HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application Permit Number- '-D FEB 2 4 2016. RECE1'. Plannln#one DevsIOPn e=Servi= BuiIWO �rnd'l ode Rrgvlation i7�Vtslon / rg�hFQAvattulvFortAlerceFt34482 R�SiC�i'il��a��;/ Phone:(77?)462-3553 Fax:(M)42-3578 commercial P # l�d Cf'A- iuCAt3N.1FR: 'pier - cA Address: (Du a v LOO e�pilon:�" [h ,S •p ho rr n �tlYl l ac O;O nd O YV)ft e- (,(-Aq Lot No. l�r?Y: Bkack No. _ $ke Pian(dame, • Pr+o}+�Ct'NBrr�• Setbacks front 8k:: _Right Side: Left Side: I Ism ,I � c ,o . NO—anM- P m - ec a app IML714VAC Gas Tank Piping _Shutters n Windows/Doors Electric Plumbing EjSprinklers EIGenerator Roof Total Sq.Pt-of Construction: __ Ft.of Fira Floor.�]or. Costof Construction•$ A i c �Pb Eltilities Sewer 11Septic Building Height: { Name Name• Add! ass: hJO 1 JIWI Comparry e i � State: Address: I � Zip Code: 0(,0,91--D Fax: _ C"O. `I t n✓ State:_Ej, Phone No. -O:5 -5 G O ` -7 lt:j .Zip Code: ZLM�L_ Fax:'710 E-Mail: Phone No. Ilk(_ Fill In fee sTmpld 7.1de-Holder an'next page'(If different E-Mail: Arndd,(w rn fecom therowner Usted'above) State orL nse: if value bf constre ctkm Is$7500 or more,a RECOMM Notice of Co6mmr'icement Is required. E0/Z0 30dd i13IN3ifd V60TZ69ZLL EZ:EZ 9Z0Z/17Z/Z0 r I,r DES ' R:• T N6tAppiicable MOK14AGE CC►MPAW. Not Applicable 'Name: , Name: Address: Address: City. State: cd , State: r: Zip: pitafae: Zip: Phone: FEE$tI111Pi:E TITLE trli'1LCrER: _-VAlot Applicable BOND€O COMPAWt. _,_ ot`Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Clty- M Zip:-._.- __--Phone: Zip. Phone: I certitythat no work or°insWiation has commenced prior•to the issuance of a permit. St.Lurie-Couttt�r,mai�-no rel pmkntatlon that is granting a permit will authorize'the ermit holder,:totutfd the su)jject s�trucwre which Is.Fn.tortiFlctwtm aaX•a feWe Home C'>wmersAsssacWlon rules,bylaws or an cotrenants at-may restrict or prohibit such structure.Please consult vAth your Home-Owners Association and review yourdeW for any restrictions vfiich may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permk 2 do hereby agree that i will,in all respects,perform the work In accordarim*M-the appraved.plans,the Florida Building Codes and St Lucie County Amendments. The followlrig briridlr-g permit spplkations are exeYnpt from undergoing a full eoncurTency review:room additions, accessory structures,swimming,pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-reWdential use 11 A- ttXG•"�OH1Iil`fER:Vbur failure too Record a Natice of Commence rnrerit maty r�esulc I n your peylrig tvAce for; i . rovem.et�to.yogi:pt�rerty.A Notice of Corr mencement•must be recorded and posted on the jobsite b�e the firsUntpeedon.-if you intend to obtain finandn&consult with(ender or an attorney before commer�cinl work or'recording'your Notice of Commencement. 4 SSWAgent ;.•.,;;F a:�. or Litense bolder der FI,Q A � S?ATf OF FLORID COUNTY OF ( t1' - COUNW.OF � t The Ing in5i before me ' The tng•insttu�?a was awl before me thisday bf 2+Q hP' th�day of T" ( aY (Name ison aeknawiedgi g) (Mame of erson acknowledging) ' (Signature of Notary Puklto-Se of Hprid (signature of NotaryPublic-State of plorida) .•. Personally Known OR Produced Iddritification:i Personalty Known ''�` R Produced Ident'�atlon Type of Idem` Type of Id�iticatlon Prod' CR SIAL.A U EDO AL A QUEVEQO commis on d.. 4 rest 9oa049 commission Ivo. = MY iSStoN#FF EXPMS.kdy 31,2699 ' wary j,p� L"*ES JOY 31,20t9 Revised 07/15/2014 REVEEWS FRONT ZONIIrtG SUPERVISOR PLANS 'VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE C OUFr M REVIEW REVIEW - REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS r E0/Z0 39Vd N3IW3Nd VGOTZ69ZLL £Z:EZ 910Z/17Z/Z0