HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) Fldeidh, di(df Cot i �}ly'�p FEB 1 7 20]6 Pagel of_2' QI } 11L}p�I} ,t T{y ci BCISHo lw�In UserRegstratlen� i'HotTOprcb } Submit Surcharge ':Stats Facts ;Publications 4 FBCStaff' BCISSito'4Wp;{ Links ' Search Y Busineg,'. Profess) oaf. 0;:Z���— ProdApprp + { rr� 1146i1tC1\/11 ._ _. hgArAtmaval'Men t�_!'�iL r Lnt+ItCrCitsn ycarch�i;n,, .- ,uen t -fAPPlltatfon netair k [3� t FL FL10674n i0. i ' Appiicat(on;Type Revision Code Version 2419 Application Status Appro. . -Comrr`ients_ ArdilQdd, `Proouct°Manufacture�. Oweris,Cornini). Atldiess/PhgriQ/EmaiP One Owens Corning Pafkway Toledo OHr43659' ' (:740),404=78'Z ' greg:keeler4ovr'9nscornfmcom. Ai ftiorized"Sl@6a.1 ure; Greg Keeler' 9reg.ke ilei C�owen'seomin9;corn Technical.Representative k&Sa nd�6n-t. -Address/Phone%Email. 1 Owens,Corning t!KWY Toledo,OH436S.9' 376=8360 melsa ncrant(.owenscomig:com QualltyAssu Oce-R.epresentatijie Ad iress[Phone/Email Category ,Roofing 5tibcategoty.; Asphalt Sfiingles< Conipbance;Method• Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect ora;Liceiued Florida Professional tEngineer r� EVaivation Repoi�coo�Receive Fld[ida Engineer.orArchitect:Nameviho developed Robert T:M.Nieminen tfie.,bMUadon Report ;Figr ida;License, PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Ezpiratiot Date;, {}8/20/20f7_ Validated By John-W.KnezevkNTE' Validation:Cliecklist-;Hardcopy ReceiGed Certincate of Tndepe6dence FL10674 R10 COT.2075�j COI Nie-niinen.ndf Referenced Standard and Yeaf.(6fStandard);_ 'Standard. Year ASTM b3161 2" ASTM D3462 2009 ASTM D7.158 2008' Equivalence-of Product Standards: eertlfiedBy Skdonis fronn the Code;' http://www.filoridabuilding.grg/pr[pr app,. dtl.aspx?p1ram=wGEVXQwtDq B,NbFY5V%2::.. 9110/20,15 Florida BLiilding,,Code Online page-:2 Praduct:Approval Method Method3cOptiotr,6 :Date=Submlfted 04/22(2015- Date Validated. 04/23/2015; Date PentlingF;BC Approval 04%25/7015; Date Approved: O6/23/2015s Suiiima'r.''tof Products. FL- Model,,,Numhec or Name Description: 10679.1Owens Laming AsphaiC Roofing: 3 tab 4=tab 5-bb'aminated jstarter,and bip,&;:ridge Shingles ands tarters shingles Limits of Use installation Instryctions Approvfld fpr use In,HVHZ No' FL]0674,R]0 ]I ?O15 04 FINAL FR QC ASPHALT Approved;for use outside;HVHZ:Yes SHlN�C�ES FI 2(1674-R]0 odF< Ittjpaet Resistant;N[A= Venhed;By Roheit7 M Ntemtnen PE-59166, Design Presure N/A: Created,by Independent?hint Party;_Yes' Other.Ref"""to ER,.Sect!on 5:, Evaluation Reports F1]067-0:810 AF ?d].5 Q�LSIVAI li Q. L�SPLIAt7 ;SH(NGI`FS FI(0674`-810 ndf. C eated-by lndeperidentThird Party:.Yes, n5[It Ncict Contact Us,.:1990 North Montoe5[reet�iallahaSsec Ft12�44 PAone�9Sy0�a87+192' The 5We f6dde;i0n,W-Ep;emptoyer:foo✓rlohR7de7-?U1351rite'orFlotida jPiNaGyStatemelK Accesclp111N 