingle
fastening pattern requirement for High Wind Application,TAMKO UNDERLAYMENT:An underlayment consisting of asphalt saturated
also requires the use of the following TAMKO products:TAMKO felt must be applied-over the entire deck before the installation of-
felts or underlayments;TAMKO Moisture Guard Plus underlayment TAMKO shingles.Failure to add underlayment can cause premature
at all eaves,rakes,and valleys;TAMKO or TAM-PRO cements and failure of the shingles which is not covered by TAMKO's limited
coatings products where required;TAMKO ventilation where required, warranty.Apply the felt when the deck is dry.On roof decks 4 in.
TAMKO starter shingles if available in area,and TAMKO Hip and Ridge per foot and greater apply the felt parallel to the eaves lapping each
shingles installed on all hips and ridges.Along rakes,cement shingles course of the felt over the lower course at least 2 in.Where ends
to the underlayment and each other in a 4 in.(102 mm)width of TAM- join, lap the felt 4 in. If left exposed, the underlayment felt may
PRO SBS Adhesive or TAMKO Tam-Seal Adhesive.Also,see local be adversely affected by moisture and weathering. Laying of the
building codes for proper-nailing application.High Wind Application underlayment-and the shingle application must be done together.
is offered on new construction or complete tear-off applications only. Products which are acceptable for use as underlayment are:
It is not offered for recover applications. If High Wind Application
requirements are not followed,the High Wind Application Warranty - TAMKO No.15 Asphalt Saturated Organic Felt
MPH, as stated on Table I in the Limited Warranty, reverts to the - A non-perforated asphalt saturated organic felt which meets
Standard Application Wind Warranty MPH limit.(See Mansard and ASTM:D226,Type I or ASTM D4869,Type I
High Wind Fastening Pattern Illustrated above.) - Any TAMKO non-perforated asphalt saturated organic felt
NAILS:TAMKO recommends the use of nails as the preferred method - TAMKO TW Metal and Tile®nderlayment,TW Underlayment
of application. Standard and.Moisture.Guard-Plus- (additional ventilation may be.
pp type roofing gaits should be used. Nail required.Contact TAMKO's Technical Services Department
shanks should be made of minimum 12 gauge wire,and a minimum for more information.)
head diameter of 3/8 in.Nails should be long enough to penetrate
3/4 in.into the roof deck.Where the deck is less than 3/4 in.thick, In areas where ice builds up along the eaves or a back-up of water
the nails should be long enough to penetrate completely through from frozen or clogged gutters is a potential problem, TAMKO's
plywood decking and extend at least 1/8 in.through the roof deck. Moisture Guard Plus®waterproofing underlayment(or any specialty
Drive nail head flush with the shingle surface. eaves flashing product) may be applied to eaves, rakes, ridges,
Properly Ddvan Imptoparly Driven valleys, around chimneys, skylights or dormers to help prevent
water-damage. Contact TAMKO's Technical-Services Department
OT'30mindlameter underddven overdriven crooked for more information.
shingles TAMKO does not recommend the use of any substitute products
r Decking as shingle underlayment.
"Z 1/d"nominal CC
straishl,goad penetration, 5
Inadequate toadeep,cuts inadequate .APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS
and hush with shingle surface penetration role shmgte anchorage STARTER COURSE:A starter course may consist of TAMKO Shingle
Starteri self-sealing 3-tab shingles-or a 9 inch wide strip of mineral-
STAPLES:If staples are used in the attaching process,follow the surface roll roofing.If self-sealing 3-tab shingles are used,remove
above instructions for placement.All staples must be driven with the exposed tab portion and install with the factory applied adhesive
pneumatic staplers.The staple must meet the following minimum adjacent to the eaves.Attach the starter course with approved
dimensional requirements.Staples must be made from a minimum fasteners along a line parallel to and 3 in.to 4 in.above the eaves
16 gauge galvanized wire.Crown width must be at least 15/16 in. edge.The starter course should overhang both the eaves and rake
(staple crown width is measured outside the legs).Leg length should edges 1/4 in.to 3/8 in.
