HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (3) ` Flovjida Building Code online Page 1 of 4 i .":r, , ., ' f!� � tit .�'��1 1�� • 9` '',n• •_"jSSH'�-,=!�l •t°is i?"!r!p`J,�.�-1-;tiAff}ra-a�. Et{•r;-�a3'd .3" 4±�.�jS I L "-..w°...T_. iorlda Deprnl_ent�' —S Home Log In User Registration i Hat Topic Submit Surcharge Sats&Fads - Publications FEC Staff BQS Ste Map i Links Search 3usines j% Professibnal '►tPSFR Public Usser pprovat Regulation Product ApproVaI Menu>Product or Aannratinn Search>Aoolication 0 >Application Detail {;,:- •�:._- Fl.# Ft15349-R5 "•'=°` Revision - .--- --. Application Type Code Version 2014 vi 5- Application Status Approved *Approved by DSPR.Approvals by DSPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission If necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer MI Windows and Doors Address/Phone/Email 650 West Market Street Gratz,PA 17030 (717)365-3300 Ext 2560 t' bsiGinger@mtwd.mm I �LE t ;td � - Authorized Signature Brent Sitfinger y f "11 bsidinger@miwd.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Emaii Category Windows Subcategory Fixed Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency American Architectural Manufacturers Association Validated By Steven M.Urich,PE 4'. Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year AAMA 506 2006 AAMA 506 2008 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.ZIA440 2005 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 1011I.S.2/A440 2008 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 12/17/2014 Date Validated 06/15/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 06/21/2015 httn://floridabuil&ng.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgtH8572gvdWIanDW... 7/24/2015 .l 12.O.C.Mar, i2'D.C., Max. Notesi 3. ELEVATION 3' HEAD DETAIL 1. Installation depleted based off of structural test report SHEATHING/OSE # 05395.01-109-47. 3• ` SIZE HEADER AS NEEDED 2. Wood screws shall satisfy the National Design Specification for Wood 12'O.0 Max FLASHING CAULK UNDER NAILING Construction for material type and BY OTHERS ENTIRE PERIMETER dimensional requirements. •-8Ef9fl&fASTENiNG. "3. Wood'buck ins-tollations are assumed 2x S-P-F(0=0.42) or denser. Buck width shall be greater than the window frome Anchors width. Tapered or partial width bucks See Details are not allowed. Wood buck shall be secured to the structure to resist all 318'MIN. design foods. EDGE DISTANCE JtINIMUh1 4. Wood screw lengths shall be sufficient 1 1/4 1 C to guarantee 1-1/4" penetration into INTO SUD wood buck. 5. Maximum shim thickness of 1/4" permitted at each fastener location. T—~- Shims shall be load bearing, non- compressible type. 12" O.C. Max 6. These drawings depiat the details -L.-- -ft"Nary-to•meet atmetuwl load - - requirements. They do not address the 5 SHIM AS air infiltration, water penetration, intrusion 3" 3/8'MIN. REQUIRED or thermal performance requirements of EDGE 0I51ARCE -A the Installation. tI DRYWALL Be, - I 4 7. Installation shown Is that of the test window for the size shown and the P5� .1 5/8'SCREW design pressure claimed. For window sizes smaller than shown, locate jamb `'{sr;DwN wITH�"sHEATti , fasteners 3"from corners and no more Mt)�'ItiIkGHfEVE�t 1 J4 sa?-x,,r,a., A'e'I�CLEARANCE PENEIRAnCN INTO sttlD.= than 12" on center. Locate head/sill (ALL FOUR SIDES) f' - fasteners 3" from corners and no more Y� f x 1 g!8'_scREw_J y�S1CL;DETAIL- _ than 12" on center. Design pressures (SN- wtTHi�SHEA7�11N0) 6 •- - of smaller window sizes are limited to r' y MUST ACHIEVE i-1/4` that of the test window. :. PENETRATION INTO STUD. ~ FASTENER TYPE AND SPADING SHOWN WILL ALLOW DESIGN PRESSURES UP TO+561-55 MISSLE LEVEL D AND WINOZONE 3 IBM TeeT UPOM Pali INDIVIDUAL 08T SM AND APPLICABLE DROM PM08URE 4NUTATlaNS) 3/8'MIN. SHEATHING EDGE DISTANC , -� -- �� mea oru �» am ■■ ]INSTALLATION tisTRUCTUM . C• 02/15/10 ene�lor - REVISIONS DATE APPROVED �C OWNS 'NAIL FIN' IS A GENERIC TERM WHICH REV DESCRIPTION Windows&Doors � �`giplolaltY �!lelh5 tem! IFIXld NONE 1 or - tNOT TOMBENCONF�GJITH '1GP'.FRONT FLANGE) A REVISED INSTALLATION DETAILS 5/20/15 F.A..; Gratz, PA ]85!3185 SP FIN A