HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval � . � �� �� �� �~ ��7 �~ `` ~~�~~~~~~-�' Consultant'' �� cn�uumg�dungmxennQu*r,/�uovmomm'o L �� �� �uomoomum�rLoes mmmm3aeW/yr � �— ^� ��» Florida Board mmwmssiomEngineers mmmwmvrAm/mrizmmnNo.voo Date: Jan uaiy 29, 2015 156b Category --Pidufacturer,7, - Swinging iiiZe-rio 118 Industrial Drive "Fiber Classic" Exterior Door ca-b� Assemblies Edgerton,OH 43517 Fiberglass Single Door Scope. This iooProduct Evaluation report issued by R W Building Consultants,Inc.and Lyndon FSchmidt,P.Efor ThermoTru Corporation based onRule Chapter No.81G2O'3 Method 1Dofthe State ofFlorida Product Approval,Department of � Business&Professional Regulation. RW Building Consultants and Lyndon F.Schmidt, P.E.do not have nor will acquire financial interest in the company manufacturing or distributing the product or in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product named herein. Limitadoms: 1. This product has been evaluated and ioincompliance with the 5th Edition(2O14)Florida Building Code(F8{)structural requirements. excluding the"High Velocity Hurricane 2onV'(HVHZ). 2 Product anchors shall boas listed and spaced as shown nndetails.Anchor embedment to base material shall bobeyond wall dressing oromnoo. 3. When used in areas requiring wind borne debris protection this product complies with Section 1609.1.2 of the FBC and does not require onimpact resistant covering.This product meets missile level"D"and excludes Wind Zone 4 as.defined in ASTM E1996 and Section i8OB.i.2.2oythe F8C.-i _—� ring of these units shall be the same as that'sho k-eefi ry'cq 9 ru U � ' 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of drawing FL,5801.1 require further engineering analysis by o licensed engineer or registered architect G. See drawing FL58S1.1for size and design pressure limitations. ' Supporting Documents: " 1. Test Report No. Test Standard Testing Laboratory Signed by ETC 01-741-10702.0 TAS 202-94 ETC Laboratories Wendell VV.Haney,P.E. CTLAS8Dm/ GGTO12'QQ Certified Testing Laboratories Ramesh Patel,P.E. 2. Drawing No. Prepared by Signed&Sealed by No.FL-5091.1 RVVBuilding Consultants,Inc.(CA#S8i3) Lyndon FSchmidt,P.E. 3. Calculations Prepared by . Si-qned&Sealed by Anchoring RVVBuilding Consultants, Inc.(CA#9813) «v�vvno� Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. 4. Quality Assurance Certificate ofParticipation issued byNational Accreditation and Management Institute,certifying that ThonnmTru Corporation iu manufacturing products within nquality assurance program that complies with ISO/IEC i7O2Uand Guide 53. Lyndon F.Schmmt,p.E. � FLPENo.