HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4158162 OR BOOK 3835 PAGE 367, Recorded 02/09/2016 at 01:15 PM STATE OF FLORIDA ST,LUCIE COUNTY L1 p3 ,► nxEcror<nlrr�-at rimx7o THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A RRUE AIGI N D CORRECT COPY OF THE ' E.SMITH L It w t'FR?,ffNVMBQt: Deputy CI k � NO'RCE O COMMENCEMENT Det.,FEB 0 9 2016 The undasigned baeby gives notice that Mg0VtMMt will be made tot of UM troll pulp".toad in accordance with Q%ptet 713, Florida Statutes,the following kbTuation is provided in this Notice ofCommratxDtmt 1. Dzscair toN OF PROPEr,n(LCSW desoiptim of the proprary do street address,if ava0abk)TAX FOLIO NO.: WNDMSION y 39 Sgt n BLOM Z TRACT Lor._fp m uc VNrr Y 2.GENERAL DEKSRI ON OF VAPW L./I 4 trS Gia 3. OWNOtMM MATIONORIE EINFn TIO IF7HELCONTRACTED FOR THEVOSOVEMEtPf: a.Namerod addeeac �1►oiKiW� i .s 1'`err41e1• CTS b.lotre.t in Property D a'✓�PlL c?i—c and addrem offae.fmpie cddwUw(if differed Gm0-m lined abbc.m). !. aCONIRACrOWSNAME: eS C Cm.dor..dd. E&-11,&x_7ef 95-5 EL2&2 ZX b.mmenm"ber. S.SURE Y(ifapplimble a copy oflbo pryjwd bond isemubedl: . zNamcaodaddrea: b.Phone naaber. e.Aemuot of bmd:a 6.s.LENDER'S NAME I endc'sad&= h Mme number 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whore Aoticss or other documents may be saved as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: a.TiPneard addreac b.Phme amber of"&r*trd perones _ 8.a.to addition to himself or hersdg Oona designates of to receive a copy of the Lienar's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b).WS—mutes. b Pb me m mrber of person a entity"Sn ted by()aper: 9. FVb3 ion date of notice of corm m mmt(the oTization date well be i year from the date of recording unless a difTerrnt date is specified): 20 WARNM*TO 9%-j0L-ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY 7I E OWIh7t Al T r E3tPIReTTrJN pF TFlE OF CpMb tF]Ic�Ft�h1T a ARE OMMERM tM MOM)R PAYMlNM 114E CJ&t*ifst_713 Un L SECDM 713,13,F(QM&STAT(jjES_AM CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAY NG TWIG FOR DMOV1 SEM TO YOUR M=IX A NONCE OFCYIR'L s T^ cti.. m]CT RF RECQEM AND EMM ON 3M JOB SITE BEFORE IM FOW p9MMW wyajIMMMOBTAINVIN YYOUR N –QT10E OF � ,Go �. r�vaJG or 's or Lesaea's (Print Name and Provide Signatory's TitleAMee) • d rtaer/Mttleager) State of �LL✓� !! [ Coustty of 1 J I 'I✓ 4 4 01-11 XI ing iasttnrtmt x3mowledgal before rate this ��/ day VIf✓ 20 Z as !J 11// <a a pasru 7 for it�L , � (type of tttrrleority,...eg,o13taa,tr¢stee,attorney in fad) (name ofparty on bebalfofwb6m instrument was preeated) l Personally Known of Produced ldeotific --,m -Type of ideutincation waduoed C� .NI HERDEZJR °4n MY CUMMNAN ISSION#FFPM738 WIRES:MAR 01,2019 (Sipm Notary pie) Bonded through psi State Insurance moo;T or S Canmissionc(Name of Nafazy Pubic) Rev.loos-[Z