Meeting Held On
July 15, 2015
Convened at 3:03 p.m. Adjourned at 4:45 p.m.
This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Wednesday July
15, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Conference Room in the Administration Building, 2300
Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was taken. Quorum was present. Minutes from the February 18, 2015 meeting were
Members Present: Bill Thiess, St. Lucie Village, Chairman
Bradley J. Currie, Atlantic Design Group, Vice Chair
Mayor Linda Hudson, City of Fort Pierce
Christine Taylor
Bobby Hopkins
Mary Chapman
Richard Ross, Longshoreman Association
George L. Jones, Alternate for Warren Falls, ORCA
Members Absent: Warren Falls, Managing Director of ORCA
Vice-Mayor Linda Bartz, City of PSL
Also Present: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney
Don West, Public Works Director
Britton Wilson, Planning, SLC
Carole Mushier, South Beach Association
Gwen Morris
Christina Bell, Destin Beach, Inc.
Discussion on updating Resolution #12-082. Member’s comments that were discussed will be
included into the document by the Chairman, and will be reviewed for approval by the
Committee at the next meeting
Joint meeting: Don gave an update to the Committee on the Joint meeting with the City of
Fort Pierce in May. He shared that the Harbor Advisory Committee’s recommendation were
well received by both Boards, and the next step is to take the recommendations and make
them part of the Comp Plan.
He shared that Doug Wheeler, Port President, was also at the Joint meeting and offered various
suggestions for our Port including, manufacturing, cargo, and free trade zone. Mr. Wheeler feels
that diversification is the key to a thriving Port.
A question came up about the Marine Academy, Don shared that after the State’s study it is
not feasible at this time.
A question came up about going out to the Port as a group, however according to the
Attorney’s office this could be a sunshine law conflict. Don has offered to keep the Committee
up to date on the projects by going out on site and bringing back photos.
A question on Wesley’s Island came up. Don said we are waiting for the recommendations to be
included in the Comp Plan, but Jim Oppenborn, SLC Coastal Resources Supervisor is already
working with the State getting permits for exotic removal with his volunteers.
Fisherman’s Wharf: Don gave an update on the next project at the Port. The State hired
Mr. Rick Ferrin from Transystems to work with us on Fisherman’s Wharf design. Grants were
applied for last year and should be available this July. We also applied for another grant for
next year.
The Coast Guard vessel Ingham will not be coming to the Port of Fort Pierce . After research
through the SLC Park Department Director, Ed Matthew’s it will not be cost effective or
sustainable for the Historical vessel to come to this Port.
Don shared with the Committee concerning Governance of the Port. The City and County will
be creating an Interlocal agreement. The Ports Council is glad to see that local government are
working together for a common goal.
Now that the Port Master Plan has been updated, Quarterly meetings was brought up by the
Committee. It was agreed that the next meeting will be in September, and after that it was
voted on that Quarterly meetings will begin January, 2016. Chairman asked members for a
motion, Mr. Ross made the motion for Quarterly meetings, Mayor Hudson 2nd. Vote was
unanimous in favor of the motion.
Mayor Hudson asked that the members of this Committee be notified of the Comp Plan Public
Hearings to be able to attend.
At 4:45 p.m., the meeting adjourned. The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday September
15th at 3:00 pm, in the in the Third Floor Conference Room.