*o409 1/2912015 Sheet 1m[I THERMAITRU 37.59°MAX.O.A. FRAME WIDTH THERMA TRU DOORS . >•••.. . N� 1 1 B INDUSTRIAL DR., EDGERTON, OH 4351 7 PANEL H '''//''hp �sl C\\\`` F roJ m o U NZX. d / Y81' Em 9m0cw 30II X6811 N Ng ,dra "FIBER CLASSIC" ® � z � FIBERGLASS SINGLE DOOR s a INSWING/OUTSWING �CD Z 'IMPACT" _ _ A zA z Iy w Z L w W GENERAL NOTES ' o 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 5th Edition(2014)Florida Building a Code(FBC)structural requirements excluding the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone"(HVHZ). ' a a � 2. Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor embedment to base CO material shall be beyond wail dressing or stucco. t" 3. When used in areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies with Section v 1609.1.2 of the FBC and does not require an impact resistant covering.This product meets missile N level"D"and excludes Wind Zone 4 as defined in ASTM El 996 and Section 1609.1.2.2 of the FBC. a z WQ o 4. For 2x stud framing construction,anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x N aj buck masonry construction. o o 5. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis a N by a licensed engineer or registered architect. d z $ TABLE OF CONTENTS w SHEET# DESCRIPTION 1 Typical elevations,design pressures&general notes OVERAIt DESIGN PRESSURE(PSFf D 'o 2 Door panel details SWING ' FRAME a—z D1MEN510N- 'FOStI]V NEGIIIV�i w� 4 23/08 3 Horizontal cross sections i INSWING 37.59"x 82.19" +67.0 -67.0 sDUE: N.T.S. 4 Vertical cross sections D 5 Buck and frame anchoring-2X buck masonry construction M.BY-. AL m 6 Frame anchoring-1X buck masonry construction 7 Bill of Materials&Components OUTSWING 37.69"x80.69" +67.0 -67.0 a+K.er, LFS 3 DR/MING NO.: € FL-5891.1 0 a SHEET_L OF 7 M(lentATherma Tru PBIMANENT\Fiodda Product APPMwLa\FL-5891\Drawings\CumntAFL-589Ldwg.21 i d O O rD ® ® ® N N ip O nA a13 N� N W 1.54° i g -� T Ra racl n I".tiiti. A a N-+ f� 1.54" �{ I I z0 TER ��� n z M O N 0 T02 1 S4"n I N a - w N a a P C rn rti � � 0 � A n est., xcv• N �. No 43409 PRODUCT: Document.Pnpured 9y. / BDQEOF - _n i F n THERMA-TRU Lyndon F. Schmidt /i/i� ,° •,:' �`� IN rI i . FIBERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 of rjI c, � y w 2 1 28 15 UPDATE TO 5TH W. 014 FBC LFS PART OR ASSEMBLY: /K� BUILDING CONSULTANt"����C I In m p 1 6 11 12 REVISED TQ 2010 FBC JK J1.�P.O. Box 230, VaMco, FL 033595 I� m NO DATE. By DOOR PANEL DETAILS Phone No—813.659.8197 REVISIONS' FBPE CA No. 9813 02000 R.W.111 -a1Na DCNeu-AWS INC. 4 I 4 off• ••., , 10 ® INTERIOR 10 r $dGZ •.. D �' 4' a �a x�d 17 0 2 EXTERIOR z 0 3 5o 7a 3 3 $ x U 20 E C A NN '54 a1-1/4"MIN. D EMB.(TYP.) K 4 3 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 4 10 L al r 3 Shown w(1 subbuck n a a 27 50 INTERIOR INTERIOR 10 w U rn �i 2 O L° _N 7 EXTERIOR EXTERIOR 50 74 �a $ � 42 DfK 20 wre 4/23/08 1 smo MTS, a 1-1(4'"MIN. OWO.an AL mm r EMB.