HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters Property Card Page 1 of 1 Property Identification Site Address:TBD Parcel ID: 3403-502--0111-000-8 Sec/Town/Range: 04/36S/40E Account#: 39077 Map ID:34/04S Use Type=8200 Zoning: I Jurisdiction:Saint Lucie County Ownership St Lucie County 2300 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce,FL 34982 Legal Description WHITE CITY S/D 04 36 40 THAT PART OF LOT 62 1/2 AND 'tl, - LOT 63 LYG S OF COUNTY RD,E OF ST LUCIE RIVER AND W OF CANAL#71 (AKA WHITE CITY PARK)(16.96 AC) _ (MAP34/04S)(DB 77--372) Current Values - Just/Market Value: $684,500 Assessed Value: $684,500 Exemptions: $684,500 Total Areas Taxable Value: $0 Finished/Under Air 153 Taxes for this parcel: SLC Tax Collector's Office 0 (SF): Download TRIM for this parcel: Download PDF 19 Gross Area(SF): 2,128 Land Size (acres): 16.96 Land Size (SF): 738,777.6 This information is believed to be correct at this time but it is subject to change and is not warranted. ©Copyright 2016 Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser.All rights reserved. ittp://www.pasle.org/RECard/ 2/19/2016 JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4154086 OR BOOK 3831 PAGE 32, Recorded 01/27/2016 at 11:32 AM 03-BSD. e3- This 'nss(ed P rce NED Y02 under tho I em/ egment No Lauri eq // ' S cti n:Legal ey. ana 'ng District:Pete Dia P.S.M. 3 ) C.R No.Document pr by: County: Grace K. Abel (09-30-13) Department of Transportation 3400 W. Commercial Boulevard Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309 COUNTY DEED THIS DEED, made this 1st day of December , 201 5 , by ST. LUCI UNTY, a oli 1 subdivision of the State of Florida, whose ad ess is: 2 00 V' inia enue Fort Pierc lurid 3 982- 5632, an r, t e AT OF 0 DA PA0 T NS ORT IO , grante (W re s rein th t rms "gCantor' a d " an " inc e 11 the par ti s o this i st ume t irs, egal repre en atives and a si ns of in iv duals, and t success rs and assig f organizati s) WI SSETH: at t grant. , fo and in onsidera ion of t e sum of $1.00 an er valuable siderations, receipt and su iciency being hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and confirms unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in St. Lucie County, Florida, viz: Parcel No. 100 Item/Segment No. 2314402 Section: 94530-2510 A portion of Lot 60, WHITE CITY SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, AND 1Con - 36 S, RANG E, accor the pla hefeE recordt Bo k 1, age 23, of t e Public Re r s of Counta, lying in ecti 4 Tow sh�ou h, a , St. Lty, F orid , being or pa ti ularl d scrI. efull.Commefound 4 'n by 4 c con re a monument with m disk e or h ne ua er N. 4) er of sa'thenc0°14' 2" E t, 2,59 .87 eet alon the eas li northarter (N.W. of said Section 4 to a point on the Baseline of Survey of County Road 712 (Midway Road) as shown on the Florida Department of Transportation Right of Way Map for Item/Segment No. 2314402, Section 94530-2510; thence North 89°39'04" West, 129.50 feet along said Baseline of Survey; thence South 00°20156" West, 40.00 feet along a line at a right angle to the last described course to the southerly existing right of way line of said County Road 712 (Midway Road) and the west line of the North Fork St. Lucie River, also being (Continue on the next page) OR BOOK 3831 PAGE 33 the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 08°48'25" West, 11.61 feet along the west line of said North Fork St. Lucie River; thence North 88°09104" West, 225.19 feet; thence South 01°50'56" West, 2.75 feet; thenc h 88°09'0 " t, 259.9 thence North 75 44'37" West, 49 0 feet sai south exi i rig t f way line; en a Sou 880 e 45.5 f et a ng sai s ut ex isti g fight of y i5 uth 9 39'09' E st, 9. f t contin i g along said sog righ 1' e to he P NT OF BEGINN NContain'ng 30 qu re r 1 TOGETHER with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Board of County Commissioners acting by the Chairperson or Vice-Chair rson of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. xcpir oa O G 2LU DANA NA o*vi _ tia� SCOUNTY, F ORIDA UCIEG B is Board of Cou ty Print oners Clerk (o eputy rk) APP OVER AS TO FORM Al CORRECT SS By, Print Nam : Rim Johnson COUNTYA NEY Its Chairperson (or Vice-Chairperson) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF T e regoi ns ru nt wa a noJK ed be or me th's st day of 201 5 by did , Chair er on (or Vice- ha rperson), w o is p 11 known to m or who has prod ced as ide ti ication. IMt.r., rvu-,. Prin Name: JOANNMARIERILEY Notary Public in and for the CAmmisswn#EE 848774 County and State last aforesaid. �•3 ? wftdr Trty nm+rteb0�76ddt9 My Commission Expires: 1�• -.101(. Serial No., if any: F_F_iM11`I- OR BOOK 3831 PAGE 34 BSD.04-10/91 This instrument prepared Parcel No. 100.1 under the direction of-,,,', Item/Segment No. 2314402 Laurice C ayes, .�� 5 Sect'on: -25 Legal D scr' pr p d ana g ict 4 Pete D'az, P.S.M. (0 - 6- ) C R. N). 7 Docume t Prepared C unty St. Lu ie Grace K. jAbel (09-30-1 ) Depart en of Transpor at'on 3400 W. C ercial u!Vv d Ft. Lau rda , for da 330 RE S GLUT I ON 2015-239A ON MOTION of County Commissioner Tod Mwery , seconded by County Commissioner Chris Dzadovsky , the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation proposes to construct or improve County Road No. 712 (Midway Road), Item/Segment No. 2314402, Section: 94530-2510, in St. Lucie County, Florida: and WHEREAS is necessary t certain lands now owned b St. Lucie County,Lo be c uired y the to o Florida De rt nt of Transpd Waid p op rt is not n�)edd fo C unty rp ses: nd Whe State of Florida Dtmen of Tra ortation h s ade applicasaid un t execu d del'v r to the State of F1 rida Departmpor at n a , dee , i or of the to Floridnt o Trans rtatio conv ing all ights, title and in erest that sas in and to said lands required for transportation purposes, and said request having been duly considered. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, that the application of the State of Florida Department of Transportation for a deed, or deeds, is for transportation purposes which are in the public or community interest and for public welfare and the land needed for transportation purposes is not needed for county purposes; that a deed, or deeds, in favor of the State of Florida Department of Transportation conveying all right, title and interest of St. Lucie County, Florida in and to said lands should be drawn and executed by this Board of County Comm' Consid shall b 00 BE IT RTHE RE OL U D at a er ified co y o hi Re lu ion e forwar dorthwith t t e tate of to 'da D p rtment of Tran o io at 3400 W. C mmercial Boule ar , Ft. Lau er ale, Florid 33 9. STATE ORIDA COUNTY O ST. E I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida at a meeting held on the 1st day of December 01 5 4� CIRC p ( �-/� frC Pri t ame: CA/Y+1 1 v Clerk Board of County Commissioners +sT LOCIB CC�� St. Lucie County, Florida