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3/11/2016 Florida Building Code Online • a 0 d . 6 Florida Depaventq BCIS Home I Log In I User Registration I Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats&Fads I Publications I FBC Staff I BCIS Site Map I Links Search Busines Professi nal i0i Ali Product Approval USER: Public User Regulation ,� ,�rc Product Approval Menu>Product or Aoolication Search>Application List>Application Detail e 9 • FL# FL11651-R2 MAR 7 2016 Application Type Revision PERMITTING Code Version 2014 St. Lucie County, FL Application Status Approved Comments Archived D Product Manufacturer Gulf Coast Supply&Manufacturing, LLC. Address/Phone/Email 4020 S. W. 449th Street Horseshoe Beach, FL 32648 (352)498-7852 ray@gulfcoastsupply.com Authorized Signature Ray Bowen ray@gulfcoastsupply.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Metal Roofing Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer 9 Evaluation Report- Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Daniel S. Kuhn the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-75519 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/12/2024 Validated By Locke Bowden 9 Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL11651 R2 COI Cert of Ind Kuhn Ena.Ddf FL11651 R2 COI Letter of Name chanoe.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year FM 4471 1992 TAS 100 1995 TAS 110 2000 TAS 125 2003 UL 1897 2004 UL 580 2006 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app d.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsQFc5K%2frrZeCSHgw99R5wgNNppMyNezj3512E8PCQwgA%3d%3d 1/5 3/11/2016 Florida Building Code Online Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 07/01/2015 Date Validated 07/10/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 07/18/2015 Date Approved 08/18/2015 Summary of Products Go to Page = a 0 0 Page 1/ 2 FL# Model,Number or Name Description 11651.1 0.032"Aluminum 5V Crimp 0.032" 5 V Crimp Aluminum Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 1 R2 0325vCrimp 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.odf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 1 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.odf Design Pressure: +N/A/-108.5PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -108.5 psf @ 12" o.c. Install per manufacturers Created by Independent Third Party: Yes details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones. Evaluation Reports FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 1 R2 0325vCrimo 15- 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.2 0.032" Aluminum Gulf Lok 0.032"Aluminum Gulf Lok 16" Wide Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 2 R2 032GulfLok 16 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.odf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 2 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Design Pressure: +N/A/-116.OPSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -52.5 psf @ 5 3/16" o.c. fastener spacing. -116.0 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes psf @ 5 3/16" o.c. fastener spacing. Install per Evaluation Reports manufacturers details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 2 R2 032GulfLok 16 15- 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.3 1" 24ga. Gulf Snap 1" Gulf Snap 24 Ga. 17" wide Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 2 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 3 R2 1 24GulfSnao 17 15- Impact Resistant: N/A 32Plvwood HVHZ..odf Design Pressure: +N/A/--131.OPS Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -67.3 psf @ 24" o.c. clip spacing. -131 psf @ 6" Created by Independent Third Party: Yes o.c. clip spacing. Install per manufacturers details. For use Evaluation Reports in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 3 R2 1 24GulfSnao 17 IS- 32Plvwood HVHZ..odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.4 1" 24ga. VersaLoc 1"VersaLoc 24ga 16.5'Wide Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 4 R2 24VersaLoc SR 16.5 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood HVHZ..odf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 4 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail..odf Design Pressure: +N/A/-138.5PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -71 psf @ 24" o.c. clip spacing. -138.5 psf @ 6" Created by Independent Third Party: Yes o.c. clip spacing. Install per manufacturers details. For use Evaluation Reports in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 4 R2 24VersaLoc SR 16.5 15- 32Plvwood HVHZ..Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.5 1"VersaLoc .032"Aluminum 1"VersaLoc .032"Aluminum over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 5 R2 lin 032VersaLoc SR 16 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood HVHZ..odf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 5 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail..odf Design Pressure: +N/A/-IO1.OPSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -63.3 psf @ 24" o.c. clip spacing. -101.0 psf @ 6" Created by Independent Third Party: Yes o.c. clip spacing. Install per manufacturers details. For use Evaluation Reports in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 5 R2 lin 032VersaLoc SR 16 15- 32Plvwood HVHZ..pdf https:/Avww.floridabui ldi ng.org/pr/pr_app_dU.