HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement (2) ZL3l2Im11� Fll lkb BuildingQnlhh,sla • • 1 1 . all i d 1 FlolidaDepaamentof I (-conn I wk,raftii-Mcu I W.ATWinr I Stn-ttS1.,h.rff. I &F=t. I IR„s,1ir9Wn- IffMrI �stelrt-.1p I Wins I I Busineso - �1 Professi nal - :���1 Regulation EMMEMEMProduct Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>A{rormaZ1pC D&IMM • o ffIL# I9161165Il-f2 if¢zttiimm Type Reviiaiichn code Weirs am 2B14 A�s�czrrrm SI�i� !�a{{�prera�erd Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Gulf Coast Supply &Manufacturing, LLC. Address/Phone/Email 4020 S. W. 449th Street Horseshoe Beach, FL 32648 (352) 498-7852 ray@gulfcoastsupply.com Authorized Signature Ray Bowen ray@gulfcoastsupply.com Technical kepresentative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Metal Roofing Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer d' Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Daniel S. Kuhn the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-75519 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/12/2024 Validated By Locke Bowden d Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL11651 R2 COI Cert of Ind Kuhn Eno.pdf FL11651 R2 COI Letter of Name chanoe.pdf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year FM 4471 1992 TAS 100 1995 TAS 110 2000 TAS 125 2003 UL 1897 2004 UL 580 2006 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code https://floridabLilding.org/pr/pr_app_ U.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsQFc5K%2fTrZeCSHgw99R5wgNNppMyNezj3512E8POQwgA°/p3d%3d 1/5 2/3/2016 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method I Upuof-1 Date Submitted 07/OVZ-,'I- Date Validated 07/10/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 07/18/2015 Date Approved 08/18/2015 Summary of Products GotoPage Pape fl2� liF ice„n- beT mr name llIl5511.Il 9.032'lA4lwmmiimwmm 54'1 Ginimmpn ,. 0_M2"5 V Ghtimmpn Apllmn-5 umn Re&Pand ever I32'Filywoodl Lkmaks of Use Aeras a-se FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 1 R2 0325vCrimc 15- Appw=ed tw Use egUISo6-aHfRL'NF--yes 32Plvwood NonHVHZ,odf rsznpactResastaa¢t:IH!%AA FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 1 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Destg a 6 ug¢: Vemfiuel By: Den Kuhn,P-IE..7/25SA9 r-ILQ&5 prof(@ 112°ax-Emiftapl pa>=tr mmnLfadftuars CnmtEd b.y ILmdlepEmde ttlfh rdl Rw4r.:Y{'a--. afie ip�,IHlmtt ffrmr uE Re iinnn fWHEZ Zdmes. Eua&-.zt&=RE s FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 1 R2 0325vCrimp 15- 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf CmeatlBdl by lurdieparndlaNt liltdirrd IPatirifjy'::Yes ILIL55JI-2 0-032"Alwnnniimwmm Guff Lak ®.="Aqummiima>srmi Gdfff ILdk Il6"Wife Re&Pam-61®ter it-5,f32' Rly oudl Appzmmedl few amaimCtEbTrM RID FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 2 R2 032GulfLok 16 15- A;,pprovedfor use®®c a -Y(ess 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.odf IIPact Re critta N//lA FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 2 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pddf Paye:+NW/Af-IliLG.@PSF Ve ffffliesdt&yOwm 9rauitmn„R.E.-/PS50 Q psf(@ 5 3;fllg"'®.u.ffasuamer spariing�..-ILILE.® CrreaUed by Rmbepambemt lilhiirn9 Party::'Yes psff L�5 NILS'®..¢ ff r�@n^siim�_l nsb�IL'I per Eva -Inra iris vaznur a s dulls_Halt fferr it, fin HH4ldHZ Zmmes.. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 2 R2 032GulfLok 16 15- 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf CrEaaiEdl by rnd> mit-R rdi faffi}q::Yes 115511.3 i:w"24Ima.GWff, snap Il"Gullff Snap 244 Ga-IL7 u[mk-Pxnf Pauell over ll-qg32'P9V%vazud Appamwead fwEGeF:3iii fifes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 2 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf .Approved fezr assts awe&a-VH7:Yes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 3 R2 1 24GulfSnao 17 15- Fuaap act Rrm= ma:RW/A 32Plywood HVHZ..pdf P3 as P 9ye✓ i f ed By-Dan Nwlfnm„IP.9E.7/5519 GUnw----E/Z.3 W(P 24"ax-dliip-Wamjhg.-IM W(@(In" QruBtad by lu nrd antt lTIh*dl Il aft::Wes ®_s.aipD sp eciing.Unsta 9 per, mmamufac u ers diellaii1s.For wre Eerahaa5mn Reports Fin ItHMHLZ Z Taes.. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 3 R2 1 24GulfSnao 17 15- 32Plywood HVHZ..pdf Gtroddl Itjy D lti riwvil r'Pantw.:Wes 116511.44 11" 24ga-OyenSa9ac 1L`Vlu mrr 24.ga 1LE.5'PM66e Roof IPam @ over 115f32'"1?11 rw ad Ap"p-6 ad&WMoeUnaF Wes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 4 R2 24VersaLoc SR 16.5 15- mwadfmirass outside -'fees 32Plywood HVHZ..pdf IM.Pam nt:W/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 4 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail..odf Desfun --Ir•I4i//W/-IM.