HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4169055 OR BOOK 3846. PAGE 399, Recorded 03/.14/2016 at 03:15 1 NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain red Pap",and in accordance with Chapter 713, Fludda statneea the following information is provided in the Notice of commencement. S0L1 -boo-000q-DOO-0 2. 3FRWc.intend in property d.Name and address of fee dinple titleholder(if,*,,ft, 4- -Zo-e-IS rn I eC_+-r-i'C� CONTRACTORS NAh%ADAND PWNE DYSSS 11e,111 W OAV)" pt. :Ft. ne-rce, PL- :54522— t-1-12-14(eS-23103 5.SURETY'S NAM ADDRESS AM MOM NUMBER AM BOND AMOUNT. 6 LENII)ER'S NAME,ADDRESS AMMOM NUMBER:— NOW- 7.Pawn within the State ofHoridadesigualod by Owner upon whom notices arotber docrunanstsmay be saved asprovided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRM AND MONENUMBER: S.In addition to himself or baself,Owner designate$the following to receive a copy of the Uena's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes: NAME,APDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 9.Fiwirstiou date of notice efcataineaccinent(the expiration deft is I year from the date of recording naless a Wered date is specified) —20— WARNING TO QVINEIRt ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY nffi OWNER AFTER nlB EXP11RA110N OF THE XWXM OF ARE CONSIDERED BMW=PAYMENTS UNDER OA=713,EW I SECTION 713,13,FLOPMA STATUTES.AND CAN RES= IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR B11MOMEMEND TO YOUR P"l?j3R=.NICE OF COWD&WENT MUST BE RECORDED AND WSTW ON nM LOB Sr1E BEFORE THE FIRST MrMMON-JE YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN RNANCM emm wnu YOUR RMP CQbfl0=Q WORKOR RBQ0"XQ YOUR NOM OF CIZOANCEMEN11 PO-C ern or Print Name and ftvd&grabn's TlfidOffiar Owner's Aathadud OM v P r Mir P it ny Ift rto v r FA IF p pager -r-O(4,5' State oflUrklir-1 County of R.4w,4 The Mir aftowledged before me this day of V (Name ofpen&) a Owner,Offi.,trustee;attorney in W) For 15ZO5 6'r 4�cr&pp-L 2'"V_ _VkAja4'X e '�'JC4_ 'D V. 4 1 (Name of party onbebalfol'whom instrument was execuftd) y YnowA— or poduced Ute following ityip oflD. )CPC- CHRISTIAN DAUN moloty Pubiic.Stoie at Texas -Y Comm.Expires 02-03-2019 (Printed Name of Notary Public) (Signsture ofNotaryI Notary ID 13010103.0 Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it we true to the bed of my knowledge and belief(section nW.Florida Statules). S­g[a---ft--*�s)afOwner(s)orowmr(s)'AutbDrind onker/MndorfPgrbwv?janWvrbodgned above% By: By, R.. STATE OF kORIDA ST.tUVE COUNTY T 1 S-TOICE " FY- AT Hi IS-A TR N 00 CT OP 0 TH OR MIT L By:--- — u Derjuty C1 r..k I MAR2016 Dole-