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Wind Load Calculation
PARADISE EXTERIOR. "Building Our Quality Reputation One Customer At A Time SCC131150472 Property Information Building Information Owner: Minh-Tam&David Frye Wind Zone: 170 MPH. Address: 3221 RIVER DR Exposure Category: C Fort Pierce,FL 34981 Minimum Building Dimension: 28 ft. Mean Roof Height: 12 ft. Risk Category: II Design Pressure Calculations Opening Location Device Device Device Max Positive Max Negative Number Zone Width(in) Height(in) Elevation(ft) Pressure(psf) Pressure(psf) 1 Int 62 79 7 34.8 -38.0 2 Int 35 61 7 36.8 -40.0 3 Int 35 61 7 36.8 -40.0 -- -- -- - - ---................--- 4 Int 35 37 7 37.8 -41.0 5 Int 35 37 7 37.8 -41.0 6 Int 35 37 7 37.8 -41.0 -----_._-..._. _ ._..- - .._... - - ._.... . - ----_ ....... . -------. .. ............-_. ......... ...._.. ........ . ...... 7 Int 35 37 7 37.841.0 --- .... ..----------. ---- --..._ ------- ------- ----- ---- --- 8 Int 72 61 7 35.1 38.3 ---..........._..- ---- —— ------ -. - -----. - --- 9 Int 29 61 7 37.3 10 Int 29 61 7 37.3 -40.5 -- - ._..........--- - -- - - - 11 Int 29 61 7 37.3 -40.5 12 Int 29 61 7 37.3 -40.5 _. ............. - ---- ............._.._... ---- _. -- 13 Int 30 61 7 37.2 -40.4 Prepared in accordance with:ASCE 7-10,Chapter 30.Wind Loads-Components and Cladding.51h Edition(2014)Florida Building Code. Page 1 of 1 CITY OF FORT PIERCE BUILDING DEPARTMENT PRODUCT APPROVAL SUBMITTAL AFFIDAVIT Permit# Property Address : 5H I I,kq 2 p,2 Contractor : PAgAb%sE e F_d2\ogs Opening Schedule: Swing Doors, Overhead Doors, Sliding Doors, Fixed Glass, Windows & Skylights Opening ID Product Model Manufacturer Glass Description Attachment Method Building Design Product Design # Type,Size,Spacing&Embedment Pressure Pressure 1 FL15210.3 PLASTPRO NONE 114"tapcon,head 3,7/NONE,side 6114,sill 3,7/NONE,E 1 1/2" 34.81-38.0 60/-60 2 FL15780.3 SOFTLITE 7/8"LAMI IG 1/4"tapcon,head 4/14,side 6/11,sill 2"from CL, El 1/2" 36.8/40.0 401-50 3 FL15780.3 SOFTLITE 7/8"LAMI IG 1/4"tapcon,head 4114,side 6/11,sill 2"from CL, El 1/2" 36.8/40.0 401-50 4 FL15780.3 SOFTLITE 7/8"LAMI IG 1/4"tapcon,head 4/14,side 6/11,sill 2"from CL, El 1/2" 37.81-41.0 401-50 5 FL15780.3 SOFTLITE 7/8"LAMI IG 1/4"tapcon,head 4/14,side 6111,sill 2"from CL, El 1/2" 37.8/41.0 40/-50 6 FL15780.3 SOFTLITE 7/8"LAMI IG 1/4"tapcon,head 4/14,side 6/11,sill 2"from CL, Ell 1/2" 37.81-41.0 401-50 7 FL15780.3 SOFTLITE 7/8"LAMI IG 1/4"tapcon,head 4/14,side 6/11,sill 2"from CL, El 1/2" 37.8/41.0 401-50 8 FL15781.6 SOFTLITE 7/8"LAMI IG 1/4"tapcon,head 5/14,side 5/16,sill 5/14, E 1 1/2" 35.1/-38.3 50/-50 9 FL15780.3 SOFTLITE 718"LAMI IG 1/4"tapcon,head 4/14,side 6/11,sill 2"from CL, E 1 1/2" 37.3/-40.5 401-50 10 FL15780.3 SOFTLITE 7/8"LAMI IG 1/4"tapcon,head 4/14,side 6/11,sill 2"from CL. E 1 1/2" 37.3/-40.5 401-50 11 FL15780.3 SOFTLITE 7/8"LAMI IG 1/4"tapcon,head 4/14,side 6/11,sill 2"from CL, E 1 1/2" 37.3/-40.5 401-50 12 FL15780.3 SOFTLITE 7/8"LAMI IG 1/4"tapcon,head 4/14,side 6/11,sill 2"from CL, E 1 1/2" 37.3/-40.5 401-50 13 FL15780.3 SOFTLITE 7/8"LAMI IG 1/4"tapcon,head 4/14,side 6/11,sill 2"from CL, E 1 112" 37.2/40.4 401-50 Opening ID Model# Manufacturer Attachment Method Building Design Product Design Type,Size,Spacing&Embedment Pressure Pressure MULLIONS FL16026.2 SOFTLITE ROOF SIDING SOFFIT HURRICANE PANELS LESS THAN 6' SPAN HURRICANE PANELS 6' OR MORE NEEDS TO BE PERMENTLY INCORPORATED INTO THE PLANS. drive g;building;forms;product preview affidavit new 7/17/03