HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application (2) JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 3786265 OR BOOK 3470 PAGE 138, Recorded 01/03/2013, at 0214 PM Doc Tax: $525.00 I I Prepared by and return io: niertt7itle,Inc. 628 Colorado Avenue Stuart,Florlds 34994 as a necessary incident to the fulfillment ofeonditions contained in a title insurance commitment issued by it. Property A raisers Parcel I.D.(Folio tunber(s): 342 20247-0 I ' TY D Thi Warren Deed M e e �Q Warranty �t a day f D cemb ,2 CA L MAR 1R 11 R ,ti single er on,hereinafter called a tor,whose p st o ice address is:X266 nnldhrt Ave, gg arbor City, l ew ersey 08215 r t to WARD M PO SIC,a ngle perso hose p at office addr is: 302,1 SA INLEAF LN ORT ST LU a 34952,hereina ed the grantee, WITNESSETH: That said grantor,for and inconsideration of the sum of$75,000.00 Dollars and other valuable considerations,receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,hereby grants,bargains,sells, aliens,;iemises,releases, conveys and confines unto the grantee,all that certain land situate in St.Lucie County Florida,viz t 7 LOT 22,BLOCK 32,SAVANNA CLUB PLAT NO TWO,ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF i AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 24 AT PAGES 15, 15A THROUGH 15C OF;THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST LUCIE COUNTY,FLORIDA [} Together with 1986 Mobile Home Make Palm bearing ID PH063076A and PH0063076B i' t TTie prc tb mestead of (s). + TO A THER with all th tenem ,hereditamen d app enances thereto be gin or in an •se pe T av d to d,th sam in f tmple ve. d grantor here y c ve is th said gran the g tori lawfully s ize of sai d I f si e;that e g for has good ng tan is 1 authority to s II an conve sai land;tha a for h y' y w is the tie said-land and will def nd a some against a la 1 cl ms rsons omsoever, n tba aid laud is e all enct#nPt4ces,ex pt es accruing su seq ent.to, ervations,r ctions and ease lents of record,if '•',,,, Y•;';.i{tri; . . � F d I s.,W' eo G for h here sot tot's d the day and year ov j t 0'Slg' , eyed WitnestY7ign :PritiEs�l+Iamo: ,'{�u�� CAROL MARIE HE RTZ r W i store:� t r priaSad+Name: �Ndy G Proe0vo57' ' t ' STATE OF NEW JERSEY COUNTY OF I i The foregoing instrument was acknowledged bFfoteday,of Decerri e'er 2012, by CAROL MARIE ICERTZ, a single,person,bu fp.1s"persnpAyolmown a or who'have produced E driver I' se s 'fieation. My o stdit ,' c 1" M R E-C.6 0P er IrU T ub c— tat o, ew rsey f NO AR PUOUC OF.NE My Co m an Expites,daryui Sfi' I I, I . i I �1 OR BOOK 3470 PAGE 139 Prepared by and rerun to: blerit Title,lar. 628 Colorado Avenue Stuart,Florida 34994 as a necessary incident to the fulfillment of conditions contained in a tide insurance cornmibnent issued by il. Property P el I.D.(Fol' ber(s): 342 20247-0002 W Ty E D 'I s arranty Deed Mad th th day of D cen er,2 12,by JOHN TZand A HERTZ, b sba d and wife,herein er Iled the gran r, ose p at o s is: 266 S Fr rel rt Ave,Egg Ha bur ity,New e 0 15 to ED SK,a sin ,whose po s is: 3024 SA ,PORT ST LUCIE,Florida 34952,hereinafter called the grantee, WPPNESSEII3: That said grantor,for and in consideration of the sum of$75,000.00 Dollars end other valuable considerations,receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants,bargains, sells,aliens,'remises,releases, conveys and confirms unto the grantee,all that certain land situate in St.Lucie County,.Florida,viz 1 LOT 22,BLOCK 32,SAVANNA CLUB PLAT NO TWO,ACCORDING TO THE PLI T THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 24 AT PAGES 15, 15A THROUGH 15C OF THE PUBLIC i RECORDS OF ST LUCIE COUNTY,FLORIDA I I Together with 1986 Mobile Home Make Palm bearing ID PH063076A and PH0063076B i The petty the estea fthe tor(s). 1. ET with thet is, ditam an app an thereto eloo ' go in se pp g To av and to Iiold, in simple fo r. P ► th grantor hereby co is "th said grantee at a or' 1 of said 1 d is fee ple;that i th for has good right and a 1 authority to se an conv said land;that grantor hem full warrants the r till to 'd land and wr71 defer th same against el 1 cl ' so ns whomsoever, d th said land is flee f nctrmbmn cep tax accruing ent to,r se ationa,restrictions and e m of record,if f in ess Wb ,Grantor hereunt grantor' and and seal a day and y above en Signed,sealed an deliver din urprea Co. Witness Srgnattue: Printed Name: Cw,/iJv�f/Q /^t���� JOHN KER i Witnrxa Sigaatum:Zt." * I' Printed Name: A A KERTZ I f STATE OF GEORGIA t COUNTY OF The for mg ins was a elle of D 012, J TZ TA Z, o a e on wn to i e o who ve P driver lic e(s as'den' ati M sitin Expires: Av L` t yi. r�•1� ubt" —State G orgia ,I i � ,I