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FL#. FL11602=R3
Application Type Revision
'e version 2Oi4 C"PI,
Appli atiorf Status Approved Q�
Archived. ❑
Product Manufacturer InterWrap,Inc.
Address/Phone/Email 32923 Mission Way
Mission,NON=US 06060
rntu0as@l6terwrifp Corn
Authorized Signature Eduardo Lozano
el6zand@ in to rwra p.cool
Technical:Representative Eduardo Lozano.
Address/Phone/Email 32923 Mission Way
Mission,NOWUS 00000
elozano@ inEerwra p,com
Quality Assurance Representative
Category Roofing
Subcategory Underlayments
Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed
Florida Professional Engineer
9 Evaluation Report Hardcopy Received
FI'orida Engineer oPAFehitect Name who developed Robert Nienlfnen
the Evaluation Report
Florida License PE-59166
Quality Assurance Entity intertek Testing Services NA Inc.-ETL/Wamock Hersey
Quality.Assurance;Contract Expiration Date 11/19/2016
Validated By John W. Knezevich,PE
® Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received
'Ce'rtificate.of Independence FL11602 R3 COI 2015 01 COI Nieminen.odf
Referenced.Standard and Year(of Standard)
Equivalence.of Product Standards
Sections from the Code
http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl,.aspx?param=wUEVXQwtDgsQFc5 K%2 fI'r... t/18/2016
Florida. Building Code Online Page 2 of 2
Product Approval Method Method 2.'Option B
Date Submitted 05/01/2015
Date Validated 05/01/2015'
Date Pending FBC Approval 05/.1:0/2015
Date Approved, 06/22/201-5
Summary of Products
01#' Model,Number or Name Description
11602:1 Titanium Roof:Underlayments SyntheGcsheet-type roof underlayments
Limits of Use. Installation,Instructions
Approved for use,in;HVHZ:No, FLL1602 R3 11 2015 OS FINAL ER INTERWRAP_FL11602
Approved for use outside HVHZ:YesR3:odP
Impact-Resistant N/A Verified By: Rotiert Nierninen;PE-59166
Design Pressure`: +N/A/-45' Created by4ndependentThird'Party:Yes
Other 1-)The deslgn pressure noted herein pertains,to Eva luation,Reports,
use of a'specific underiayment system beneath foam-on tile' FL11602 R3 AE 201S 05 FINAL ER INTERINRAP:1`1-1.1602-,j
sytserls.Refer to.ER;Section'5.:6:3 for details.2.).Refer to R3.odf:
ER Sections 5 and 6 for other Umits of:Use. Created,by Independent Third Party:Yes
Back Next
Contact Us i':1940 North Monroe.Street.Tallahassee FL32399 Phone:850-487-t824.
The,StaWol Fiorida is an AA/EEO employer.Coovrioht'20074013 State of Fiorida.-.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement
Under Florida iaw,email.addresses.are-public records.lf;you do not.want your e-mail address released in response to a Oubiic,records request,do not send
electronic mail to this entity:Instead;.contact the of ice.by phone or by traditional mail:If yotchave-any'quesborfs,please contact 850.487:1395 'Pursuant to
Section 455,275(1) Florida',Sfatutes;"effectiJe October P 2012 licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S:must provide the Department with ma
an eil address if
o :The emails;provided maybe used foi:'official communrcatiomwith the email email addresses ar"e public recordt If you do not wlsh-to
supply a personal address,please provide the Department withan.emaff add ess which can be made available.io the public To determine'if you are ailicensee under
Chapter 455,F.S.,please.click.here
"Product Approval Accepts::
http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsQFc5K%2fT'r... 1/18/2016
interwrap,.I'nc; Evaluation,kepori A080.11.08-kj
12923'Mission Way FLI1.602-R.3
Mission,B.0 WV-6E4 Date of llssuance:11/03/29QP
Canada Revision 3:05/01/2015
This Evaluation Report is issued Under Rule 61G20-3 and. theapplicable rules 'and regulations governing the use of
construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been:reviewed:by Robert Nieminen,P.E..for
use of the product
duct under the Florida,B,uilding Code,and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The:producis described,
herein have been evaluated for compliance-with the 5'h Edition(2014) Florida Building Code sections notedherejn.
DESCRIPTION:. Titanium'""Roof UrtclerlaynTents
LAPELING: labeling.,shall be in accotc1dripe-w(th the requirements the Accredited
ited Quality Assurance.Agency noted herein.
