HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval ................ ... __... .m.......... ........ ...... `EV DA" ............... RAt el CIA FLUSH 27 CA DOOR HEIGHT ........... ................. .................................... Ir MODUS Z7 CA SHrRT THIS DOOR MEE.15 OR UtUOt:TM OC9124,LOAD FOR IIiE 00 G/2Q1 3 WAS :IRAIVINC 101654AS-REV14. src r MNS s ............. ULTIMATE Lt Vto 64�iOIV ACCORDING TO T CLOPAY 2050,40% .105! UNAmm LiLAILNNO COO.-(eASED,CW Coot ON T t IM' 405�1� .......... UILVIN� -0 CONOOSON 7'3' T 9 ASCEj-lo)rp"I n1c IR)LktyiAW NS� I)ENCLOSED ......... quo.-om".2)M-,)R 141;2'or I"'Tof IN OvItolwrs END zc"E.3) 6z,(IFG. W16- 6, ANY rOnr SI.OPE.ANft 4,1L 11x8 N A-CIDAWNU WITH 61 s0 6a.6m (NE,64G,6133 TO 7 MU"Lo, A,'IfTE-spaCFF iC CALMkAIION5 DY A QwLIF5W MA Ir PROFESSIONAL MAY )I IDEAL SOP38. 135 SFL38, 136 SRP18.:134 14'�, TO 16 IS'S' 9 1Tr .............. V;ND .0 155 10 L75 1% SPEED RPH, OPTIONAL 1/4'ACRYLIC ORDSO CLASS WES AVA(LAEU.OPTIONAL ACRYLIC GLAZING IS PLASMOLUE OPTIN OR.UL TC CP APPRGVI�b CO2 PLASTIC IN .....�L�.X SF T'TnN..HL 'Lo! 21' EXPOSURE E.r,a R..C,D B.c B�C R .......... 'IT CATEGORYI POUND C); [ACCORDANCE WITH 18C/F15C 206(SEE SECTION 9-8). SHORT AND LONG 1. J EXPAP40ED POLYS' 12 GA.DAJ.V.'STUL DULLER YRENF UTES APPROWD. 1,(A7tNG 1��NOT IMPAOI RF.$ISTANT, HEA -.'CFJY'HEIGI 25l 15, 25, 15' rOALA.INSULATION LAMINATED A E01 R4ACUE1. EACH WACKEF A"(' TO ROTH EXTERIOR AND- -1 WH(4) #14x5/5` SHFU MZ TMI I A AjSSE.1,11,11Y ")ETA11.5 I M,PACT-R ES�STANT I f YfRTICR4 Aum .::At LED LIAL# DRAMNO 9 I'm' INI CQNCRTF c0i"M%): �2s,m yR LLVE ANCiIIORS E 3/e� IL 27 Ck STEEL MIN EXTERIOR 'LIN -RE.'WS Mi.: 'DL D 01ORS MIZ.IM111C7_FE1�Iw.VIE (2,1W SIMIN. CONCRETE'OR T/4',Y TAP, W ON SX:,4 Wlii Geta'041YAMUI N, STC ITCRIIEV.. !N.74 EO It,COMPLIAKE W:Ih 1H 17'CFNTERS(2,0010 PSI M.EK,ODNCREI E)CR S"CENTERS RWC1-EN PAWEr MIT A 14 CA,G-I:V.STEEL ROLLER SECTION UUM Iff W`9G_UAL'QWwImERn'W"cc UAKEP-N4 r0Ir15,1rR G1,�1111 ASIVILL,"I FLOII�BUXON1.CODE AND IN1Lr­tIOIAL JhIXo'.a Our, INS.ANCHOPS PAINTE,0 10P COAT. #1 wqAr.r mraw. �ND r IVNI.0 W*L CMU DLDICK),WhSii[Ri INCLUDED WIR-f SUCV; ANcHuR: Z I Z, .-,�,I�L--- I I` , .E', E,AL , s, I o.o.,WAsHCRS REOLIAEL) WIT!H,TAPCO 'UNK 70 PIP WD..A NO REQUIRED)COUNTERS 0 �) "'. _ F Fk01,H MOUSTM4;SURFACE.WRIZOWAL JAM.2S oO NOT 'CRE.,_ h�2M TRACK OQ�JRTUPANON TRANSFER t.CAO.. DD LN-Ir (A UR OF NW 'N6T AFFELT THE WIND ANIj GROCIE joiNTS. CAD RAT' mWA-IRAO NG!OF 71.15 DOOR. DOOR 015TWUR O IT, UME:FOR DO OR OVER 5'-0' _�TION 5, HiGe..TRACK CQUF;OUR HALL 2 )Ck F,;"Or.5 NOT P_XCE MAXIMUM SPACING (4, CAL, 7rmK.ONEROD,. y 5z,Ks.U-BARS III S"Ec N70 WATiCAL PROVIDF.D. COI`8UT FACTORY FOR PAUERN,EACH U-PAR ATTACEO AT loc�ON MOR„6iTAIL IF ROD. EAQ4 HINCE LOCATION VVI-it M wpffla SCREIVI V-TILWIL-11. O�i 9. 13 41 CAW.STEEL FLAG ORnKET, Mil TASTENLO TO WOOD AIG TIIH 1_31aTW K - nu OMR u-91-0' womL_51U_�__­ ,A-*�CRWII. 13 L;A.CAW. STEEL 6977 BRACKET, SIFF1,M.!N.kNTERfOR SK' (SHPAI PANEL,SiIaIIIN) ATTACHED WTH (2) #14.!�/S"t�!![Ll UEIAI CRE.JS: N 444 !