5[alemen[ Refund SCateme'd[ Under Fb�da lavr ematladdresses dreput�ic rciw ds ]f you do not wantyoure mall adgie¢s released Imresponse to a paid C n cords request rlo ndc send- electron(c m"aq to difs enNtytnstead contad[ne dfflce by phone di lW traUwon'al mail If you have any que5tbns please cantacc;85o a87 1795+wrsuanc t'o Section d55,Z75i1}�florlddStatutes.effedrve Octotierl 2(117 Ucensees UcenseAunder Chapter a55 F 5:`mun pmvlCe}he oepattrtie,lt with an einal(addresslr-= `Iheyhayeorie:;The ernallS,pNVEded may,'be used foroHlclat comthunlcado(t v+Ith-the licensee-.However erfldll addtesses'are publk femtd tf you do not wish to Su ppND,Personal,'Addfess pease prowde_(hp pepanmegt with onemaq adanrss6rhidt can be rtiada avallatde;to the pablrC To dct"vmtnct(you,era's IGmsec unAe"r- .. _ .. _- .,,CpaPter 455,.1':$ti'pteasedlckhere,• ._: _ ..,.,... . . .,. .:.: , P'icHUtVAppravet Accepts: -0.'Gll'it I itn._/,lwww.flnridahnil linL��r /nrlrir ahn dtl.asnx?nard6l=WGEVXOWtDdt9NbEY5V%2... -9/10/20.1:55. EXTERIOR RESEARCH&DES.LGN,LLC:. � ) cer4icate-of Aviii torreation#9503 i 353 CHRISTIAN STREET,UNIT 11.13, 'ITYERD OXFdRD;CT"064:78` PHONE:(203)262=9245:. FAX '(203)262-4243: EUAlUATION REPORT Qw.ens Corning; Evaluaiiori Report 037440.02.12-11'5>. One Owens Cornmg"Parkway ;F11O674-R10: ,to,, OH 43659 'Datebf Issuance:02/06/2012` Ravisi$n•S":('04/21/2015 SCOPE: This Evaluation' Report is.issued finder Rule :61620-3 and: the applicable :(tiles and regulalloiis governigg the. use of construc.6on'mate riatsinthe'.State`of'Florida.,The.docurnentation sufimltt&,h's':been"reViewed by'Rob'eft Nieminen,P;E.for' use.of..the product-under the Florida"Building Go3e:and Florida Building Godes;Residential Volume.: The products described. herein havebeen•ei afuated::fo'e c66ipliance with%tfie'S1h Editidn(20T4):Florfda,Building;Codescctions notedfierein., DEst RlPnoru Owens GorningAsphalt Roof Shingles LASEUNG.Aab6ling shall begin accordance-With fhe.requirements the Accredited;Quali'ty Assurance Agency npted herein". 'COM7NUED.GOMPLIAMCE:' This Evaluation Report is,valid until such-time as the named product(s).changes the referenced- uafi y _ssurance gcumen,atlon c•haFiges or oviSroiis-of-th ciodnh-arretare7,ttrt"(Yduct change..Apceptance-ofthis Evaluation Report by the named,client constitutes.:agreement to notify RobertNiem'inen, P E.,if the.product d angesnor the; referenced Quality Assurance-d ocumentation,changes Tri iityl ERD requires a complete review'of tiffs-_Evaluation Report; relative toupdated;Code•requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT. The Evaluation Report number-preceded: by the; words ''Trinity ERD, Evaluated"` may :b-el displayed in advertismg;lfterature If any,'portion-of the Evaluation.Report is displayed then,it shall beldone in:its.enttrety: INSPECTION: Upon request-.a;copy`of this entil a;Evaluation Report shall be p.r.'ovid'ed to the user by-the manufacturer-;or its.. d sidbutorsand shail`be ailaflable for ihs666don:at-the-job site'at the:request of the Building Official. This,Evaluation Report consists-of pagesa through 6: Prepared-hy;' +,+>utttfrtury,� e y tu- Thefacsimile sea appearm^was;authortzed,by,Robert.Nimld ". --- Robert) MA ieminen P-.E'. _ '�FP �`/ -- - r Y�h�, fp1t�L s+�`• PE'oirLHj22i2btS.Thr�daescmf+erveaz:intkctroeieailg<zigncd ✓4r,ttLLHtr Florido'RegistrotiprtNo:59166,F1oridaDcriANE1983 document Signed;settedfiardcapresfuvc'bccrstransmiuc8totlsc - - - Product Approval A¢ministratnrand to{he-riiamedt_tient "CERTIFICATION OFJND,EP.ENDENCEI 1; Trinityi ERD-does not have; nor does it mtend'to acquire or will r1 acquire, a'financial interest in any company manufacturing,or distributing products Itevaluates. 1. Trinity('Ekb is not,owned'operated or conirolled-by any company manufacturing{$r d'istri'buting;products'it.evafuaees: 3.. Robert Nieminen,.P:E.does not have.nor will,;acquira;.a Ana ricial interest-ln any company manufacturing or distgbutit g products for Which the.evafu5tlon re."ports,a�e,being Issued•:: 4. Robert Nieminen;P.E.does not:fiave;.nor will,acquire;a financial rote"rest irra'Py;other entity involved In the:approvai process.of the product. 5'... This is a buIldingi code evaluation. Neither.TrinitylERDnor aobert Nieminen, P E are;in any way; the Designer-of Record for any. projecton.which=thls Evaluation Reportor previous versions:thereof,is%was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained s pdfi6ally,f6rth_at purpose. TRINjly ERD ,Wof:Wd'slStgMsIVALUAtION: SCOPE: Piodut.0Roofin .Cst6 gc!.rv,, Sub-Category: Asphalt'StOngios" ­ Compliance . ' " ' dwldhs�' 6rhrg:Asphalt' Roo.Shingles,.as:-pro dw-c—ed b'y`'C, wd ns,,C6'rfiIhg,.h v e demonstrated ebmj]� iCd! with- thO'fpll4viqg sections of the Florida Building Code'a0dFloridaBuilding Code, Residenflat:Volume-through testingin accordance withtheikflpwlng, tandJrds 'Compliance issubjectto thels Ilatio 'Re uirei'eiits-and'Limiiatiors/,C6nditionsof- Use set.-forth-her_eiri. 2i STANDARDS: Section:( Property Standard, Year. 1567:ZSA"'R905.2.4' Physical Properiie-s ASTM;03462 2009.' 1507.17.1,R905,16.1, Wind Resistance ASTM D3161. 4009:' Wind I s,ta 60;. ASTMD7158. 2008. 3: REFERENCES: Entity Examination k6ierence,,, Date• UIL LLC(CE A9626) PKysi6ls&Wind Rjd-sift`h6c6 Filc112453,,Vol.1 92/15/20017 UULLC(UR9626), P hys[ca Wind Resistance 20120516 R2453 UULLC(TS,T9628), Physical_p rope ryes 06CA2026A X IICA34308- UL LLC_(fST,9_628')� 01�ysicalsZ W rid Resistance :4786093137 UL_UCffST9628)-, W_W.Resisfance 2014; ohys161:13 rob.6..e ti-es: claisific'aLibn-Fletter 02j13?2014` Fac RVH'ZCompliajice� Various,(CER1592) JI ULUC(,QUA9625)' Quarity.12britrol Service Confirrnadqn,'R2453. 