Report;it valid until such time as the_named product(s) Changes,:the referenced
Quality Assurance documentation changes;or provisions of'the Code thatrelate to the product change. Acceptance of1his
Evaluation Report by the nam-ed,client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the product changes orthe
referenced Quality-Assurance.docum entation changes. Tri.nityl[:ERD requires a complete review of'his Evaluation Report
relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle.
AQVERTISEMENT:: The Evaluatiorf 'Report number preceded by the words% "Trinityl!ERD E'4uated" may, be, displayed in
advertising literature. if-any portion of.the-Evaluation Report'is-displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety.
INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy oFthis entire Evaluation M!poft shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its
clistri.butors.a.,no'shall be available for'inspection:at the job site at the request Ofthe.Building Official.
This Evaluation.Report consists of page.s I through 6.
rhefics".fle seal a ppeaRhg was authorized by 96bert Nieminen,
Robert J.M.Nierninen,P.E.
P.E�,.n()5/01/201S.This does nofs�rve,assn electronically signed
Florida Redistration No:59166}Florida DCA ANE1983 M . - i
document.Signed,sealed hair4colpies have'been transmuted to the
Product Approval Achrifnistrat—and to the named client
1. Trinityl.ERD;does not have, ndrAoes it intend to acquire or will it acquire;,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or
-clistributing.products it evaluates.
2. Trinityl ERD it not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing Products it evaluates.
3. Robert NieM_lnenj P;E.,does not have nor will acquire;a financial interestin any company manufacturing or distributing products for
Which,the-evaluation teports.are being issued.
4: Robert Nieminenj P,E.,does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the
51. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinityl IERD nor Robert Nieminen; P.E. are, in any way,-the Designer of Record for any
.project on Which this Evaluation Report,.or previous Versions thereof,islWas usedlor permitting or design guidance unless,retained
,specifically for that purpose.,
1. SCOPE-1
Picdqqt,1•Cat,q9orV Roofing
Sub-Category:. Uncledayment
Compliance-Statement. Titanium`" Roof Underlayments, as produced by Interwrap, Inc., have demonstrated compliance with
the Intent of the following;sections of the Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with:applicable. sections the
following Standards '.Co 0 'for
in Hance is subject Installation Requirements and [Conclitions.of Usiaset tfi herein.
-Section proper Standard Year
1501.2.3J5671;343,1SiQ7-Z.3;j507.7.3:1 Unrolling,Breaking Strength,Pliability, ASTM 15226 2006
71507.8,1507:8:3,1567A3 Wss oh-Heating
15072.41,1507;2.8 1507..2.9:2;. Thickness,Load-Strain,Adhesion,Thernial ASTM D1970 2009
1507.4.5.1,4507..4.5.2;1507.5,3, Stabilli:VFlexibility,tear,Permeance,
1507.3.3 Installation Practice FRSA/T.RI April 2612(04-12). 2012
1523. Physicai.Proppqies(2-ply system) TAS'103 1995
TAS 110 Accelerated Weathering TAS 110 2600
Eai!tY Examination Reference: Date.
ERD.(TST6049) .PI!.ysical Pro I pe I rties 44/19/2009
ERD(TST6049), Physical Properties Ii.5610.05-10 05/141/2010
ERQ1TST6049) Physical!Properties 135520.06.-11 Q6A5144
EM(TSf60'49) Wind Uplift 135526t08AI-1 :08[12/2011
ITS(fST,1509) Physical Properties 3146738CCIQ;003A -03128/2008
ITS(-TST1$q9) 'Physical Properties 3146738COQ-003803/2812008
ITS(TST1509) Physical'Propetties 3126617CCQ-005 10/211/2007
ITS(QUN1673) Quality Control ITS Listings Current
ITS(QUA1673) Quality Control inspection Report 11/19/2014
-4.1 'Self-Ndhering:U-nderlaVments:
4.1.1 Titanium'" IPSU-36 1s.an unreinforced polyrner modified bitumen material"adhered to the underside of a polymer
coated;.syntheticwovensheet. The underside is backed With a-relbase film. Unit weight 24 Ibs/siquare.
4.2 Meclhanicall0hstened UnclerlaVrnents:
4.-2.1 ..__Titanium" UDL-25-is"a synthetic sheet-type underlayment comprised of a woven tore coated On one side with a
polymer coating. Unit weight 2.5 lbs/square.
