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frb|{pc.xd Oorporata Office 2755'NW 63rd Court lFt. Laudsrdals, FL 3330S wxrw.s6rvlcPff nedca,com r-888-201-5759 TALE$ AGREEMENT *H*kj 4 8{,s3th Oate; S.tUa rtJa)cx*. lnatt,qddfe6s: C CU {_.^ xo "pno*,-HAJ -3 7 V-{*J7, " ". Other ohone: t,O,i: ..- S,Oi* Admin. Fee;;-- r,",r,#,"7i;{, (rabaPPt* ,g{ ' Apt: ?st City:\Y;qsa syit.m Typ.: J split dr""r"g" JWater source !.Strrarghl coot -r xro'porp aqrnicrLocrtion; $.cround JRoo{ JCrane N;;J I -_r"tst".l* TAtH"nJreil"."tion, JGrrage f,Atri. JClorel Therrnart t Typr: l4Digitat lJ Prqg;3rnmsSlg Wiring: ii Thermartat "l Disconnect Box Ll Smolce Oalector Replrcr Circuit 6ryrken r-r Air Hardler: /-rb t>te / t Siz^l> {) ,r* {l Condsnser: Sir* -Typ6 -l Heater: , size -tQ{u) ,Condenrata Drain Hook-upr {Frimary rJ Secondrry(EtNawCondensarePump ilSlab U Auriliary drain pan i:l Horirontal dr€in part il Auxilary float ralety switch il Rafrigerant cOpper liquid line si:r; iJ iefrigerant coppef suction line size:--- 3 Eefrigerant line cover &rfigA Ftustr A,l*qtt-serJo'm€d;d teorda?'q! tith€ri*ing cod{5,leludal ait eE!trod pgr6;i, t6rerl prr{qmrd hys, uenting:i}d$trc:{ar id*rtblis. srhryt{$trlt^l viDrilicnido.iEtien F{d*. hutr<.n. ltilppirg tod rcruvlI o{ otl *quignsnr. u*c&4R',t/E-K-- rom *!_* sEEn J{ Bw VVtg€ rwx /Q M"d.t ^tx-f/ zP(A V g 3 T t L:(P /a ? fr00 Bru - X',,H CSAE Partr & Lrbor Warranry AIH ./- - Y*.y'slr parrs a LaborWananty Cond. / * yrs. y't*tg.tm*nUondorpr"ss* 10*yrr. lilt*fg.', W"rr"n y on Ourdoor Coil ... J O - vrc. ,/yfg.t wurr"nty on Indoor Coit J Q- v". '/t,t{g.:Wanantye"*s ^.-. - /O ,*ir". System Investment lnstall Kit Crane Bebee-dcr"drlr Utility Sewice America Other Replacement,Credit fixel$Fgndrfrso$ Inrulation Duct Cleaning UV Ught Other Adrninis,trative Fee Total Investment Down Payment RalanceSne *i:4-a-- -2f 4"N"6:tr$k Methodof Payment i.lCaetr il.Financing l-,lCteditCard ilCheckJ -,.*CCType il-lVi:a l.-jMC ,* oiscover txpiration Datel -*,-- CSVf :- TAqj ia.:.a'| .lr,!sdfr.4gfnerttrcFelrircrr a,rJo'dr,ms*l:cw Y_*,ar*x,:hl'lrJ:1f+J4,r x,'.'1 le,..4 n.at x 4tds.tr rr.,-{x',1r--1.!:'.,'.}:!al letlri{uo.rrB{}{lricbporr:tn:heretoit:.r{:{)tl*cra4irufr.,Nfr:t?i€fsjfe:!?^}e4:ttf,ta+r,t.pr-r.j.i.-t-'-r, t,ee.r)?-,*.:,t^::a, ('relY.|,:l?!vs''n}yfnr1r.:|,r'ttr,s{q!4ntvn..bl.t.'ii}&.aN|*in.r'nlJnyl{sepl','!d's.*jeIx+'l|*rl,o rlt4drro nDfl.nl du. b inrbrh6 it fu,! lPon @nP,.lid of nl||fldion, My rignature acknowlcdger occeptance of thi termt Nbovs. I have rerd and underiland, all InfErrnation on ths front and back ofthir Salar bddet tequired ior inrFection; J Yai A r{s-.!tr'a. 5.p{c ArsrJ l,K'a \ ("-1C01sj t,(iB qhc rS (is1N ' tU(.\.: len.. btrtf) ttk