HomeMy WebLinkAboutOWENS CORNING SHINGLES - 2014 FBCFlorida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 04/22/2015 Date Validated 04/23/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 04/25/2015 Date Approved 06/23/2015 Summary of Products FL * Modell Number or Name Description 10674.1 Owens Coming Asphalt Roofing Shingles and Starters Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: N/A Other: Refer to ER, Section 5. Page 2 of 2 3 -tab, 4 -tab, 5 -tab, laminated, starter and hip & ridge shingles Installation Instructions FL10674 RIO 11 2015 04 FINAL ER OC ASPHALT SHINGLES F 10674-RIO-Ddf Verified By: Robert 1. M. Niemmen PE - 59166 Created by Independent Third Parry: Yes Evaluation Repots F110674 R10 AE 2015 04 FINAL ER OC ASPHALT 5jjwalFI 1nA74T Ing Created by Independent Third Party: Yes nn rrm—I iia 194, bluish Mn .,w ,wl Tallish—, n 12109 Plmon, P[n.aeJ-I A14 The slate d Fronde is an AAMECI empioYK. '.ynl >nn2-Jn l _ ; -, Pr vu u,[late ud, Pilsen loo under nonda law, email addresses art PUNIC rKKds. 11 You W r.1 want your a -mail address released on resbun[e to A puELErecto request, 09 nil send electronic mad to this entity. Instead, Contest the office by pllo^e or by nadit.1 mad. if you twee any quest..,, please canlact 650.491.1395. -Puissant to SeNon 455.I7S(I), nonda dilutes, eeestmu October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Ch.1ter 455, F.S. must pmv.e the cepanment with an email address If they have one. The emalls provided may be used for Circuit Commumcetmn with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do rout wish tic supply a personal address. Please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the puNlp To determine of mu are a I.eesee under Ch.Pter ASS, F.S.. Pleau dee h.ve , Product ApprovN ACCedp: W)®EE® Cre I[i� E https:tModdabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.espx7param=wGEVXOwtDgtBNbEY5V%2boOT%2b6w7ahReglCO8ucR6ixEAoiMeKNJKxMw%3d%3d July 1. 2015 TRINITY ERD EVALUATION REPORT Owens Corning One Owens Corning Parkway Toledo, OH 43659 EXTERIOR RESEARCH & DESIGN, U.C. Certificate OlAuthorizotion #9503 353 CHRISTIAN STREET, UNIT #13 OXFORD, CT 06478 PHONE: (203) 262-9245 FAX: (203) 262-9243 Evaluation Report 037940.02.12 -RS FL10674-R10 Date of Issuance: 02/06/2012 Revision 5: 04/22/2015 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the S'N Edition (2014) Florida Building Code sections noted herein, DESCRIPTION: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity IERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words 'TrinitylERD Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 6 Prepared by: ,peN'N° _moi � jy %? i Ste•' O}�a Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. '• s�i��i�e�,.v Florida Registration No. 59J66, Florida DCA ANE1983 '�•""jpiO� rM I.Iirnik real appearrrylraa aW MnteE M R"Mn Nemner., PE .0412rrmn. mn roes rronerve a[ an e4<nomuRv •�F^� 02umtrrl YF/NE. ua4E MrY0ykr Mve M<n lranfinrllPO toIM P,ea.2 AP MAdmnuaUa2Rr anC toiM rumM [len[ CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. TrinitylERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial Interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. Trinityl ERD is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial Interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity lERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. TRINITY ERD ROOFING SYSTEMS EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE: Product Category: Roofing Sub -Category: Asphalt Shingles Compliance Statement: Owens Corning Asphalt Roof Shingles, as produced by Owens Corning, have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein. 2. STANDARDS: Section Prope Standard year 1507.2.5, R905.2.4 Physical Properties ASTM D3462 2009 1507.2.7.1, R905.2.6.1 Wind Resistance ASTM D3161 2009 1507.2.7.1, R905.2.6.1 Wind Resistance ASTM D7158 2008 3. REFERENCES: Entlnr Examination Referred n Dine UL LLC (CER9626) Physicals & Wind Resistance File R2453, Vol. 3 02/15/2007 UL LLC (CER9626) Physicals & Wind Resistance 20120516-R2453 05/16/2012 UL LLC (TST9628) Physical Properties 06CA20263 04/18/2006 UL LLC (TST9628) Wind Resistance 11CA34308 02/18/2012 UL LLC (TST9628) Physicals & Wind Resistance 4786093137 02/01/2014 UL LLC (TST9628) Wind Resistance 4786126532 02/10/2014 UL LLC (TST9628) Physical Properties Classification letter 02/13/2014 MiamiDade(CER1592) FBC HVHZ Compliance Various NOAs Various UL LLC (QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation, 82453 Exp. 08/20/2017 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Asphalt Shingles: 4.1.1 Classic and Supreme are fiberglass reinforced, 3 -tab asphalt roof shingles. 