HomeMy WebLinkAboutMisc Letters Fort Pierce Utilities Authority "Committed To Quality'. Key Accounts 206 S.6th Street Fort Pierce,FL 349843191 Phone(772)466-1600 Fax(772)467-3115. Job Location: 710 N,39 STREET Invoice Number: KA-117-13 Account Name: DOMENICA M FLORA PCN: 240460801710001 Contact Name: DOMENICA M FLORA Locip: 10006266-236961 Billing Address: .19141 SE REACH ISLAND LANE JUPITER - FL 33458 Phone: W12, Fax:( Cell:C Cust Type Commercial City Limits Outside. gdescnati -y z n F­ 1 518 X 3/4!' Water Meter andior Service Installation $700.00 Water Security Deposit $60i00 Water New Account Setup Charge $40.00 Water Capital Improvement Charge W ERUS 0.00 WOO *Water Accrued Guaranteed Revenue Charge $0.00 Meter Verification.Fees $0.00 Wastewater Security Deposit $0.00 Wastewater New Account Setup Charge $0.00 Wastewater Capital Improvement Charge WW ERUs 0.00. $0.00. *Wastewater Accrued Guaranteed Revenue,Charge $0.00 Lien Fees 0.00 t S ru t Estimateees 0.00 0.00 1water.and Wastewater AGRC lbealar(ii atiod until the end of the mortili.:if not racelmed by'.. Down Payment: s0-00 theend oitheYlonlh,now fees iiQ apply.Please contact otic oice-tior updated fees. Invoice Total. $800.00 Description for service order: INSTALL 5/8 X V4"WATER METER SUNLAND GARDENS M,9BU Total Paid: $800.00 Date Paid: 11/14=13---- Credit/Debit: 10000 Customers will be assessed wastewater charges the day they connect to the wastewater systbrn-or within M days from.date wastewater Connection Charge is paid-whichever is first.The cost ofthe:service fine from the point of 4ellv&yt the property fine to the.houselbuilding is-the responsibility of the customer and isnot included InAhis invoice..State laws require that a permit fr6m the Aealth Department must be obtained Prior to lndWft asebtic tank abandonment.Contact the Health Department at(772)8734931. Construction cost estimates are based on current labor,equipment and material prices. Actual costs of construction wilt be determined at the completion of the project Should unforeseen circumstances be encountered during construction,including but not limited to adverse weatherconditions and construction conflicts,the customer will be responsible for increased costs. Additional costs incurred by the customer shall not exceed fifteen(16). percent of the total estimated construction costs shown above; Estimated costs paid by the customer that exceed thwactual cost of construction will be refunded by Fort Pierce 1.16fities;Authority. Reviewed By: Joyce Easterday"e Accounts Specialist Date: 1011712013 Customer's Signature: Date: Printed Name: Customer Copy Fort Pierce Utilities 206 South 6th Street, Fort Pierce, FL 34950 (772) 466-1600 Date: 14-NOV-2013 Time: 02:57:16 PM Invoice: 10006266-236961 Card Type: MasterCard Card Number: XXXX6006 Trans ID: 8691525213 Auth Code: 055752 Approved Amt: $800.00 I AGREE TO PAX'THE ABOVE TOTAL ACCORDING TO MY CARD ISSUER AGREEMENT. X, 2404-8W-671-000-1 TO_ WATER/WASTEWATER ENGINEERING, 1'7`10 NORTH 3eSTREU.FORT PmRca.FLORwA-54947 FORT PIBRcE UTtLmEs AurHoRrrY .Location Address POsr OFflmE Box 3191 FORT PiERce.FLORIDA 3494&3191 19141 5E REACIi IStAId3:}LAND-JUPrrER,FLORiOA 33458 Mailing Address(if differerAfrom location address). Hear Sir. The.undersigned does hereby apply to Port Pierce Utilities Authority for water service and/or sewer service outside the.City limits of the City of Fort Pierce,Florida to the following-descn"bed property which I own,to wit THEWEsT430 FEET OFTHE FOLLOvWNO: LOT 100,GARDEN CiTY FARMS SUBDMSION,AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6,PAGE 5 OFTHE Pusuc RECORDS OF ST,LucIE COUNTY,FLORIDA,FXCEPTtNG THEREFROM THE NORTI'. 30 FEET.THE WEST 30 FF,BTANA THE SOUTH 30 FEET FOR ROAD RIG4HT OE WAY THE ASdvE-oEscRiars)PROPERTY is HOT THE Hoi4]6sTEAD OF THE GRANTOR& THE GR=oRS RESIM AT 19141 SE ReAcH LsLANo LN.,JuplrER,FLORIDA 33456 1 hereby agree that In consideration of my request for water,service and/or sewer service to my prope►ty,that if my property either becomes.contiguous to the City ilmits of the City of Fort Pierce,Florida,as such term is defined in the laws of Florida,is subject tom Chapter 171 lnterloc:ai service boundary-agreement where contiguity has been waived by the County,or may otherwise be lawl'ufiy annexed,'that this application shall be considered as an application for the annexation of riiy property(above-described)into the City of Fort Pierce,Florida. I do also hereby for myself,my heirs,successors and assigns approve the annexation.of my property into the City of Fort Piercy,Florida.and consent thereto in the event that it,or any area includingIt is proposed for annexation by election or otherwise. t waive any and all objections to annexation of the property and agree that this Agreement snail be Construed to saftly any requirements of law for consent to,or approval of,such annexation now or hereafter required. I further confirm that this Agreement ON be binding upon my heirs,successors or assigns and that this document may be recorded in the Public Records of St Lucie County,Florida forthe purpose of serving as notice to all persons or entities. in Witness Whereof.we hereunto set our hand and'seal this ;� day of �26c 2013. Signed,seated and delivered In pie�s�r as 'tresses: vin Stgvva Skjdafti& Michael-J.Flora ) :,f rimed Witness Sigrtatiirs Printed Signature 07:- 19141 SE Reach Island Ln. Address ]� I Jupiter,Florida 334556 Wr' retness Signatus 'pity. Zlp &#11[i uru -3i-iiwtirre Printedd Witness Signature Domenica K Flora.his wrTe-- Printed Signature STATE OF FLORIDA i 19141 SE Reach Island Ln. l' �VV �� .El_Cm 11 Address COUNTY OF Jupiter,Florida 33458 City,State,zip I hereby certify that on this day before me, a" officer duty 'Uthbrtzed to administer oaths and take acknowledgments; personally appeared Michael J. Flora and Domenico BL FlcFa,his wife, known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing IrstrUmertt,who acknowledged before me that.they executed the same,that I railed upon the foitoiti wo form of Identification of the above-named persons: Driveeg Licenses; and thifa,n oath was no#taken. . RUBBER STAMP NOTARY Saar. Witness my hand and official Seal in the County and State last -- NthSTE1Gt+.Y afbi weld m ?clay of C?--GVW.A.D-2013. AVV - MY COMMISSIOt3#E510U + C ti EXPiRES December 2I,2414 t.Notary Signature (407),39ao'5 ATTORNEY CLEARANCE This will confirm that the following customer has signed an. , annexation aareement and is therefore cleared for nrovision o_-F utility services: ! Customer Name: [ Michael J. Flora and Domenica M. Flora.. his. wife ( Site Address: ( 710 North 39c" Street, Fort Pierce, Florida. 34947 ) Parcel ID No. : 2404-608-0171-000-1 ( Date of Execution of Annexation. Aareement: DATED this dav of _Q 2013.- R. N. KOBLEGARD-, III, At-corne.