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsQFG5K%2f FrZeCSH gw99R5wgN NppMyNezj3512E8POQwgA%3d°/`3d 2/5 3/11/2016 Florida Building Code Online Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.6 1.5" 24ga. Gulf Snap 1.5" Gulf Snap 24ga. 16" Wide Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 6 R2 1.5 24GulfSnao 16 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood HVHZ..odf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 6 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail..odf Design Pressure: +N/A/-116.OPSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -86.0 psf @ 24" o.c. clip spacing. -108.5 psf @ 12" Created by Independent Third Party: Yes o.c. clip spacing. -116.0 psf @ 6" o.c. clip spacing. Install Evaluation Reports per manufacturers detals. For use in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 6 R2 1.5 24GulfSnao 16 15- 32Plvwood HVHZ..odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.7 1.5" 24ga. Versa Loc 1.5"Versal-oc 24ga. 16"wide Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 7 R2 1.5 24VersaLoc 16 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood HVHZ..odf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 7 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail..odf Design Pressure: +N/A/-123.5PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -59.75 psf @ 24" o.c. clip spacing. -123.5 psf @ 12" Created by Independent Third Party: Yes o.c. clip spacing. Install per manufacturers details. For use Evaluation Reports in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 7 R2 1.5 24VersaLoc 16 15- 32Plvwood HVHZ..odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.8 2" 24ga. Mega Loc 24 Ga. 2" MegaLoc 18"wide Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 8 R2 24MeoaLoc 18 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.Ddf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 8 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Design Pressure: +N/A/-108.5PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -71.0 psf @ 24" o.c. clip spacing. -108.5 psf @ 12" Created by Independent Third Party: Yes o.c. clip spacing. Install per manufacturers details. Not for Evaluation Reports use in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 8 R2 24MeoaLoc 18 15- 32Plywood NonHVHZ.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.9 24 Ga. Gulf Lok 24 Ga. Gulf Lok 16" Wide over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 9 R2 24GulfLok 16 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.odf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 9 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Design Pressure: +N/A/-96.7PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -81.75 psf @ 10-1/4"o.c. fastener spacing. -96.76 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes psf @ 5-1/8"o.c. fastener spacing. -121.75 psf @ 5-1/8" Evaluation Reports fastener spacing. -161 psf @ 5-1/8"fastener spacing. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 9 R2 24GulfLok 16 15- Install per manufacturers details. Not for use in HVHZ 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.Ddf Zones. Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.10 24 Ga. Gulf Seam 24 Ga. Gulf Seam 16" Wide Roof Panel over 1x4 Wood Purlins over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 10 R2 24GulfSeam 16 1x4 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.odf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 10 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Design Pressure: +N/A/-93.5PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -93.5 psf @ 18" o.c. Install per manufacturers Created by Independent Third Party: Yes details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones. Evaluation Reports FL11651 R2 AE 14FL116SI 10 R2 24GulfSeam 16 1x4 15- 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.11 24 Ga. Gulf Seam 24 Ga. Gulf Seam, 1 3/4"Snap Lock, 18" Wide Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 11 R2 24GulfSeam 18 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.Ddf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 11 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.odf Design Pressure: +N/A/-108.5PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -69.25 psf @ 24"o.c. clip spacing. -108.5 psf @ 12" Created by Independent Third Party: Yes o.c. clip spacing. Install per manufacturers details. Not for Evaluation Reports use in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 11 R2 24GulfSeam 18 15- 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.12 26 Ga. 5V Crimp 26 Ga. 5V Crimp Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood https:/Avww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsQFc5K%2fFrZeCSHgwg9R5wgNNppMyNezj3512E8POQwgA%3d%3d 3/5 3/11/2016 Florida Building Code Online Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 12 R2 265vCrimp 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood HVHZ.pdf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 12 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.ndf Design Pressure: +N/A/-156.SPSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -108.5 psf @ 12" o.c, fastener spacing. -156.5 psf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes @ 6" o.c, fastener spacing. Install per manufacturers Evaluation Reports details. For use in HVHZ Zones. FL116SI R2 AE 14FL11651 12 R2 265vCrimp 15- 32Plywood HVHZ.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.13 26 Ga. 5V Crimp 26 Ga. 5V Crimp over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 13 R2 265vCrimp IS- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.pdf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 13 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Design Pressure: +N/A/-131.PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -94.25 psf @ 16" c.c, fastener pattern. -131.0 psf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes @ 16" o.c. fastener pattern. Install per manufacturers Evaluation Reports details. Not for use in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 13 R2 265vCrimp 15- 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.14 26 Ga. 5V Crimp 26 Ga. 5V Crimp Roof Panel over 1x4 Wood Purlins over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 14 R2 265vCrimp 1x4 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.odf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 14 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Design Pressure: +N/A/-156.5PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -108.5 psf @ 12" o.c. fastener spacing. -156.5 psf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes @ 6" o.c. fastener spacing. Install per manufacturers Evaluation Reports details. For use in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 14 R2 265vCrimp 1x4 15- 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.15 26 Ga. Gulf Lok 26 Ga. Gulf Lok 16" Wide Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 15 R2 26GulfLok 16 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood HVHZ.pdf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 15 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Design Pressure: +N/A/-161.OPSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -63.5 psf @ 5 3/16" o.c, fastener spacing. -121.75 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes psf @ 5 3/16"spacing. -161.0 psf @ 5 3/16"o.c. fastener Evaluation Reports spacing. Install per manufacturers details. For use in HVHZ FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 15 R2 26GulfLok 16 15- Zones. 