== WITH'9­0 EALY..YAKE0--ON S,111 1A f, AIGA PRIVER AND A SAKED-ON POIYFS_1- 0.10 W S�.l NOTF,DOVaLF TRACK VF9_1CA.1. JA�MF A`T,�ftWU,5__f'#WD Er-AMF ':OAT, 011F.S�-LATC.ON-7 �OW HEADROOM is _XY LAG�XRLWS U-i'2 Lmaul c Itt TOP WH"cc C,cm, AVk1kAPLE:AS AN O,.TON SCIREWIS OUST USF. V`O.D�'YASHVR, LAO MAY $F. FEW,II�Iaj REQUIPE:0)COUNTIERSUNK-j0.PRO*4IDE. TID! rA Di A FLU SH VIOLINJINC;13LIPFAEF, HOR],ZONTAL.1M.ASS DD N ALUMINUM,EXIRWION I, WNES1.1 Ar", R L.OAD. Gr 14",WFATHERSTRiP. O.rso�F Jo.,!X, -ti cu scE KEYED im"a :TILE ST, DARD_A*r M LOCK w . ! O".01AL F48 OR;/8'-YALIO 11TIES AVAIL�C.OrrIOW-t 0' i .VSEL P`Aels INWxET. -0 ­NQLC -KOqr G-�. L�Wr cs. o"G."OV. Typ.2-1/2'.12 G�Gk� ,�,6A. ........ I P0=,LIP TO a.OISTMCC AtRnlc Q ZIs Is p % c; .. 0 ORA��US WT TO EXCEED 3U_O.r App��;CD DO,FIR TIG, If.181;As�20.1 E N 7 In Owlf�ASA. Z ET Y�c"40Z"M..MA.ff OF ODOR. 7w.9m). EEIS TzPWL11)La,,b rz:Ovw_Mz%Ts bi, R.ORIDA OL LD coc�.OR WVW�, KA;L sUaDING ME N 329V S (4) '14 SHE I S"ROY' PA=' -MEET THE IMPACT PE55ITANY D t- -ST,,NDARD ASSEMBLY DEFTAR.S W-m ORN:: Rtqlow,(RU. It TO IT METAL 1§ -41 & 6 1 DFIAWNG 104814-B L4JI I.HR BRACKET FWNT FRAME.WIN U E F- Y. =,jRLF HOR!ZONTAL CojTIMG ON OUTSIDE SURFACE,(A_ (4) 114"()j_%1,IELF I.APPING SINEWS ff.jjrF ..ts Dql,)Rff TRAC ­_szop _R_D�Nc UY-00-H L()W`47AQPQQM-QPTYOq�_ I'M,tl'iRt (.1.0 U!Fp­­ \�-#8.3/4"PA,4 HFAD SCREW SCOTT 11WILTON, P'E -,o��A. MIN. CAL,,,.STEEL[NDSTiU: MOLDED INSIDE-/ F1,0RUA UCENSE Np. 632,36 UTE RCTAINER� STANDARD%ZM(NOT IMPACT `X I N O= 12 Uk EAU'.STEEL TRACK NOTE THC.ELSIGN.Of THE SI,1PPCRT.;NG 57RUCTURAL ELEMENTS TV1 LCALIS 1112C6 I RA.- 'C' RACKET FASTENED TO W-71 SW-.LL r1Z THE RESPONSIO:IUrY OF THE FRO� _'SIONAL.CF RECORD FOR INE BUILOINO,Of', SIRLCTURE AND W ACCC)RDANCE .AMR wm-.QN. V11=LIK;SCREW PER LIP 1. ACKE' t'S CA, k6IN,rALV,57FL,CJE,�ITFR HINGE WtTH CkEQPENT aWILDING CODES,FORTHE LOAD'S LI.STED:Orq WjC� .............................. .......................... FASTENCLI TO BACK 07 DOOR W/W �.Or�r (DDC' 1!.MCAD--LM M�SIZE! K0 CA1,1W.STEY,1,-,W.K,l FAC I; ��HFFi METAL SCR641. CUMPAY BUILOING Pli(,FDUrT�, CO)IMPAW 71 FASTIENCD TO TRACK DPACKETS, WC, DP36 i 9'0" 1, 1613" o WCA. GALV, STEEL ROLLER HINDf. 8585 DUKE cArc, ........ ....................................................................... EACH 8RACK.�r ATTACHED vAiH oIE FASTENED 10 ENYSTILES W-/(4) EACH 45040 7/ TIVO V.*,�i'V'Els. SIT:"SHM MCfAL 3CPEWS AND elepayl MASON, OH SFLF TAPPING SCREWS. DEL _b10 206 4 �-2_ 10 PALL SHORT`s Cu STEEL ROLL(111 Building Products ('13) 77',)-4800 1.w-'aa v 104814 A/s %T11 STEEL OR NYLON VIRE, ................................................ c..0 0 cpw copwal.,­At ....................................................... ........... U FF i L'UHR FQ)A P R 0 0 U T A P P R(0)V AA .................................... ........ Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 6 3{ofda Dea+rtme^c BCIS Home Log In j User Registration HotTopics I Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts ; Publications I FBC Staff i BCIS Site Map Links I Search i Busines - FrofessialR-1,I " Product Approval ` USER:Public User Regulation Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Aoolication List>Application Detail FL# FL16546-R5 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived !i'II Product Manufacturer Clopay Building Products Company', Address/Phone/Email 8585 Duke Blvd. p Mason,OH 45040 (513)770-6062 iIP mwesterfield@clopay.com Authorized Signature Scott Hamilton 11 shamilton@clopay.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email 'I Category Exterior Doors �9 Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies !! I �Iul Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a.Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer l �l Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Scott Hamilton the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-63286 li Quality Assurance Entity Intertek Testing Services NA Inc.-ETL/Warnock Hersey Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2028 i Validated By Gary Pfuehler )r Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL16546 R5_COI Certification_of_in!deoendence of_Validation Entice_ Gary Pfuehler. df FL16546 R5 OI Statement on Independence of Evaluation Entity- ScottHamilton 120424.1)df f II i., Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2005 ANSI/DASMA 115 i!! 2005 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2009 l; ASTM E330 2002 TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 ! 1994 TAS 203 1994 11 {i hftp://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?pararn=wGEVXQwtDqvociu2w%2bnF... 2/18/2016 Florida Building Code Online ; Page 2 of 6 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By i Sections from the Code it Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 08/31/2015 Date Validated 09/11/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 09/11/2015 Date Approved 10/16/2015 Summary of Products Go to Page Pagel/2 I FL# Model,Number or Name Description 16546.1 01 W5-16-HY PAN-21`153: 73, Steel Pan (min.25 ga.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'0"wide) 1500,75, 190,84A,94,42,48,55, WINDCODE@ WS Garage,IDoor 411ST,6RST,4RSF,6RSF,GD5S, GD5SV,GRSS,GRSSV,AR5S, AR5SV,ED5S,EDSSV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16546 R5 II 101922-A-Revl4.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by IndependentThird Party: No Design Pressure:+32 PSF/-32 PSF' Evaluation Reports I Other:Solid doors(no glazing)or doors with optional FL16546 R5 AE CBPC i,I 31211_A.pdf impact-resistant glazing are impact-resistant(large missile Created by Independent'Third Party: No impact). 16546.2 02 W5-16-HY PAN-21`153: 73, Steel Pan(min.25 ga.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'0"wide) 1500,75, 190,84A,94,42,48,55, WINDCODEO W5 Garagefboor 4RST,611ST,4RSF,6RSF,GD5S, I GD5SV,GRSS,GRSSV,AR5S, I; AR5SV,ED5S,EDSSV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16546 R5 II 101922-!B-Revl4.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +32 PSF/-32 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:The standard glazing available for this product FL16546 R5 AE CBPC 131211-A.pdf meets the wind load requirements of the building code but Created by Independent Third Party: No DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. III, 16546.3 03 W8-16 PAN-21`443: GD4S, Gallery/Artistry/Expressio;ris: Steel Pan(min.24 ga.) GR4S,ED4S,AR4S Double-Car(9`2"to 16'2",wide)WINDCODE@ W8 Garage Door with Optional Impact Resistant Lites Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R5 II 104791-''ftev04.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+46 PSF/-52 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Solid doors(no glazing)or doors with optional FL16546 R5 AE CBPC 131211-A.pdf impact-resistant glazing are impact-resistant(large missile Created by Independent Third Party: No impact). i 16546.4 04 W6-16 PAN-21`153: 73, 1500, Steel Pan(min.25 ga.