4.2.2 Titanium'"UbL-25 PLUS is a synthetic sheet-type underlaymeni,cpmprised of awoven core coated on one side with a
polymer coating. Upit-weight2.9lbs/t.quare.
4.2.3 TitarikumTM UPL=310 it a synthetic-sheetAype underlayment comprised of a.woven core coated on.both sides with a
0olymercoating. Unit weighi.4.0 lbs/square.
4.1.4 titanium"' UbLmSO Is a synthetic sheet-type underlayment-comprised of.a,woven core coated on both sides with a
polymer coating. Unit weightA.7 Ibs/square.
4.2.5. Titanium,— UPI,-Tr is a synthetic sheet-type underlayment comprised oF a woven.core coated on one side With a
polymer coating. Unit weight 2,.9 lbs/square
4.2.6 Titanium!' UDL-TF 15 a synthetic*sheet-type underlayment comprised of.a woven tore coated.on iboth sides with a
potyMercoating, Unit weight.2.9(bs/square.
-4.2.7 C UDL-TTM
I . - 3100,is a synthetic shedt-type underltiyment comprised of a wovenzore coated on both`sides,wit!1 a polymer
coating.. Uriftweighi 3.2 lbs/square.
Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report,111980.11.E18-113
Certificate of Authorization.A9503' FL11602,R3
Revision 3:05/01/20I5.
Page 2 of 6
5.1 This:is a building code evaluation. Neither Trin'ityl ERD not Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in:any way, the Designer of
Record,for any project on which,this Evaluation Report; or previous versions thereof; IS/was used for;permitting,or
design guidance'Unless retained'specifically for'ttiat purpose.
5'.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in the HVHZ..
_5.3 Fire CWslfication'is not part of this.report;refer to cuerentApotoved Roofing;Materials Directory for fire rati ngs of this
'5.4 Titanium'"Roof Underlayments may be:used with;any prepared roof cover where the product is specifically referenced
within FBC approval documents. If not listed,a:request may be made to the AH1 for approval based ori this evaluation
combined with supporting data for the•prepared'roof covering.
5.5 Allowable.Roof,Covers:
Table 1: Roof:CoVer"Optio"ns
Asphalt Wood Shakes.&
Underiayment Nail-Oti:Tile Foam-On,Tile, Metal, Slate
Shingles Shingles
PSU-30 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes,
UDL-25 Yes No No Yes ' Yes Yes
Yes Yes
UDL-25 PLUS. Yes (base layer in 2= (base layerin 2- Yes Yes Yes
ply system); ply system)
Yes Yes
UDL-30 Yet (base layerin 2- (base layerin 2- Yes Yes Yes
Ply system) ply system)
UDL-50 Yes No No Yes Yes Yes,
UDL-TT Yes No. No. Yes Yes Yes
UDL-TF Yes No No: Yes Yes Yes
'UDL-TTIV1000 Yes No No Yes Yes Yes.
Private labeled
5.5.1 "Foam-On Tile'is,limited-to use of 3M`"2-Component'Foam Roof Tile•Adhesive AH-16001-6332):or Dow TILE,BONDA Roof Tile
Adhesive(FL737) applications unless tensile adhesion/.long term.aging:data froin.an.accredited testing laboratory.is
5.6 Allowable Substrates;Titanium P5U-30:
5.6.1 Direct-Bond to beck:-
➢ New.untreated plywood;
Existing;untreated plywood,primed as needed with D41 primer to achieve bond.
5.6.2'' Bond to Mechanically.Attached Base Sheet:
Y ASTM D226,Type I oriffelt.
D Titanium UDL45PLUS,UDL-30.:(primed with 041 primer)or UDL=30(inverted).
5.6.3 Wind Resistance for Underlavment.SVstems in Foam-On Tile Applications: FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12).does not address.
wind uplift-.resistance of all underlayment�systenis'beneath foarb-on tile systems,where the underlayment forms part
of the load-path. The following wind.uplift,limitations apply to underlayment systems that are.not addressed,in
FRSA%TRI April,2012(04=12),and are•used in-foam-on tile applications. Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing;
for Wind load"resistance.based on allowable wind loads,and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2(the 2 to
1 margin.of sa.fe.ty;per FBC 1504.9"Has already been applied).Refer to FRSA/TRI April 2.012(04-12),Appendix A,Table'IA.
or FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads. Maximum DesiRn,Pressure=-45 psf.
Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood:to meet projecf°requirements,to satisfaction of AH1.
Primer: .(Optional)ASTM D41
Underlayment: Titanium PSU-30,self-adhered
Exterior Research and Design,,LLC; Evaluation Report 111980:11.08-R3
Certificate of Authoriiatio"n#9503 FL11602-113`
Revision 3:05/01/2015
Page 3 of 6
(5.6.3:_2 Maximum DesigrrPressure=-30 psf*. TRINITIP` ERD
Deck: Min:15/32-inch plywood to,meet project requirements to.satisfdction of AHJ.
Base Sheet:_ Titanium UDL-25 PLUS or UDL-30(inverted)
Fasteners: Mechanically attached with`12 ga..annular ring shank nails having not less than 20°rings per inch,.
heads not'less than 3/8 inch diameter and length sufficient to penetrate through the thickness of
deck not less than,3/16-inch with_min.32 ga.;1-5/8"diameter tiff caps
Spacing: '6-inch o.c;at4-inch wideside laps and 12-inch o:c at three(3),-equally_spaced center rows.
Primer: ASTM D41 primer required at all tin-caps.
Underlayment: Titanium PSU 30,self-adhered
5.6313 Maximum Design Pressure=-30 psf•.
Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood%to meetproject requirements-to satisfaction of AHJ.
Base Sheet: Titanium UDL-30.(printed side:up)
Fasteners: Mechanlcallyt attached with 12,ga. annular ring shank nails having,not less than- rings per inch,
heads not less than 3/8 inch diameter and length sufficient to penetrate through the thickness of
deck not less than:3/16-inch.with min;.32 ga:, 1-5/8"diameter tin caps.
Spacing: 6'-inch>o:c.at 4-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c.at three(3),equally spaced centerrovvs.
Primer: ASTM 0411017imer required over printed side of UDL-30.
Underlayment: Titanium PSU 30,self-adhered
5:6.3.4 Maximum Design Pressure=-45 psf*.
Deck: Min.15/32=inch plywood to,meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ.
Base Sheet:, Titanium UDL-25 PLU5.or.UDL736(inverted)
Fasteners: Mechanically attached with 12 ga-annular ring shank nails having not lessahan 20 rings per inch,
heads not less than 3/8 inch diameter.and length sufficient to:penetrate through the thickness of
deck not less than'3/16-inch with min-32 ga.,1.518"diameter tin caps
Spacing: 6-inch'o.c.at 4-inch wide side laps and 84nch,o.c.`at three(3),equally spaced center rows:
Primer:: ASTIVI D41:primer required atall tin-caps.
Underlayment: Titanium PSU 30;self=adhered' Maximum.Desi'sn Pressure= 45 psf!.
Deck: Min..15/32=in6h plywoodIo meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ.
BaseiSheet: Titanium UDL=30(printed side up)
Fasteners: Mechanically attached with 12 ga.annular ring-shank nails having not less-than 20 rings per inch,
heads not les"s than 3/8 inch diameter and length sufficient to penetrate through the thickness of
deck not less than:3/16-inch with m'in.31 ga.,1-5/8"diameter tin caps:.
Spacing: 6-inch.o.c.at 4-inch wide side laps and 8;nch o.c.at three(3),equally spaced center rows.
Primer: ASTM D41 primer required over printed side of UDL-30:
Underlayment: Titanium PSU30,self=adhered
5.6,3.6 For mechanically attached base sheet in-a 2-ply system,the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall"
meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure determined:in accordance.with FRSA/TRI April 2012(04=12),Appendix A,
Table 1A oc FB,C 1609: Zones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to
resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are RAS:117, FM LPDS 1-29 and ANSI/SPRI WD]:;
Assemblies.marked with an asterisk*carry the limitations set forth in,Section FM LPDS 1-29 for Zone 2/3'
5.7 Exposure Limitations:_
Titanium UDL-25,UDL-25 PLUS,UDL-30,UDL-50;UDL-TT or UDL-TF shall not be left exposed for longer than 30-days.
Titanium PSU=30.shall not'be left exposed forlongee than 90-days.
UDL-TTMC300 not be left exposed for longer than 180-days:
Exterior Research and Design;.LLC. Evaluation Report 111980.11.08-R3
Certifkate of Authori:at on#9503 FL11602-R3
Page 4 of 6
61 Titanium Roof Underlayments shall be installed' in accordance With..Interwe.ap published installation requirements
subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and thespecifics noted below.
