HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Jrida Building Code Online https://vwwv.flondabuilding:oig/pr/pr_.aPP_ist.asp. MENM U, I .rW&DepWtrff0 SCIS Home 1 Login I User RegMmtbn ' HotTopim SubmR Surcharge Stats&Facts ( Publkatbns. FBC Stat} ( BCIS Ste Map E Links I Search Busines . PTC . 11FF ,,Product•Approval roless� - 1-•": SER::Pubnq Uses .. ! .• - - ReguWon 11H 4diN!C�IlttJl f�lllllldlll(� Product Aooroval Menu>Product or ApoAcatbn Search>AppBotion List Search.Criteria Refine Search Code Version 2014 FL# ALL Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer POLYGLASS USA Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract Expired ALL f Product Model,Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved for use In HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL Search Results-Applications Go to Page . !I Pagel/20 0 YJA Tvoe Manufacturer Validated By ;fig FL1654-1117 Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevlch,PE Approved History Category:Roofing (954)772-6224 Subcategory:Modified Bitumen Roof System ` FL1654-1118 Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevich,PE Pending FBC Approval Category:Roofing (954)772-6224 Subcategory:Modified Bitumen Roof System FL5259-1124 Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevich,PE Approved History Category:Roofing (954)772-6224; Subcategory:Underlayments FL10291-R9 Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevich,PE Approved History Category:Roofing (954)772-6224 Subcategory:Cements-Adhesives-Coatings FL10291-RIO" Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevlch,PE Pending FBC Approval Category:Roofing -(954)772-6224 Subcategory:Cements-Adhesives-Coatings FL16187-R2 Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevich,PE .Approved History Category:Roofing (954)772-62.241-i.- Subcategory:. 72-62241-^I,Subcategory:Liquid Applied Roof Systems FL164 -115 Revision FOLYGLASS USA.' John W.Knezevlch,PE. Approved HI ory - Category:•Roofing (954).772-62-24 'Subcategory:Modified Bitumen Roof System FL16429-116 Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevich,PE Pending FBC Approval Category:Roofing (954)772-6224 Subcategory:•Modifled Bitumen Roof System FL16717-R2- Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevich,PE Approved History. Category:Roofing (954)772-6224j.- Subcategory: 72-6224j."Subcategory:Modified Bitumen Roof System ; FL16717-113 Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevich,PE Pending FBC Approval Category:Roofing (954)772-6224 Subcategory:Modified Bitumen Roof System FI-16718-112 Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevich,PE Approved History Category:Roofing (954),772-6224' Subcategory:Modified Bitumen Roof System FL16718-113 Revision POLYGLASS USA John W.Knezevich,PE Pending FBC Approval Category:Roofing (954)772-6224' Subcategory:Modified Bitumen Roof System ,I EXTERIOR RESEARCH &DESIGN,LLC. I Certificate of Authorization#9503 3 Christian Street�f RINITY ERD 35Oxford,CT 06478 PHONE:(203)262-9245 FAX:(203)262-9243 EVALUATION REPORT Polyglass USA,Inc. Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-1115 150 Lyon Drive FL1654-1117 Fernley,NV 89408 Date.of Issuance:02/11/2008 Revision 15:12/14/2015 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida.The documentation submitted has been,'r1eviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code. The product described Herein has been evaluated for compliance with the 5th Edition(2014)Florida Building Code sections noted herein. j DESCRIPTION: Polyglass SBS and APP Modified Bitumen Roof Systems LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s)changes,the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes,or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify, Robert:Nieminen, P.E. if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity)ERD requires'a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "Trinity I ERD Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 5,plus a 45-page Appendix. Prepared by: TLUt�ityrn,,,��� The facsimile seal appearing wasauthortred Robert J.M.Nieminen,P.E. 1!�':�5`! •�'• ��,, by Robert Ntaminen,P.E.on 12/14/2025 �C��J„Ou1 {uts` Thlsdoes not ie`rveasanelectronically signeddocument.signed, Florida Registration No.59166,Florida DCA ANE1983 sealed hardcoplas have been tmnsmhted to the Product Approval Administrator and to the named cilent CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. Exterior Research&Design,I.I.C.d/b/a Trinity I ERD does not have,nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire,a financial interest In any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. Exterior Research & Design, I.I.C. d/b/a Trinity i g ty i ERD is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nleminen,P.E.does not have nor will acquire,a financial Interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. I; 4. Robert Nieminen,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity I ERD nor Robert Nleminen, P.E. are, in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versions thereof,is/was used for permittinglor design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. I , ;'i j i TRIN1"I'Y ERD ROOFING SYSTEMS EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE: Product Category: Roofing Sub-Category: Modified Bitumen Roof Systems Compliance Statement: Polyglass.SBS and APP Modified Bitumen Roof Systems, as prod'u'ced by Polyglass USA, Inc., have demonstrated compliance with the following-sections of the Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations/'Conditions of Use set forth herein. �i 2. STANDARDS: i, Section Property Standard I Year 1504.3.1 Wind FM 4474 2004 1504.7 Impact FM 4470 1992 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM D6162 2000 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM D6163 2D00 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM D6164 2005 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM D6222 ;,; 2008 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM D6509 2009 3. REFERENCES: i gnibf Examination Reference Date ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties P10490.10.08-2 10/30/2008 ERD(TST6049) FM 4470/4474 P13760.09.09 09/10/2009 ERD(TST6049) FM 4470/4474 P13770.09.09 09/10/2009 ERD(TST6049) FM 4470/4474 P30540.11.09-111 