32Plvwood HVHZ.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.16 26 Ga. Gulf Lok 26 Ga. Gulf Lok 16"Wide Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 16 R2 26GulfLok 16 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.odf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 16 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Design Pressure: +N/A/-63.5PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -63.5 psf @ 5 3/16" o.c. fastener spacing. -121.75 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes psf @ 5 3/16" fastener spacing. -161 psf @ 5 3/16"fastener Evaluation Reports spacing. Install per manufacturers details. Not for use in FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 16 R2 26GulfLok 16 15- HVHZ Zones. 32Plywood NonHVHZ.pdf Thir 11651.17 26 Ga. GulfPBR 26 Ga. Gulf PBR Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11651 R2 II 17 R2 26GulfPBR 15-32Plvwood NonHVHZ.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes FL11651 R2 II 17 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Impact Resistant: N/A Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Design Pressure: +N/A/-154.7PSF Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Other: -59.25 psf @ 24" o.c. fastener pattern. -154.75 psf Evaluation Reports @ 12"o.c, fastener pattern. Install per manufacturer FL11651 R2 AE 17 R2 26GulfPBR 15- details. Not for use in HVHZ 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.18 26 Ga. GulfPBR 26 Ga. GulfPBR Roof Panel over 1x4 Wood Purlins over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 18 R2 26GulfPBR 1x4 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood HVHZ.pdf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 18 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Design Pressure: +N/A/-151.7PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 https:/Auww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsQFc5K%2frrZeCSHgw99R5wgNNppMyNezj3512E8POQwgA%3d%3d 4/5 3/11/2016 Florida Building Code Online Other: =100.5 psf @ 24"o.c. fastener spacing. -151.75 psf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes @ 12"fastener spacing. Install per manufacturer's details. Evaluation Reports For use in HVHZ Zones FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 18 R2 26GulfPBR 1x4 15- 32Plvwood HVHZ.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.19 26 Ga. GulfPBR 26 Ga. GulfPBR over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11651 R2 II 14FL11651 19 R2 26GulfPBR 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood HVHZ.Ddf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 19 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.pdf Design Pressure: +N/A/-154.7PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -60.5 psf @ 24"o.c. fastener spacing. -154.75 psf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes @ 12" o.c. fastener spacing. Install per manufacturer's Evaluation Reports details. For use in HVHZ Zones. FL11651 R2 AE 14FL11651 19 R2 26GulfPBR 15- 32Plvwood HVHZ.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 11651.20 26 Ga. GulfPBR 26 Ga. GulfPBR over 1x4 Wood Purlins over 15/32" Plywood Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11651 R2 II 20 R2 26GulfPBR 1x4 15- Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.Ddf Impact Resistant: N/A FL11651 R2 II 20 R2 Metal Roof Panel Detail.odf Design Pressure: +N/A/-151.7PSF Verified By: Dan Kuhn, P.E. 75519 Other: -94.25 psf @ 24" o.c. fastener spacing. -151.75 psf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes @ 12"fastener spacing. Install per manufacturer's details. Evaluation Reports Not for use in HVHZ Zones FL11651 R2 AE 20 R2 26GulfPBR 1x4 15- 32Plvwood NonHVHZ.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Go to Page i_.........._......_I Page 1/2 Back Next Contact Us:: 1940 North Monroe Street,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone: 850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida. :: Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement:: Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.*Pursuant to Section 455.275(l),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: ® EOhEck M SL'curitv,,mf-rRt&r https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_ U.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsQFc5K%2fTrZeCSHgw99R5wgNNppMyNezj3512E8POQwgA%3d%3d 5/5 co�k FLORIDA P. , , . . . . , Gulf SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING TM I P L01,K' • e ® ° A PAWL-OVER' 125J32-" P 60D FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL N4. 11651.16 OM Im Product Evaluation Report GULF COAST SUPPLY& MANUFACTURING, LLC 26 Ga. GulfLokTM 16" Wide Roof Panel over 15132" Plywood Florida Product Approval #11651.16 R2 Florida Building Code 2014 Per Rule 61 G20-3 Method: 1 —D Category: Roofing Subcategory: Metal Roofing Compliance Method: 61 G20-3.005(1)(d) NON HVHZ Product Manufacturer: Gulf Coast Supply & Manufacturing, LLC. 14429 SW 2nd Place, Suite G30 :•�`pPN�GEN. Newberry, FL 32669 \ SF•.