HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement Feb 09 16 07:16a Panda Contractors, Inc 866711,012511 P.1 AFTER RECORDING-RETURN TO PERMIT NUMBER: NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice of commencement. I-DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legal description and street address)TAX FOLIO NUMBER: 1312-500-0093-000-4 SUBDIVISION BLOCK TRACT LOT BLDG UNIT HDUDAY PINESSID-PHASE 1 92(MAP 13/125) (OR 3283-2804; 2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT:Re-Roof 3.OWNER INFORMATION:a.Name: Robin Chaloux b.Address:5514 Eagle DR Fort Pierce, FL 349511 c.Interest in property:Owner d.Name and address of fee simple titleholder(if otner than owner) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER:Panda Contractors,Inc, 1210 Osfo Road,Vero Beach, FL 32962 Ph: 772 778-6803 Fax: 866 711-0251 5.SURETY'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6.LENDER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7.Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: ;u o-n to c- ra M i->0 CIO M (n .8.In13 additto (1)(b),nto himselfor Statutes- herself,Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section C,6 o 713. Florfda NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: M 9.Expiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is j= 0-4 specified) 20 m q WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT m ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713,PART I SECTION 711-13.FLORIDA STATUTES,AND CAN RESL IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AN ck POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR 0-1. LENDER O��Ak*F-DRNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. 07 m j=(0,j4 Signature of Owner or0 Orint Name and Provide Signatory's TitleiOffice 0 Z 9 Owner's Authorized Officer/Director/PartnerJManager I n a State of4;kWi*r CZ ;o .County of The foregoing instrument was ac mcwledged before me this—3L)-d-y of 20 a P-1 t-1 6 t,I —as—Ci:-Or) (Name or person) (Type of authority-e,g.Owner,officer,trustee,attorney.-n fact) For (Name of party on behalf of whom inqtru Yent,wasexe-.uted) e`orally Known o�roduced a Iging type of ID: rZ, —ARETTESCEWLE (Printed Name of Notary Public*. (Signature of Notary Public) NOIARYPUBLIC STATE OF DELAWARE Com - - E - mis ,xyjreS Sept.10,2017 Under penalties of perjury,I declare That I have e foregoing and that the facts in it are true to the b belief(sections 92 525,Florida Statutes). Signature(s)of Owner(s)or Owner(s)'Authorized Officer/DirectoriPartne;:JManager who signed above. By Rev-08130120D7(Rec.3tdhV)