HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters STORE COPY This Contract pro fides that all claims,by Customer or Lowes wilt be:'xesolved by IBINDING ARBITRATION. Customer and.Lowe's GIVE UP THE RIGHT T O TO COUR,T`.to;enforce"this Contract"(EXCEPT for matters that, rt"ay�be"takers to SMALL CLAIMS CO UR and Customer's rights will.be'detefrnined'by T a NEUTRAL ARBITRATOR and NOa judge or jury.Lowe's grid Customer are entitled to a'FAIR HEARING:.But the arbitration procedures are SIMPLER AND MORE LIMITED THAN RULES APPLICABLE.IN COURT. Arbitrator decisions are as.enforceable as any court order and are subject to VERY LIMITED RE- VIEW BY A COURT. FOR MORE DETAILS. Review the'.section titled ARBITRATION AGREEMENT.WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL AND WAIVER OF CLASS AC- TIO;N.ADJUDICATION found in the Term:s'and,Conditions of this Contract. TOTAL,CHARGES OF ALL MERCHANDISE AND SERVICES where applicable SUB-TOTAL $1272,2 'TAX $ 0,0 DELIVERY $ 0.0 ORDER TOTAL $ 1272.2 BALANCE DUE Work is to commence upon reasonable availablity of Contractor+ahich is anticipated to be _. (sill in date). Estimated completion date is.-_, [fill in date]. NOTICE TO CUSTOMER All items listed in this contract and specification sheet(s) are tobe installed under conditions agreed upon at time of purchase and at the price appearing on this contract form. This assumes sound existing substructures, superstructure and points of attachments. Extra labor or material incident.to installation necessitated by defective substructures. superstructure,.points of attachment, or the moving of fixtures.or appliances to be billed at extra cost to custom- er. DO NOT SIGN THIS CONTRACT UNTIL COMPLETE AND YOU HAVE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS CONTRACT. BY SIGNING BELOW, YOU ARE ACKNOWLEDGING THAT YOU'HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND AND AGREE TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH ON THIS CONTRACT. YOU ARE:ENTITLED TO A COPY OF THIS CONTRACT.AT THE TIME OF SIGNATURE. NOTICE TO, OWNER;-ACCORDING TO, FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW (SECTIONS 713.001 713.37, FLORIDA STATUTES), THOSE WHO WORK ON YOUR PROPERTY OR PROVIDE MATERIALS AND SERVICES AND ARE NOT PAID IN FULL HAVE A RIGHT TO ENFORCE THEIR CLAIM FOR PAYMENT AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY.'THIS CLAIM IS KNOWN AS A .CONSTRUCTION LIEN. IF YOUR CONTRACTOR OR A SUBCONTRACTOR FAILS TO., PAY SUBCON- TRACTORS: SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS, OR' MATERIAL SUPPLIERS, THOSE PEOPLE WHO .ARE OWED MONEY MAY LOCK TO.YOUR PROPERTY FOR,PAYMENT, EVEN 1F YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID YOUR.CONTRACTOR IN FULL; IF YOU FAIL TO PAY YOUR'CONTRACTOR, YOUR CONTRACTOR MAY ALSO HAVE A LIEN ON YOUR PROPERTY. THIS ;. MEANS IF A LIEN IS FILED YOUR PROPERTY,COULD BE SOLD AGAINST YOUR WILL TO PAY FOR LABOR, MATERIA ALS, OR OTHER SERVICES, THAT YOUR. CONTRACTOR OR A .SUBCONTRACTOR MAY HAVE FAILED TO PAY. TO PROTECT YOURSELF, YOU SHOULD STIPULATE IN THIS CONTRACT THAT BEFORE ANY PAYMENT IS MADE, YOUR Store 240 Project No.,466565201 for RANDY DIAS, Page,3 617 STORE COPY +CONTRACTO.R,.!S.REQPIRED'TO RROVID,E YOU WITH A � ;RITTEN RELEASE,fJ l lEN FR+(7M ANY PERS N_ OR 00MT 1?ANY THAT HAS RROVIDED T(? Y{JU A "NaTICE "f0. OVt1NER.'" FLORIDA'S CONSTRUCTION'1..IEN=LAW IS COMPLEX, AND IT I!§RECO, MENDED THAT YOU CONSULT AN ATTORNEY.. WITNESS OUR HAND(S)AND SEAL(S),BELOW THIS_-DAY Loike's Home Centers, LLC . t. By: {Seal) Print Name: P 6 11r_ ' I r 'f z- (Seal) Address ©tip er r Ile �2z_ jm , City State!Profince Zip r'Posta'Code Prsnt Name (Seal) Ce-O%vner or Witness Print Name Customer acknowledges,receipt true copy which was completely filled in prior to Customer's execution hereof, You the Customer may cancel this transaction at any.time prior to midnight on the third business-day after the date of this transaction.See the attached Notice of Right to Cancel for an explanation of this right. Siore 240'Prdject No. 4665652t1'i&'RANDY'DIAS Page 4 of 7