11/30/2009 ERD(TST6049) FM 4470/4474 P30550.12.09 12/02/2009 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties P33960.12.10 12/30/2010 ERD(TST6049) FM 4470/4474 P33970.03.11 03/15/2011 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties P37590.03.13-3A 03/06/2013 ERD(TST6049) FM 4470/4474 P39680.03.13 03/04/2013 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties P37590.03.13-1-111 06/26/2013 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties P37590.03.13-2-111 07/01/2013 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties P37590.07.13-2 07/01/2013 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties P37590.03.13-5-111 07/01/2013 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties P37590.07.13-1 07/02/2013 ERD(TST6049) FM 4470/4474 P41630.08.13 I 08/06/2013 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties P45940.09.13 09/04/2013 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties P44370.10.13 10/04/2013 ERD(TST6049) FM 4470/4474 SC6160.11.14 11/10/2014 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties PLYG-P45440SC.03.15-1 03/31/2015 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties SC5170.05.15 05/08/2015 ERD(TST6049) FM 4474 SC8085.05.15 05/19/2015 ERD(TST6049) FM 4470/4474 SC8905.15 11/24/2015 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 2W7A7.AM 08/04/1994 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 OD3A3.AM 04/04/1997 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 2DOAO.AM 12/23/1998 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 2D5A9.AM 06/22/1999 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 3006646 [1' 01/04/2000 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 3001334 01/25/2000 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 3001334 +! 02/15/2000 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 3000857 01/12/2000 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 3004091 i 01/12/2000 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 3006115 105/02/2001 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 3012321 07/29/2002 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 3014692 08/05/2003 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 3014751 08/27/2003 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 3007170 { 01/13/2004 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 3019317 06/30/2004 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470 3020703 07/30/2004 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470/4474 3018332 01/31/2006 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470/4474 3023368 I 03/20/2006 Exterior Research and Design,I.I.C. Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R15 Certiflcote of Authorization#9503 I F1.1654-1117 Revision 15:12/14/2015 Pate 2 of S fo TRINITY ERD Enti Examination Reference ;; Date FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470/4474 3024594 05/23/2006 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470/4474 3023458 07/18/2006 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470/4474 3030668 09/12/2007 FM Approvals(M1867) FM 4470/4474 3032172 06/12/2009 FM Approvals(TST1867) FM 4470/4474 3049631 { 04/21/2014 PRI(TSTS878) Physical Properties PUSA-062-02-01 12/04/2007 PRI(TSTS878) Physical Properties PUSA-061-02-02 01/28/2008 PRI(TSTS878) Physical Properties PUSA-064-02-02 02/27/2008 PRI(TSTS878) Physical Properties PUSA-062-02-02 12/04/2008 Miami-Dade(CER1592) HVHZ Compliance Various NOAs Various Miami-Dade(CER1592) Proposal for Review 10-0823 10/12/2010 UL LLC (QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation,R14571 I Exp.10/06/2018 4. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This Evaluation Report covers Polyglass Modified Bitumen Roof Systems installed in accordance with Polyglass USA,Inc.published installation instructions and the Limitations/Conditions of Use herein. The following Polyglass membranes make up the subject systems. i' J}; ..: ._.., ..-. ... .t..>_•...>.�:,.. :,- ..._v. ,. :...�c'^:r�'�5 F.z.+_....a' .'•:i. .-:1+.•,:.;>..;;;.=.54.:,S:ctJr:•"•Ch]` J:.;. ! " 1 J" :"iJVlfcFc.:.:I F:•..V:..'1�r:2.' +4•:•P. a:e::=' - -`.K,;�r!!;�.�:{fe! LE'La p DS RROt LhSS DIflDBUJIA EN ROOFSY. ...NIS'-�=.;wi.i'':':'q`�"-3:���,:y.� ;�i,tt-t*�`s�.r-E•b ,.:�?-•,:e.: :I.7 - .rtk'�%•n`f= -,�.,i,,.�: w,R,.1,�:�P _f 6xG. .�.R.,. � ,IT ,sJE. .2; +r. ..<<-�., . �-I„�� a• -.rt ..i'::•f•..:.:. ..:::...:..:.�.:- r'l.•.o. `.:t.... ..,...Soils:` n.4 ai:. t^p• :.4q; a;. :C?4: >•!:. ..I( _A, r�.: "2+�Y:F'1.a\. Type Product �il Specification Reference ;' Grade Type Polyglass;G2 Base ASTM D4601 N/A II Base Sheets Po ex SA Base ASTM D4601 I N/A II Polyglass APP Base ASTM D6509 ;11 N/A N/A Polyglass HT Base 650 sand-backed ASTM D6162 ,I S III Elastobase ASTM D6163 ''! S 1 Elastoflex V ASTM D6163 "I S Elastoflex SA V Base ASTM D6163,Table;2 S I Elastoflex SA V FR Base ASTM D6163,Tablel2 S I Elastoflex SA V Plus ASTM D6163 ,I- S 1 Elastoflex SA V Plus FR ASTM D6163 I S 1 Elastobase Poly ASTM D6164 „i S i Elastoflex S6 ASTM D6164 ! S i SBS Membranes Elastoflex VG ASTM D6163 G I Elastoflex VG FR ASTM D6163 i, G I Elastoflex 56 G ASTM D6164 G I Elastoflex S6 G FR ASTM D6164 G I Polyfresko G SBS sand or of -flim backed ASTM D6164 G I Po esko G SBS FR(sand orpoly-film backed) ASTM D5164 j G I Elastoshleld TS G ASTM D6164 ! G Elastoshleld TS G FR ASTM D6164 G I Elastoflex SA P ASTM D6164 i G I Elastoflex SA P FR ASTM D6164 G I Pol reflect ASTM D6164 ''I S I Poi ex ASTM D6222 ! S Polyflex G ASTM D6222 G I Polyflex G FR ASTM D6222 G i Polyfresko G ASTM D6222 G 1 PolVfresko G FR ASTM D6222 G 1 APP Membranes Pol bond ASTM D6222 Q S I Po bond G ASTM D6222 E G I Po ex SA P ASTM D6222 ! G I Polyflex SA P FR ASTM D6222 N G I PolVfresko G SA ASTM D6222 G Polykool ASTM D6222 S I S. LIMITATIONS: 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trin)tyl ERD nor Robert Nieminen,P.E.are,in any way,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in HVHZ. Exterior Research and Design,LLC. Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R15 Certificate of Authorization#9503 FL1654-R17 Revision 15:12/14/2015 f� I i TRINITY`ERa 5.3 Refer to a current Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 5.4 For steel deck installations,foam plastic insulation shall be separated from the building interior in accordance with FBC 2603.4 unless the exceptions stated in FBC 2603.4.1 and 2603.6 apply. 