HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit Number: lwa.-a o� � h Building Permit Application Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial Residential X PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Window/door %%i rn:yr r/,, r �� rr:/i/i o, r v!/ /j/,.?:;,/, vrr ,r,/'/// pvp9 j' 1r�// "../✓p/O /�% //i,/r.�✓9.oa//%r/,r,_:.44/k,"/'11 a ..u� Address: 52 Aqua Ra Dr Jensen Beach, FL 34957 Legal Description: WINDMILL VILLAGE BY THE SEA-UNITTWO-BLK A W 1/2 LOT 8 (OR 1292-1848) Property Tax ID#: 4511-811-0009-100-5 Lot No. Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: Santoro#52 Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: r ,rr✓..../,i:./ ,,,r/ ,."./ // r ,�rz; ,,r r.r, ,r, ,/✓rs:/ "/-//i///n.. /,r„_, /// , , ,/, /!,-....�/�i//./�� ✓�%r<;...r/ ////�!/r�i,// �O/i/,/�/%�, ��Er/A1LED.DE5�r�Rl'PT ON , `\!U K viii � � /,/,/i� / r /s ��/..�/ah%�%////rr, /��/yi��..w//G.ti REPLACE 1 SLIDING GLASS DOORS AND 6 WINDOWS WITH IMPACT. CO S,.RUGT10 I FOR TION:.<//���r / i. � / A/61 Additionalwork to be nertormed under this permit—check a appy: ❑HVAC Gas Tank Gas Pi1:1 Windows /Doors Piping Shutters Doors11 ❑ / Electric 0 Plumbing Sprinklers MGenerator Roof Total Sq. Ft of Construction: S Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ 11,998.00 Utilities:CnSewer Septic Building Height: 1/2 / ,✓; /! � /�/ ”/0,,.. 7/ii/ O/L//a//„nor, i✓ / .. r i%/„//%// //„; r%/:;v:r/-//rr////r ,;,, :/ /. ..: /r / Hy a�,,:,.7i// Bruce M Tyrrell,Jr Name s V-, Name: Y E3"" yyQQ9 ��'"� . Kamrell Windows &Doors Address:2`���—�� �1��� j�pp�� �$ Company. City: J n PCACy St e:FL Address: 2441 SE Golfwood Drive Zip Code: 34496 ,.3q q5�-Fax- 42-266-62=8 City: Stuart State:FL Phone No.7- 288 205 Zip Code: 34996 Fax: 772-288-6208 E-Mail:Pew°C°n ""p��-' Phone No. 772-288-6205 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail: pati.kelvasa@kamrell.com from the Owner listed above) State or County License: CGC061180 If value of construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. / DESIGNER/ENGINEER: _Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St. Lucie County makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed for any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recording our Notice of Commencement. s _Signature of Owner/Les a/Agen Signature of Contractor/ ' ense Older STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MARTIN COUNTY OF Martin The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me The for ,oing instrument was acknowledged before me this 3 day of 20 Eby this day of20 by BRUCE M TYRRL,JR. Bruce M Tyrrell,Jr. (Name of ,er o acknowledging) (Name of pers acknowledging) (Sig`nature of of Public-State of Florida) Igna ure of Notary Public- ate of Florida) Personally Known X OR Produced Identification Personally Known X OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced Type of Identification Produced Commission No. #FF085476 r (Se 1r'IAA,KELVASA Commission No. #FF085476 (SeaATRICIAA.KELVASA �° MY COMMISSION#FF085476 M'COMMISSION#FF085476 °pj Bonded through 1st State Insurance °� EXPIRES-JAN 22,2018 Bonded through 1 st State Insurance Revised 07/15/2014 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS JOSEPH E.SMITH,CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT SAINT LUCIE COUNTY Ar rFR RECORDING-RETURN To: FILE# 4156534 02/03/2016 at 02:59 PM OR BOOK 3833 PAGE 1319-1319 Doc Type:NC RECORDING: $10.00 PERMIT NUMBER: NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice of commencement. 