-9wPSIF Veffiued 5y-112am Kwlhrm„P.E.7/5519 Od'tmr--ZiL p aT 91#"ac.d9ipr spwihA.-IMS p>xsff(9p 6" (Gnmmle 4 ky LzffepzmdankThvrd IParV::Wes ox-dhipn s)paaing.Ihmstl M per mars diakb�ils..For in C-wakoumm Reports jinn fhIVHZ Zones_ FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 4 R2 24VersaLoc SR 16.5 15- 32Plywood HVHZ..odf Gire�bpnyl RTdepr=rj&brdt llltiirdJ Pairty::Wes 2265n 5 11"'Vem5a9ax--_C22'A.11mmiinrunnn I"'versa me.632"Allw arnimumn ower I.W/32"'P9yAW03d li.n n C39 Use 94.7,puavaafi wmsafi:aLf3L pm-Was FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 5 R2 lin 032VersaLoc SR 16 15- Mar use ca sidleHVef -Yfes 32Plywood HVHZ..Pdf TI -p-actP.Ps .-d:NR AA FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 5 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail..odf li d Presszmed FIF1U//R✓/-ll9)II.SIF 1Y/affffenl EWEDan Kwift m„R.E.755I19 GPitf -6a.3 pm7"r 0124"®..cc.dhipn spadgmg.-1101.0 p s f(9(ta" Gireagedi by T and trtt lTlhiard Ike rtlyy::Yfe s a.¢-dips spadimg.]trsttimlll per manufazbwers dEttadls..Far wtm-- [Etm tsar w—j� Un HV HZ Zbues.. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 5 R2 lin 032VersaLoc SR 16 15- 32Plywood HVHZ..odf frsJGIMenrielidhwid&dlmgmrr {prl�prr aiH1. A%htdP9m,M 25 2«�t� fFlimrfad�fIDuiildim� (Ulmiinre oreeadt.`dd by lMkPaffdBM T hsii rdf fPaurttyy.ve s IS"724th.GLO Sip Il_5"Q3u �n�pv .,1H8"1rrAid {lam IPant l �15W32" z�ai U�M OF.Lisa Instaflation Ap;wazad f5=wise,FaMn'�Wes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 6 R2 1.5 24GulfSnaD 16 15- dxrcme ea32Plywood HVHZ..odf Impar Resastam&W/A FL11651 R2 II 14FU1651 6 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail-P& Deska Pressuaw+WA//-IR6.GPSF 1Y(rdnMied BW-foam Muitnm„P-E.75519 oil-H&O W(@ 72V®_a:"dliipn spadlmg.-llS}pu;af 1z" NaCl by IImdapambamtt llliruradl IPafty::Wes am.60 sppatdimm-}.-11&0 W 9 F"am.dKP gPMb mg..mil C--Smbmy o Rehomas por mroan�rss dlziWls_For wte i9m NfWHL Teutm-•. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 6 R2 1.5 24GulfSnaD 16 15- 32Plywood HVHZ..Ddf Created by Dmdapenderdt TlWad Pa ttyj::Y(es llIL�n71.7 IS'-MAg?..worsEUM IS"WarsalLorr 241ga.M"uuii a Imff Il mn l mar ll/32"RI juwd Lbmns of use MnstamEtg=R APPMutwage®LL` :Wes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 7 R2 1.5 24VersaLoc 16 15- Apprwad or RnTjM-Iffes 32Plywood HVHZ..pdf EmpacatReEMV/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 7 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail-odf DesoM mss -+RW/A//-123-. IF Vl&ifiied By-Dom Ku hum„P.E.75510 Oma--59.75 W 1@244"®.eW dfiipa s ling_-Il,'EL 5 psiF(9 IZ" Created W Rnfflapurd5mft lflits`bTd lPaurtW-.Items am.d10 spadR milli per mmanufaaweTs d;EUadL;..For wre E—'uffl=C iimt Iff VHE ZEMIS. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 7 R2 1.5 24VersaLoc 16 15- 32Plvwood HVHZ..Ddf Created by Undapendant 7 Wird)fP".:Yes 111651.E 21"7-Apa.@Il l— 72`4 Ga.2"Heg3lL=118"Mde a li3omf Email over 115//32"ftwood LbMELS off use - wpm Rm HTHM Rb FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 8 R2 24MeoaLoc 18 15- r usa amasme ti9pDHMWems 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf RM30 MU/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 8 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.odf Design m+RlV1hV/-llB.5FSIF Vesri'rfFiie d W_Ban IlUhsn„IPE-75519 -71LO psf Ll 74"am.dinpD sp admg.-iltDi8..5i (fns 117' Greated by Emftendent-RuTd lPatft::Yes ox-dTp s*„ dlr, .RnEtAl parommidtMurers d E W L&R%tt ftur EtaNaftm Rapwts wtE iem pfMH2 FmmB-.. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 8 R2 24MeoaLoc 18 15- 32Plywood NonHVHZ.Ddf Crenated by lmdeponemmt-M"ffdl - Yes llIltfiLi1L.9 24 Ga.Gwfff UOW 24 G..GWfff Wk Iff 'WYrfide omr WW"fWlgnmmnd Apgmved for Lme Km %M-MD FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 9 R2 24GulfLok 16 IS- Appmwedl ft `ries 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.Ddf WE-Na ReSMEM91M N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 9 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.Ddf DeEzgn mss° e-+NU/A//-9-7PSF Vor•d'iie d ley::Dann li>;wdhmn„1P.E-T55II9 02mr.-81-751 W(P M-1114"®_cr;.ffashmar spadimT..-9&716 Greatted by llm>if nt T heiird!P"aftz Yes W(M 5-11/,1V az-flaistmer sr,a&mrc�.-MJJ5 puff(9 5;-lV19" ctwal..''�n--M n &ffs�swolift.-AML Pff 9 51-1 all ffats r spgtaOM9. