HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4158324 OR BOOK 3835 PAGE 799, Recorded 02/09/2016 at 03:26 PM r6WRNt1AB9l: � .•.. i:ri.r,_i,, i. NOTICE OF COMMEM(EMENT The undersigned hereby given noQre that irrWovanmt win be male to vermin teal property.and in aemrdance with Cbapter 713, Florida statutes ft following infnrroblim is provided in 60Netio0 ofm�mt 1.DBSCRIF'ff0N(FPR0pjRTYQ,Md l and smrladdress)TAX FOLtONUMM:R SURDIV AEC170N Qtd�1 S BI OCK�TBACT I.d! S� B1 DG UNIT 2.GENERALDESCRIPTIONOFIDMPROVEME T. l 3.OWNER BIIFOBMATION: . qq t�at�.14a= b tNat7iagAddtea ZSf�n /fT10lr<1';- idn ��t� aiaurastiapraperty-Q ' d.Name and addresses offee s®pletiildtofda(if other dm owns) 4.CONTRACTOR'S ADDRESSAND ONBNUMRE G- p C I $'?- 772 S.SURETY'S NAME,AD AND PHONE AND BOND AMOUNT: 6.LEM=9 NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONENUMBER Al-A-, 7.Perron within the State ofFlonda designated by Ownerupm whommtic s or ollmdommo ata may be served as provided by Section 713.13(lXa)7.,Florlda Smtores NMff,ADDREMAND P90WNUIIffflm /k A 8.in addition to hmtsdfor herself Owns designates the fogavriogtD.—he a cDPyvf the Licues Notice at pmvidedin Scdion 713.13(I)(b).Florida Stah NAME,ADDRIM AND PRONE NUMBE[t: " 9.Expkemdateofnotioeafcommmc=cnt(tbec*admdeteis1yesrfmmthedereofreraedmgmdessa liM tdateis spedfier) 20L­ WAMM TONAnt:BYTHEOWNFltA_rrrot7ilFDtP11t�Tlr'MOFTHEN CEQF _ __ -- oAyl„�^e 1rrn� rot p{Aa�rss_7I3.PART SECDM 71313.FUMM STATU'rr+q A_ CA�r RESLn T INYOUIi•PAYMCMOM Ltirl RBL'ORDEO ANQ sm-ON" s You mmm TO Oumm FmAw'm Ommm V m Yol1R Ve Signstam of Owner or PrintNare oFOwaer cr Ownees Aatborimd OWA=r Owner's Authorized OtBev/DlrataNPudmger and Provide Skpatory's TitldOAtee Stam of Florid Conaty of - n.fmcgolsg bstmmmtwa bilged bcfam=tbis day (Printed name of abo ) (type ofamhority...ag Owl officq tnr�ru,atmrnry m fact) Por�rr5�l� F8?ttfti a A<< ��yy (Name fpatyonbrl+alf v mwjmM Pcmn&UyMmowr orpwdnadthefoliowing of ID: Xt No>ory pudic State of Florida A Larsen M. ion EE 201050 NmaoftaryPublic) (S afNotaryPablic) t aw Erp No76 Under pmudd s of perjmy,l declare that 1 have read the feregoing amd tbatthe fads in itare tae to the best of awIatwl aM belief(seetton 92575.Florida St dolet). S" uftLre(s)of owner(s)or Owner(s)'Aadwbsd 018nr/ 1reder1P&rb-/6leaager'wkD skmd zb C By, By �ua.%Ae( LU.tk m�a— ) a,..aro�wP�O ( STATE OF FLORIDA ST:LUCIE COUNTY JTHIS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A NO CORRECT COPY 0HE L. E ' H LER Date:. -�__