HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application AW Vpddae,Wosr a:c is+ +► maFacs Date- �- •f Permit Numb. 1 0 Q 031 5 RECEWED FEB 2 2 2016 Planning and DvvetrrirnW;tSerWbN Building and'Ces*RegtdcVon f7Won ; ZOO VirgNa Avenue,Fort Nene FL 34982 Phone:(772)462-ISS3 t=ax:{M).6a-1578 Commercial Residential F'l (Ct!Xt ':/��PL��ATI+t1�tT. ; 't3�er 0,.C. gess: J - Wol Dw.wiption: -M51 a-nd IU...�.e S t '�i cl 1 i.Ll Y1 UAt"t 3;L i AKA, A -�.i r� o o�i lea LLrn Aropetty TWID#:L535 ~ t00 d OOM- — - tot No.�____--- sit Marne: Suck No. PrdrJect'Name: — - — SOW* r-mint Bacir.�Right Side:�Left Side: A-1 C. fq � W "6'7_6WO.. e-' it rrW.W under is perm --c qc a aper [.:HVAC TIGasTank GasPiping _Shutters O Wlnd' ws/Doors Electric rl Plumbing ❑Sprinklers O Generator E,Roof Total Sq.Pt of Construction: Sq.Pt.of First Floor cost of constructA,'-,Co$ A,'-,Co Utilities 5ewer USeptic Building Height:,r, . i3atme Marne: Kim Address: g Company 5AN!_iLKOulhbin City: �A_(�a' State: Address: W9i Zip Code: 2FTFax City: — Stdte: i,� PhoneHq. } Zip Code: Far.7- -a1 E-Nlall: Phone No. = Fill In fee dit. e'•Fige Hader on'next page'(if different E-Mali: . Corn tram the Owner CisttYd abo+re} State or*County nse: a15 If value,of coo 5VUcam WE 5-0 or Mwe,-a itECMIXD Notice of CommeheMent is required. E0/I0 30Vd d3IW3dd 1760tiZ69ZZL SZ:£T 9Z0Z/ZZ/Z0 D1:51IC wot Applica le MORfGAGC C�� R�,�otp�ficable�tame• Name: Address: Address- Gity: .Mate: City: State: Zip: Rhone: Zip: Phone; i FEE simptiTn'LE-Ho DER: of Applicable SON0440COMPl4*- VApplicable Name: Narne- Aiddr+ess: Address: • Phone: Zip: T Phone: I Certify that no work or'Instatlation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit St.Lr�L e',Cou • :makees�emo refl�tion that is aranting'a permit will authorize the errn'rt•holder to tndid-the subject ructure witic sin itt vrltti a pl m iiorne�OwnergAs.soaatlon rules,bylaws or atm covermat►ts that msray tt ar pro lbit such structure.P se consultwmth your Home Ownws Association and reviewyour tieed for any:restrictions wFiic may apply. In congdetatlon of thegrantingofthis requested permit,I do hereby agree that I wail,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with•the approved.pians,the Florida Building Godes and St.Lucie County Armerrdmnenm The folldWng building permit applications ate exetnpt from undergoing a full concurrency review.room additions, accessorystructures,swlmnrning'pools,fences,walks signs,screen rooms and accessory vis to another non-rerMentlal use WA ING-8,0WAIM Your failure to Record,a Notice of Commemmmmit may rftLdt In your payiij twice for improteiitents to yortr:property.A Notic?of Commencement must be recorded and posted an the jobsite before the first; e0on.if you intend to obtain inRnCing,Consult with lender or an attorney before commend work of recordkm your Notice of Com., cement. . / r Clnensg IgoI er STATE OF FLO � STATE OF FL CaIL�NW OF �A G�Ii.`� :6. . -- COUNTY t F � - -fhefot�oinginstru a was acknowledged before rpe The'� ft-Instru nt W*noun before me thls.� t dey of 20 LLby this_!_ daY of 2ti by gpson {(� mil T` �l (Name of n atlmavuTedi?in$) (Name ersoft aclamowl ging y (Signature of Notary Public-State of Floride) (Signature of Rotary Put lir-State of florida) m Persona€fy ..,..Z-nR,P­,,ww.a,:. Personally Knowne*" Q�ProdltC 4WwMc9Type of Id P I! L A I� WW0 Type of Identlfi ,COmrmlSSi MY CommIssioN#FF904048 COMMI88 #FFW4046 9( }g Commission Na. expIR>"S �.2019 4mEitm348.o�b3. t " .0",{ ts�sv4oe� Revised 07/15/2014 f REVIEWS FRONT- ZONIlG SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETA71ON SI;ATURTLE !MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW 'REVIEW REVIEW DANE MPLETE INrnals E0/Z0 39d8 �I3IW32id ; b60TZ69ZLt 8T:E1 9T0Z/ZZ/Z0 )