�L *. No. 75519 = Engineer Evaluator: �- Dan Kuhn, P.E. #75519 = ' = STATE OF Q Florida Evaluation ANE ID: 10743 ;�,�•, '1% c�; OntoNS►•'••. .. •'� . , A L SIA Validator: ,1, Locke Bowden, P.E. #49704 06307L15 9450 Alysbury Place Montgomery, AL 36117 Contents: Evaluation Report Pages 1 — 5 FL#11651.16 R2•JUNE 15,2015 . , , , REPORT e o FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL GuIfCo6�t SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING 26 ' GULIFLOWm ° ° Yi PA4EL i FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL NO. 11651.16 Rr2 TM Compliance Statement: The product as described in this report has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2014, Sections 1504.3.2. Product Description: GulfLokTM, 7/s" Nailstrip Roof Panel, Minimum 26 Ga. Steel, Maximum 16" Coverage, Roof panel restrained with fasteners into minimum 15A2" plywood decking. Non Structural application. Panel Material/Standards: Material: Minimum 26 Ga. Steel, ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 conforming to Florida Building Code 2014 Section 1507.4.3. Paint Finish Optional ' Yield Strength: 50.0 ksi Corrosion Resistance: Panel Material shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014, Section 1507.4.3. Panel Dimension(s): Thickness: 0.018" Minimum Width: 16" Coverage Maximum Female Rib: 7/S" Tall Male Rib: 3/a" Tall Rib with Slotted Strip Panel Seam: Snap Lock Panel Clip: 24 Ga. Zinc Aluminum Coated Steel, 24" Long. Used at Corner Zones only, where required design pressures exceed-121.75 psf. Panel Fastener: Through Panel Slot: (1)#10-12x1" Pancake Type A 1/a" Minimum Penetration through Plywood. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2014, Section 1506.6, 1507.4.4 Substrate Description: Minimum 15/32" thick, APA Rated plywood over supports at maximum 24" O.C. Design of plywood and plywood supports are outside the scope of this evaluation. Must be designed in accordance w/Florida Building Code 2014. Design Uplift Pressures: Table"A" Maximum Design Pressures Roof Areas Assembly A Assembly B Assembly C Maximum Design Pressures -63.5 psf -121.75 psf -161 psf Fastener Spacing . 5Ya"O.0 5�/a"O.0 51/s"®.0 Sealant No Yes ENoanel *Design Pressure includes a Safety Factor=2.0. FL#11651.16 R2•JUNE 15,2015 PRODUCT EVALUATION REPORT SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING -W K Ul- FL-0 • ' 0 • 1 ' • ft ' ' iG61iCozi*� 'L wdOD FLORIDA Fft©DUCT: APPROVAL NQ. 116..51.16 R2 TM Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2014, Sections 1504.3.2. Evaluation Report Scope: The product evaluation is limited to compliance with the structural wind load requirements of the Florida Building Code 2014, as relates to Rule 61 G20-3. Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: • UL 580-06 -Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies • UL 1897-04- Uplift Test for Roof Covering Systems. Reference Data: 1. UL 580-94/ 1897-98 Uplift Test Force Engineering &Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization #TST-5328) Report No. 117-0301T-10A-C, Dated 07/26/2013 2. TAS 125 Architectural Testing, Inc. (FBC Organization #TST-1527) Report No. B9000.01-450-18, Dated 12/122012 3. Certificate of Independence By Dan Kuhn, P.E. (FL#75519) Q Kuhn Engineering, LLC (FBC Organization #ANE ID: 10743) Test Standard Equivalence: 1. The UL 580-94 test standard is equivalent to the UL 580-06 test standard. 2. The UL 1897-98 test standard is equivalent to the UL 1897-04 test standard. Quality Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established compliance of roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61 G20-3.005(3)for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity. Minimum Slope Range: Minimum Slope shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014, including Section 1507.4.2 and in accordance with Manufacturers recommendations. Installation: Install per Manufacturer's recommended details. Underlayment: Shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014 section 1507.4.5.1 and 1507.4.5.2. Roof Panel Fire Classification: Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. Shear Diaphragm: Shear Diaphragm values are outside the scope of this report. FL#11651.16 R2•JUNE 15,2015 P e ■ ORT �LORIDA ,PIRODUCI. ARPRID VA L G61ICozi'� 14, SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING FLORIDA PRODUCT APPROVAL NO. 116:51.16 R2 TM Design Procedure: For roofs within the parameters listed on the load table, fastening pattern must at a minimum meet those listed for the applicable wind zone. For all roofs outside the parameters listed on the load table, design wind loads shall be determined for each project in accordance with FBC 2014 Section 1609 or ASCE 7-10 using allowable stress design. The maximum fastener spacing listed herein shall not be exceeded. This evaluation report is not applicable in High Velocity Hurricane Zone. Refer to current NOA or HVHZ evaluation report for use of this product in High Velocity Hurricane Zone. FL#11651.16 R2 •JUNE 15,2015 PRO DUCT�EVALUATION REPORT . , , B Y� ® • ®.0 ® a 0 I 9 • h / .` GuIfCoag SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING •' • ® a ® . ,, ® " e ala ® ® FLC?R1® .PR®©l1 .PPR®SIAL N0. 1'16`51.16 R� TM ENGINEER LOAD TABLE: 26 Ga. GulfLokTM 16"Wide Roof Panel over 15/32" Plywood Buildings having a R®of Mean Height C 20'-®"; Roof 51ope 2�"%12' -s'°1>2"/12" Ga�ie or Hip Raaf;Ui/Indpeeds'12® 180rnph, Exposure , Risk Category II, Enclosed.Building; based on�FlorltlaBullding Code 2®14. � " �� � k 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 WIIND FASTENER SUBSTRATE SPEED (MIN.1/4" (MIN.15/32") ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER ON CENTER Penetration) SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING SPACING ZONE:1 (=1)#T0-12x1" "CDXASSEMBLY A ASSEMBLY A ASSEMBLY ASSEMBL=Y A ASSEMBLY A ,. . . ZONE 2 (1)#10-12x1" CDX PLYWOOD ASSEMBLY A ASSEMBLY A ASSEMBLY A ASSEMBLY A ASSEMBLY A ASSEMBLY B ASSEMBLY B CDX ZONE 3 (1)#10-12x1" ASSEMBLY A ASSEMBLYA ASSEMBLY B''ASSE(v1BLY B ASSEMBLY B =A-5S- 1Y'B' PLOOD ,„ , . .. 1.)PANEL DESCRIPTION: GULFLOKTM, MIN.26 GA, 7/8" RIB, 16" MAXIMUM COVERAGE, SNAP SEAM. 2.)PANEL FASTENER:THROUGH PANEL SLOT: (1)#10-12X1" PANCAKE TYPE A, '/4" MIN. PENETRATION THROUGH PLYWOOD. 3.) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PANEL UPLIFT PRESSURE:-63.5 PSF AT 51/8"O.C. ASSEMBLY A, -121.75 PSF AT 51/8"O.C.WITH SEALANT ASSEMBLY B,-161 PSF AT 51/s"O.C.WITH CLIP ASSEMBLY C. PRESSURE BASED ON UL 580/UL 1897 TESTING BY FORCE ENGINEERING & TESTING. 