Central District 220 West 4th St., Joplin,MO 64801 600-641-4691 11/09
Visit Our Web Site at Northeast District 4500 Tamko Dr., Frederick,MD 21701 800-368-2055
Southeast District 2300 35th St., Tuscaloosa,AL 35401 800-228-2656
tamko.com Southwest District 7910 S.Central Exp., Dallas,TX 75216 800-443-1834
Western District 5300 East 43rd Ave., Denver,CO 80216 800-530-8868 2
® (CONTINUED from page 3)
Dallas, TX +Tuscaloosa, AL• Phillipsburg, KS a Joplin, MO
Second and Succeeding Courses: Remove 10-3/8 in.from the FOR ALTERNATE VALLEY APPLICATION METHODS, PLEASE
rake end of the first shingle in the second course, and continue CONTACT TAMKO'S TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT.
with full width shingles for the remainder of the course, placing
the top edge of each new shingle against the butt edge of the old vaby oentedne,
Minimum 38'wide sheet
shingle in.the course above.This method should create an exposure of Nail Fast,Molstura
of 5-5/8 in.after the first course.When beginning the succeeding orheavi�°rsolb. 1 endExtrofsnn
9 9 g or heaNer roll roofing end of shingle
courses continue to follow the Heritage application instructions. Extend end shingle
(See section 5). valley cernerfine
Existing shingles
Underlaymenl No fasteners vah'"
5 518" 6'of centted'ure
/ 13114"
Drip edge
Place tipshingle on the edge of
Ne vertical al shingle. inches back
Drip edge from valley centerline and covering
New shingles \ the vertical shingle.
5 5/8" 5 5/8"exposure 10.RIP AND RIDGE FASTENING DETAIL
Apply the shingles with a 5 in. exposure beginning at the bottom
of the hip or from the end of the ridge opposite the direction of the
9.VALLEY APPLICATION prevailing winds.Secure each shingle with one fastener on each side,
5-1/2 in.back from the exposed end and 1 in.up from the edge.
Over the shingle underlayment,center a minimum 36 in.wide sheet TAMKO recommends the use of TAMKO Hip & Ride shingle
of TAMKO Nail-Fast®,Moisture Guard Plus'or a minimum 50 Ib.roll products.Where matching colors are available,it-is-acceptable to
roofing in the valley.Nail the felt only where necessary to hold it in use TAMKO's Elite Glass-Seal shingles cut down to 12 in.pieces.
place and then only nail the outside edges.
IMPORTANT:PRIOR TO INSTALLATION WARM SHINGLES TO Fasteners should be 1/4 in.longer than the one used for shingles
After valley flashing is in place:
• Apply the first course of shingles along the-eaves of one of the- Direction of prevailing wind
intersecting roof planes and across the valley. Start 57 exposure
Note:For proper flow of water over the trimmed shingle,always here-
start applying the shingles on the roof plane that has the lower
slope or less height. ` Fastener
Fn] gq
• Extend the end shingle at least 12 in.onto the adjoining roof. ' t� start
Apply succeeding courses in the same manner,extending them here 5°exposure
across the valley and onto the adjoining roof.
• Press the shingles tightly into the valley. THESE- ARE-THE MANUFACTURER'S APPLICATION-
Use normal shingle fastening methods. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ROOFING CONDITIONS
Note:No fastener should be within 6 in.of the valley centerline, NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR LEAKS OR OTHER ROOFING
and two fasteners should be placed at the end of each shingle DEFECTS RESULTING FROM FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE
• To the adjoining roof plane,apply one row of shingles vertically
facing the valley and 2 in.back from the valley centerline.
Note: For,a neater-installation, snap-a chalkline-over the- TAMKOO,Moisture Guard Plus®,Nail fast®,TAM-PRO®and Heritage®are registered
shingles for guidance. trademarks of TAMKO Building Products,Inc.
Information included In these application instructions was current at time of printing.To
• To complete the valley, apply shingles on the adjoining roof obtain a copy of the most current version of these application instructions,visit us online
plane by positioning the tip of the first shingle of each row at at tamko.com or call us at 800-641-4691.
the 2 in.point from the centerline where the edge of the vertical
shingle has.been applied,covering the vertical shingle.
Central District 220 West 4th St_, Joplin,MO 64801 800-641-4691 11/09
Visit Our Web Site at Northeast District 4500 Tamko Dr., Frederick,MD 21701 800-368-2055
Southeast District 2300 35th St., Tuscaloosa,AL 35401 800-228-2656
tarmko.COm Southwest District 7910 S.Central Exp., Dallas,TX 75216 800-443-1834
Western District 5300 East 43rd Ave., Denver,CO 80216 800-530-8868 4