HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E.,, SMITH,, OLEkK ;OF R CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUGI., GG;- TY FILE # 4163045` OR 130 3k 381 PAGE 2478, Recorded 02/24/20(1'--"t 12:30 PM .� NOTICE.OF COMMENCEMENT V permit No 0 —coo lli State of.Florida County ofSLCucle The enders; here notice#hat Improvement will Se.made to certain rear geed by grws property,and in accordance-with Chapter 713,Florida 5tattrtes, , the f4lowing Information Is provided in this Notice of Commencement I L"at Desuiption of (a d et add If table) )' — , -7 General desaipifon of aprovernerrt t i owner l' a infoniwtior'}€f the contracted for the Improv Name nhk'E'[' t?l.'5 `S�t Q tf if -1J �.,�*" "f r • at !-l7i /, fx Address intErest iri pl'apectyJ'—' _ Name and'sddress offee simple tideiiotder(if ddferentfrom Owner listed above): i Con`tracta'sfiiame: . X I t Gon#taorRddress: P e miter. i i _surety.flfappiicable;zcopydibepaymerrtband Isattadied}=-Anyduc�tofisoiid; .. ( r`'`3 f Name anti address: __. . . Phorie number: terider7Nme:, _ Phone Number. lender's address u+ m Persons within'the State.of Aorlda designated b.yOwner upon:wiwm nvticts of other documents may be served asprovided by suction Z;'L3.Vjl)(a)7.;Florida Statutes:; i Name:. Phone Number. r. Address, In add-rHon:t o himself or herself,Owner designates of to receive a copy of the Uenor's Notice as provided1h Section 22=(#(b),Ronda Statutes. Phone number of person or entity designated by;owner ti E)p€ration date of notice of commencemen nt (the expiration date may.not be before the completion of construction and finalPaymeirE __r'�tie� C6ntitct ir,but.will be 1-year from the date'of recording,unlessa dilfenent date Is spedf€ed). y. Cr u . r- cZ S WARNINGTOOWNER ANY'PAYMEIMMADESYTHEOWNER AFTERTHEEKNRATIONOFTH£NQPaDFCOMMMCEMF1rME,CONS( IMPROPER PAYMENTS 1NOER CHAPTER 713;PART 1,SCCTION 71313,FWRIDASCATUTES,AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYI' -NICE E "Z5=C3. IMPROYEMENTST.O;YOUR PROPERTY.A'NancE OF:commENCEMENTMUST 8E.RECORDED AND`P05iEDONTHE.I613SiTE BEF��TF3lrF��Si ttJSt'ECTlQN.IF-YOU tNTENDTO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCINGUfr Sbf E o w RECORDING.1'DM]ND21LEOF MENfE1JiM d p C.5 Under penalty of perjury,I.declare that]have read the foregoing notice of commencement and that the facts stated therein arePbn6ih rr� 1 rimy __ . edge and belief. �� ua cr r—a (Signature of Owner or Lessee,' r Owne or.l essee's Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager '(Srgnatnry'S Ti tie/Office) The foneg/o'ing/instrumerrit wa/s'a know ledged before,me this, day :gy !(K�'+-'D� 6 t¢:Gt ..:F as st J Y/t� d 'for i of Person Type afauthoiity{eJ.officet ftustee) Party an behalf of%Vhorh insfiumentwas ewcuted Personaily imoum,—w/or produced ides kation_ (Sig NWy Public-AffevofFlorida) (Pr9nt;Type,or•Stapnp Coriimisstoned,Narrre of Notary Public): Type of Identification produced C(j �n,rvvvnnrriVi FRAMPTON �: g'.'Roy il'co,'AISSI - MFFi8818b ERCIR65:JanuaryVE as X019 t MAR 17 2016 }