4.)PLYWOOD DECKING: MIN.15/s2"THICK,APA RATED PLYWOOD, GRADE C-D. MUST BE DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FBC 2014 5.) LOAD TABLE BASED ON WIND PRESSURES CALCULATED PER ASCE 7-10(KD=0.85) MULTIPLIED BY 0.6 PER FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 2014 Note:Dimension(a)is defined as 10% of the minimum width of the building or ZONE 2 HIP ROOF ZONE 3 a 40%of the mean height of the roof,whichever is smaller,however,(a)cannot be — less than either 4%of the minimum width of the building or 3 feet. ------------------ ASSEMBLY \� RIDGE 16"COVERAGE ZONE 1 (1)#10-12 X-"TYPE A PANCAKE ------------------- SPACING:SEE UPLIFTTABLE �—EAVE ASSEMBLY B ZONE 2 GABLE ROOF1/4"-5/16°DIAMETER BEAD OF TITEBOND SEALANT J—\----------------I a I I I I (1)#10-12 X 1°TYPE A PANCAKE RIDGE SPACING:SEE UPLIFT TABLE --- -- ------------ —fa ASSEMBLY C W/CLIP +---------------------4- �a GulfLo�TYPE '" 4 GA. � ZONE 1 � I I +---------------------� (1)#1012XPANCAKE SPACING:SEE UPLIFT TABLE ZONE 3 EAVE FL#11651.16 R2•JUNE 15,2015 IR ;'Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 2 D c ll ® FlMda Deparmentof BCIS Home I Log In User Registration I Hot Topic I Submit Surcharge I.Stats&Facts I Publications E FBC Staff I SCIS Site Map I Links ? Search Busines �= �- Professi Product Approval USER:Public User Regulation �. Product Approval Menu>Product or Aoolication Search>Application List>Application Detail r e I FL# FL12570-R4 = Application Type Affirmation Code Version 2014 Application Status Validated Comments Archived [] Product Manufacturer Sun-Tek Mfg Address/Phone/Email 10303 General Dr Orlando,FL 32824 (407)859-2117 jfeudner@sun-tek.com Authorized Signature James Feudner engineering@sun-tek.com Technical Representative James Feudner Address/Phone/Email 10303 General Or Orlando,FL 32824 engineering@sun-tek.com Quality Assurance Representative James Feudner Address/Phone/Email 10303 General Or Orlando,FL 32824 (407)859-2117 EM 111 engineering@sun-tek.com Category Sky Lights Subcategory Skylight Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency National Accreditation&Management Institute Validated By National Accreditation&Management Institute Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By I affirm that there are no changes In the new Florida Building Code which affect my product(s)and my product(s)are in compliance with the new Florida Building Code. Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity i:IYes L:No CN/A FL12570 R4 COC 5 27 2015 CMA-DHSFMD-CMA 2014 FBC letter SS(2).pdf http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvG4Aty8UaHdO... 3/2/2016 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 2 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 05/27/2015 Date Validated 05/27/2015 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 12570.1 CMA-D curb mounted polycarbonate bubble with welded aluminum ring Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL12570 R4 C CAC CMAD 11-30-17 N1011086-Rl.Odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 11/30/2017 Design Pressure:+60/-60 Installation Instructions Other: FL12570 R4 II CMAD sianinstalls 5-8-14.odf Verified By:James D.Wells Jr.P.E.P.E.#53616 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL12570 R4 AE PRODEVALCMADS-8-14.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 12570.2 HSF Self flashing aluminum frame with polycarbonate bubble. Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL12570 R4 C CAC HSF 11-30-17 NI011087-Rl.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant.Yes 11/30/2017 Design Pressure:+60/-60 Installation Instructions Other:max size r.o.46.5 x 46.5 FL12570 R4 II HSF Instal 2014 03 19 sinoed.odf Verifled By:James D.Wells Jr.P.E.P.E.#53616 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL12570 R4 AE PRODEVALHSF5-8-14.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 12570.3 MD-CMA Curb mounted polycarbonate bubble with welded aluminum ring. Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL12570 R4 C CAC MDCMA 1-31-17 NIO11790(2).odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:Yes 01/31/2017 Design Pressure:+60/-60 Installation Instructions Other:max size 22.5 x 46.5 FL12570 R4 II MDCMA sianinstalls 5-8-14.odf Verified By:James D.Wells Jr.P.E.P.E.#53616 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Evaluation Reports FL12570 R4 AE PRODEVALMDCMA5-8-14.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Contact Us::1940 North Monme Street,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AAJEEO employer.Cooyriaht 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mall.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click here. Product Approval Accepts: eCAi-xk-xk SecurityTt i•'I'IIIL'S' http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgvG4Aty8UaHdO... 3/2/2016 • l NOTICE OF PRODUCT CERTIFICATION �c n, oe`�oa "cGReo�T CERTIFICATION NO: NI011087-R1 DATE: 05/02/2012 a w 1* CERTIFICATION PROGRAM: Structural COMPANY: Sun-Tek CODE: 225-1 �+����•IiFb�tiN REVISION DATE: 01/30/2014 To verify that the"Notice of Product Certification"is valid,please visit www.NAMICertification.com to assure that the product is active and currently listed.This certification represents product conformity to the applicable specification and that certification criteria has been satisfied. A NAMI approved certification label must be applied to the product to claim certification status. Please review and advise NAMI if any corrections are required to this document. COMPANY NAME AND ADDRESS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Sun-Tek Manufacturing,Inc. Series "HSF" Polycarbonate 10303 General Drive Aluminum Fixed Skylight Orlando,FL 32824 Configuration: O Glazing:Polycarbonate Outer Dome Thickness-0.093"/ Inner Liner Thickness-0.080" Frame: W-1385mm(54.5") H-1385mm(54.5") DLO: W-1182mm(46.5") H-1182mm(46.5") SPECIFICATION PRODUCT RATING TAS 201/202/203-94 Design Pressure=+60/-60 psf Large Missile Impact Rated Product Tested By: National Certified Testing Laboratories Report No: NCTL 210-3716-1 Expiration Date: November 30,2017 Administrator's Signature: NATIONAL ACCREDITATION AND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE, INC. 4794 George Washington Memorial Highway Hayes,VA 23072 Tel: (804) 684-5124/Fax: (804) 684-5122 MIAMI-DARE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) www.miamidade.gov/economy