Meeting Held On
February 18, 2015
Convened at 3:07 p.m. Adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Wednesday
February 18, 2015 at 3:00 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Conference Room in the Administration Building,
2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was taken. Quorum was present. Minutes from the December 17, 2014 meeting were
Members Present: Bill Thiess, FPUA/St. Lucie Village, Chairman
Bradley J. Currie, Atlantic Design Group, Vice Chair
Mayor Linda Hudson, City of Fort Pierce
Vice-Mayor Linda Bartz, City of PSL
Christine Taylor
Bobby Hopkins
Mary Chapman
Richard Ross, Longshoreman Association
Members Absent: Warren Falls, Managing Director of ORCA
George L. Jones, Alternate for Warren Falls, ORCA
Also Present: Katherine Barbieri, Assistant County Attorney
Don West, Public Works Director
Britton Wilson, Planning, SLC
Rebecca Grohall, City of Fort Pierce
Carole Mushier, South Beach Association
Gwen Morris
Carmela Bell, Destin Beach, Inc.
Marty Murphy
Chairman Thiess introduced the new Member of the Harbor Advisory Committee: Richard
Ross, introductions and welcomes went around the table from the Members.
Carol Mushier questioned why the Joint Meeting between the City and County was moved out
until May. Don West explained that Doug Wheeler, President of the Florida Ports Council want
to be there to give a presentation at the meeting, including future Global opportunities, and he
just will be finishing up with legislature at the end of April. At this point the Joint Meeting will
be held sometime in Mid-May, there is not a date set at this time.
Carol also asked about the sale of property at the Port, and if anyone has heard anything about
property being sold, no one knew of anything.
Chairman Thiess handled the Annual Elections for Chair and Vice-Chair for the Harbor Advisory
Mary Chapman made a motion to keep Chairman Thiess as the Chair for 2015, Mayor Linda
Hudson second the motion, all agreed.
Mayor Hudson made a motion to keep Brad Currie as Vice-Chair for 2015, Christine Taylor
second the motion, all agreed.
Members approved the 2015 meeting schedule, Chair Thiess reminded member that there will
only be meetings when there is a quorum and agenda items, as this is a committee that does
not have to meet monthly mandatorily.
Chair Thiess asked member to review and offer updates to the committee’s resolution. This is
only for updating purposes. If committee members wish to update they are asked to send their
comments to Sue and she will forward all to the Chair and he will final the document for
committee’s review.
Don West gave the committee an update from the February 2015 Informal meeting from the
Board of County Commissioners. Don shared with members how please the Board was with
their five (5) recommendations which included; Updating the policy document; the maritime
academy including the suggestion for a blue ribbon committee; a potential sea camp for Wesley
Island; the mission statement update; and a list of infrastructure plans for future projects.
Don also informed Members about a grant the County applied for from the short list of project
that were approved last year. A grant for Fisherman’s Wharf has been approved for July, 2015.
The State has offered to do a study of the bulkhead and marina at Fishman’s Wharf, FDOT has
contracted with Transystem to do the study and it will include conceptual site plans and a cost
The maritime academy grant that the County also applied for is on hold right now as the state
is still doing a feasibility study and has decided to place those grants on hold right n ow for the
whole State of Florida.
Don told the Members now that now that all the recommendations are completed they will still
have to go through 3 public hearings. Mark Satterlee told Members that this can go through
fairly quickly. Don feels the main goal of the Joint Meeting is to move the amendments forward.
Don shared with Members that the Taylor Creek dredging project is almost complete, and the
muck sediments have been removed.
Don shared the comments from the Board from the Informal meeting; the Commissioners talked
about land ownership and adding language to the Port Master Plan to include pursing land
purchase with Grant dollars. The Board will not pursue eminent domain to acquire land. The
Board also suggest including master stormwater planning for the entire port operations area.
There is a bill in legislation now to increase the amount of Port Grant dollars from $15 million to
$25 million annually.
Don shared with Members that 2nd Street contract is in place with Mancil Tractor Service for $6.5
million. This project includes improvements to 2nd street for utilities, stormwater, and
infrastructure. There will be a Port landowners meeting set up for information purposes.
Mr. Ross asked for e-mail of the five (5) recommendation the Committee worked on last year.
Sue will e-mail those out.
At 4:05 p.m., the meeting adjourned. The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday March 18 at
3:00 pm, in the in the Third Floor Conference Room.