1.DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legal description and street address)TAX FOLIO NUMBER: 4511-811-0009-100-5 SUBDIVISION BLOCK TRACT LOT BLDG UNIT WINDMILL VILLAGE BY THE SEA-UNITTWO-BLK A W 1/2 LOT 8(OR 1292-1848)52 Aqua Ra Dr Jensen Beach,FL 34957 2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT: Replace 6 windows&1 SGD with impact 3.OWNER INFORMATION: a.Name Joseph N Santoro Gary T O'Neill b.Address 50 Aqua Ra Dr Jensen Beach,FL 34957 c.interest in propertyowner d.Name and address of fee simple titleholder(if other than owner) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: Bruce M.Tyrrell,Jr.,2441 SE Golfwood Dr.,Stuart,FL 34996 772-288-6205 5.SURETY'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6.LENDER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7.Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 8.In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 9.Expiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified) ,20 WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PA,VjENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713.PART I SECTION 713.13 FLORIDA STATUTES.AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR 19YROVEMENTS,ro YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BF.,RECORDED AND POSTED ON THM JOB srM BVh6RF THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING CONSULT WITH YOUR i..F,N5ER OR AN TT Y ORF ENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR ��NOTICE ��OF COMMENCEMENT. 0 7/j ,r ig tui Owner o Print Name and Provide Signatory's Title/Office L14er's Authorized OftIcer/Director/Partner/Manager State of Florid a County of-Jb:2 J The foregoing instrument wassacknowledged before me this day of�i�- ,20 B��!C eft AJ .! 79rC.Ti W 0 as (Name of person) (Type of authority...e.g.Owner,officer,trustee,attorney in fact) For (Name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Known_or produced the following type of ID: �L-0V��71� R klA-,G KENNETH R.KING tinted Name of- otar blic y ) (S nature of Notary P ic) ,�_: r MY COMMISSION#EE 213683 ' . oT EXPIRES:November 3,2016 Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts i ~ P ` Bon ed hru o�y lid nd belief(section 92.525,Florida Statutes). Signat re(s)o Owne ( or O er(s)'Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager who signed above: By BY v.U8/3 00 ecurding) SANTORO 52 AQUA RA DRIVE JENSEN BEACH FL WINDOW/DQ®R SCHEDULE APPROX IMPACT PROTECTION ID OPENING ** NO SIZE DESIGNATION •TYPE IMPACT NEW REMARKS GLASS RNt ITtrR rm.STING (4VXH) SHUTTER 37"X 63" 25 814 X EXAMPLE 1 30 X 80 PLASTPRO FR DR X FL 15210.4 2 36.75 X 38.125 PGT HR710A FIR X 15-0519.09 DP+75/-75 3 73.75 X 50.375 PGT EIR710A HR X 15-0519.09 DP+75/-75 4 26.25 X 50.375 PGT I IR7I OA HR X 15-01519.08 DP'+64 i-80 5 26.25 X 50.375 PGT EIR710A I IR X 15-01519.08 DP+64 i"-80 6 71 X79 PGT SGD770 SGD X 15-1013.15+46.67/-60 7 1.06 X 61.75 PGT HR 710A FIR X 15-0519.09 DP+52.301-52.30 8 106 X 61.75 PGT HR710A I-IR X 15-0519.09 DP+52.30/-52.30 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 *Window Replacement using existing shutters to comply with impactprotection will require the existing shutters to meet the requirements of the 2010 FBCIResidential R301.2.1.2 TOTAL GLAZED OPENING AREA FOR 8TRUCTRE: 8.F. PERCENTAGE OF NEW GLAZED AREA: (F07'.4L.1;\'ST,IL1;ED GL.