(RYP.) E cw_sr. US 3 1-1147MIN. ORAWING NO.: 1 HORIZONTAL GROSS SECTION (r2�1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION EMB,(TyP,) FL_589t.t a 3 Inswing configuration 3 Inswing configuration ro b sNaer 3 Or 7 d R'\Clients\Themla Tru PERMANEN\Flodda Product Apprmis\FL-5891\Drawings\CunenAFL-589Ldwg,41 O m w Dn Z Z m m O m m °. o a O J m On '.y � H V - b , a. v ° 1-1/ IN. EMB.(TYP.) m m L_ O O m A;a _ 0C 13 \n s (D 7n0 ° ..v o. Z2 0 a Z -9 Q s H n m A 'r m .1 Do A O A . p to v :o °v m n 1-1/4"MIN. EMB.)Tl P. `,,ttt11111111,I F$CFm N0.43409 ' 7`--j•�- _Tt 9 yrr �9 PRODUCT: Doeummta Prwond BY: �� t 60QEOF THERMA—TRU Lyndon F. Sehmfdt �i �OFBd' FIBERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 i I� I z /II/fill 111110 w Co A r y W 2 WAT UPDATE TO 5TH ED. 2014 FBC LFS PART OR ASSEMBLY: BUILDING COS11111REWSED TT7 2010 FBC JK P.O. Bx230. VGtr1Do. Fl_33595 '' NO BY VERTICAI Phone No.:a73.859.9197 REVISIONS CROSS SECT ONS FBPE C.A. No. 9813 ®$1308 R.W.BUILDING CONGULTANrV IND. '� �• .Nq `dn 4C Pi n e: annl� 0 R m z D v a kzN � La 9mcW TYP.HEAD& _ MASONRY d o a MASONRY JAMBS " OPENING LZ$ 'm a a OPENING o E oZ FRAME ® TYP.HEAD& ac o JAMBS ^O ZZ En �U 2X BUCK-\ m 2X BUCK (( m N ZOoZ Q 'o m v' LLJa � "... p g w c p Z e BUCK ANCHORING STRIKE JAMB FRAMEANCHORING, HINGEJAMB a 9 Ma ons ry-2X'buckconstUction J N CONCRETE ANCHOR NOTES: 1.Concrete anchor locations of the comers maybe adjusted to maintain the min. ~ edge distance to mortar joints. R 2.Concrete anchor locations noted as"MAX.ON CENTER"must be adjusted to 0 maintain the min,edge distance to mortar joints,additional-concrete anchors o a may be required to ensure the"MAX.ON CENTER"-dimension are not exceeded. s 3.Concrete anchor table: 28 K N o isitVI1Nz'. IPkR!PNCE:::'lYTIFFCfRR:RAIVCE 10 ' ° TQ;MASi7NRY;::.:`.;iTO'1NACENf:::; 1 ;s;:;IYPEsi > ?.SF E::::'; ;EMgECIM NI?isi::;;;x:;::.............:::•; a:;:;::•;;:r:;;:;•..:::.: ..,.:;:f;:::r :::::EDGE:::::::::::.::::::::::::AAICNOR:•:::.-:::. K s;•::..:............. :•:• :a ::: 27 0 DATE- .............. 4 23 OS i :.- .......... . .::..::::::... ....................... l7w PC SCALL N.T.S. S TAPCON® 1/4" 1.1/4 2" 4" DWG.BY. ALELCO m' '2 ULTRACON 1j4" 1-1/4".7 1" 4" GRN.Nr LFS K I6WOOD SCREW.INSTALLATION NOTES'' Da�vFL NO.; flrMidiritairiya minimum 5/8'•edgdJsfance 1 end dufance,&1."o.c spacing' HINGE DETAIL LATCH 6 DEADBOLT DETAIL f L-b89}.} o ` If wood.seiev+rf'�'p e enf'the spfttFngdf wood SHEET 5 or 7 N db Id% \\` ` * oil � .CVVWWW IJi CS Nroillll 401 d m 2 �9 0 „Z{ ig 9d00. oa M MASONRY M a a OPENING E ' o ��- 28 r FRAME M� N NP.HEAD& JAMBS °e C; 1X BUCK LATCH A DEADBOLT DEWL _ 0 � o � r d. 0 � a a U rn V, Z 3 STRIKE JAMB FRAME ANCHORING HINGE JAMB o g y Masonry 1X buck construcHon N CONCRETEANCHOR NOTES: 0"R E 1.Concrete anchor locations at the comers may be adjusted to maintain the min. edge distance to mortar joints. a 2. Concrete anchor locations noted as MAX.ON CENTER"must be adjusted to 9 Eo ti maintain the min.edge distance to mortar joints,additional concrete anchors H 3 may be required to ensure the MAX.ON CENTER"dimension are not exceeded. m v 3. Concrete anchor table: 10 N ?'; IV�iNj G:t R:RAtJC :......111.F:iA.Ril : 10 :ANCl pR::;i AN 1iOt -::..0.........................:::::::c:.,...........:..,...,.......,...;::; Z :•:.::...........:•::•::::.::.