4.1.2 Berkshire are fiberglass reinforced, 4 -tab asphalt roof shingles. 4.1.3 Devonshire— are fiberglass reinforced, 5 -tab asphalt roof shingles. 4.1.4 Duration*, TruDefinition Duration', Duration Premium Cool, TruDefinition Duration Designer Color Collection, TruDefinition Oakridge*, Oakridge and WeatherGuard HP are fiberglass reinforced, laminated asphalt roof shingles. 4.2 Berkshire Hip & Ridge Shingles, High Ridge, Hip & Ridge with Sealant, WeatherGuard HP Hip & Ridge Shingles, ProEdge Hip & Ridge Shingles and DuraRidge•" Hip & Ridge Shingles are fiberglass reinforced, hip and ridge asphalt roof shingles. 4.3 Starter Strip Plus and Starter Shingle Roll are starter strips for asphalt roof shingles. S. LIMITATIONS: 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither TrinitylERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in the HVHZ. 5.3 Fire Classification Is not part of this Evaluation Report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 5.4 Wind Classification: 5.4.1 All Owens Corning shingles noted herein are Classified in accordance with FOC Tables 1507.2.7.1 and R905.2.6.1 to ASTM D3161, Class F and/or ASTM D7358, Class H, indicating the shingles are acceptable for us in all wind zones up to V,b = 150 mph (V"„ = 194 mph(. Refer to Section 6 for installation requirements to meet this wind rating. 5.4.2 All Owens Corning hip & ridge shingles and Starter Strip Plus noted herein are Classified in accordance with FBC Tables 1507.2.7.1 and 8905.2.6.1 to ASTM D3161, Class F, indicating the shingles are acceptable for us in all wind zones up to Vr,a = 150 mph (V,zt = 194 mph). Refer to Section 6 for installation requirements to meet this wind rating. Extedor Research and Design, U.C. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12 -RS Certl7kete GlAuthorLafbn/9503 FL10674-R10 Revision 5:04/22/2015 Page 2 of 6 6. TRINITY ERD 5.4.3 Classification by ASTM D7158 applies to exposure category 8 or C and a building height of 60 feet or less. Calculations by a qualified design professional are required for conditions outside these limitations. Contact the shingle manufacturer for data specific to each shingle. 5.4.4 Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations. 5.5 All products in the roof assembly shall have quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and F.A.C. Rule 61G20-3. INSTALLATION: 6.1 Underlayment: 6.1.1 Underlayment shall be acceptable to Owens Corning and shall hold current Florida Statewide Product Approval, or be Locally Approved per Rule 61G20-3, per FBC Sections 1507.2.3, 1507.2.4 or R905.2.3. 6.2 Asphalt Shingles: 6.2.1 Installation of asphalt shingles shall comply with the manufacturer's current published instructions, using minimum four (4) nails per shingle in accordance with FBC Sections 1507.2 or R905.2, with the following exceptions: Y Berkshire shingles require minimum five (5) nails per shingle. Y WeatherGuard HP shingles require minimum six (6) nails per shingle. Y Devonshire" shingles require minimum six (6) nails per shingle. Starter Strip Pius requires minimum five (5) nails per strip. Refer to Owens Corning published Information on wind resistance and installation limitations. 6.2.2 Fasteners shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's published requirements, but not less than FBC 1507.2.6 or R905.2.5. Staples are not permitted. 6.2.4 Where the roof slope exceeds 21 units vertical in 12 units horizontal, special methods of fastening are required. Contact the shingle manufacturer for details. 