GAF 1 Campus Drive Parsippany,NJ 07054 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DESCRIPTION: VersaShiele Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection and VersaShieldo SoloTM Fire-Resistant Slip Sheet LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved",unless otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the.expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA No. 13-1104.06 consists of pages 1 through 3. The,submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigera. NOA No.: 14-1022.26 M[AMI-Dane coUN nr Expiration Date: 02/07/17 Approval Date: 02/05/15 'Page i of 3 ROOFING ASSEMBLY APPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Underlayment Material: Fiberglass SCOPE: This acceptance is for VersaShield® Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection (a.k.a "VersaShield® Underlayment") and VersaShield®SoIoTM Fire-Resistant Slip Sheet(a.k.a"VersaShield Sold"'),as described in this Notice of Acceptance, for use with approved prepared roof assemblies. Designed to comply with the Florida Building Code and the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: Manufactured by Test Product Applicant Dimensions Specifications Description VersaShield®Fire- 42"x 100' rolls ASTM D 226 Non-Asphaltic fiberglass-based underlayment Resistant Roof Deck Type I[ and/or fire barrier. Protection VersaShield®SoIoTM 72"x 166.7' rolls UL790 Non-Asphaltic fiberglass-based slip sheet and/or Fire-Resistant Slip Sheet fire barrier. MANUFACTURING LOCATION: 1. Conover,NC EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: Test Agency Test Identifier Test Name/Report Date PRI Construction Materials GAF-270-02-02 ASTM D 226 11/15/10 ELK-063-02-01 TAS 100 09/27/01 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 99NK45831 UL790 03/21/00 10NK11990 UL790 05/18/11 R19254 ASTM D 226 09/13/01 08CA37926 UL790 09/23/09 08CA49140 PRI Asphalt Technologies,Inc. ELK-069-02-01 TAS 100 03/04/02 BRY-003-02-01 TAS 117(B) 03/19/02 BRY-003-02-01 TAS 114 (H) INSTALLATION: 1. VersaShield®Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection or VersaShield®SoIoTM Fire-Resistant Slip Sheet shall be installed in strict compliance with applicable Building Code. 2. VersaShield®Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection or VersaShield® Solo TMFire-Resistant Slip Sheet shall be installed with a minimum 4-inch head lap in a shingle layer fashion. 3. VersaShield®Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection shall be mechanically fastened with approved fasteners in compliance with Florida Building Code 1518.2 when used in lieu of a code prescribed ASTM D 226 Type II underlayment. NOA No.:14-1022.26 MIA MFDADE COUNTY E%piration Date: -1022.17 ,...� Approval Date: 02/05/15 Page 2 of 3 M ' LIMITATIONS: 1. Fire classification is not part of this acceptance, refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product 2. This acceptance is for prepared roofing applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. 3. VersaShield®Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 30 days of application.VersaShield®Solo TM Fire-Resistant Slip Sheet shall not be left exposed to the weather. 4. VersaShield® Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection and VersaShield® SoloTM Fire-Resistant Slip Sheet are a component used in roof assemblies. Roof assemblies are approved under specific assembly Notice of Acceptance. S. VersaShield® Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection or VersaShield® SoloTM Fire-Resistant Slip Sheet may be used with any approved roof covering Notice of Acceptance listing. VersaShieie Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection or VersaShield® SoloTM Fire-Resistant Slip Sheet may be used as a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptance. if VersaShield®Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection or VersaShield®SoIoTM Fire-Resistant Slip Sheet is not listed,a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ) or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Department for approval provided that appropriate documentation is provided to detail compatibility of the products,wind uplift resistance,and fire testing results. 6. VersaShield® Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection and VersaShield` SoIoTM Fire-Resistant Slip Sheet are a non- asphaltic underlayment that may be used as a fire barrier for prepared roof assemblies. For fire classification of specific roof assemblies using VersaShield® Fire-Resistant Roof Deck Protection or VersaShield® SoIoTM Fire- Resistant Slip Sheet refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 7. All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61 G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. LABELING: All membranes or packaging shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo, city and state of manufacturing facility,yellow line to identify the ASTM Standard designation or logo, and the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved" or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Seal as shown below. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 1. This Notice of Acceptance. 2. Any other documents required by Building Official or Applicable building code in order to properly evaluate the installation of this material. END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No.: 141022.26 MIAMI-DAD;COUNTY Expiration Date: 02/07/17 Approval Date: 02/05/15 Page 3 of 3 The Avahti Group, Inc. David M. Schoriacher Jr., P.E. Project Number 10-060 1920 N. US Hwy 301 Florida Req.#603131 Client Gulf Coast SuPPIY 8,Mfg Tampa, Florida 33019 Date: 03/23/2016 Phone:813-655-2884 Billings I of 4 F-moil:.do,AdsLd)ovaniitampci.com Re- is Residence J STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR PANELANCHORAGE Billings Residence 5415 Davis Street Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 March 23, 2016 PREPARED FOR: Gulf Coast Supply&Manufacturing 14429 SW 2nd Place, Suite G30 Newberry, Ft. 32669 Phone: 362-498-0778 www.gulfcoastsupply.com S C H 0,V 1, Ns 63131 -k-77 E P.E. Rondo Reg No. 63131 Florida Gert. OFAuthorizotion No. 26537 The Avonti Group, Inc. David M. Schonacher Jr., P.E. Project Number:16-060 1320 N. US Hwy 301 Florida Reg. # 63131 Client Gulf Coast-Supply 6,' Mfg Tampa, Florida 33619 Date: 03/23/2016 Phone:813-655-2884 Sheet 2 of 4 Emall: davidsOavantitompa.com Re: Billings Residence Givens: 1. Florida Building Code Fifth Edition (2014). 