HomeMy WebLinkAboutInspection Docs SUPERWR TM d "The On Time Concrete Company"° fb 0'7— � CENTRAL CONCRETE SUPERMIX, INC. -1 r CONCRETE DISPATCHERS: 111,101111 South Dispatch: (305)264-7101 North Dispatch: (561)826-9364 CUSTOMER NO. DELIVERYTICKET DATE Block Dispatch: (305)805-3226 WWW.SUPERMIX.COM MAIN OFFICE: 4300 S.W. 74th Ave. • Miami, FL 33155 PHONE: (305) 262-3250 • FAX: (305) 267-0698 SERVING MIAMI-DADE, BROWARD, PALM BEACH, MARTIN & ST. LUCIE COUNTIES SOLD TO DELIVERY ADDRESS QUANTITY ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION MINUTES ALLOWABLE TIME' — PER MINUTE — EXTRA UNLOADING TIME CHARGE _ X$1.00 — *6 MINUTES PER CU. YD. ALLOWED SHORT LOAD CHARGE 0 SLUMP AMOUNT THIS DELIVERY TOTAL v: y CU. YDS. OF YOUR ORDER FOR ti,jr CU. YDS. TAX L. CUSTOMER OR HIS AGENT ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR STRENGTH AND/OR PERFORMANCE OF ANY CONCRETE PLACED ABOVE DESIGN SLUMP OR WHEN • WATER IS ADDED. WATER ADDED 1:1 YES ❑ NO GLS. TIME ARRIVED ON JOB STARTED UNLOADING FINISHED UNLOADING LEAVING THIS JOB TOTAL TIME R � SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND 'CAUTION"WARNING LISTED ON BOTH THE FRONT AND BACK OF THIS TICKET. TRUCK DRIVER I acknowledge that I have received and accepted the materials listed on this ticket. I understand and agree to the jterms on bot:•th3 front and back of this ticket. RECEIVED BY: X CONTROL 21 LOADING POINTS AT 16 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER ' tId �4t CoA COY, MIAMI DOWNTOWN MIAMI WEST MIAMI•AIRPORT OPA-LOCKA•MEDLEY•PERRINE•PEMBROKE PINES ( � Ll( DEERFIELD•BOCA BATON•RIVIERA BEACH•STUART•W.BROWARD•FT.PIERCE•E.BROWARD•DELRAY PRODUCERS AND SUPPLIERS OF QUALITY READY MIXED CONCRETE AND CONCRETE BLOCK NRMCA DELIVERY COPY � . CAUTION'! FRESHLY MIXED GEMENT, MORTAR, CONCRETE OR GROUT MAY CAUSE SKIN INJURY AVOID CONTACT WITH- EYES WHERE PCIS SI LE ANIS WASH EXPOSED SKIN AREAS PROMPTLY WITH WATER. IF ANY CEM :NT MIXTURES GES` INTO EYES, RINSE IMMEDIATELY REPEATEDLY WITH WATER AND GET PROMPT MEDICAL TREATMENT: SAWING, OR GRINDING OF CONCRETE, MASONRY UNITS MAY RESULT IN THE RELEASE OF DUST PARTICLES WHICH, WITHOUT THE USE OF PROPER EYE OR RESPIRATORY PROTECTION, COULD CAUSE EYE OR NOSE IRRITATION. THE MXFERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS FOR THE PRODUCTS SOLD BY CENTRAL CONCRETE SUPERS I , INC. ARE AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST UNLOADINGDRIVERS ARE PROHIBITED FROM DELIVERING CONCRETE EXCEPT UNDER THE TRUCK'S OWN POWER, AND WHERE SITE CONDITIONS PERMITTHE SAFE AND PROPER OPERAEION OF HIS EQUIPMENT DRIVERS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO ADD INATER TO THE MIX NOR TO GO BEYOND THE CURB LINE, EXCEPT UPON THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE PURCHASER/PURCHASER'S A ENTANU HIS ACCEPTANCE OF RISK FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE. BUYER, OR HIS AGENT, AGREES TO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONCRETE, AND ANY PROPERTY DAMAGE RESULTING FROM TRUCK MAKING DELIVERY BEYOND CURS LIFE. -ALL. CLAIMS MUST BE MADE AT TIME OF .DELIVERY. IF IT BECOMES NECESSARY TO FARING ANY ACTION TO COLLECT AMOUNTS DUE ON THIS INVOICE, PURCHASER SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REASONABLE ATTORNEYS FEES AND COURT COSTS INCURRED BY VENDOR IN SECURING COLLECTIONS. INTEREST SHALL ACCRUE AT 1 1/2% PER MONTH ON OUTSTANDING BALANCES. 02/09/2816 22'^09 770 JMGM - PAGE 01 Fsk U11 -CIAIE­'­;�"7,L 300 Virginia Ave Fo Pierce, FL 34982 o 2. 