<1ZEDARF�4 DIVIDEDB)'TOYAL GL4ZED 01 E.,'N-I,VGS FOR STRI CTURE) NOTE:The replacement of more than 25 of the aggregate area of exterior glazing(windows&doors)in one&two family dwellings within a 12 month period will require impact protection on all proposed glazed opening replacement(approved shutters or impact resistant glazing)as per 2010 FBCI EXISTING BUILDING 606.4. **TYPE WINDOWS SH-SINGLE HUNG A1h'N-AWNING SL-SLIDING DR-DOUBLE HUNG CAS-CASEMENT FIX-FIXED S.4.vTORO 52 AQUA RA DRI\T: JENSEN REACH,Fl, xw r. w.r ew >ux PGT ALUM HR 710A 106 X 61.7545 SQ Ff EXPOSURE DLO\E 4 ' +44.11"479 15-0519.08 DP+52301-5230 47/ \#8 PGT ALUM SGD770 71 X 79 38 SQ FT EXPOSURE D ZONT 4 46 +44.1147.9 15-1012.15 DP+46.67,-60 PGT ALUM S117410 2655 X 50375 9 SQ FT EI.TOSURED•Z.01E4 05 +461-49.9 15-051208 DP+641-80 PG'f PG"LALUM1I 511700 1 2655 X 50375 9 SQ 1T ! EXPOSURE D ZONE 4 #4 +461-499 { 15-11519.08 DP+641-80 PGT ALUM 1IR710A PGT ALU 11 1IR710A 36.75X38.125 26SQFC 36.75X38.125 9.7SQFT EXPOSURE D ZONE 4 EXPOSURE D LO\E 4 +44.1,'47.9 +46149.9 150519.09 DP45;+75 15-0519.09 DI+75,1-75 #3 w nl PLAST PRO-PHS3068 36X80-20SQFT EXPOSURE D-ZONE 5 +47.11575 FL 15210.4 DP+75/-75 Building height Zone 4 Area 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 -60 10 pos M. 48.5 50.4 52 53.2 54.5 55.7 56.7 57.6 58.6 negE99' 52.6 54.7 56.4 57.7 59.1 60.4 61.5 62.5 63.5 20 pos 4.1 46.5 48.3. 49.8 51 52.2 53.4 54.3 55.2 56.1 neg 7.9 50.5 52.5 54.1 55.4 1 56.7 58 59 60 60.9 50 pcs 43 45.3 47 48.5 49.7 50.8 52 52.9 53.8 54.6 neg 45.1 47.5 49.4 50.9 52.1 53.3 54.6 55.5 56.4 57.3 100 pos 39.2 41.3 42.9 44.2 45.3 46.4 47.4 48.2 49 .49.8 neg 43 45.4 47.1 48.6 49.8 50.9 52.1 53 53.9 54.8 37.6 38.7 39.7 40.6 41.5 42.2 42.9 43.6 500 pos 34.3 36.2 neg 38.2 40.3 41.8 43.1 44.2 45.2 46.2 47 47.8 48.6 Building height End zone 5 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 10 pos. 46 48.5 50.4 52 53.2 54.5 55.7 56.7 57.6 58.6 neg 61.7 65 67.5 69.6 71.3 73 74.7 75.9 77.2 78.4 20 pos 4.1 46.5 48.3 49.8 5.l 52.2 53.4 54.3 55.2 56.1 neg 7,5 60.6 63 64.9 66.5 68.1 69.6 70.8 72 73.2 50 pos 43 45.3 47 , 48.5 49.7 50.8 52 52.9 53.8 54.6 ' neg 51.9 54.8 56.9 58.7 60.1 61.5 62.9 64 65 66 100 pos 39.2 41.3 42.9 44.2 45.3 46.4 47.4 48.2 49 49.8 neg 47.9 50.5 52.5 54.1 55.4 56.7 58 59 59.9 60.9 500 pos 34.3 36.2 37.6 38.7 39.7 40.6 41.5 42.2 42.9 43.6 neg 38.2 40.3 41.8 43.1 44.2 45.2 46.2 47 47.8 48.6 Wind design Pressure Chart f®r structures subject to Florida Residential Code 170 mph exposure Wall component and Cladding pressures from Table R302.2(2)modified by adjustment factors from R301.1(3). Converted to Vasd according to R302. SANTORO #52 AQUA RA DRIVE JENSEN BEACH, FL 34957 y Florida,Bi ding C6dee0111iiie' ` :Page tof 4 l rl ja Depaatl SCIS time�i Loa In i User RWSan � liat TcPlcs 1 Submit Surcharge Stats 5 Facts Publications FeC Stat!` i WS Site MaP i Unk, search Busines Product P ofessl � USEM Public User rovat Regulation Rndtrct ArIVS ,+iMs 9>>>rniuft o-Arn'iration search>AP2ka'' U >App11CaNOn DetaU 3 ," FL# 4LI52 4 R5 .. Application Type Revlsjo - 4 �ort a Code Version . . 