'Exp::03%2412017' '4.. PRODUGTDESGRIt?i1.ON 4-1 Asphalt Shingles: 4.'1;1 JClassic: "' d S "are-fl" ali" sphaltroousliingles:an -Ypp�rpe bergtass�reihfor.ced,�X�;t -a 4.12 Berkshire ar'e'-.,f i I id r-g Iass rein fqrcdd,A-tab asphalt'roof shingi 5, 4.1.3 6.evo.o.s.Nire?°',a..re'ti6erilass,reinforced,5-.tab asphakioo(shingles'. 9,1.4 DurationT'h'.;Winitidfi D iUriat i.on,. Duration',Premium Cool, Trq�ofinjiion Duration Designer Col,or Collection,. TrDein1011`Oakridge ,and WeatherGuard::HParefiberg ass reinforced aspE... top(,shingles. 4.z Berkshlri;. Hip,-&-.Ridge Shingles, Hjjhr'Ridge, Hip & Ridge with'Sea"lant, WeatherGuard"HP H ip�_8� Ridge Shingles, Berkshires I -� ':1 1_-z .. ' ­'�' '" f ' d "h'Hip'&and ' � * ­-, ' 4,, 'a '­ ':d -' 'in '1- at 'r6 "la S,� hip an Prq�dge-Hip,& Ridge Shingles.a n DuraRi ge.,' Hip Ri ge,�Sh g 6s c i erg s rein orce i ridge asphalt ingles. roof s6 4:3 5.tarberSirlp'pllus;ancl-- S. ILIMITATIONS' S- a,bditdiiigccode e'vAluation, 'N'dither Tritil-y[ERD hot Rob6fC;Ni6m_Inen, P.E..,bre, in any. WaYct.h.P.qesigher of Rbcor d f or any project on.which thistvalw'uatioReport,or previous versions,theeqf,is/was used:for permitting or , des!'ng_.Idanceunlessretaltfed,s_specifically iYocifica V or� a purpctsqi: 5.2 This,Evatup(tiott Report is-not_for use.ln the'flVI I IZ. Flr!e;.('liissiffc7kl­6 Is:n-Pt O.att"of thi5`EValuzitloff'Rep(jqO'refer to current Approved �, #6 00 R�ciflng Materials OkO. ctory for:fire" ratings.of this product S.'I Wirrdit-lassif iczit!0� SA.1 Allbuvens Corning shingles noted'hereinsire...Cl I assifi.ed:ih'acco rda I nce I 7:wIjh'F.B'C Tables 1567.2.-7.1:a'n-d:R9,--O.5'.2-.6;-I to A5T.M.-.D30i,Clas's F and/or-ASTIVI D7158,Clasy.H,'indi,caLiiig,Lli6.-'sliirigies aj*.'4teptJjble torus in,all wind zones..U.p to P %�d=J.50mph.('V.I' 19 R' ferto Section 6 for"Insialla't'ion requirements io,meet this,wind rating,- 5.4.1 All-0 Owens Corning,hi'p.&,--ridge shingles Strip,P,lus d'oted herein are.Ciassified in accordance with FBC.Tables, 1507 2 7rl;and R905.2.6'1 to ASTM 03161,Class''F,indicating th.'s'Htn'gles.are acceptati,le'for us in all.Wind:zones up To %',d,=.:150;mpK(Vuj,='19'4 mph). Re'fer-t6 Sektion.6 for iiistallation,re 'direr�66f�:tci meet this,Win&r'f* q iijng. Ex(crior ResciarcH difd Design,LLC.. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R5 certificate of Akhorf,Z'ation A19s63 FL10674-R1.0 R,evisibn.S,04/22/2015 Paget of 6 TRlf�ll "�ERa. 54 3`r Clmificatiornby ASTM;071S8 appiies'to exposure;category.R orQand a building height of 6Q6r feet 'less.:;Calculations: by a qualified design professional are required for-conditions: outside Ahese_ limitations. Contact` tfie shingle_ Manufacturer,fofAaia specific t. each shingle., 5:9:4 Refer tob—ns,Corning'.published information