772-4627172 Fax 772-462-6.44.3 CERTIFICATE F TERMITE TRFATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT #: -40� JOE3 ,%DDRESS: ,-5r.2c�., PV'At4. d:�-r,# PEST CONTROL CENSE We, the undersigned, I tereby certify that we have pretreated'the above described construction for subterranean termites �n accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet if area tre ited: o.,5 4 Chemicals used, -741-17,4 le, � Percentage of solution 7,0 Total gallons used: Date of Treatment: o Time of Treatment. —Rd-Treat Re-Treat -Driveway —Pools , —1�Treat nent 1"Treatment -Other— for Final Inspection __---1 Treat Signature of Exterminator Note,, 7�ere mu5t bea -ompleted form for ead requlied treatment or re-treatment and this ibrw must be on theJob --_ _ _-,__-_ �_-~ . fee L*&Yed shall be provided two duplicate 7' tmenj Certffldate5 as each required protecave treatment Is compteteu� ar co prowdinga COPY fOr the W5017 the perm= ed to and anothe py for the building permitAles, 77* Treatment Cerfficate shall pro vide,Y70 PrOdUct used, idend Y Of the Opplk&br, dmeand date,of the&wiment.51&-IOWIA217,XW treated, chemical used,,7ercant concentration aj rd number of gallons used, to establIsh a vwAjable record of PMt6CVVe t"MaIMMent the 5011 CheMlCal barri,-)-Method for terly7ite prevention is used, final extenor treatment shall be completed pr1hr to Af al bulldIngapproval St Lucie County req Ares for the final ir spection for CO, a Permanent.Sticker to be placed an the electri I panel box govar listing a I the treatments;and dater.of applicationr, � . U | � t LlXeze Co ><nty Inspections` 2300 Virginia Avenue Y`t-Pierce, FL 34982 OR 772) 462-2172 CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT /; CONSTRUCTION SOIL TT1trATMRNT 1'T;RIYIIT It �c�z l/De?� JOB ADDRESS BUILDEI R & R Pest Contro:k-, Inc PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR 1 856 SW Bayshore Blva Port St Lucie, FL 34984 PEST CONTROL LICENSE ii �a'Q 0 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have Pretreated the above-described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet of area heated: t� Chemicals Lysed:. Percentage of solution: �� Total gallons tlsed: Date of treatment: O ! Time of Treatment: ❑ Fooftg ❑ riBCI04.2.6 Certificate of Protective Treatment forpreventlon of termites. A Eveallier resislant jobsile poslijig boaril shall be provided to receive ❑ Re-treat ' duplicate Treatment Cert f tales as each required protective treatment Is :L1 ;S1ab completed,providing a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the building permit files, The Treatment Certificate shall ❑ 't'Treatment provide file product used, identity-of the applicator, time and date of the Pe-treat - treatment,site location, area treated, chemical used,percent concenfration and duniber of gallons used, to e;rfablish a verfable record of protective IveW ay tr aJfuettt.•If the soil chemical barrier method for lermile prevention is used, ❑ lst Treatment final exteriortrealinent shall be completed prior to final building approval. ❑ Re-treat St X,ucie County requires for the final inspection for CO,a Permanent Cl Pools Sticker to be placed on the electrical panel box cover,listing all he treatments and dates of applica'lions. ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ Re-treat ❑ Other �— ❑ 1st Treatment ❑ T'�e-treat � �`'�, ❑ Perimeter -for Final Inspection Sib nture of exterminator NO TIT: There initst be a completed form for each required treattuent or re-treatment and this form mist be on the job site to be picked up by the inspector at time of each inspection or the schedided ilispectiotl Will Fail and a re-inspection fee charged.