2014 .: Application Status,., Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Piastpro Inc.J Nanya Plastics Corp. Address/Phone/Einail 5260 W CENTURY BLVD. LOS ANGELES,CA 90045 (440)969-9773 Ext 16 rickw4rwbidgconsultants.com AAAhorilred:Signature` Vivian Wright ; rickw@rwbld9consultants.com Technical Representative" Scott)ohnspn AddresslPhane/Eniaii 5200 W CentutyiBJvd Los Angeles,, 90045 (440)969*9773, Ext 18 scottjdhnson@ptastproinc.com 'Quality As Representative Ron O'Connell,,,— Add, ss/Phone/Email 5200..W Century Blvd.. Los Angeles,_GA 90045,,_= (440)969-9773: Ext,16=: ronoconnell@plastpro.com ' 'Category` Exterior.Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from.a Florida.Registered Architect or a Licensed Florins Professional Engineer Evaluation Report--Hardcopy Received Ftbrjda_EFi9 neer,or Architect Name who developed Lyndon K,Schmidt,.P.E. - the et afuatrgn Report Florida License PE-43409 Quality'Assurarice Entity National Accreditation and Managercient Institute Quality Assurance Coitract.Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Ryan 1.king,-P..E. Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of independence FL-15210 R5 COT CERTIFICATE of.INDEP NpcNCE.Odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D1929,,:. 1996 ASTM D283; 1999 ASTM D635 1998 ASTM D638, 2003 ASTM E1300. 2004 AS E84 2005 ASTM G26 1995 G`j 55 2005 file.///C./Users/KA-MREL- I/AppData/LocallTem-o/Low/MJ6R62TV.httn 7/1 /7.n15 'l . Florida M ld xg Cd&'{)z111ne '$ '' Page 2 a 4 TAS 201,202;203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By. - " Florida UtenskkProfess[orial 6ngirieerar_Architect -:;.. Ft 15'1.3.0 R5"i riuiv'�ruivih ' Of Standards udf sections from the Cade ,. „• Produdt Approval Method. :Method 1 OpbgRID .- ,Date-Submitted:' 04124/2015 •Oatavalidared 04/26/2Q.1, :...z:,..:.aF._... Date PendIng.FBC ApproVal 04/29/2015 Date Approved 06/23/2015. Summary of Products r FL•f= Model Number or;Name Description. 15210 i a Sino h/Wood Grain(Nlhite iNoad 6-!8ImpadG=;Opaque Fbergiass Single Door- Gra(n/Rustic/Mahogany Series O insw(ng/Outswing-, :.Configuration) iko9oss.poor Lint-ts>of ttse` Installation Instructtpns A00r6xidd1or use in HVHZ:;Yes FL`''S'i16 R5'IT 7nsc 3 S",I_p df Approved for use outside HVHZ,Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes - Created fiysladepdndentThird P.artY Yes': Design Pressure:NJA Evatuat:ory ports OtTien_See_INST 1.5210.1 for.Desipn Pressure Ratings,any Fi 14710 R5 AE f<vai 15210 t odf additional use.limitationsi installation.instructions and Created byIndependeiitThird Party:Yes product Raiticu*s. Smooth/Wood dralnjWhite Wood 6'8 aTFripact.:Opa.que Fiberglass Single Door With Sidelite or, Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Sideutes Inswing/Outswing(Okor XO;OXO- Fitaergi Do or Configurations) teiinits af:tise InsLaliation Instructions i Aooroved=for use in HVHZ:Yes FLtS?