6:2 Re-fasten any loose idecking panels,and check.for protruding nail heads. Sweep fhe substrate�thoroughly to remove.
any dust and debris:prior to application,and prime fhe substrate(if applicable).
6,3 - . .TitaniumTM UDL=25;UDL-25 PLUS,UDL-30,UDL-50,UDL-TL UDL-TF and(Private Labeled)UDL4fMC300:
6.3.1 Instal(1n compliance with manufacturer's�published''ihStallatlon instructions and the requirements for ASTM'D226','Type
l,and.il underlayments in FBC Sections 1507-for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed.
6:3.2- Fasteners:
Mechanlcal,,attachment..of Titanium UDL-25, UDL--25' PLUS and UDL-30'is limited to ring shank roofing nails with;`
minimum 1-inch diameter plastic caps. -
'Mechamcal attachment of UDL-50,UDL-TT,UDLJF and(Private Labeled),UDL=TTMC300:is limited'to ring shank roofing
nails with minimum 3/8-inch diameter, heads; ring_ shank roofing,nails with minimum 1-inch diameter plastic caps;.
screws and plates;or plastic cap staples.
63.1. Slopes of 4:12 or greater;
End(vertical)Japs shall be min1mum.6-inches and side(horizontal)laps shall be.minimum 4-inches.
Minimum attachment shall be 12<inches o.c.vertically and 24-inches.o.x, horizontally in accordance with the surface
markings on the-.eXposed face of the underiayment. When.batten systems are.to be.installed.atop the-underlayment,
the-undedayment,need only be preliminarily attached,pending-attachment of the battens.
6.3.4 Slopes of 2:12.to less than 4:12::
Double layer app(ication; begin by fastening a, 25-inch wide strip along the:eaves. Place a full-width sheet:over the
starter,completely overlapping:thestarterCourse. Continue as noted!in-6.3.3,but.maintaining mininlurn 25-inch side
(horizontal)laps,,resulting in a double4ayer application.
6.4 Titanium'"PSU-30:
6.4.1 Install in.compliance with manufacturer's published.installation instructions and the requirements for ASTM D1970
underlayments in'FBC.Sections 1.507 for the.type of.prepared.roof covering to be"installed.
6.4.2 Direct-to-Deck with Mechanically Fastened Roof Cover:
Cut manageable"sections and re-roll with the release film side:out.
Membrane Application:
➢ Peel back release film approximately Ito 2-feet and align.with the lower edge of the roof-.and set in place, printed
.side Up.
D Apply the balance of the membrane to the substrate by removing the film.and;firmly pressing the;membrane into
D Apply subsequent-courses.parall,el to the eave in a shingle-type,water-shedding,manner.
➢ End(vertical)`laps shall be minimum 12-inches and side(horizontal)laps shallbe minimum 3-inches.
➢ Ifthe membrane.'becomes misaligned,cut the roll and re-start.
➢ Upon completion;in"spect1he rrierhbrane:and repair'any defects or-fish=:mouths:
The,use of sealant or mastic at tile fastener"penetrations is required for all tile roofing;installations. Contact lnterweap
for approved sealant or mastic types.
6_.4.3 Direct-to=Deck with Adhesive-Set Tile Applications
Reference is;madeto'FRSA/TRI April 2012(04-12)Installation Manual and Table 1 and'Section 5.6.2'herein, using the
instructions noted above as a guideline.
Wait;a minimum of 24 hours prior to loading roof tiles:Tiles shall be staged.so as to avoid,slippage and/or damage to
the roof underlayment.
The.use of sealant orimastic at tile,fastener penetrations is required for.all'tile roofing installations. Contact Inte_rwrap
for approved sealanvor mastic types.
Exterior Research and Design,.LLC. Evaluation Report 111980:11.08-113.
Certificate of Authorization#9503. FL11602-113-
Revision 3:05/01/2015
Page 5 o(6
6.5 Titanium-2-Ply System:
6.5.1. The.Titanium System consists of a.base layer''of Titanium:UDL-PLUS or UDL-30 (top-surface primed or inverted)
mechanically.attached to the wood.roof deck followed by Titanium PS1.1-301 self-adhered..
6'.S:2 Non-Tile Applications:
Install Titanium UDL-25 PLUS or UDL-30.(top surface primed or inverted) in accordance with Sections 6.3:1.through
6.3.3 followed by'Titanium PSU 30 in accordance with Section 6.4.