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 9 R2 24GulfLok 16 15- Drns oallp per mmamn9adtmare m dletaBls.Not ff�w ase firm IHMHEZ 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf Zomies- Cruel by ladejn-owkeMt Tltnimdl Pla tt}y::Yes ILILESIL AM 724 Ga.Gulf SEEM 724 Ga.G dhP Seem ILE"'Wide-H amT WamA ever Sbx4 ll+tleoadl Po dhias =or ILg//32"'Plyhmul LEMUS off t 'M ro-:rGfMM Rat FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 10 R2 24GulfSeam 16 1x4 IS- APPMUTMO Wam1`Yess 32Plywood NonHVHZ.Ddf Impact R s&lm t:H///A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 10 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf *ff//At//-9M-l3PSF Vemr Sedi B/:Ulan Itt'ul*,RE 755A9 GAS-93.5 W(@ 118"am.INsitalNl par mmmmdFadtuuramts CrEalhedl by DmdEpEmdafft-Mtfurdl Party,:Wens deftaift.IRA fftmr wen ihn HWAHM Z mom. Ewe&e mm FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 10 R2 24GulfSeam 16 1x4 15- 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf Created tbjy 1fmd mfi ndt-Mhiuratl Paaft:: Yes 1116i51.Il1L 244 Ga.GWE Seam M41(Ga.G Wff Seamm„It W/4"'QIP Um:k„29"Wide I{+;aaCT Panel over 2d/32"IPilWwan l Uhflts GO,uspa tr i„4 Mmstruxbams EMS EM Dl RAID FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 11 R2 24GulfSeam 18 15- Appmved IbT Lee cutside HVHM-Yes 32Plywood NonHVHZ.Ddf Impact RA//A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 11 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Design -*IRV/A//-M& F A andfiiedl By'Dam M dtmm,RF-7/5519 Gbiiwz-68..25 W(@ 241”am.dho spi8diriq.-Il01.5 (B 112"' Ckeffb2mg by kmdEpvwdenT Tftrd IPaarttyp Wei ®.-dldpn spading.BmstAll pear mmamuffactuffeffs dlttaitts.Hot f w Evahotfon nim pn HifV i1Z Zwes. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 11 R2 24GulfSeam 18 15- 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf (Gr i l�,y Ibm e ndisntt li in brd tt r i}y Ve s; gyp• IlIltSSIl.IL� 26�..5W mriimm� 2r.ra_5\17 oiitmnpo IPatmdl aDarror war fnv� ,aae®dI n, IJ!//1::�ri tlUl Jl111lIIufJY �fiir Wl3L� 1..JU®J,1MJ1"tr 1 ' /,@�1W/,�]WI 35 21310116 f9lonidaBuilldimgCodmGm1he Lam effuse ignstmah2ko Ap��- awa trusefimM mi' 1(....�, FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 12 R2 265vCrimp 15- Muredff=rCoe c t F&-in iOIHM.Yts 32Plywood HVHZ.pdf Impact Reslsant:nl//1A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 12 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Dom:Prue: Ve di f ed By: Dan lll&hsm„IP.E.7�Il9 -Il0 .5 C�Il "o.�.ffa tatr ¢rtgy.-Il5E.5 W CHaaa edl bW ffndi rdlentt l MiTdl P.-d y::Wes ma.c.ffastonar spacing}.llmEttill per dmwmii�ars dti�iiBs.Fvr wSe!in IH` ffz Zwe&. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 12 R2 265vCrimp 15- 32Plywood HVHZ.pdf Chmathed bF Dmd audauttTlhilrcg IIDarfty-Wes 1LIl6f51t..n 26 Ga..5V Cft.ryp oxer]15✓/32"RW ywxsod Inas cause H - rs �ftvase amWMXfft FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 13 R2 265vCrimp 15- BI, Ifmw MERa Mzftsrefa tlt' TFM-WES 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf Impact R SE5ta l:W/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 13 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Desigm PressEme-*Ml//A//-1131L.ISF 4%riffad&,q-Dann Maft,R.E. /75SA9 -91-25 p f L&26"ox.ff�m�r wpm.-1131.0 (GrteFtn d[1vy 119d httt lThl Urdl I{-.rftF-Ws C&1R"mz.ftsftmrrer pEtmemd.LDrisUaill{qtr mnaruffaeUwmars i> mlomC.a� de�if4ls. Rtt fur u e ilm FMAHE Zmms. 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FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 14 R2 265vCrimp 1x4 15- 32Plywood NonHVHZ.odf ates11 1 by llb� mlbnt Tilfn'e p4r'4l:Wes ll71 Il.1t5 26 G-B.Gjlff ILdk 26 Ga..(2Wtf 1tdk ILE"Wide Raeff Parimell ower 715//32"Pg ywcod ER7,ls drUse Fi g t rxGSbwCftftwMs a fizz Coe ii:t HMO--Wes; FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 15 R2 26GulfLok 16 15- Approw for use out-sid-aht.H7--Wes; 32Plywood HVHZ.p-df En.pact Resistant:If3i//Aa FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 15 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.odf Design Pte:-+MA-1161LSPSF verified B}y:R1arm IfSwlhtm„P-a 753ll'9 -an-ERS W C 5 3/`l1(F&z.ffc�der s hg.-11."_ll..7r'5 Qr�ad by ILtdrq*�s'ni tont lflMi F-.T gj.Vu s w N 5i V%116" hip--M-@{puff($m 5 av/lg,.(M-C.ffastbi-mar �napwts spar gg.Lrmsti�lll Ipar imamwtfactorars de ailis.IFor wiirtn IHfy/H 7- FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 15 R2 26GulfLok 16 15- ZOMES- 32Plvwood HVHZ.pdf ckeatEd iirgr Bmtiq�lilf'kd!Parttq/:: les IlIl6511_Il6 26 Ga.Gullff ILofk 26 Ga.,GO[Ldk 116"Wiid--Reoff IPamdl ower P5r-,Z'iFlgm+aood LRMst�s effuse Mmstaoafflm lasbuefoos Aggomwad ftrra2se rra HVdff-7-Rb FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 16 R2 26GulfLok 16 15- ffsTmw--amas ahvimY(es 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf Impact at�Rt//A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 16 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf DaOsn Pressure-*MV/AY/-6a9R,IF Veiffbadl B. p Dam 11 dhnfi ,IP-E.75519 aM :-63.5 giE f 9 5 2yM6"zz-f asl--l=lrsyptamcd�y.-7LM.715 CTeelff dl L'a,y Lsdd dL-M Th.k-,l may::Wes tl��5�/n6ffa�,r�tr g�imtg}.