5.5 The roof system evaluation herein pertains to above-deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the AHJ. Load resistance of,the roof deck shall be documented through proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation. ,,f 5.6 For recover installations,the existing roof shall be examined in accordance with FBC 1510. 5.7 For mechanically attached insulation or membrane or strip-bonded insulation, the;,maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16. Zones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are RAS 117 and FM LPDS 1-29. Assemblies marked with an asterisk* carry the limitations set forth in Section FM LPDS 1-29 for Zone 2/3 enhancements. 5.8 For fully-adhered insulation,the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed critical design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16. No rational analysis is permitted for these systems 5.9 For mechanically attached insulation or membrane over existing roof decks,fastenersfshall be tested in the existing deck for withdrawal resistance. A qualified design professional shall review the data's for comparison to the minimum requirements for the system. Testing and analysis shall be in accordance with TAS 105;or AN51/SPRI FX-1. 5.10 For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a re-roof(tear off)or recover installation,the existing deck or existing roof surface shall be examined for compatibility with the adhesive to be!Installed. If any surface conditions exist that bring system performance into question, field uplift testing in accordance with ASTM E907, FM LPDS 1-52, ANSI/SPRI IA-1 or TAS 124 shall be conducted on mock-ups of the proposed new roof assembly. 5.11 For bonded insulation or membrane over existing substrates in a recover installation,the existing roof system shall be capable of resisting project design pressures on Its own merit to the satisfaction of theIAHJ,as documented through field uplift testing in accordance with ASTM E907,FM LPDS 1-52 or TAS 124. ' ..j 5.12 Metal edge attachment(except gutters),shall be designed and installed for wind load's'in accordance with FBC Chapter 16 and tested for resistance in accordance with ANSI/SPRI FS-1 or RAS 111,except the basic wind speed shall be determined from FBC Figure 1609. 1! 5.13 All products in the roof assembly shall have quality assurance audit in accordance with the FBC and F.A.C.Rule 61G20-3. 6. INSTALLATION: 6.1 Polygiass Modified Bitumen roof systems shall be installed in accordance with Polyglass USA, Inc. published Installation Instructions,subject to the Limitations/Conditions of Use noted herein. ' 6.2 System attachment requirements for wind load resistance are set forth In Appendix 1. "MDP" = Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads,and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already been applied). Refer to FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads. 6.3 Any of the following FBC Approved coatings may be applied to the top roof membrane without adverse effect on the system wind load performance. Referto current Roofing Materials Directoryfor fire ratings associated with coating usage. D PG200 Non-Fibered Roof Coating; PG300 Fibered Roof Coating; ➢ PG600 Non-Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating; PG650 Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating; ➢ PG700 High Quality Elastomeric Roof Coating; j ➢ PG700QS(Quick-Set)High Quality Elastomeric Roof Coating (over granule-surfaced APP!;or ly); ➢ PG800 Asphalt Emulsion Roof Coating; ➢ Polyplus 60 Premium Non-Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating; ➢ Polyplus 65 Premium Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating; ➢ Polybrite 70 Premium Grade Elastomeric Roof Coating; Polybrite 70QS(Quick-set)Premium Grade Elastomeric Roof Coating(over granule-surfaced APP only); Polybrite 90 High Solids Silicone Roof Coating; ➢ Polybrite 95 Silicone Roof Coating. , Exterior Research and Design,LLC Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-1115 Certificate of Authorization#9503 FL1654-1117 Revision 15:12/14/2015 Paee 4 of 5 t ERD :TRINITY 1 7. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: i As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. 8. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: I Contact the noted QA agency for information on product locations covered for F.A.C.Rule 61G20-3 QA requirements 9. QUAWYAssURANCE ENTITY: gyp` UL LLC—QUA9625;(314)578-3406,k.chancellor@us.ul.com I -THE 45-PAGES THAT FOLLOW FORM PART OF THIS EVALUATION REPORT- I I I i ;r ..i I„ ill I 1 III it it III I 11I I II • I' Exterior Research and Design,U.C. Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R15 Certificate of Authorkoffon#9503 FL1654-R17 Revision 15:12/14/2015 � 1 V� ER � , he vr ml. b —,. .. ... .. r ... ............ _«.... .. .n.M z+i. .�x.^ .qT:' '-.:1+»A4.a•.r:i m r r,_,.... �r..p.xr 2K r ,.... . ... r .,....r r a�,..,. -fir..i..r•:r: r ErITs,FDtf'Slva�in Uau�`�tF.SisrA"'n�� .i - - MENT�' IR r _. .:..__� .._£.,,:r•__.-..._.»..,..., -:_.-�..,J r r�-,.....,.�_._.. ..». .>r.r.. •••r_. .,�;,,.. .Y3�.,�,,.�„- r,,,l,..-Y --.89;: ..rr�,. U?P.,ENpDC�.,AhT�TACI•� �:..�.._,..�.._.,......r..�i,,.,,....-�..,_..._.,_..,._r._.,.... ...�4-.r. -- - — - - - - — - -- TY :...r-..._......m, .,+....» .,.:-.. .. .......z,+.-........ .v...... ...,... .4_ri .,_.....a,.n.a42 ..2.r,`k .c.•--:..., 'able Deck Application Type Description Page A Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 4 .B-1 Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 4-8 B-2 Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 9-10 C Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover B Mech.Attached Base Insulation,Bonded Top Insulation,Banded Roof Cover 10 D Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover C Mech.Attached Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover - 11 E Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover D Prelim.Attached Insulation,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 12 F-1 Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) E Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet(nails),Bonded Roof Cover 13-15 F-2 Wood New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover E Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet(screws&plates),Bonded Roof Cover 16-17 G Wood New or Reroof(Tear-Off) F Non-insulated,Bonded Roof Cover 18 A Steel or Conc. New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover B Mech.Attached Base Insulation,Bonded Top Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 19 B Steel or Conc. New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover C Mech.Attached Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 20-21 C Steel or Conc. New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover D Prelim.Attached Insulation,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover . 22-23 A-1 Concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 24-27 A-2 Concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Temporary Roof,Bonded insulation,Bonded Roof-Cover 28-29 8 Concrete New or Reroof(Tear-Off) F Non-insulated,Bonded Roof Cover 30 A LWIC New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 31-32 B LWIC New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 33 C LWIC New or Reroof(Tear-Off) E Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 34-36 q CWF New or Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 37 3 CWF New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 38 CWF New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover 8 Mech.Attached Base insulation,Bonded Top Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 39 D CWF New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover C Mech.Attached insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 39 CWF New,Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover E Non-Insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 39 q Gypsum Reroof(Tear-Off) A-1 Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 40-41 3 Gypsum Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover A-2 Mech.Attached Anchor Sheet,Bonded Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 42 Gypsum Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover C Mech.Attached Insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 42 Gypsum Reroof(Tear-Off)or Recover E Non-insulated,Mech.Attached Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover 42 a Various Recover A-1 Bonded insulation,Bonded Roof Cover 43-45 --=Various---- - - Recover-= - - - - -- - -,F- -Non-Insulated;Bor ded'Base Sheet,Bonded Roof Cover — — 45 ie following notes apply to the systems outlined herein: The roof system evaluation herein pertains to above-deck roof components. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the AHI. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be documented through proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation. Insulation/base sheet fasteners shall be of sufficient length for the following deck engagement: ➢Wood: Minimum 0.75-inch penetration. ➢Steel: Minimum 0.75-Inch penetration and engage the top flute of the steel deck. ➢ Concrete: Minimum 1-inch embedment into pilot hole in accordance with fastener manufacturer's published Installation instructions. Unless otherwise noted,insulation may be any one layer or combination of polyisocyanurate, polystyrene,wood fiberboard,perlite,gypsum-based roof board or mineral-wool roof board that meets the CIA requirements of F.A.C.Rule 61G20-3 and is documented as meeting FBC 1505.1 and,for foam plastic,FBC Chapter 26,when installed with the roof cover. terior Research and Design,LLC.d/b/a Trinity IERD Evaluation Report P9290.02.p6sion for 12/14/F1.2654015 :rtificate of Authorization#9503 Revision 1,Pag 14/2015 epared by: Robert Nleminen,PE-59166 Appendix 1,Page 1 of 45 �E TRINITY!ERD 4. Minimum 200 psi,minimum 2-inch thick lightweight insulating concrete may be substituted for rigid insulation board for System Type D(mechanically attached base sheet,bonded roof cover),whereby the base sheet fasteners are installed through the LWIC to engage the structural steel or concrete deck. The structural deck shall be of equal or greater configuration to the steel and concrete deck listings. Roof decks and structural members shall be in accordance with FBC requirements to the satisfaction of the AH1. Load resistance of the roof deck shall be documented through proper codified and/or FBC Approval documentation. S. Unless otherwise noted,insulation adhesive application rates are as follows. Ribbon or bead width is at the time of application;the ribbons/beads shall expand as noted in the manufacturer's published Instructions. D Hot asphalt(HA): Full coverage at 25-30 lbs/square. D Dow Insta-Stik Roofing Adhesive(D-IS): Continuous 0.75 to 1-Inch wide ribbons,12-inch o.c. D Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive(M-OSFA): Continuous 0.25 to 0.5-inch wide ribbons,12-Inch o.c. D OMG OlyBond 500(08500): Continuous 0.75 to 1-inch wide ribbons, 12-inch o.c. (PaceCart or SpotShot). Note: OlyBond Green may be used where OlyBond 500 Is referenced. ➢OlyBond Classic(OB Classic): Full coverage at 1 gal/square. D 3M CR-20: Continuous 2.5-3.5-inch wide ribbons,12-Inch o.c. D Note: When multiple layers(s)of Insulation and/or coverboard are Installed In ribbon-applied adhesive,board joints shall be staggered. ➢Note: The maximum edge distancefrom the adhesive ribbon to the edge of the insulation board shall be not less than one-half the specified ribbons spacing. 6. Unless otherwise noted,all insulations are flat stock or taper board of the minimum thickness noted. Tapered polyisocyanurate at the following thickness limitations may be substituted with the following Maximum Design Pressure(MDP)limitations. In no case shall these values be used to'increase'the MDP listings in the tables;rather if MDP listing below meets or exceeds that listed for a particular system in the tables,then the thinner board fisted below may be used as a drop-in for the equivalent thicker material fisted in the table: ➢ Millennium One Step Foamable Adhesive(M-OSFA): MDP -157.5 psf (Min.0.5-inch thick) D OMG OlyBond 500(OB500): MDP -45.0 psf (Min.0.5-inch thick Multi-Max FA-3) D OMG OlyBond 500(OB500): MDP -187.5 psf (Min.0.54nch thick ISO 95+GQ D OMG OlyBond 500(OB500): MDP -315.0 psf (Min.0.5-inch thick ENRGY 3) D OMG OlyBond 500(06500): MDP -487.5 psf (Min.0.5-inch thick ACFoam II) D 3M CR-20: MDP -1175 psf (Min.1.0-inch thick) 7. Bonded polyisocyanurate insulation boards shall be maximum 4 x 4 ft. 8. For mechanically attached components or partially bonded insulation,the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure.determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16,and Zones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are RAS 117 and FM LPDS 1-29. Assemblies marked with an asterisk*carry the limitations set forth in Section FM LPDS 1-29 for Zone 2/3 enhancements. 