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) 75, 190,84A,94,42,48,55, WINDCODE@ W6 GaragelDoor 4RST,6RST,4RSF,6RSF,GD5S, j GD5SV,GRSS,GRSSV,AR5S, AR5SV, ED5S,EDSSV Ill Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R5 II 1l Rev03.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +36 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports I1, Other: Max.Wind Speed (V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors(no FL16546 RS AE CBPC 131211-A.pdf standard glazing)are impact-resistant(large missile Created by Independent Third Party: No impact). u 16546.5 I i http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvq'u2w%2bnF... 2/18/2016 Florida Building Code Online `''i Page 3 of 6 05 W6-16 PAN-2F153: 73, 1500, Steel Pan (min.25 ga.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) 75, 190,84A,94,42,48,55, WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door 4RST,6RST,4RSF, 6RSF,GD5S, GD5SV,GR5S,GR5SV,AR5S, AR5SV,ED5S,ED5SV Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16546 R5 11104710 B-Rev03.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilfoh FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent)hird Party: No Design Pressure:+36 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:The standard glazing available for this product FL16546 R5 AE CBPC 131211-A.Ddf meets the wind load requirements of the building code but Created by Independent Third Party: No DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16546.6 06 W6-16 PAN-21`156: 76,2RST Steel Pan(min.25 ga.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) WINDCODEO W6 Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instruction's Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16546 R5 II 104710 A-Rev03.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+36 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH. Solid doors(no FL16546 R5 AE CBPC 1'31211-A.Ddf standard glazing)are impact-resistant(large missile Created by Independent Third Party: No impact). 16546.7 07 W6-16 PAN-21F156: 76,211ST Steel Pan(min.25 ga.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'2"wide) WINDCODEO W6 GaragelDoor Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16546 R5 II 104710-'B-Rev03.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+36 PSF/-42 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:The standard glazing available for this product FL16546 RS AE CBPC 1131211-A.odf meets the wind load requirements of the building code but Created by Independent.Third Party: No DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for I, windborne debris regions. k 16546.8 M08SP,76SP,76VSP W5-16 PANSP-2F153/6: 73SP, Steel Pan (min.25 ga.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'0"wide) WINDCODE@ WS Garage Door Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL16546 R5 II 104818-A-Rev01-signed.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +32 PSF/-37 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:Solid doors(no glazing)or doors with optional FL16546 R5 AE CBPC 131211-A.Ddf impact-resistant glazing are impact-resistant(large missile Created by Independent Third Party: No impact). 