-nfain p�'r�6�/n6"fTar�r �nc.' ir+�t,13t�' spemiery.E7stAg per nnamuftgc rets d eeallls.Hat ffor wse firm FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 16 R2 26GulfLok 16 15- HN4U'lN(ZZ .. 32Plywood NonHVHZ.Qdf CmaEftEd by DmfEyprar 6Emtt Tli trilydl Pa rthy::Wes IlIl65Il_Il� 26 Ga-GidlffPM 26 Ga..GLiff PSR Ronhfi Pam[onweir 15a-v"iFityyuamt A t�ftrasofmT ih,7-:Mb FL11651 R2 II 17 R2 26GulfPBR 15-32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf �'fzTC-SeVr.MS UM-M-Wes FL11651 R2 II 17 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.ndf Impact Res-istasar RI!//A VarirfRied!HW--Dam MAmm„P.E-75Sll43 Des9ga Fresss ze:*U11A?//-1-54 7PS F Ckeatlhed byn,dzw t-Mkliimdl IParibyr::WEs G gnat atm.-II-54.75 IW Euo�-z^^'5=L pzeds 9 n2"'a.c.ffaslt>mderr pmtlema.RmsUidif gear memmibrfturor FL11651 R2 AE 17 R2 26GulfPBR 15- dEta, s.Rest fig wtse lmr IHPYAHZ 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf Off aataA by Rndzpaudant Third lPa ty:Wes; 71Il657L.Ilf8 M Gal.GUMPER M&a.tEutilTfRBF(1£mif PamEll eAer log Wamdf Pw hems mover 115p/3.2'- �Ily afMaoff use R . A7PnnM i u3se iia WRM Wes; FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 18 R2 26GulfPBR 1x4 15- Apgw ttC-d4 T"--a amtg5dim H]1"RM Weis 32Plywood HVHZ.pdf ImpactRas6slartrz MVIIA FL11651 R2 II 18 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf MssEgn .-+H//A//-15M.7AFSF yY/oMiedi HW::Dan Mul4rm„RE.7r-95Il9 G s�uSmrird hwi3rdf�rnglmts �pr{prr a g"AL. .. aQ�YI�2CAm�}�r�f�%f�tifm�l'�"f�nr�F 1g�FlT�l��6f��19�3tdPlF�TdI 4 T7JL�DtlE6 Flbriid;iu Bumdlr g iumil eta GVw__-IMS psff @ 24"ox--ffasttlallmr spBdinug.-IL 5fl ps f QeagmiH by Iud�T t TNirdl 1Par*7:Yes @ "ffastanerr sp2rjiFg.rFiurt zilil per .„ 4,d!Etff9la. Mwsq_�­MaEm a ._ Rvrull�iinH WHE7/j� FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 18 R2 26GulfPBR 1x4 15- 32Plvwood HVHZ.odf Cureafe tt ky�Tifnirrd Pally-Yes 1111EM.rg am-GM.(11 dMM GWFFBR mymr lWrM"Rt%%nmti Li ms of Use Lastarzdan Lmsamckklas HUHM Wes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 19 R2 26GulfPBR 15- 's � e €�afY(� 32Plvwood HVHZ.odf ZIP^ iii'//A FL11651 R2 II 19 R2 Metal Roof Panel DetaiLpdf Desagu Prrsxr e- Walifliiad W-Dans Kuhm„RE ii ll9 Men-E&S psff @ 24"ax-ffL­�sp adurig..-3-1..7/5 psff l bW IInfepamdaift-MMTd Fina tty::Wes @ ILS"®..rc.fastamr qWdiw g.1§ 41 por manuffaclutreirt i�.LRu tu> iiau LtthyAtf�7lmiur�. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 19 R2 26GulfPBR 15- 32Plywood HVHZ.pdf EireatEnD ftgy ludtpambBrttTifriurd IPaftt}y::Yes 1!ll rL Z 73fn Gal.Guli7F>i R ZfE,Gm,CGil+ltRin'ffi,w e-Ir l4!1rillmlad IFUurfi'rds c+>mr 115( "IPtlyyanwmDil AVppnred*w use in&SIMM Rb FL11651 R2 II 20 R2 26GulfPBR 1x4 15- fzw mwsa yzts ft55-19FMwas 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.Ddf Empact Mer_ -MY//,A FL11651 R2 II 20 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.odf Be-Agn Pmssuea:*(FU/////-7t5ll.71f iF W®rilfiierdf may::Ulan, Multrtm„(P.E.75510 Via:-94_71;W @ 243'®..c_ffa;stt mar ski ig..-ILSII.7/5 psr` Oreatiad ft pmt Third IPa t)y::Yes Cd 12"flastemer sI{ming.IImsa0l poor of etr�l�ls.. Ev Lzaffaf»a Raowts Halt ffor tore im ffftdWlfP1 MMMES FL11651 R2 AE 20 R2 26GulfPBR 1x4 15- 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf CramUod by Emfepamdamtt Thiird IPvltjy Yes Bacl< Next. Contact Us:: 1940 North Monroe Street,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone; BSO-487-182< The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2.013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement:: Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Sectior. 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please dick here. Product Approval Accepts: ® iaq lzg M securitvwrnucr httpsJ/floridablrilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsQFc5K%2tTrZeCSHgw99R5wgNNppMyNezj3512E8POQwgA%3d°/g3d 5/5 FLORID,A PRODUCTA,PPR0VAt GuIfCoast SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING 5 V 26 GA. 5VC'RIMP ROOF PANEL OVER 15/32" PLYWOOD* O • DA PRODUCT APPROVAL reit). 11651.13 i'; TM Product Evaluation Report GULF COAST SUPPLY& MANUFACTURING, LLC. 26 Ga. SV Crimp Roof Parcel over 95132"ftwood Florida Product Approval #11651.13 R2 Florida Building Code 2014 Per Rule 61 G20-3 Method: 1 -D Category: Roofing Subcategory: Metal Roofing ,Compliance Method: 61 G20-3.005(1)(d) NON HVHZ Product Manufacturer: Gulf Coast Supply & Manufacturing, LLC. 14429 SW 2nd Place, Suite G30 Newberry, FL 32669 Engineer Evaluator: '*_ NO. 7551,9 - Dan Kuhn, P.E. #75519 s �s Florida Evaluation AIDE ID: 10743 ®� STA - ��� ON Ra Validator: Oo®������ Locke Bowden, P.E. #49704 9D�B 6A�B b46R 9450 Alysl�€�ry Place ce.