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Wind Load Calculation
Company: The Home Depot At Home Services Job Description: Replacing 5 windows size fc Prepared By: Amber Client Name: Samuels Project Number: 8960064 - -- with ASCE 7 10 '. st DESIGN PRESSURES FOR WALL COMPONENTS&CLADDING Design Data Building Data Wind Velocity(mph) 160 Mean Roof Height 12 Risk Category 2 Building Width(ft) 44 Exposure Category D Building Length(ft) 48 Directionality Factor 0.85 Roof Slope (x:12) 3 Internal Pressure Coefficient+/ 0.18 Design pressures listed below are: Allowable Stress OPENING OPENING LOCATION OPENING OPENING DIMENSIONS MAXIMUM POSITIVE MAXIMUM NEGATIVE. MARK DESCRIPTION ZONE ELEVATION WIDTH(INCHES) HEIGHT(INCHES) PERSSURE(PSF) PRESSURE(PSF) 1 5500-SH 5 5 37 38 40.6 -54.4 2 5500-SH 5 5 38 51 39.8 -52.8 3 5500-SH 5 5 38 51 39.8 -52.8 4 5500-SH 5 5 53 38 39,7 -52.6 5 5500-SH 5 5 27 .27 40.6 .-54.4 Width of End Zone(a)in feet=4.4 �1 O O o 0 i �O 5 5 U�;�A STRUCTURESE�S tl�7ERNA'ftONAL,LLLC ,_F'a+5r^aYira�4 S;s�r �'v-x as G+w.IO 2/12/2016 12:27 PM