on�wind iesistaiice,and installation Infill:$onsc 5.5 All products n the'roof assembly.shall have quality assurance audit in accordance with Ehe:Florida Building Code and: F:A'C.Rule 61G20=3. ` _ INSTALLATION: 6r1 Underlayrnent 6.1.1_ Undeelayment shall~be:aceeptableao Owens Corning.anii shall bold"current Florida;Statewide Product Approval,0 be Locally Approved per Rule 61620-3;per FBC Sections.1507.2;3;'-1597:2.4 or 119052:1, 6.2 Asphalt'Shingies: 62.,1. Installation-or asphalt';shingles:shall,comply with the manufacturer's-current published instructions,-using minimum four,(4),nails-persh ngle in accordance with F(3C.Secttons:1507.2 or,11905.2,with the following exceptions: Berkshlre shingles requireminimum five'($)nails,,-per,shrngle:: > Vt/eatf erGuard`_HP sliingles require minimum six;_(6),nailsper'Mngle. "r. Devonshire"'-shingles.require minimum.s-fk,(d)nails per=shingle. r' Starter.'Strtp.:PIU's r( quires'min mum five O;nails perstnp: Referto Ov'lens Corning"pub'lis'hed information;on wind,r,' st1.ance an dih.stallationlimitations, --- - 6.2.2' Fasteners shall'be'in accordance with the manufacturer'' publisp"ed requiiernents,b'tiC not less than FBC:1507s2:6 or R9t)5:25. Staples:are not,peri�l[ted. Where fhe=.roof slope exceed s.'21,units vertical in-12 units horizontal„"special rnethods of.'fastening;are required::- Contact.the shingle'manufacturer for detalls: 6;2;5; Minimum Nailing=:CtasSOc.`&Suprem e: 7"posdro Mansard;or Area pgrA. Noimel Monsaid orArea para 'Hidh'Wiod, tiesvino's,y Wind Aroas. HighWind desvenes y toir norrrfnfopAreae vldntoa luetta8, %1[oe poioi,viontosnormale& .AreasvAintocYuerros t , �- 12 6 5/8.''E�pdsrlo -Eiiposrcldn Enpuosleldn - ;6:2;;6- MinimumNailin"g=Berksfiire�c; - - ---- - Soakititshili; &alaat strir. ie iLa diu&dd to ttra rfo3c1Jad6i \` i . 0i: 9- .j- 'g VP 8 Yi R Yt g Yt' 1 i 2• AsphaCi rMifing bomont 'Ce+rciitaai¢tibAo da.a!riJio: Extedor.Research and Design,LLC: Evaluation Report,037940:02.12-115 Certificotc otAuihoriiarion#9503 FL10,674 1110 Revision 5:04/22/2015 Page 3 of 6 ( M t r' . TR.Ij�' ERE) 6.2.7 Minimum- aifini;,—i)evonshire"'- ._----- - r Nails J •� �; 'aIII NAits Ten 1'.Spots of Asphalt Roof Cement 6:2.8 Minimum"Nailing—qu"rafion";TruDefinition"Duration;Qurat�onlPiernlum-Cool'&'TruDefinition :Duration Designeh Color.Collectfom 04 Pattedrn G.Nh4` 1ti sssruA Ste�O Sbt? tafint<Is<en3unNaF Esiryema e d:�lavd.+-' PatleYn ,nsar.�tw a eotoa. Esgtrertls._, t xsr n e noS Acs Sure�t,�iF"intening afw width' de 6ctavos;- �pchtF�ia mtti It Area.deelSwsSuretlaia' • • • lbfSu:c3»rp{cu tdnlBE'a - d :\ Svexat9Ng T t. Ilea 3un1Gt�' 1T:._ 1 tt,,,' fila Fxpasure '{!at'hi: 51a 6ipa;me � � � .. SsS,putg:cg'expos(Uiq: ypS 5!Sputg;deexposli.Hn rYe EzyavfiiQ Naffs 55t".Exp6suro 5 SpCtyildexpus(ghrg'' Cta6iis. y,SSmto ttamrsfdtin t _ 6.2:9 Minimum Naliing= TRINITY ERD 63' Hip&-Rido Shi les:: qg I n Berks-ire.Hk 'ihd:jlidge.:Shin9(6s,,ftlj,Ridge, Hip&'Rldjiti';With SeOlant,'WegttfkGuaid*7HR Hip,and �s6ilaticiit­ f h. Ridge'Shld9!Os,,,and Prblldge Hfp,',&Ridge:sliingles s6afbcdmoiy W16i the niandfacturer'scurrent published instructions,, n n.' 