� 3� 2��� Montgomery, AL 36117 Contents: Evaluation Report Pages 1 - 5 F-#11653.13 R2®JUNE 15,2415 s ■ • , + + ENGINEERING,KUHN • . A e e ® , e e e ® Gulfcoa t SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING 5 V(�ILf--� 26 GA. 5VCRIMP ROOF PANEL OVER • • O. DA PRODUCT APPROVAL NO. 1165113 f;.' TM Compliance Statement The product as described in this report has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2014, Sections 1504.3.2. Product Description: 5V Crimp Roof Panel, 26 Ga. Steel, 24" Coverage,through fastened roof panel with fasteners in the panel flat over minimum 15/x" plywood decking. Non Structural application. Panel Material/Standards: Material: Minimum 26 Ga. Steel, ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 conforming to Florida Building Code 2014 Section 1507.4.3. Paint Finish Optional Yield Strength: 80.0 ksi Corrosion Resistance: Panel Material shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014, Section 1507.4.3. Panel Dimension(s): Thickness: 0.018" Minimum Width: 24" Coverage Rib Height: %" Major Rib Panel Fastener: #9-15x1.5" with sealing washing in the flat of the panel or approved equal, %a" minimum penetration through plywood. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2014, Section 1506.6, 1507.4.4 Substrate Description: Minimum 15/32" thick, APA Rated plywood over supports at maximum 24" O.C. Design of plywood and plywood supports are outside the scope of this evaluation. Must be designed in accordance w/Florida Building Code 2014. Design Uplift Pressures: Table"A" 9 25 131.& Fastener Pattem 12"42- 9-5"-21-9.51, Fas;mier Fanern ung 16-C➢_C- 16' O;C_ Design Pressure irscErrdes a Safe4r Factor=2.0'_ FL#11651.13 R2•JUNE 15,2015 PRODUCT . " ! A ® REPORT• e KUHN ENGMEERING, LLC 11610 ISLAND LAKES LANE, • ' • • A001* PLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL Gulfcod�t SUPPLY_& MANUFACTURING 5 V 26 GA. 5VCRIMP ROOF PANEL OVER 15/32" PLYWOOD* FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL NO. 11651.13 ., TPA Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2014, Sections 1504.3.2_ Evaluation Report Scope: The product evaluation,is limited to compliance with,the structural wind load requirements of the Florida.Building Code 2014,as relates to Rule fit G20-3. Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: ® UL 580-06-Test for Ublift Resistance of, }loaf Assemblies UL 1897-04-Uplift Test for Roof Covering.Systems. Reference Data: d_ UL 58G-a4/T897-98 UpRft Test Force Engineering &Testiag,N.c.(FBC Organization-TST-5328) Report Iia. 117-0053T-05& 117-0331T-08 2_ Certificate of Independence By Dan Kuhn,PE. (FL#75519)@ Kuhn Engineering,LLC (FEC Organization 9 ANE ID: 10743), Test Standard Equivalence: I- The UL 580-94 test standard is equivalent to the UL 58MG test standard_ 2. The UL 1897-98 test standard is equivalent to the UL 1897-04 test standard_ Quality Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established compliance of roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Buil'dincr Code and Rule 61 G20-3.005(3)for manulfacturing under: a quality assurance pmgrarn audited by an approved quality assurance entity. Minimum Slope Range: Minimum Slope shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014, including Section 1507.4.2 and in accordance with Manufacturers recommendations. For slopes less than 3:12, lap sealant must be used in the panel side laps. Installation: Install per Manufacturer's recommended details. Underlayment: Shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014 section 1507.4.5.1 and 1507.4.5.2. Roof Panel Fire Classification: Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear Diaphragm: Shear Diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report. FL#11651.13 R2•JUNE 15,2015 ENGINEERING,PRO DU Or VALUATI ON' REPORT KUHN /�\\\`:FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL u` -lift SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING !]\V 1 0 5 V U • GA. 5VC RIM' ROOF PANEL OVER • • O. i , PRODUCT APPROVAL NO. 11651.13 I TM Design Procedure: For roofs with, in the parameters fisted on the load table,fastening pattern must at a rnirrimum meet those listed for the applicable wind zone_For al€roofs outside tate parameters listed on the load table,design evind loads shall be determined for each peolect in accordance vvirth FOC 20,14 Section. 