6.5.3 Tile Applications:
Reference is..made to FRSA/TRI.April 2012(04=12)Installation Manual and Table 1,herein;using the instructions-noted
above as a guideline.
For mechaniically4astened tile roofing;refer to Imterwrap published,installation,instructions;.but not less than.FRSA/TR(
April 2012(04-12y,Table 1.
For adhesive-sectile roofing,refer to Section 5.6:3 herein.
Wait a minimum of M hours'prior-t0.loading roof tiles. Tiles shall be staged so as!to avoid"slippage and/or damage to
the roof'underlayment.
Theause of sealant:or mastic at tile fastener penetrations is required for all tile roofing installations: Contact Interwrap:
for approved sealant or mastic types.
As.required by the Building Official or AuthorityHaving Jurisdiction in order to,properly evaluate the installation of'this product.
Contactthe,named CIA agency forinformation on production'locations covered by-F.A.C.Rule 61620-3 QA requirements.
Intertek'"Testing Services NA Ina.-ETL/Warnock Hersey—QUA1673;(664)520-3321
ExteriorResea.rch and Design,LLC: Evaluation Report 111980.11.08-R3
Cerailcote of Aathorization"k9S03 FL11602-113
Revision 3:05/01/2015;
Page 6 of 6
•Sfingertivorld The leader in cap systems technology Page 1 of'3
:��.� '�" 1•,xac Svc SrCiC£R:rvs�•::d tTglstoa
�,yTHE,SYSTEM,, n. • a•o •.•1 • �Il r f o � '
Cap,fasteners are a recommended BEST PRACTICE installation by housewrap
' and, roofing underlayment manufacturers like DuPont, Typar, Grace, and
Titanium: lNhy?Because caps help Seal out moisture;thatcan penetrate sidewall
\\ . and'.roofing fabrics. Caps provide;better holding power than a nail or staple
alone and that means reduced blow-offs and lateral slippage! It also means
fewer fasteners are'needed to.get the job done.
} 3/8"StaplePac for use'with STINGERCH38 and-CH38A Cap,'Hammers only
tiilnQ�Pp • Each 2016 count STINGER 3/8"StaplePac.indudes 12-168 count reels of-full 1'plastic
� collated caps and-24-64 count strips of AL1 3(6"'staples
• `•"' J • Eacit StaplePac will cover approximately 25 sgha fe
. •��N -'- 518"Pneumatic StaplePac for use with STINGER CS58 Aap:Stapterpnly
• Each 2000 count STINGER 5/8'StaplePac includes 10-200 count plastic collated caps
and,20-100 count stdps:of 5/8"'staples
• Each.StaplePac will mver approXimately,25 square
7/8",14/4"&1.1/2"Pnoumatic.StapIdPac foruse with STINGER CS150 Cap
��- Stapler&Crossfire Cap;Stapler only
formerly Crossfire StaplePac
i T,�TUtOCR Available in 7/8",1'-1/4'-arid t-1/2"
•�f. ,�. i R"� -
9- -
Each 2000 count STINGER StaplePac includes 10-200 count reels of full L"plastic
collated.caps and 20-100 count strips staples
• Each,.StaplePac will cover approximately 25 square =
?-1-P-ne-umatic-NailP_ac.tor.use-with-STINGER-CN]00-onty l
t 4, Eactil 2000 count STINGER C-Na lPac includes 10_- 200 count reels of full,T'plastic LL
"! collated caps and to-200 count cats of wire collated,1"electrogalvanized ring shank
IIIBBR G nails -
• Each.NailPac will cover approximately 25 square
oes Here
Plash-TopO 4nd Round•TopO ProPacs for use with Hitachi NVSOAP3 and Plasti-
Tacker Plus(Cap'Nailers only(Plasti-Tacker Pro'" for use with Plastic NailP3c
and ProPac only)
--- "�.;� •
j.* ;ftl' • Each 2800 count NailPac or ProPac.Includes 8-350-count reels of collated caps and 8-
350 count cols of wire°collated,.electrogalvanized ring shank nails
Each Naileacor ProPac will cover approximately-35 square
1-1/4"NailPac or RolPac for use with STINGER RT2 or RT3 Cap Nailers only
• Each 3000 count NailPac includes 2-1500'count reels of 1"collated:steel caps and
2-.1500 count coils of hire collated,electro-galvanized ring shank nails
http://www.stingerworld.com/fasteners..asp 1/18/2016