- Ra'7T Inst 1S210 2 t?df Approved for use outsidd;HVH?:.Yes' Verified 6y:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Crgated bY::Tndepeodent Third,Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A s Evoluation,Reports tither:See INST I52Y0.2 for.D2stgn Pressure'Ratings,any .FL15210 RS-AE Eva[15710.2.ndf additional use limitations,Installation instructfons and Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 55210 3 d>Smooth/W.00d Grain/White Wood 6 8-"Impaq",Opaque Fiberglass Double Door with or without Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Sideiltesr Inswing/Outswing;(XX;OXXO-Configurations) Fiber lass poor UmiLs�of User�'­ Installation Instructions Apprair d'for use in HVHZ:Yes F° s2 g,`tt5vInst�10.3.ndf Approvedfor use outside,HVN2:.Yes Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes',: Created.try Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A, EvaluatlonReports:,t., a#fier:See INST 15214:3 for Design Pressure Ratings,any Li_214 R5 A> cya!1:5?30.'3.psif additionaf use limitatiosisi installation instructions and 'Created by IndependentThird Party:Yes product pa,;kcr ulars;: (5210 4 d.Smo,Ei /iiod Gram/White Wood .6?8"ntpaet".Glazed Fiberglass Single Door- Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O InswirtglOutsWing(X;-,Canffguration),• Fibergie�s Door Limits of:Use = Installa#ion.InsLru, ions Approverl'for use in HVHZ:YesFLt51z3 f}5"'iI Cnst5710.4.odf Approved'for use outside,HVHZ:,Yes Verified By.Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant-Yes Created by fgdependent,Third Party:Yes;a Design Pressure. ;NIA a >*ra,(uatton:Reports,,: OLhSee INST 15210 4 fac'DesigPreFZIssure Ratings,any 52i0 R5 AE Evac-1521 A,arty-.",_- zedition aI use limitations,installation instructions and Created by Independent'Third PYes produc PaMMI Y5210 5 e.Sciioatl/Woisd GrainitVhite Wood: Single Door With Sidelite or Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O Sidetttes,Inswingjoutswing(OX dr XO OXO- Fiberglass Doar CdrlflgurationsY i units of£t#se "<" -' Instaliatibn In Approved; use in HVHZ:Yes FL1SL1{) tt5°31 TnstY571.0.5axlf file:///C:/Users/Tf.. MR,E- ,t/AppData/Local/Temp/LoNvA4J6R62TV.htm 7/13/2015 Page of, Florida-,BW1din9C&de,,0nlid6`­•. -' Approved for use outside HVIM Yes Verified By:Lyndon F,Schmidt,P.E.43409 impact Resistant.Yes 4 "i, �,� " -,� ­ Created:.by.Independent Third Party'.Yes Design Pressure.NIA,:-.; 67 other.SeeINST 152j Design,Pressure Ratingsi-anY. 6�5 for,., Fi 511D RLAE EvAI.S.: additional use limitations,'-fristaltation Instructions and Created by Independent Third Party'..Yes product particulars. 15210 6. 7 Fiberglass DoublEeDoor with or=witho4 t..�Sm6oth/wood Grain/Wliite.Wood: 68 limp,-act".Glazed 0 C h Configurations)dra1nMtJstfc/Maihog6ny series 0 SldeIjLei,-,Inswlng/outswjng(XX;OXXO-Configurations) Fiberglass Door Ins', 06 1-n5 14 Verified P.E.43409 *,0ii5iid&fer"usd i&_VHZ.Yes „ltpprciyed'fow use outside ffV"Z.Yes �p I Y" LYnoonT Schmidt,: impact R4sistaint.Yes Created by ifidependeritthiMliarty:Yes Design Pressure:NIA,,,,.See INST AC Evaluation'RePo Design.0ressure Ratings,any, FLI �io R & Other, j addhr.-I&onal use limitation I s,installationI 4 I ' instructions and Created,by Independent,Third Party:Yes pFqqyct particulars,.15210 71oodGrainjftltemo thj* od. 8'0.qmpact"6aze6,1,�beiglass' Single Door-Outswing V- � Grain,Rustic/Mahogdny Series 0 [o0tiguration):. Fiberglass Door Liirilt Approveor,use in F1j521Q'R§-It Ins t 1!j210.7.0dr I - S ApfirioV.d'for use outside HVHZ.Yes py LypookF" chmidt,P.E.43409. Impact Res1stant.Yqs:,.','i created,by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure;NIA En'uat"" 1 _ 1� Other:See INST 15116.7, Design'PressureRatirigsany - �20 I Jqr�I. — instructions - �� � additional use limitations,'installation instructions and Created by Independent Third Party:Yes product particulars. 