16546.9 M09SP,76SP,76VSP WS-16 PANSP-2F153/6: 73SP, Steel Pan (min.25 ga.)Double-Car(9'2"to 16'0"wide) WINDCODE@ W5 Garage.boor Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16546 R5 II 104818-B-Rev01-signed.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure: +32 PSF/-37 PSF Evaluation Reports Other:The standard glazing available for this product 1`1_16546 R5 AE CBPC 131211-A.odf meets the wind load requirements of the building code but Created by Independent Third Party: No DOES NOT meet the impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. i 16546.10 10 W6-09 DSIE-1A171: 2050, Double-skin Insulated EPS1(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; 2051,2053,4050,4051,4053,62, interior skin 29 ga.min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide) 64,65, 62G,62LG,64G,SDP38, WINDCODE@ W6 Garage Door SFL38,SRP38, 134, 135, 136, 6130,6131,6133 III Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL16546 R5 II 104814-4-ReV00.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Scott Hamilton FL PE 63286 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: No Design Pressure:+36 PSF/-44 PSF Evaluation Reports Other: Max.Wind Speed(V_ult): 170 MPH.Solid doors(no FL16546 R5 AE CBPC 1131211-A.Ddf glazing)are impact-resistant(large missile impact). Created by Independent Third Party: No 16546.11 11 W6-09 DSIE-1A171: 2050, Double-skin Insulated EPS(exterior skin 27 ga.min.; 2051,2053,4050,4051,4053,62, interior skin 29 ga. min.)Single-Car(up to 9'0"wide) 64,65,62G,62LG,64G,SDP38, WINDCODE®W6 Garage Door SFL38,SRP38, 134, 135, 136, 6130,6131,6133 LSI, http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?paratn=wGEVXQwtDgvgqu2w%2bnF... 2/18/2016 II, These Tables Are For GARAGE-DOORS.IN One and Two Family Dwellings Garage Doors Installed In Buildings with a Mean Roof Height of 30' or Less Located in Exposures B, C or D Table R301.2(2) of the 5t' Edition FBC Residential k COMPONENTS AND CLADDING WORST CASE DESIGN PRESSURE [PSF] ❑160 EXPOSURE;B: 9'x 7'Door=+24.3 -27.5 ❑160 EXPOSURE 16'x 7' Door=+23.3 -26.0 160 P.OSURE C 9'x T D�O000rr 29.5 -33.3 1 story and max 15'160 EXPOS6'XT +28.2 -31.5 mean roof height). ❑160 EXPOSURE,C .9'x 7' Door=+34.1 -38.5 (2 story and max 30' ❑160 EXPOSURE C 16'X 7'Door=+32.7 -36.4 mean roof height) ❑160 EXPOSURE D 9'x 7' Door=+35.8 -40.5 (1 story and max 15' E]160 EXPOSURE D 16'x 7' Door=.+.34.3 -38.3 mean roof height) ❑160 EXPOSURE D 9'x 7' Door=+40.4 -45.7 (2 story and.max 30' Ell 60 EXPOSURE D 16'x 7' Door=+38.7 -43.2 mean roof,height) ❑150 EXPOSURE B 9'x 7'Door=+21.3 -24.1 ❑150 EXPOSURE B 16'x 7'Door=+20.4 22.7 ❑150 EXPOSURE C 9'x 7'Door=+25.8 -29.2 (1 story and-max 1511 ❑150 EXPOSURE C 16'x 7'Door=+24.7 -27.5 mean roof height ❑150 EXPOSURE C 9'x 7'Door=+29.9 -33.8 (2 story and max 30', [:]l 5O EXPOSURE C 16'x 7'Door=+28.6 -31.8 mean roof height) ❑150 EXPOSURE D 9'x 7' Door=+31.4 =35.5 (1 story and max 15�! M 15 EXPOSURE D 16'x 7' Door=+30.0 -33.4 mean roof height) ❑150 EXPOSURE D 9'x 7'Door=+35.4 -40.1 (2 story and max 30' ❑150 EXPOSURE D 16'x 7'Door=+33:9 -37.7 - mean roof height) Notes: ■ Secure existing bucks per the Product Approval or Desigln Professional Instructions prior to installing the door. Have product approvals available at the time of inspection. j Glazing in Garage.doors must comply with.R301.2.1.2 (Glazing must be impact resistant or shuttered) r Miami Dade N.O.A or Florida Product Approval# : l