1603 or ASCE 7-10 using allowable stress design_The maximum fastener spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded_This evaluation,report is not applicable in High Velocity Hurricane Zone. Refer to current MOA or HVHZ evaluation report for use of this product in High Velocity Hurricane Zone_ FL#11651.13 R2•JUNE 15,2015 PRODUCT REPORT® • ENGINEERING,KUMN 001*"4 LOAD TABLE SPEC GUIX06St SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING 5V F26 GA. 5VCRIMP ROOF PANEL OVER 15/32" PLYWOOD* FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL NO. 116511.13 R:2 Tfvl ENGINEER LOAD TABLE:26 Ga.5VCrimp Roof Panel over 15/32"Plywood Build y a Reor iAzz-n WRed Sbp--:2,,,/12" -12"6`k2-Gabes OF. Mp Rodiz,Wind Speeds 120 180mph, Ensure C, Risk Category Il, Enclosed Building, based on Florida Building Code 2014- 120 130 140 150 166 17G 180 WIINID FASTENER SUBSTRATE (MIN.114 SPEED Penetrafiorr} (MIN.15f32') ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER OR CENTER SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING ZONE 1 9-9-15x1.5' PlyWood 16-TYPE 1 16-TYPE 1 16'TYPE 1 16'TYPE 1 16'TYPE 1 16-TYPE 1 16Q TYPE 1 ZONE 2 9945x1.5" Plywood 16'TYPE 1 16'TYPE I 16"TYPE 1 16"TYPE 1 W TYPE 1 16'TYPE 1 16"TYPE 1 ZONE 3 #9-15n.I-S' Plywood 16"TYPE 1 16'TYPE 1 16'TYPE t 16'TYPE 1 16'TYPE 1 16'TYPE 2 16'TYPE 2 1.)PANEL DESCRIPTION:5V CRIMP MIN.26 GA_,GRADE 80,24"COVERAGE. 2.)PANEL FASTENER:##9-15X1.5" l-IM WITH SEALING WASHER CW/MIN. A" PENETRATION- 3.)MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PANEL UPLIFT PRESSURE:-94-25 PSF@ 16" O.C.FASTENER SPACING TYPE 1 FASTENER PATTERN,-131.0 PSF 916 O.C.FASTENER SPACING TYPE 2 FASTENER PATTERN BASER ON TAS 125,UL 58ML 1897 TESTING- 4.) €S ING.4.)PLYWOOD DECKING:MIN-%"THICK PLYWOOD MUST BE RESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2014. 5.)ROOF SLOPE:ON ROOF SLOPES LESS THAN 3:12,LAP SEALANT MUST BE USED IN PANEL SIDE LAPS. 6.)LOAD TABLE BASED ON WIND PRESSURES CALCULATED PER ASCE 7-10(KD=G-85)MULTIPLIED BY 0.6 PEI{FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2014 �Y0Q 2 I`a` Note-Dimension(a)is defined as 10%of the minimum ividth of the building or 4011/a of the mean height of the roof,whichever is smaller,however,(a)cannot be \ ------ ---- less than either 4%of the minimum width of the building or 3 feet. \ TYPE 1 FASTENER PATTERN ----- (1) #9-15 X 1-1/2W HWH W/Sealing Washer --------------- ^� At Passel Lap�e- �+AL<i�s B �s f11�fF a n— ---- --------- � -p�� �0. TYPE PE 2 FASTENER PATTERN I I (1) #9-15 x 1-112"HWH wjSeall rng Washer --------------------- I 2 - .5 Ok, 9.5® 219 I I el------------------------I FL9 11651.13 R2•JUNE 15.2015 . . ® ® e . . ENGINEERING,KUHN 2= fRlari d�t@wil mlarig� �iilroYima Mr— y I 'Business 0 Professional • r FloridaDepaamentof t ift.. I UoFffi I urlaa tst�wn I Kt&TKqP&% a.� PWimmium I mnstwI susst�--I" I WmI I Sea; I Businesausm:uct Aa3wd Professi I qdtliirumr Regulation Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application L15t • e Iii1.#lf 4 6G{ ISi�li mm T%Pe 118err-:;GVr0 colk` eraiimtm 2914 liai�tii¢ml Aggp�riome5d -Appnmiedl by DBPR.Ap+raw.-Jls ibW DDR X91 that mtwiememl ant iratDfted by tike FCC arty/arr the Cam mi ssimam i fi mze uryy.. AacNawedl Pt-�ilaad [�rt>iz4faeth�a�a�: L?Ok�'''�.�' `�•t!�tQ.. Addi ,Gn a//iM. aiill 113 1 iLymm Driive UV 69400 (•5i7r@))3.`A-021 Ext 242 Aultaaadmed S•igme tuire .11aes Al{siinrs pdkdimtmll�l-�..ccrm Zeciftanfi®II8 rEswftatiive S Wadding AddlTeSF//Rha0M?,Ta Mol LM ILywm wive r'ermey, NV 98408 (602) 363-7139 stevew@polyglass.com Quality Assurance Representative James Akins Address/Phone/Email 555 Oakridge Road Humboldt Industrial Pkwy H.azl.eton_PA.182.2 (800) 894-4563 jakins@polyglass.com Category Roofing, Subcategory Underlayments Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional.Engineer W1 Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida'Engineer or Architect Naro.e.who developed Robert Nieminen the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/01/2017 Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE idl Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Indepenoence FL5259 R24 COI 2015 01 COI Nieminen.pdf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D1970 2009 ASTM D226 2006 ASTM D6164 2005 A,STK 11FA?22 2DDB, htpsJ/floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl_aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvbSgAa7�3Crk2vS%2feg01ipH82Cu7FMfVnJrJdOHoR9%2FA%3d%3d 1/2 X3/2016 Florida Building Code Online ,.STM G154 2006 ASTK GI-55 2P415- FM 0435FM 4474 200 FRSAlfRI ADril 2012 2012 TAS 103 1395 _uivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sect,on&fseza the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Optic;, . Date Submitted 07/22/2015 Date tlaiidated 08107/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 08/15/2015 Date Approved 10/16/2015 ����csff Rct effuse IngbMMUMMS X11 [F�F,��t�fz�r�fr .!F3?r+<ffi�y etrr�r!f$,y: U�1rdF;7rtt�>fn;l?