6.2.5 Minimum Nailing - Classic* &Supreme: ?Yh 6bNl�i■ Normal Mansard or Area Pere Bind Araee Nleh BNnd doevenss r Anne Pan v/en ive norn aNe Ansae vienras /wines a"Eep•eor• E.Psaleldn —1 P', r� F I I C 6.2.6 Minimum Nailing - Berkshire•: Sada Jdp / ll tL. dr vtlMa _I • - Olf 1 • • 44f 1� GWI rw' I I I Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Cernpe•re of Aurhorimlion 19503 111s11JL*3L g j Normal VAnd Asses IA~ pen vientw nwx,&&1" R, 1 n,nn�' ;W: �'vr-I'I B B/e' E.p... r. E.po.i,i6. Mansard or Ana Pan HIEN )find deewnes r Areas view" fwrres ssan,vp V hr dr Wh 1' 1 1 1 •t__ \ 4y41rx rM�rMy Mll,r.11 CMnMla dl tarMN Wata Evaluation Report 037940.02.12 -RS FL10674-R10 Revision 5: 04/22/2015 Page 3 of 6 6.2.7 Minimum Nailing—Devonshire"': 113 6.2.8 TRINITY LRD Ten 1' Soots of Asphalt Roof Cement Minimum Nailing — Duration*, TruDefinitione Duration, Duration* Premium Cool & TruDefinition Duration Designer Color Collection: i 4 Nal Pattem Esvue na do 4 davoo Spouse li wningaxa vid1h au. a. caws Suntlal s s lI 51. Erp• xe P. ping. & arpoodan 6N' Bgo.w 6wPWP.dOWPO ebn 6 NA fleet.•..+'rn5u' 6r — IMa•e%w+n M vos 1 de 6do n �r•�rrelwn w.wr \ raawp M1 amer r' \ rn• f xV Rr rpwx F sr it �r��V 5'.pdp. Jr rvM'ii%b. Clax" Stiplttr df flpp edt. 6.2.9 Minimum Nailing - TruDefinition Oakridge•, Oakridge"': 4 Nall Pattern 6 Nall Pattern Esqusma cert4 claws Esquama con 6 davos 659' Expaun Nee 66Ar EaPvruw &povam N56/6pWP clow E•po11dop665/9pdP. 6.2.10 Minimum Nailing — WeatherGuard• HP: T v � _ � rr —►1 66A'&pwuw C4�ros 669"Exp•ww Erpodaaonea66/8pW9, Eapeualonh66/6pdq. Single sire View Vbee ems. 0 F..wmTho Exterior Research and Design, UC. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12-R5 Cerrylrore o/Auraorlaotbn X9503 FL10674-RIO Revision 5:04/22/2015 Page 4 of 6 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 TRINITY ERD Hip St Ridge Shingles: Installation of Berkshire Hip and Ridge Shingles, High Ridge, Hip & Ridge with Sealant, WeatherGuard HP Hip and Ridge Shingles and ProEdge Hip & Ridge Shingles shall comply with the manufacturer's current published instructions, using four (4) nails per shingle. Installation of DuraRidge'" Hip & Ridge Shingles shall comply with the manufacturer's current published instructions, using two (2) nails per shingle. Refer to Owens Corning published information on wind resistance and installation limitations, including the use of hand -sealing for wind warranties. Fasteners shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's published requirements, but not less than FBC 1507.2.6 or R905.2.5. Staples are not permitted. Minimum Nailing — Berkshire* Hip & Ridge and High Ridge: Fig./ _� F42 A-. inn"tYYw„x \ q4 i C NI i i Minimum Nailing — Hip & Ridge with Sealant tteln Fig. 2 - High Wind Fastening Pattern (4 Nails) Min Shingle— . and Discard Excess 2n_ —Sealant 1"—{ Strip " Fastening 55/a" Distance I 1" t 72" S"Exposure 1 �— 12 " --� Minimum Nailing— WeatherGuard• HP Hip and Ridge: Fig, A 9 4 vnwsbewse :�\ ago ° �FJ�nIA Fig. C Hip B Ridge Shingle Faslening T"vw Exterior Research and Design, U.C. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12 R5 renipmte o7Aofhodro11on "SO FL10674-R 10 Revision 5:04/22/2015 Page 5 of 6 6.3.6 6.3.7 Minimum Nailing- Prolidge Hip & Ridge Shingles: Prevailing Wind Direction r TRINITY ERD Sanderd I. Faetening P.ttem *err r tx• 7'h•Eil I—.,__—. Minimum Nailing- Duraltidge" Hip & Ridge Shingles: Note: The drawings below pertain to minimum, as -tested attachment requirements. Refer to Owens Corning published installation instructions for their minimum requirements. R.wOny W��d D�r..ier Vtirrir R•" ^Dn.n�nn Axmmna.we HI. vne. ror Dn.mov as nib pdnJr. • � =j• �}I_ Oe�Cv�A irwlUl' jt7� CirN\ 1 I � 1 I •I�� I IT ! t I�e La.r I I IS -- 7. LABELING: 7.1 Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. 7.2 Asphalt shingle wrappers shall indicate compliance with one of the required classifications detailed in FOC Table 1507.2.7.1 / R905.2.6.1. 8. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. 9. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: Contact the named OA entity for information on which plants produce products covered by Florida Rule 9N-3 CIA requirements. 10. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: UL LLC- QUA9625 ; (414) 248-6409; karen.buchmann@ul.com - END OF EVALUATION REPORT - Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. Evaluation Report 037940.02.12 -RS Cnrifimre of Aurhortr9Uon 09503 FL10674-R30 Revision 5:04/22/2015 Page 6 of 6