9. For fully bonded assemblies,the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed critical design pressure determined in accordance with FBC Chapter 16,and no rational analysis is permitted. 10. For mechanically attached components over existing decks,fasteners shall be tested in the existing deck for withdrawal resistance. A qualified design professional shall review the data for comparison to the minimum requirements for the system. Testing and analysis shall be in accordance with TAS 105 or ANSI/SPRI FX-1. 11. For existing substrates in a bonded-recover installation,the existing roof system shall be examined for compatibility and bond performance with the selected adhesive;and the existing roof system shall be capable of resisting project design pressures on its own merit to the satisfaction of the AHJ,as documented through field uplift testing in accordance with ASTM E907,FM LPDS 1-52,AN51/SPRI IA-1 orTAS 124. 12. For Recover Applications using System Type D,the insulation is optional;however,the existing roof system shall be suitable for a recover application. 13. LWIC shall be cast in accordance with-FBC-Section 1917 t-o the-satis-halon of the Authority HavingJu-risdiction.-For sysIfems where specific LWIC is referericed;refer to current-LWIC-Product-Approval for specific-deck= construction and limitations. For systems where specific LWIC is not referenced,the minimum design mix shall be 300 psi. In all cases,the minimum top-coat thickness is 2-inches. For LWIC over structural concrete, reference Is made to FBC Section 1917.4.1,Point 1. Exterior Research and Design,U.C.d/b/a Trinity IERD Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-R35 for F1.1654-1117 Certificate of Authorization#9503 Revision 15:12/14/2015 Prepared by: Robert Nieminen,PE-59166 Appendix 1,Page 2 of 45 J'TRINITY ERD 14. Unless otherwise noted,refer to the following references for bonded base,ply or cap sheet applications. Y. �_Ww­ Reference Layer Material Application BP-AA Base Ply One or more plies Polyglass G2 Base,FBC Approved ASTM D4601,Type 11 Hot Asphalt at 20-40 (Base and Ply sheets,Asphalt- Ply one or more plies Polyglass Ply IV,Polyglass Ply VI,FBC Approved ASTM D2178,Type IV or VI lbs/square Applied) Note: Asphalt-applied sheets or Insulation shall not be applied to poly-film surfaced membranes. Base Ply or Ply One or more plies Elastobase(poly/sand),Elastobase P(poly/sand),Elastoflex V,Elastoflex S6,Polyglass HT Base 650 SBS-AA Cap Elastoflex 56,Elastoflex S6 G,Elastoflex S6 G FR,Elastoshield TS-G,Elastoshleld TS-G FR,Polyfresko G SBS(sand-backed),Polyfresko Hot Asphalt at 20-40 (SBS,Asphalt-Applied) G SBS FR(sand-backed) lbs/square Note. Asphalt-applied sheets or Insulation shall not be applied to poly-film surfaced membranes, SBS-TA Base Ply or Ply One or more plies Elastobase(sand/poly),Elastobase(poly/poly),Elastoflex V,Elastoflex S6 Torch-Applied (SBS,Torch-Applied) cap Elastoflex V,Elastoflex VG,Elastoflex VG FR,Elastoflex S6,Elastoflex S6 G,Elastoflex S6 G FR,Elastoshield TS-G,Elastoshield TS-G FR, Polyfresko G SBS(poly-film backed),Polyfresko G SBS FR(poly-film backed) Base Ply One or more plies Elastoflex SA V Base,Elastoflex SA V FIR Base,Elastoflex SA V Plus,Elastaflex SA V Plus FR SBS-SA Cap Elastoflex SA P,Elastoflex SA P FR,Polyteflect Self-Adhering (SBS,Self-Adhering) Note. Unless otherwise noted,permissible membrane substrates for SSS-$A are limited to the SBS-SA Base Ply options herein, Elastobase(poly/sand)or Elastobase(polylpoly). APP-TA Base Ply or Ply One or more plies Polyglass APP Base,Polyflex,Polybond Torch-Applied (APP,Torch Applied) Cap Polyflex,Polyflex G,Polyflex G FR,Polybond,Polybond G,Polyfresko G,Polyfresko G FR APP-SA Cap Polyflex SA P,Polyflex SA P ER,Polyfresko G SA,Polykool (APP,Self-Adhering) Note. Unless otherwise noted,permissible membrane substratesfor APP-SA are limited to the SBS-SA Base Ply options herein, Self-Adhering Elastobase(poly/sand)or Elastobase(poly/poly). S. Any of the following FBC Approved coatings may be applied to the top roof membrane Without adverse effect on the system wind load performance. Refer to current Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings associated with coating usage. > P620D Non Fibered Roof Coating, > PG300 Fibered Roof Coating; > PG600 Non-Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating; > PG6S0 Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating; > PG700 High Quality Elastomerle Roof Coating-, > PG7000,S(Quick Set)High Quality Elastomeric Roof Coating(for granule-surfaced APP only); PG800 Asphalt Emulsion Roof Contin ;. -9 ➢7 Polyplus 60 Premium Non-Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating, > Polyplus 65 Premium Fibered Aluminum Roof Coating, > Polybrite 70 Premium Grade Elastomeric Roof Coating, > Polybrite 70QS(Quick Set)Premium Grade Elastomeric Roof Coating(for granule-surfaced APP only); > Polybrite 90 High Solids Silicone Roof Coating or Polybrite 95 Silicone Roof Coating. 6. The following represent priming requirements for gypsum-based coverboards. > Dens Deck and Dens Deck Prime shall be fleld-primed with PG100 prior to self-adhering or torch-applied membrane application. No priming Is required for hot-asphalt membrane applications. > SECUROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board does not require field priming for any membrane application. 7. "MDP"=Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads.Refer to FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads. Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-RIS for F1.1654-1117 xtedor Research and Design,LLC.d/b/a Trinity I ERD Revision 15:12/14/2015 :ertificate of Authorization#9503 Appendix 1,Page 3 of 45 Irepared by. Robert Nleminen,PE-59166 PRINITY ERD TABLE 1G:WOOD DECKS—NEW CONSTRUCTION OR REROOF(TEAR-OFF) SYSTEM TYPE F:NON-INSULATED,BONDED ROOF COVER System Deck(See Primer Roof Cover(See Table 1) No. Note 1) Joint Treatment Base Pty Ply Cap MDP(PA -108 Min.15/32- (Optional)PG100 None SBS-SA (Optional)SBS-SA,SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA,SBS- _90.0 Inch plywood TA,APP TA TA,APP-TA 10Min.15/32- Optional)PG100 None --=—--�9— -- -inch-plywood— _ _ __ _ _ ___ _TA -90.0 _ Polyflex SA Base (Optional)APP TA. APP -110 Min.15/32- Plywood joints are covered with 4-Inch wide strips of Elastoflex SA V Plus,rolled Into Elastoflex SA V Base or (Optional)SBS-SA,SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA,SBS- Inch plywood (Optional)PG100 place to create continuous bond. Elastoflex SA V FR Base TA,APP TA TA,APP-TA -97'5 Min.15/32- - Plywood joints are covered with 4-Inch wide strips of Elastoflex SA V Plus,rolled into Elastoflex SA V Plus or-- (Optional)SBS-SA,SBS- SBS-SA,APP-SA,SBS- -111 inch plywood (Optional)PG100 -135.0 p yw place to create continuous bond. Elastoflex SA V Plus FR TA,APP-TA TA,APP-TA -112 Min.15/32- PG100 Plywood joints are covered with 4-4nch wide strips of Elastoflex SA V Plus,rolled into inch plywood (Optional) place to create continuous bond. FPolyflex SA Base (Optional)APP TA APP TA -135.0 Exterior Research and Design,LLC.d/b/a Trinity ERD Evaluation Report P9290.02.08-1115 for F1.1654-1117Certificate of Authorization#9503 Prepdred by: Robert Nleminen,PE-59166 Revision IS:Pge 1 188 of of45 Appendix 1,Page 45 S [ - �� Q2�atfi112md BCIS Home ; Log In ( User Registration Hot Topics ; Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications FB�C Staff •BCS Site Map Links Search j Busines Product Approval ' Professi I0., USER:Public User Regulation Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application Llst>Application Detail I n=' FL# FL17022-R3 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived ❑ Product Manufacturer Extreme Metal Fabricators,LLC. Address/Phone/Email 2160 SW Poma Drive Palm City,FL 34990 (772)872-8034 tara@extrememetalfabricators.com Authorized Signature James Buckner 'I jimmy@cbuckinc.net Technical Representative Tara Faulkner Address/Phone/Email 2160 SW Poma Drive Palm City,FL 34990 (772)872-8034 tara@extrememetalfabricators.com ' Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email i Category Roofing Subcategory Metal Roofing Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Ucensed Florida Professional Engineer ❑ Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed James L.Buckner,P.E.@ CBUCK,Inc. the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-31242 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications,Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 04/22/2024 Validated By Steven M.Urich,PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL17022 R3 COI CertOflndeo odf I Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year TAS 125 j l 2003 UL 1897 I 2004 UL 580 2006 i I Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By . Sections from the Code ' Y.I i ; • - i�l Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D f �a I'll Date Submitted 12/18/2015 Date Validated 12/18/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 12/18/2015 Date Approved 02/10/2016 1 Date Revised 02/17/2016 dlf Summary of Products �I ri FL# Model,Number or Name DescriptionI.j 17022.1 (1)5-V Crimp 26 Gauge Steel,Lapped,Roof Panel;Mechanically Attached to Wood Deck. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL17022 R3 II 1 5VCrimo 26aa!WoodDeck EVALREPORT.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:James L.Buckner,P.E.@ CBUCK,Inc.P.E.#31242 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+N/A/-101 Evaluation Reports Other:Refer to evaluation report for conditions FL17022 R3 AE 1 SVCrimp 26oa:WoodDeck EVALREPORT.odf and limitations of use.Refer to manufacturer's Created by Independent Third Party:Yes installation instructions as a supplemental guide for attachment. u 17022.2 (2)5-V Crimp 0.032"Aluminum,Lapped Roof Panel,Mechanically Attached to Wood Deck. II' Limits of Use Installation Instructions II, Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL17022 R3 iI 2 5VCrimo 0324 1um WoodDeck EVALREPORT.p_df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:James L.Buckner,P.E.@ CBUCK,Inc.P.E.#31242 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+N/A/-168.5 Evaluation Reports i I Other:Refer to evaluation report for conditions FL17022 R3 AE 2 5VCrimo 032A1um WoodDeck EVALREPORT.odf and limitations of use.Refer to manufacturer's Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Installation instructions as a supplemental guide for {, attachment. 17022.3 (3) 1.5"Mechanical Seam 2"Rib Height, 16"Wide;24 Gauge,Steel Roof Panel Mechanically Attached to Wood Deck. j Limits of Use Installation Instructions Ilii Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL17022 R3 II 3 1.5 Ili Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes MechSeam 24oa WoodDeck EVALREPORT.odf Impact Resistant:No Verified By:James L.Buckner,P.E.,@ CBUCK,Inc.P.E.#31242 Design Pressure:+N/A/-191 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other:Refer to evaluation report for conditions Evaluation Reports and limitations of use.Refer to manufacturer's FL17022 R3 AE 3 1.5' Installation instructions as a supplemental guide for MechSeam 24oa WoodDeck EVALREPORT.Ddf attachment. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 17022.4 (4) 1.5"Mechanical Seam 2"Rib Height, 16"Wide,0.032"Aluminum Roof Panel Mechanically Attached to Wood Deck. 0 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Li'l Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL17022 R3 II 4 1.5 , 1.1 Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes MechSeam 032A1um WoodDeck EVALREPORT.odf Impact Resistant:No Verified By:James L. Buckner,P.E!@ CBUCK,Inc.P.E.#31242 Design Pressure:+N/A/-191 Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Other:Refer to evaluation report for conditions Evaluation Reports and limitations of use.Refer to manufacturer's FL17022 R3 AE 4 1.5, Installation instructions as a supplemental guide for MechSeam 032A1um WoodDeck EVALREPORT.odf attachment. Created by Independent Third Party:Yes i 17022.5 (5) 1"Nall Strip i"Rib Height, 16"Wide,26 Gauge''Steei Roof Panel Mechanically Attached to Wood Deck. I, Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL17022 R3 II 5 iNailStrip 26g'a WoodDeck EVALREPORT.