15210.8 d i _.hIte,Wood VO"Impact",Glazed Fiberglasssingle Door with Sidelite or ustic/Ma e;- _P -Configurations) 00 /,W_qq Gra n/W Griln/R h' es 0 Sidelit 0 EsWing(OX or XO;6XO Fiberglass Door Limits of Use instal onInstruction.5 Appro 4ed'".1,C4'6se' in HVHZ4 Yes F-1-15210 R5 "~Ajipfdved for use outside HVHZ,Yes 11y Verlf6d ' . .Lynddfi'F.`9 midt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created bVindeperident Third Party,Yes Design Pressure: tvaluation Reports,,?, Other.See INST 15216.8 for.Design Pressure,I Ratings,,any _.rL152 J.Q R5 AE-_Eyal�152-19_&p_dj-, additional use limitations,installation Instructions I I I and: Created by Independent Third Party-Yes product partl,[ulars. 15210.9 i.-9mo6th/tV008'6rain-/Whike,—Wood 8'0 Plm pact',Glazed FiberglassDouble Door with or without GrainAu,stdcill ah ogany Series 0 Sidetitestr Outswing(XX;OXXO-Configurations) Fiberglass Door 1iihits of Use.A0proved,for'use in HVM.Yes 'id R5 11 Inst 1S710.9-rid Approved.for use outside HVHZ.-Yes PYr QrObn'F.'SchmIdt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant--Yes_,: Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Xvalqatlon,�Rep .�D Other,See INST 15210.6'i�� e�g6.Pressure,Racings,any FLI Zlk). additional use limitations,installation instuctions and 'Created:by Independent Third Party.Yes product particulars. 15210A0, 1j.Smooth/Wood Grain/white Wood 8'0"Impact"Opaque Fiberglass Single Door-Outswing(X- Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series 0 Configuration) Fiberglass Door pirnit's ofUse -Installation Instructions Approved.for use in HVHZ,.Yes Et.11110 BS II Inst 521.0.jQ.pdF ApPii3m 6 r use outside HV"Z;Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant.Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes -0esign.Pressure:MIA Evaluation Reports Other.See INST 15210.10 for Design Pressure Ratings, EL.11� 9_R5 AF Eval 152„1,0.10 pd f any additional use limitations,Installation instructions and Created by Independent Third Party.Yes -product particulars. 15210.11 k.Smooth/Wood Grain/white Wood B'D"Impact"Opaque Fiberglass Single Door with Sidelite or Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series 0 Sidelites,-Outswing(OX or XO,OXO-Configurations) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved* - for use In HVHZ:Yes FI-15210 R5 11 Inst15210,1I.Pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ.Yes Verified By;Lyndon F,Schmidt,P.E.43409 rrupact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent1hird Party:Yes Design,Pressure.N/A Evaluation Reports:` , I Other:''See INST 5210.13 for Design Pressure Ratings, FL15210 RS AE Eval 15210,11.pdf any additional use firrikations,installation Instructions and Created by Independent Third Party:Yes product particulars. file:///C:/tJser.s/KAMoREL—I/ApnData/LocaUTenip/Low/5L6YW3LI.htm 17/13/2015 I— Florida Ruilding"Code Online Page 4 of 15210.12 L Smooth/Wood Grain/White Wood 8`0"Impact"Opaque Fiberglass Double Door,,with or without Grain/Rustic/Mahagany Series,0_. Sidetites-Outswing(XX;OXXO-Configurations) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes F11S2.10 R5 II Inst 152I¢,,1�x f Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party;Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports other:See INST 15210,12 for Design Pressure Retings FLS 210 R5 AE Eva( 15210.1 oaf any additional use limitations,installation instructions and Created by Independent Third Part:Yes product particulars. 