>:::....:....:::::.-,: .... .. :.:.-::.7 R;MA3C ......O;ALIJACEM:;c•: o i'i;':•IYPEiii;:ii s;;;r:�I�E;;;::_ N1BCMENt S>.;;;;;:;>.:'c:;;:::::....:_;;r:;;:::•a.;;a.>::;;, ..: :;i;:;•;:•> :. :•:::.:LLTG@::::::.-:::::•::::.-:::::ELNGNcSk•:::•:::•: wic 4/23/08 = Im ® 1/4" 1-1/4" 2" 4° sic TAPCON N.T.S. 3 ITINMr.BY. AL m' r TAPCON® 3/16" 1-1/4" 3" 1.1/2" CNw W. LFS 3 WOOD SCREW'1NSTALL"ATION•NOTES: — HINGE DETAIL e ORAwING NO.: - L. ...,,- 1 1�Mafntain a mThlmum:S/8"edge distance;i"end distance&Loc spacing" FL-5891.1 0 d of.w_oodscrews to prevent fhe splitting of.,woo _ _ :y SHEET6 or 7 g `�`. .,. BILL".OflMATERiAES a p��''••• ITEM DESCRIPTION —' MATERIAL :r'• ��v' A 1X BUCK SG>=0.55 WOOD g _=� . n B 2X BUCK SG>=0.55 WOOD 4S6' z * �` . C MAX.VVSHIM SPACE WOOD I~— y,• '� 8�;,� D 1/4"X 2-3/4'PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL '/ tkP A o on E MASONRY-3,000 PSI MIN.CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI CONCRETE `� ,1*1111,*�I��``�`` 5.dm.1 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 g ..z G 3116'X 3-1/4"PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL f" I h x z° o Fes--2.36 —�{� ` E m 9 0°18- J w H i/4 x 3-114 PFH ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL gg �Jn 1/�U,3-3/4'.PF$H�ITWCONCRETE-SCREW. __STEEL- -- \ a m" m toy ,'KA'#81V2:1'/2WPFWWOODISCREWv' -- --�4FA STEELP-,J 1 O HEAD a SIDE _ 19 20 \ L 710XTPFHW?Q7C0SCREW STEEL JO"'b V o= 7 SHORT REACH COMPRESSION WEATHERSTRIP FOAM a 8 1 LONG REACH COMPRESSION WEATHERSTRIP FOAM 9 VX 4'HINGE.097'THK. STEEL 10 #10 X 3/4"PFH WOOD SCREW STEEL 17 KWIKSET SIGNATURE SERIES PASSAGE LOCK STEEL z 18 LOW PROFILE OUTSWING BUMP FACE THRESHOLD ALUM./WOOD 220---�-� � Boz 19 HEADER JAMB PINE,S.G.-0.42 WOOD f� } z 20 SIDE JAMB PINE,S.G.>=0.42 n WOOD ` m a 21 KWIKSETSIGNATURESERIES 780 DEADBOLT STEEL 27 LATCH STRIKE PLATE STEEL T1 4.62" 28 DEADBOLT PLATE STEEL ljl o 32 DOOR BOTTOM SWEEP PVC 0 33 SELF ADJUSTING INSWING SADDLE THRESHOLD ALUM.COMP. a a 50 FIBERGLASS DOOR PANEL-FIBER CLASSIC1 tOwPROFILEou1SWING BUMP FACE �m � 51 FC DOOR SKIN.070"MIN.THK.FIBERGLASS BY SMC THERMA-TRU WITH YIELD STRENGTH Fy(MIN.)=6,000 PSI m 52 TOP RAIL COMPOSITE 53 LATCH STILE LVL WOOD o g 54 HINGE STILE WOOD En _ o 55 BOTTOM RAIL COMPOSITE 56 POLYURETHANE FOAM CORE-1.9 LBS.DENSITY FOAM o Ln 57 LOCK BLOCK REINFORCEMENT WOOD 5.75 '1 0 0 E �F NOTE:WOOD/LVL COMPONENTS(PINE,SG>=0.42) ER tni r _w Z �ZSELF ADJUSflNGSADDLE THRESHOLD ` Z n° DATE: 4123108 i SCAB: N.T.S. °+ 2 Dwc.ar: qL m cNrc.en LFS 3 DRAWING NO.: FL-5891.1 c O SHEET 7 OF 7