HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement 0312912016 12:35 To P.0011001 AFM RECORQ]NG-RMtRN TO: JOSEPH E.SMITH,CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT i SAINT LUCII!COUNTY FILE#41730740312812018 at 0328 FM OR BOOK 3550 PAGE 354-354 D-Type;NC RECORDING: $10.00 SES: NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice of commencement 1.DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY(Legal description and street address)TAS FOLIO NUMBER:'352A SOS 004.3 CXJQ 9 SUBDIVISION!abetCreek BXOCK MCT__ OT LDG UMT 2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT; HVAC Change out only 3.OWNER INFORMATION: a Name Bruce S Kathleen Charboneau b.Address,8033 Spendthrift Lane c.inlarast in property towner d.Name and address of fee simple titleholder Cif other than owner) 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER. AC Advantage Inc 1926 SW Blitmore St PSLucle 34984 5.SURETY'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE N AIBER AND B(1ND AMOUNT: 6.LENDER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 7.Persons within the Stale of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7.,Florida Statutes; NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: S.In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes; NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 9.Expiration date of notice of commencement(the expiration date is I year ftom the date of recording unless a different date is specified) ,20 WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNSR_AFTER THE EXPIRATION OP THE NOTrQ3 OF COM=CBMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS Ut BR CHAPTER 713.PART I SECTION 713.13.EMMA STATUTES.AND CAN R S T IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS 7O YOT7R PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMBNCEMBNT MUST BE R13CORDED AND POS'l'Im ON THE JOB SITS BEFORE THE FIRST INSPHC770N_W YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING.C0749M.T WITH YOUR LENDER 0 R=A=E COMMENCING K OR RECORDIING YOUR N O-Xf't-� Bruce Charboneau Signature of Owner or Print Name and Provide Signatory's Title/Office Owner's Authorised O[Bcer/DirectorMartner/Manager State of Florida County of$t Lucie The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me this 21 day of MttrCh 2016 gy Bruce Charboneau Owner (Name of person) (We of authority...e.g,Owner,officer,trustee,attorney in fact) For (Name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Known—orproduced the following type of ID; Jamie P"M NOTARY PUBLIC Jamie Perna STATE OF RMI7IDA (Printcd Name of Notary Public) (Si ature of otary Public) CCmmllt FF17M EXPIM IG/28/8018 Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are true to the best of my knowledge and belief(section 92.525,Florida Statutes). Signatare(s)of Owner(s)or Owner(s)'Authorized Ofllcer/Director/Partner/Manager who signed above: By: I. BY Rav oaBOmnR=vdhw RECEIVED MAR 2 9 2016