�:ti3 Appmrs� rmseRmT- TM—:No FL5259 R24 II 2015 07 FINAL ER POLYGLASS UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259- impact Pesustank XV/A Vei iiffiied Bq-Pmbartt Wiiam�ffm FE-5-%r55 Deshap 6stessw=*rW1AJ/-6M.5 Onea ed thW bn iEpinit7whiM Pardyy:'Yes OUnar_1L.))Th?diesiigpm Iprressw a irm tiff tEw^ahmA m REPWft azzomdlwn FL5259 R24 AE 2015 07 FINAL ER POLYGLASS UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259- wrndtedayrim nit syyst&mm(wm r emmvr 3ke d Bzlkc ffor2R 4.pdf use wni tar ffmamm-am tt ille sysUbms((uvlfl sa 0a C)raatt d by bmtepandent T hikrdl Paft....?les wmdf�diaryyrmrmrtlt ffmmmns p3rit mff dhe kat-w)). fir to ER Sazltiimm s.&A fftmr aftBr , Wia r de=Wpes and a wzva t eaf minm mm ml desigm pnTesswes,2..1 IEfbr ft l$l�i Setitil9 m 5 Ifor alltler Iliaidtts aff wmp. Back Next Contact Us:: 1940 North Monroe Street.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida. ::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement:: Refund Statement _oder Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mad to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.`Pussuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: ® iC M scwrity+r r:ni tcs https:(Afloridabuiidingorg(pr(pr appo aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvbS4Aa7.-p3Crk2vS%2feg0lipHS2Cu7FMfVnJrJdOHoR9%ZA`°/g3d°/g3d 2/2 MOR RESEARCH&DESIGN,I-C. F)o® � fn gjAw&,anmmVan,99-503 TRINITY 1�/ ERD �lW65 ii A II�TiMETi,iUiNiIT 413 OXFORD,CT 06478 PHONE:�203�262-9245 FAX: (203) 262-9243 EVALUATION REPORT Polyglass USA, Inc. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09=11200 150 Lyon Drive FL5259-R24 Fernley, NV 98408 Date of Issuance:02/24/2009 Revision 20:07/22/2015 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 5th Edition (2014) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Polyglass Roof Underlayments LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes,or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity I ERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "TrinitylERD Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 12. Prepared by: y_ The facsim le seal appearing was authorized by Ruben Nieminen, = [P.E.an 07035.This dui nut Berme as an electronically Robert J.M.Nieminen,P.E. signed Signed, p" s nd doanmen� S" �f,sealed leardw les have been " i`"•-...tea Florida Registration No.59166,Florida DCA ANE1983 '���.� Q caR�~� transmittedto the Product Approval Administrator and to the named crknt CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. Trinity I ERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. Trinity I ERD is not owned,operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E.does not have nor will acquire,a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved'in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity I ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. F)o \-,,ITRINITYIERD RomF w EvAL mmm: 1. SCsaE: P-m-duct g'ann Rmficfrg Sub'-Cate'- , . u 1ninim ilaffimi ernt Compriance Statement Roof Underiiaymmeantsr as produced by iP®Vy&ss USA,Vnc-, have demo ted compliance witn the foRRawi ng sec:fiorcns of the FRornda RanMng Cude through teslhing ii n acmr¢Uaimce uAffi bine fallavding S+an lard& Cor odiance is subs ea to tone R II Req rimes,ails and Unri;llat mns I Cu nft-ffions of IlU.se set fmr&Bseamfom.. 2. STANDARDS: Section Property Standard Year 1504.3.1 Wind Uplift FM 4474 2004 1504.6 Accelerated Weathering ASTM G154 2006 1504.6 Accelerated Weathering ASTM G155 2005 1507.2.3,1507.3.3,1507.5.3,1507.7.3, Physical Properties ASTM D226 2006 1507.8.3,1507.9.3 1507.2.4,1507.2.9.2,1507.5.3,1507.7.3 Physical Properties ASTM D1970 2009 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM D6164 2005 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM D6222 2008 1507.3.3 Installation Practice FRSA/TRI April 2012 2012 1523. Physical Properties TAS 103 1995 3. REFERENCES: Entity Examination Reference Date FM Approvals(TST 1867) Wind Uplift 3004091 01/12/2000 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PRIO1111 04/08/2002 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-005-02-01 01/31/2002 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-013-02-01 12/23/2002 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-013-02-02 12/23/2002 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-013-02-03 12/23/2002 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-018-02-01 07/14/2003 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-028-02-01 07/13/2005 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-033-02-01 01/12/2006 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-035-02-01 09/29/2006 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-055-02-02 12/10/2007 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-061-02-02 01/2812008 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-076-02-01 02122/2005 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-083-02-01 