'd using;Four(4} per shingle. I stallatio ol"Durallidge'!�Hip�&-Ri ge-Shifigles sha'll'i:o'm' pjy,�vit6-ltfie frfziriufadturer's current published instructions;6sihg6k (2)nails:P&s[it ng ei, Refer f C" q, tb-pWjens�:. orni -opblishdd tri f6e.'rfi6ti6h bn i;vVd% .32 Fastdbar&shalllii in accordarfc With thd'nahtiFac tir L,'i, blsHOO'r(qVkram-ents,,but-Kot less th"ar, fAO,1,507.2 6,or, 11905Z,S. S,ta,p!9S;are--ri.6t pprMitted; ,6:3.3 Mihifti'urii'NaHI6 mirkshirell INN Id I j,'%h�� '51d0AIM,' • IXICUiUpIz- 4 *7fll 'OR Hip-,'4 Ridge.With Sealant-- 16M R6.2, jJi6hlW"k'WTas"t6'mn(jNtitem, "rim Sh ing le J 0' d tsGar 2 - S- :D J�11-1 Sealarit Strip 1, 4. U' ' T Fast�ning 5"5/ill ;'•Exposure Distance 6';3:5 Min istbiac-- n mum N a i1i ng Wea f I ie-rG ua rd lip Hip a n%d,.R i 40 Fig'C Hip&A i4go t,hin4l'e,Oastqn!nq Fig.A A: k4 ExterloeR6eardiand DeslO,,LLC., Evaluation- -Re port 037940,02,12-11jS Certificate qfAuth.arization#95.03: FL16674I.R10, Revii1on.5::04/22/2615. Page 5 of 6 i TRINITY I ERD 6:31:6 Mi6tmum-Nailing,-Oro ge Nip 8&R iige.Shirigles; Prevailing Standard, 41"--• Wmd Diraetiors' Faetenin( ScalenFStrip Pnttar•n `/. 8`:Exposuro 1" I I I'.l• `. Sciilant Fasten 711i" �'f` 8`•EKp09u[' Cover Exposed Fasteners twth -- Hoof Cement.', 63:7 `Minimum Na iii,g•-Duf0Rid9&" Htp 4 Ridge Shingles: Noce: Th`e drawings 6elow,;pertaio for m'inimum,.astested`<attachment requirements,: Refer to Owens Eornmg: publishedn.'stallat o.n.instructions f*' hetr minimum requirements. F1s�aiing Win!D-` Top Vkw 'K�Dlroidon damlvgtadl�,nc - Yue wprap _1 to E 1" vlsrasuperior ''('i-► '�<-.--. T, � N 1 1 /` `Q a\. 2 Oirens CalirvJ SinaFb➢ �, i Er E ! 2r U Imo, 7., LABELING: 7 1 Labeling shall;,be'in-accordance withAhe requirements the.Accred'ited Quality Assurance Agency,noied herein. 7 2' Asphalt shingle wrappers shall indicate compliance wifh-one of-the:-required classifications:.'detailed 'in FBC Table 1507:2 7 1•/`R905 $, BUILDING'PERMITREQUIRE.MENTS: As,repuired;by the goitding;Afficial.or Autliatity Haling lurisd,ictlon-'in order Co.properly evaluate the�iiistailatibn of this.product: 9. MANUFACTURING PLANTS:, Contact tlie;r timed QA;:estifyifor informatfon.gn?•which•plants prod' products coy'e by_Florida Rule=9N 3,t]A eequirements. 10: QUALiTY,As5URAN'CE ENT(TY:.• UL LLC .QUA9625;.(414}248=6409 karembuchmann a iil.com. END OF EVALUATION`RE.FOBT`- EkteriorRescarch'and Design,tLc; Evaluation Reporf,037940;02.12-R5' eerariccte 4,4uthorhation#9503' FL30.679-R10 Revision 5:04122/2015 Page 6'6f 6