15210.13 m.Smooth/Wood Grain/White ST"Impact"Opaque Fiberglass Single Door with Surface Wood Grain/Rustic/Mahogany,, Bo€ts,-,Qutswing(X-.Configuration) Series O Fiberglass Door" Limits-a Use y Installation Instructions Approved for use`im HIfHZt Yes FL1S-10 RS i1 Inst 15110,13, f, "Approved for use;gptside HVHZ:Yes verPfied 3yz Lynd6n F:Schrnidt P.E.43409 Irnpatt'fiesist"rit:Yes Created by Independent Th€rd'Party:Yes Design:Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports othemSee INST 15210.13 for Design Pressure Ratings, . FLIS210 R5 AE Eval 15210.13. any ad lltio?nai.use limitationsr4ristallation instructions and Created by Independent Third Party.:Yes product particulars. 15210.14 n.Smooth/Wood Grain/White:Wood. .0"Impact"Opaque:Fiberglass Double,Door:with Surface Gram/Rustic/Mahogany Seriesb,'-, . Botts on Active Ddor panel Outswing(XX=Configuration) Fiberglass Door Limits of Use Installation.Instructfons Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes 0 ?i0 R511 Inst 15 1.()14�}�If Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes "Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E 43404 1 c Resistant:Yes Created.by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A ,Evaluatiots•Reports Other:See INST 15210.14 for Design Pressure Ratings;, F47PQ f25 AE =vai I$ Q,14.nLf any additional use limitations,Installation instructions and ,. . .CreaIt .by Independent Third Party:Yes product particulars. 15210.15. o.Smooth/Wood Grain/White`Wood 8i(l"Impact"Glazed Fiberglass Single Door utilizing the Grain/Rustic/Mahogany Series O WINOSERTr"an operational window Insert-Outswing(X- Fiberglass Door Configuration) Limits of use Igstallatinri Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes dA41 lt��(tS 11 .Inst 15210.iS.pd` Approved for, outside HVHZ:Yes Verifieii 13y:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Piesstire:til/AEvaluation Reports Other:See INST 15210.15 for Design Pressure Ratings, Ft 1. 220 R5 AE Eva].15210.1S.odf any additional use limitations,installation Instructions'and. Created'bV'IndependentThlyd Party:Yes product particulars. 8acir Next Contact tc:;1940 North Monroe-Street'ralfa2'29 YhOne:&50-487.1$z� The State of Florida is an AAJCEO employer,Coovriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida ;:Privacy Statement;:Acresslkllity Statement::R+,s;nd Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.if you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records requw•_st,do not send electronic mal;to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional rwil.If you Have any questions,please contact 850.487.2895.'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,eti`ecUve October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 45S,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emalis provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to Supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address whdch can be made avaifabie to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S,,.please click bgrr.. 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