2. Design wind pressures per below calculations. 3.ASCE 7-10 for wind loads using 159 mph (Vult Ultimate)wind speed (Vasd nominal wind speed = 123 mph). 4. Exposure C. 5. Building Risk Category ll. 6. Based on enclosed building (assuming all protected). Constants: kip:= 1000•lb plf:= lb psf:= lb ksi:= lap psi:= lb ES= 29500•ksi ft ft2 in in Calculate Wind Load PerASCE 7-10: Wind speed: V:= 159 (Ultimate wind speed) Height above ground level z:= 15ft For Exposure C/Case 1, z cannot be less than 15 ft Velocity Pressure Coefficient a:= 9.5 Exposure B=7.0, Exposure C=9.5, Exposure D=11.5 Per Table 26.9-1 zg:= 900ft Exposure 8=1200,Exposure C=900, Exposure D=700 Per Table 26.9-1 2 2 a, a Y,.,:= if z< 15ft,2.0115ft1 ,2.01•�z KZ= 0.85 zg J z9 Topographic Factor: K"t:= 1,0 (Table 26.8-1) Wind directionality Factor Kd:= 0.85 (Table 26.6-1) Velocity Pressure qh:= 0.00256•psf•KZ•Kzt•Kd•V2 qh= 46.7•psf Internal Pressure Coeff. GCpi:= 0.18 (Based on enclosed building, Table 26.11-1) Calculate C & C Roof Wind Pressures for 10 sa ft. based on 7 <9 <27 degrees: External Pressure Coefficient s Field: GCpfio:_ —0.9 Design Pressure @ Field: of gh•(GCpno— GCpi) of=—50.4•psf External Pressure Coefficient s Edge: GCpelo —1.7 Design Pressure @ Edge: qe:= gh•(GCPelo— GCpi) qe=—87.8•psf External Pressure Coefficient @ Comer. GCpc10:_ —2.6 Design Pressure @ Comer: q�:= qh�GCpc10— GCPi� q�_—129.8 psf The Avanti Group, Inc. David M. Schonacher Jr., P.E. Project Number:16-0660 1920 N. US Hwy 301 Florida Reg. # 63131 Client Gulf Coast Supply 6': Mfg Tampa, Florida 336519 Date: 031231201ro Phone:813-6655-2884 Sheet 3 of 4 Email: davids@avantitampa.com Re: Billings Residence Nominal wind pressures: qf,:= 0.6•gf qfi,= —30.3•psf field roof condition, Zone 1 qen 0•6'ge qen= —52.7-psf edge roof condition, Zone 2 qcn 0.6•gc qcn= —77.9-psf comer roof condition, Zone 3 Determine Width of Pressure Coefficient Zone (a) for Building: Least width: W:= 61-ft Mean Roof Height: H:= 13ft al :_ .1•W a2:= .4•H a3 :_ .04•W a:= if(a, <a2,al,a2) a:= if(a>a3,a,a3) a:= if(a>3•ft,a,3•ft) a= 5.208 USE 5'-6" Investigate GulfLok, 16" wide, 7/8" high, 26 gauge Panel Attachment to Structure: corner(Zone 3) condition The panel is to be attached to 7/16" thick OSB. Try#12-14 tek screws at the spacing determined below. The ultimate pullout capacity for a#12-14 tek screw into 7/16" thick OSB is 251 pounds per the attached manufacturer's published data. Screw spacing: spac:= 5.125-in (limited by panel capacity) Screw span (panel width): span:= 16-in Factor of Safety. FS := 4 Pullout per screw: Pact span-spac•IgcnI =44.41b Allowable pullout/screw: Screwa11:= 251•lb = 62.8 lb FS Check pullout: Pact= 44.4 lb is < than Screwait= 62.8.1b OK Use#12-14 tek screws at a spacing of 5-1/8" o/c max. for Zone 3. Note: Sealant is required for Zone 3. The Avanti Group, Inc. David M. Schonacher Jr., P.E. Project Number:16-060 1920 N. US Hwy 301 Florida Reg. # 63131 Client Gulf Coast Supply 8, Mfg Tampa, Florida 33619 Date: 03/23/2016 Phone:813-655-2884 Sheet 4 of 4 Email: davids(Pavantitampa.com Re: Billings Residence Investigate GulfLok, 16" wide, 718" high, 26 gauge Panel Attachment to Structure: edge (Zone 2) condition The panel is to be attached to 7/16"thick OSB. Try#12-14 tek screws at the spacing determined below. The ultimate pullout capacity for a#12-14 tek screw into 7/16" thick OSB is 251 pounds per the attached manufacturers published data. Screw spacing: spac:= 5.125-in (limited by panel capacity) Screw span (panel width): span:= 16-in Factor of Safety: FS := 4 Pullout per screw: Pact:= span•spac•Igen) = 30.0 lb Allowableullout/screw: Screw 251•lb _ 62.8 lb p all�= FS Check pullout: Pact= 30.0 lb is < than Screwall= 62.8.1b OK Use#12-14 tek screws at a spacing of 5-118" o/c max. for Zones 1 &2. Note: Sealant is not required for Zones 1 &2. 130, ,. 1:2:0, 115- -140 ISO 120 nUIT L _ 140). LI of ii 150 Project location 140 r ROW - 3 iz Vaiues- arm n"Um1imia desxgm' " inn c ads 16 " sp hour: - - — as 1,60 "aft 315 Pe ted. god i�� -aard � atai: �cctai Lis C'�rrka�r �..n�1 rC�e #ire � iY' � 1.70 art r rf^ q :,t he cca�t l 5r rr — w 4, mounta.npvsi� 10.5 Ap i. 1-80 lend PB 5; CgrO`e5PC l tW aRip ely€ a Pr ealP sinrtn 1. E d man Anababilit r n d9::Oft 4,3 H; 700 Figure 1609A ultimate Design : Rind Speeds, f6tr- Risk Category II BuIldi ,'s and Other S:tr►uc�tua -5 PPRO G61ICoaR -FLORIDA PROM TA AL SUPPLY & MANUFACTURING Y FLORIDA PR©DIJCT APPROVAL N R 11651.'16 R�2 TM Compliance Statement: The product as described in this report has demonstrated compliance with the Florida Building Code 2014, Sections 1504.3.2. Product Description: GulfLokTM,7/s" Nailstrip Roof Panel, Minimum 26 Ga. Steel, Maximum 16" Coverage, Roof panel restrained with fasteners into minimum 15/32" plywood decking. Non Structural application. Panel Material/Standards: Material: Minimum 26 Ga. Steel, ASTM A792 or ASTM A653 G90 conforming to Florida Building Code 2014 Section 1507.4.3. Paint Finish Optional Yield Strength: 50.0 ksi Corrosion Resistance: Panel Material shall comply with Florida Building Code 2014, Section 1507.4.3. Panel Dimension(s): Thickness: 0.018" Minimum Width: 16" Coverage Maximum Female Rib: 7/6" Tall Male Rib: 3/a" Tall Rib with Slotted Strip Panel Seam: Snap Lock Panel Clip: 24 Ga. Zinc Aluminum Coated Steel, 24" Long. Used at Corner Zones only, where required design pressures exceed-121.75 psf. Panel Fastener: Through Panel Slot: (1)#10-12x1" Pancake Type A ''/a" Minimum Penetration through Plywood. Corrosion Resistance: Per Florida Building Code 2014, Section 1506.6, 1507.4.4 Substrate Description: Minimum 75/32" thick, APA Rated plywood over supports at maximum 24" O.C. Design of plywood and plywood supports are outside the scope of this evaluation. Must be designed in accordance w/Florida Building Code 2014. Design Uplift Pressures: Table"A" Maximum Design Pressures r 1 T �5. , T a rRoofAre 'M�, , � Assembly A AssemblykBN Assembly C. Maximum Design Pressures -63.5 psf -121.75 psf -161 psf Fastener Spacing" ah y5%aO;C a 5% .005'%a0 C Sealant No Yes No *Design Pressure includes a Safety Factor=2.0. Zones 1 & 2 Zone 3 FL#11651.16 R2•JUNE 15,2015 RODRODUCT EVALUATION PORT ONCEALOR� ° TECHNICAL DATA LOW PROFILE FASTENERS Pullout In Steel-Average Ultimate in Pounds Rev JSO42415 PULLOUT I ULTIMATE LOAD IN POUNDS N F Fastener Grade 80 and Grade 50 Steel per ASTM A7921A1011/A6531A5721A529 PULLOVER Information Calculated Values In Accordance to AISI Si DD I Section E4 C Grade 80 Tee Clip 24 ga. Zee Clip 24 ga. R 821(sl Grade 50' Screw (Ave.Ultimate) (Ave.Ultimate) Nom Min. 651Lsl Min.Steel #10 DP3 415 lbs. 510 lbs. N Thread and Dia- 26 Ga. 24.Ga. 22 Ga. 20 Ga.18 Ga. 16 Ga, 14 Ga. 12 Ga. 1/8" 10 ga 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" y 1 Point Type (in.) .018" .024" .030° .036" .046" .060" .075" .105" .125° .135" :250" .375" .500" #12 GP 430 lbs. 692 lbs. W #10-16 .190" 180 252 315 378 504 627 786 1,101 1,311 #14 DPI 4071bs. 677 lbs. 0 #10-24 1 .190" 180 252 315 378 504 627 786 1,101 1,311 'Berridge Clips #12-14 .216" 1 205 286 358 430 573 716 895 1,253 1,492 1,611 #12-24 .216" 1,492 1,611 2,984 •4,475 -5,967 3 114-14 .250" 1 237 332 1 414 497 633 829 1,036 1 1,450 1,727 1 1,865 1 3,453 REVJE5062712 °�� F Pullout In Wood-Average Ultimate in Pounds PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS >r Minimum Ultimate $ Wood Type IFastener Diameter Thread, Tensile Shear Torsional C Fastener 1/2" 5/8" 314" 7/16" 19/32" 23/32" 2 x 4 &Material Diameter (Itis:) (lbs:) (lbs-in) Q Dia.&Point Ply Ply Ply OSB OSB OSB SYP #10-9/Carbon 0.200" 1,520 1,150 60 #10-13 GP 375 505 654 166 357 442 737 #10-9/41OSS 0.200" 2,500 1,625 85 #10-9 GP 383 395 574 136 256 514 813 #10-13/Carbon 0.195" 1,725 1,125 60 O e #12-14 DP1/Lap 376 415 598 251 351 378 550 #10-13/ 0.195" 1,040 701 45 #10-16/CCarbo n 0.186" 2,100 1,400 61 Q #12-11 GP 418 455 624 146 379 573 918 n #14-13 DP1 434 475 626 153 327 457 991 #10-1 / 0.186" 3,200 2,130 92 .-.. #12-111/Carbon 0.220" 2,500 2,000 95 Farabaugh Engineering Test:Project No.T279-10 Rev 042811 #12-14/Carbon 0.212" 2,778 2,000 100 Q Decking fasteners tested with full thread embedment. #12-14/302SS 0.212" 2,630 1,978 85 Q 2 x 4 SYP with 1"embedment #12-24/Carbon 0.213" 3,450 2,420 110 0 FASTENER PROPERTIES REV JC070312 1/4-14/Carbon 0.243" 3,850 2,600 15D Thread Type Thread Head I Head. #14-131 Carbon 0.235" 3,620 2,500 115 0 and Point Ma'orDia 'Material Dia.`IThicknessl Drive I 11 Finish SALT SPRAY #10-16 DP2 .180" C1022 .435" .080" #2 Sq .0003"Zinc&Yellow The chart below provides general information with regard to corrosion C #10-24 DP3 .185" C1022 .435" .080" #2 Sq .0003"Zinc&Yellow resistance of various plating and coatings. Contact TFC for detailed 3 #10-13 GP .190" C1022 .450" .080" #2 Sq TRI-SEAL-Coated information. d 302 SS Passivated #10 16 DP3 .180" 01022 450" 080° #2 Sq •0003"Zinc&Yellow SALT SPRAY Per ASTM F1941 &B117 (0%red rust) Rev.120313 410 Ss .0002"Zinc&Clear Carbon steel and 410 stainless steel materials #10-9 GP(ULP) .200" C1022 435" 040" #2 Sq TRI-SEAL"Coated Coating Salt Spray MOSS Passivated .00015"min.(3 um)zinc plating with clear chromate 15hrs #12-11 GP .220" C1022 .450" .080" #2 Sq TRI-SEAL"Coated ,0002"min.(bum)zinc plating with clear chromate 24hrs 302 SS Passivated Passivated 410 Stainless Steel 48hrs #12-14 DPI .210" C1022 .450" .080" #2 Sq .0003"Zinc&Yellow .0003"min.(8 um)zinc plating with clear chromate 48hrs #12-14 DP3210" 31022 .450" .080" #2 o ,0003"Zinc&Yellow .0003"min.(8 um)zinc plating with yellow di-chromate 120hrs (SD300) 304 SS .500" 090" T-30 Tonc .0005"min.(12 um)zinc plating with clear chromate 72hrs #12-24 DP5 .210" 01022 .425" 110" #3 Sq 0003"Zinc&Yellow TRI SEAL"Coated •0007'min.(14 um)mechanical zinc with clear chromate 72hrs #14-13 DP1 .238^ C1022 .500" .090" #2 Sq '"„ a ow Epoxy(E-Coat)(ACO Compatible) 100hrs 1/4-14 DP3(1") ,245" C1022 •500" .080" #2 Sq .0003"Zinc&Yellow TRI-SEALTM Long-life coating 1,000hrs (2-,3',4',5",6-) .625" .100" #3 Sq TRI-SEAL'Coated Passivated 302&304 SS 1,000hrs TOOLING Fastening Tips Screw-gun RPM A minimum of 3 factors of safety should be used for most self-drilling or self-tapping Carbon Steel&41 OSS Screws:2,500 RPM Max. fasteners in metal 14 for wood. Consult a design professional for appropriate values. DP5, 1/4"&5/16"DP3:2,000 RPM Max. Install fastener perpendicular to the work surface and tighten to no more than 302&304 Stainless Steel Tapping Screws: 1,000 RPM approximately 70%of the torsional strength. Max. For optimal performance,use screw-guns with torque Allow at least three full threads to extend beyond the material. For wood applications, control feature. Do not use impact tools for drill screws. allow 1"minimum embedment or full thread embedment in plywood and OSB for optimal DO NOT OVER-TORQUE FASTENERS. pullout resistance. FASTENER MATERIAL SELECTION BASED ON THE GALVANIC SERIES OF METALS FASTENE=R MATERIAL STEEL STAINLESS STEEL STAINLESS STEEL Zinc PlatedKU Type 410 Type 302,304,316 ALUMINUM A.The corrosion of the base metal is not increased by Zinc I Galvanized I ZN/AI the fastener. J Coated Steel A C C B B.The corrosion of the base metal is slightly increased F by the fastener. 1 C.The corrosion of the base metal may be considerably W Aluminum A Not Recommended B A increased by the fastener material. S` Steel/Cast Iron A,D C B A D.The plating on the fastener is rapidly consumed. W E.The corrosion of the fastener is increased by the Q Brass,Copper,Bronze A,D,E A B A,E base metal. M FSt.InIeS.Steel A,D,E A A A,E 300 Series DISCLAIMER: ALL DATA AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE BASED ON LABORATORY TESTS. APPROPRIATE SAFETY FACTORS SHOULD BE USED BY THE USER OR SPECIFIER. DETERMINING THE PROPER FASTENER IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER OR SPECIFIER. BECAUSE APPLICATION CONDITIONS VARY,WE ASSUME NO LIABILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION. TRIANGLE FASTENER CORPORATION 28 800.486.1832 1 www.trianglefastener.com Master Catalog I Paae Number