04/14/2002 PRI(TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-088-02-01 07/29/2009 MTI(TST 2508) Physical Properties JX201-17A 04/01/2008 MTI(TST 2508) Physical Properties RX14E8A 01/29/2009 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties 11752.09.99-1 02/08/2000 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift 11757.08.01-1 08/13/2001 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift 11776.06.02 01/16/2003 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties 02200.07.03 07/14/2003 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift P1740.01.07 01/04/2007 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties P5110.04.07-1 04/11/2007 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift P9260.03.08 03/21/2008 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties P13450.08.09 08/13/2009 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift P30540.11.09-131 11/30/2009 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties P11030.11.09-1 11/30/2009 ERD(TST 6049) Wind Uplift P11030.11.09-2 11/30/2009 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties P11030.11.09-3 11/30/2009 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties P33360.06.10 06/25/2010 ERD(TST 6049) Physical Properties P33370.03.11 03/02/2011 Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-R20 Certificate of Authorization#9503 FL5259-R24 Revision 20:07/22/2015 Page 2 of 12 QOTaINITYIERD f i((iTSif Plhny�irmiliPtr�mp�rffii� p3m/it"tflK VI 04125/.2011 ERD VFSF GM)) Afw all R°mvpar es P373W_1@_11 1ID/1S/2011 ERD((liST W49)) i tlyst®dl PirQPfp)$rfflies iP4 (QT&112P-Il W166,142012 ETD((li5;l-,049)) Itch okAl nmpa3 ;ies 1140.939aff!3_12 2 ig(%%07,72M ERU W D �l PMPOOES CA1420.09_12-3 W11)2012 ESRD M 5M% wind u#,rft P39580-13.13 03/04/2011 ERD((RSfr 604% Plirwn:2ll Rmpoffes P45379-04.113 04/26/2013 ERD )) wffd poet P1_/ ,�. U/7-F2 0"J2013 ERD r 6049) Wm,d IUI�'.lift 11757.04.01-1-IE;?11 04/30/2013 EBRD(TSIr 49)) whimd U,01' t P441tUZ913 08/(96/201.3 ERD((if 5T 6M9,ry IVfan d Ulgaft Pnn75_1L05.G3 4181 11/,/26/201 ESRD W 9)) Wind UjO6fffit fP11_M1L11-O34U 11/25,nB13 ERD Mi 60+449)) fPitrhpsinll IRropeffes 4P44527®x_144 05V=12014 ERD((TIS 6049)) tP}f 4icalInrt¢paffms 6BMJW.144-1 i�,jOBJ2014 ERD((iiSli'SM9)) f irail RMPB i s .M14:2 @9/08/2014 ERD(1rST 5249D Pfiv�siiamll 1Prmpe;fes 5020.09.14-3 O9/0812314 ERD(lfSir G 4% Rhro'r B Pmperttiies M20-03-24.-44 03109/2014 ERD((RSIr %) IP4h"h all pmParfes GD20M-24-5 i 91,YDAPD2X4 ERD W 4 9y nfz� .09-14-5 QD9M 21i 4 EBRD( ST 5049) Physicall PlrnpBrfies P446520_10.24 20/03/2014 EBRD((liSlr W49) IFhi vska➢nmparmies P4443 EG_10.14 10/07/2014 EFO((TSIr GW% IPlhwxcaJl Rmpaffes P4329O..0_14 10117,/2014 ERD((TSIf 60491 PhWicall IRmpeffies PLY&SC7550_03.115 DaJ34/2015 ERD(OTS &'949)) Phyoi ali nmpsm-r'es P409B_0415 -04/1)312015 ER-113((iiSff 60949)) 1 I/iTrdl t4i11piwt 4P'd.Yl&KED».31.5, -07/22/2015 RCC-ES�EwL 23%� Bsc ca m ipi ence ESIR-1537 a:VG:,/2014 Miami-Dade(CER 1592) Hyha Ciommplramrce NDA 141-QD7 27.03 02=2D-13 Pol!VgCass USA manna uM� Ami+�i;Rt fRTudwnts CLUTS t 02,713121;09 Pa,lw!mm U A P//1L AM ii1bM t MiL-4fif kae Gran Erg G.3//W $ Polyglass USA Materials Affidavit Polystick SA Compound 08/18/2011 UL,LLC.(QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation, R14571 Exp.08/08/2015 UL,LLC.(QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation, MTS PLUS Exp.07/01/2017 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Mechanically Fastened UnderlaVments: 4.1.1 Elastobase is a fiberglass reinforced,SBS modified bitumen base sheet. 4.1.2 Elastobase P is a polyester-reinforced,SBS modified bitumen base sheet. 4.2 Self-Adhering UnderlaVments: 4.2.1 Polystick MTS is a nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, surfaced with polyolefinic film surface; meets ASTM D1970 and TAS 103. 4.2.2 Polystick MTS PLUS is a nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, surfaced with poly-film surface; meets TAS 103. 4.2.3 Polystick IR-Xe is a nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, with an aggregate surface; meets ASTM D1970. 4.2.4 Polystick TU Plus is a nominal 80-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, with a polyester fabric surface; meets ASTM D1970 and TAS 103. 4.2.5 Polystick TU P is a nominal 130-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane,glass-fiber/polyester reinforced, with a granular surface; meets ASTM D1970 and TAS 103. 4.2.6 Polystick TU Max is a nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane with a 190 g/m2 polyester fabric surface; meets ASTM D1970 and TAS 103. exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-R20 --rtificate ofAutharization#9503 FL5259-R24 Revision 20:07/22/2015 Page 3 of 12