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:James L. Buckner,P.E.1.@ CBUCK,Inc.P.E.#31242 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+N/A/-97.25 Evaluation Reports Other:Refer to evaluation report for conditions FL17022 R3 AE 5 iNailStrio 26aa WoodDeck EVALREPORTpdf and limitations of use.Refer to manufacturer's Created by Independent Third Party:Yes installation Instructions as a supplemental guide for !i attachment. 17022.6 (6) 1"Nail Strip i"Rib Height, 16"Wide;0.032"Alurminum Roof Panel Mechanically Attached to Wood Deck. !j III I ii 1, Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL17022 R3 II 6 1NailStrin 032A1um WoodDeck EVALREPORT Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:3ames L Buckner,P.E,.@ CBUCK,Inc.P.E.#31242 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+N/A/-78.5 Evaluation Reports Other:Refer to evaluation report for conditions FL17022 R3 AE 6 1NaIIStriD 032A1um WoodDeck EVALREPORT Ddf and limitations of use.Refer to manufacturer's Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Installation instructions as a supplemental guide for attachment. ,i 17022.7 (7) 1.5"Nail Strip 1.5"Rib Height,19"Wide,26 Gauge Steel Roof Panel Mechanically Attached to Wood Deck: L„ Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL17022 R3 1I 7 1 5NailStrip 26aa WoodDeck EVALREPORT Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:3ames L Buckner,P.E.@ CBUCK,Inc. P.E.#31242 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+N/A/-63.5 Evaluation Reports q Other:Refer to evaluation report for conditions FL17022 R3 AE 7 1 5NailStrip 26ga WoodDeck EVALREPORT Ddf and limitations of use.Refer to manufacturer's Created by Independent Third Partyy:Yes installation Instructions as a supplemental guide for attachment. r.---I Next 'I Contact Us::1940 North Monroe Street,Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850-487-1824 II The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Coovrinht 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement bf Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released In response tol'publlc-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mall.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Section 455.275 (1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are�publlc record:-If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine If you,are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please _ click here. Product Approval Accepts: ® So= ' j:i !i j t IIIiIII �apeCla y Sfiru�ci-ur�tY 3�Engin�erTrq. , eeucx,!nc Cerrrficare o�Authorrzauan�8064 � �� r e t; tr rvalutat�on Re ort �.Crimp Y ,M1Ss,�d��k s y�A - Y „ y #� j r t� �� x.Nle�alf Roof°Assembly IVlanufacturer: \� fid. �Extr�rne Nl�eta�� Fabricators; LLC. � � 'S� r IIII I e Y k l �F1orida,Pr�duct Ap �'ova1� h 'c # FL 170 2. Rif t zf a dr �.? < � O < Florid e Buil ng�Cde 5th Edi ion 2 1 - .. pr��� �v�� � Sub Category Metal'Roofing � �� � Camp Roof Material Steel � " � -^���lA3Ag� fix � �4k��4 �t � !y,* ; kPanel 1Nidth� ,2� S s `ci"3�_' C� ;* fi x - Sup port � 5 �����e�lL,�' y 7 �.� =x����� ` � i < -•,risk :� r � x 4` �rgttaily s3gnetl by James L eucknar,F f EIeCt�orrically�5lgned 3(IC�Sl'a�ed d6Ctl�(1'teR�S-:, ,sha+AcoryPlywjththeproVlsivns5gf�f3CRule; r4�r pis Prepared�by a � `z } I +4' �No 3142 ,� � �-r,,;;; `ti I�lanager Youry�Demosthenes� � ,� Report No �.5 L17'5U S6W ER �� Y � ��� � �;� ��;� � ,`sT z t ? ; x• r a 3 i`,. ��.L �. J :i �3 �S 7r. {, /� � Coit1S� �"+`,� '1 y,�o ��Date ��15 z s Rfrs � f t I '�.� a S � " F a 1'g a a g h i s \ at a'S- i �a 4 ;' �� Evaluation,deport �Y 5 Pages 1^� ,, �,� � ,� 4 ��. -r�z= r �x r 1. � § "�3 Y S � zd d� } .d $5y � 3 t 3+ a2 � 'i IIlI r C��CK��nC;P8ITi1 BeBCfi COLlnt�ly FIt]1'.1[I8�"'�'tn � ��� Phone,(�61)49�997 Pma�) chuck@r�buckinc raet U�lelssiter www cbuck�ncn`e� �" x ��`� F 3� ` FL#: FL 17022.1 R3 Date: 12/18/15 C n 1n rin� Page No:: 15-2:17-5V S61N-ER 1 Page 2:of 7 • Speclalty Structural Englrieprinq (BUCK,Inc.Certificate.of Authorization##8064,; Manufacturer: Extreme Metal Fabricators, LLC. Product Name: 5-V Crimp Product Category: Roofing Product.Sub-Category Metal Roofing Compliance,Method: 'State Product Approval Rule 61G20-3.005 (1) (d) Product/System S-4 Crimp.Roof Panel, 26, gauge steel,' 24'" wide panel mechanically:attachecl.ao. Description: Wood Deck With screws. Product Assembly as Refer to Page 4 of this report for product assembly components/materials,,& Evaluated; 'standards: 1. Roof Panel 2: Fasteners 3: Underlayment 4.• In"sulabon,Board(Optional) - Support: Type: Wood Deck (.Design of support and,.its attachment to support framing is outside the scope;of- this fthis evaluation.) Description: • 15/32 or'greater plywood, •, or Wood plank(min, specific gravity of 0.42) Slope:' Minimum slope shall be in compliance with FBC Chapter 15 Section 1507;4:2,: 'appiicable. cgde• sections and JR accordance with manufactures recommendations.. Performance: Wind Uplift,Resistance: • Design Uplift Pressure'(ASD): Refer to-table A (ReferW*Table A" attachment details herein) FL#: FL 17022.1 R3 , Date: 12/.18/15. - Report No.:15-217-5V-S6W-ER CSUCK 1 tin ." rinPage 3 of 7 Specialty Structural engineering CBUCK,Inc.Certificate:ofAuthorization#8064 Performance The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with. Standards: • UL580-06.—Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies • UL 189.7=04=Uplift test for'roof covering-systems • TAS 125-03—Standard,Requirements for.,Metal Roofing Systems Code Compliance:: The product described ;herein has demonstrated compliance with Florida Building Code 5th Edition (2014),Section 1504.3.2. Evaluation Report This product evaluation is limited.to compliance with the structural requirements Scope: of the Florida Building Code, as .related to,:the scope section to Florida. Product Approval Rule 611320-3.001. Limitations and • Scope of"Limitations and Conditions of:Use"for this evaluation: Conditions of Use: This evaluation report for "Optional Statewide Approval" contains.technical documentation, specifications and installation method(s) which include "Limitations and Conditions of Use"throughout the report in accordance with Rule 61'620-3.005. Per Rule�61G2073.004, the Florida Building Commission is the authority to approve productsunder"Optional Statewide Approval'. • Option for application outside "Limitations and Conditions of Use" Rule 61620-3.005(1)(e)- ,allows engineering analysis for "project specific ; approval by the local:authorities haying jurisdiction in accordance with the. alternate methodsand.materials authorized in the Code".Any modification of the product as,evaluated in this report!and approved by the Florida Building Commission is. outside the scope of this evaluation and will be the responsibility of others:• • Design of support system,is.outside the scope of this report:; • Fire Classification is outside the scope of, Rule 61G20-3, and is therefore not included'in this,evaluation, P This evaluation report does,not.evaluate-the use of this product for use in the i High ,Velocity Hurricane Zone code section. (Dade:&Broward Counties} Quality Assurance: The :manufacturer has demonstrated. cdmpliance of roof panel, products in accordance with the Florida. Building Code and Rule 61G20-3.005 (4) ,for. manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited,by.an approved quality assurance entity through-Keystone Certifications, Inc. (FBC Organization b# QUA 1824). FL#: . FL 17022:1 R3 Date:' = -12/1,8/15 CBUCK � ! Report No::•15=217-5V-S6W=ER N in [ i9 ��` Page ,. 4 of 7 Speclalty Structural: .Eng1neerlhq-1 CBUCK,Inc.Certificate.of A,uthorization-#8064 Components/Materials Roof Panel: 5.-V Crimp (by Manufacturer_): Material: Steel Thickness: 26-gauge (M-n'.) Panel Widths: 24" (max:)-Coverage Rib Height: 5/8- Yield Strength: 40 ksi min. Corrosion Resistance: Per FBC-Section 1507.4.3 Fastener: FASTENER 1 Used.forAttachrhentMethod 1 Type: Hex Washer Head Wood,Screw Size: #9 X_171/2"`(min:) Corrosion Resistance: Per FBC'Section•1506.6 and'1507.4;4 Standard: Per ANSI/A-$ME 918.6.1 FASTENER 2 .Used for Attachment Method 2,,3 -&4 , Type; Hex Washer Head Wood',Screw Size: #10 x 11/2. (min.) Corrosion Resistance:: Per 1`6C Section 1506.6 and 150:7.4,4' Standard: Per ANSI/ASME B18.6.1 Components&Materials: Underlayment: lbyOthers) Material and application. shall be•iri-cotimpliance with FBC Section 1507.4.5.1 .6nd 1507.4.5.2, applicable ' codes and, in accordance -with manufacturer's recommendations. Insulation(Optional): Type: Rigid Insufatio.n Board Thickness: 3",(max.) Properties: Density: 2.25 pcf(16s%ft_),min. Or Compressive Strength: 20.psi min: Insulation Notes: Rigid Insulation shall meet minimum-cCensitV OR compressive.strength. • Insulation shall comply with FBC,Section'1508.When insulation•is.incorporated, fastener length shall conform to-penetrate thru. bottom of support a minimum of'3/16". FL#: FL 17022.1 R3 Date: 12,/18/15 CaU N_ . Engine riing ''Page rt.No,:RepomCK5 of 77-SV-S6W-ER Speclalty Structural Englneerinq CBUCK,Inc:Certificate of Authorizotion If8064 Installation:, Installation Method: (Refer to"TABLE A"below and drawings atthe end of this evaluation report.) ■ Fastener Spacing: Refer to"TABLE A" Below (attached to the tops of the V's for a total of 3 screws across the.width of the panel.) ■ Row-Spacing: Refer to`TABLE A"Below, (along the length of the panel) r Minimum fastener penetration thru bottom of support,.3/16". ■ For panel construction at the end of panels, refer to manufacturer's instructions and any site specific design, TABLE"A f ALLOWABLE.LOADS j METHOD 1: METHOD 2: METHOD 3:' METHOD 4: Design Pressure(ASD)*: -86 PSF -93.5 PSF --101PSF -228 PSF I Row Spacing: 16"o.c. 16"o.c. 8"o.c. 6"-o.c. Fastener Spacing(across panel width): 12"o.c. 12"o.c. 12"o.c. 12"o.c. Fastener Size: #9 #10 #10 #10 Allowable design pressure(s)for-allowable'stress design(ASD)with a margin of safety of 2 to 1. Install the 5-V Crimp roof panel assembly; in compliance with the installation method listed in this report and applicablecode sections of.FBC 5th Edition (2014). The installation, method described herein is,in accordance with,the scope,of this evaluation report. Refer to manufacturer's installation rnstFUctions as, a. supplemental guide for attachment. Referenced Data: 1. UL 580-06 & UL 1897-04—Uplift Test By Architectural Testing,Inc.-West Palm Beach, FL (FB(f Organization#TST ID: 1527) Report No.: D5893.01-450-18, Date:.05102/14 ReportNo.: F3366.01-450-18, Date: 12/18/15 2. TAS'125—Uplift Test By Architectural Testing, Inc.-West PalmBeach, FL (FBC Organization#TST ID:1527)- ReportNo.: D5893.02-450-18,- Date:.-07,122/14 3. Quality Assurance Keystone Certifications, Inc.(FBC Organization ID#QUA 1824) Extreme Metal Fabricators, Inc. Licensee#974 4. Certification.of Independence By James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering. (FBC Organization#ANE 1916) FL#: FL 17022:1 R3 r� ® Date: 12118/15 . CB UC Engin eprin Page rt No: :6 of 77-SV-S6W-ER Specialty Structural Enc)1neer1nq CBUCK,Inc.Certificate of Authorization 78064 Installation Method Extreme Metal Fabricators, LLC. 5-V.Crimp (26 gauge steel) Roof Panel attached toWood;Deck .- 'Drawings eck .'Drawings 24"Maximum Net Coverage 5/8 T Panel Profile` Naming]17 ac. Nm inW'1Z'ma - Fasteners . #0 x 14x2"'Mn..or #10 x 1-112" Ma per-TabW EX Hex W"W Hoo S a v Panef-Ova* 506OW 12'-dr ams ttw Parcel Width ReWtD TW 9,OX for SM ftAWg Panel Leh& Dectc - 1MO,or Groatar-.Plywood,or - Wood Plank Typical Assembly.Profile View (Typical Fastening Pattern Accross Width - Interior) FL#: FL 17022.1 R3 - Date: 12,J 18/ 15 CBUCK nglneerinq Page Report No-,:.15'-21 77-5V-SM-ER 7 ofSpPCldlty Structurdl Englneerinq eeuCK,Inc.Certificate of Authorization#8064 Installation Method Extreme Metal Fabricators, LLC. 5-V Crimp (26 gauge Steel.) Roof Panel attached to Wood Deck Fasteners-. #9 x 1-1/2"Min. or #10 x 1-1/2"Min. per Table"A" 5-V Crimp Roof Panel Hex Washer Head Wood Screws �r 1 �T ✓• tom' Deck: -15132"or greater Plywood,or -Wood plank Typical Roof Assembly Isometric View. -(Optional) Rigid Insulation Board per Page 4 of this report TABLE'W? ALLOWABLE LOADS METHOD 1: METHOD 2: METHOD 3: METHOD 4: Design Pressure(ASD)*: . 86 PSF -93.5 PSP :101 PSF -228 PSF Row Spacing: 16"o.c. 16"o.c. 8"o.c. 6"O.C. Fastener Spacing(across panel width): 12"O.C. 12"o:c. 12"O.C. 12"-o.c. Fastener Size: #9 #10_- #10 #10- *Allowable design pressure(s)for allowable stress design(ASD)with a margin of safety of 2 to 1.